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Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Oct 2014
Highest: 99 | Lowest: 94
Deficiencies (found in 10 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Oct 27, 2014 | Score: 95
Integrated Pest Management-Mooring Lines - Rat Guards
Both the circular and U-channel style rat guards were not effective in that for both cases the underside of the guard had a large opening where the rope passed which would allow a rodent to easily walk to access a variety of points on the ship
Ventilation-AC Fan Rooms 301 and 803
From the sight windows installed for air-conditioning fan units 1.6.03 and E-42.04.8 there was a visible layer of a black sediment product covering the steel condensate collection pan for these two fan units. In the deck 8 AC unit there was a mixed soil containing what appeared to be organic debris with the black sediment. Saff were able to clean the deck 8 unit during the inspection.
Pantry-Casino Bar Pantry
There were 8 live fruit flies observed in the pantry. The majority were noted along the soiled seams of the deckhead panel junctures, while one was noted on the deckhead panel.
Bar-Casino Bar
There were gaps at the copper deckhead profile near the entry door to the pantry, as well as gaps over the front bar counter where insulation was exposed and heavy dust debris was visible. There were gaps around the perimeter of the two decorative hanging lamps and the surrounding deckhead that require profiling.
Bar-Casino Bar
There standing water at the deck below the forward end of the back bar counter at undercounter reach-in refrigerator 4319-094-521.
Children Area-Deck 12 - Child Activity Center
Small dirt residue on cleaned lego blocks and on toys located plastic storage bin for toddlers.
Potable Water-Back flow inspection checklist
Records indicated the the inspections were completed on non-testable backflow prevention devices, but the result column for each inspection was left blank in the written log.
Bar-Deck 7 - Plaza Lobby Bar
Under the front bar utility sink in front of catch pans for sink, there was standing water and broken tile and debris was observed.
Pantry-Deck 9-Casino Bar Pantry Glassware Washer
There was evidence of previous leaks and corrosion was present on the glasswash machine backflow preventer. Staff replaced the rusty backflow preventer during the inspection.
Pantry-Deck 9-Casino Bar Pantry Ice Maker
Black mold noted along seems on ice deflector.
Buffet-Lido- Starboard Forward Line
A bucket on sanitizing solution was over 200 ppm, This was immediately corrected.
Buffet-Lido- Port Forward Line
A gap was observed on the deckhead on the port side of the forward line above where passengers pick up the plates and silverware.
Buffet-Lido- Port Forward Line
Dust was observed along the deckhead above the passenger buffet tray counter.
Buffet-Lido- Port Aft Line
A gap was observed on the deckhead on the port side of the aft line above where passengers pick up the plates. A large accumulation of dust was observed in this gap.
Buffet-Lido- Port Aft Line
Dust was observed in the holes of the stainless steel panels above the aft service line where food was located, The panels were installed to cover the electrical cables.
Buffet-Lido- Aft Beverage Station
The deck in the technical compartment of the aft beverage station was soiled.
Buffet-Lido- Aft Beverage Station
The hot chocolate dispenser had ribbed tubing that was difficult to clean.
Buffet-Lido- Aft Beverage Station
The hot chocolate dispenser that had ribbed tubing which was soiled.
Buffet-Lido- Aft Ice Cream Machines
The deck behind the ice cream machine was chipped and soiled. Water was leaking from one of the ice cream machine connection. This was corrected and the deck was repaired.
Buffet-Lido- Aft Ice Cream Machines
One live fruit fly was observed by drain of ice cream machine.
Buffet-Lido- Starboard Aft Deli Line
One live fruit fly was observed above the bread.
Buffet-Lido- Pizza Counter
The deckhead by the exit door was soiled and the installation was exposed. The deckhead was open and exposing dusty electrical cords directly above a preparation counter. No food was on the preparation counter. Staff showed the inspector a work order for the missing deckhead.
Galley-Lido- Combi Oven
The combi ovens were not working and a work order had been placed 20 October.
Galley-Lido- Ice Machine
One slotted fastener was observed on the right side ice thickness sensor. This was corrected on site.
Galley-Lido- Ice Machine
Black residue was noted around the magnets on the deflector shields inside the ice machine.
Galley-Lido- Forward Beverage Station
The two ice machine dispensing housings were soiled with black residue on the upper region within the ice bin. This was corrected.
Galley-Lido- Forward Beverage Station
The deck was in disrepair in the technical space.
Galley-Lido- Port Forward Beverage Station
A gap was observed on the underside of the port side passenger tray counter. Excessive soil was observed in this gap.
Galley-Forward Dishwash Machine
The gauge wash temperature display indicated 168°F, and the inspector measured the wash tank temperature to be 177°F.
Galley-Forward Dishwash Machine
The fifth nozzle from the left on the upper sanitizing final rinse arm was partially clogged.
Galley-Forward Hot Line
One live fruit fly was observed.
The deck was in disrepair in several areas of the main galley. This was noted under the forward hot service line counter, under the baine marie at aft hot service line, and in the potwash area. A crack was observed in the deck in the potwash area by the handwashing station, and water was spilling out of the crack when pressure was applied. The foundation underneath this part of the deck was soft and malleable.
Galley-Forward Service Line
The area between the double deck salamander and pasta cooker was difficult to clean and was soiled with food debris beyond a day's accumulation.
Galley-Forward Service Line
The area between the double deck salamander and pasta cooker was difficult to clean and was soiled with food debris beyond a day's accumulation.
Galley-Soup/Sauce Station
Condensate had accumulated on the deckhead above the soup station. Dripping was observed from the hood G8-JB24 at a joint where there was a loose fastener, and no food was impacted. Sealant was peeling on the deckhead underneath the hoods.
Galley-Soup Station
Condensate had accumulated on the deckhead above the soup station. Dripping was observed from the hood G8-JB24, and no food was impacted. Sealant was peeling on the deckhead underneath the hoods.
Galley-Tilting Pans
A gap was observed on the port side at the bulkhead junction between the panel and hood.
Galley-Tilting Pans
Masking tape was noted around hood drain line between tilting pans 3 and 4. This was removed.
Galley-Tilting Pans
Soiled mixing bowls were noted on the preparation table across from the tilting pans. The preparation table was not in use. They were immediately removed.
Galley-Potwash Area
The potwash conveyor machine was not working, and a work order was placed 26 October. The soiled area had soiled pots in piles which almost touched the deckhead.
One live housefly was observed by the time control plan in the Appetizer section.
Galley-Aft Service Line
The drain pipe to the grease housing, underneath the flat hot plate, had moved and created a gap to the technical space.
The light intensity was less than 110 lux between the upright freezer and bulkhead by the walk-in refrigerator.
Galley-Forward Ice Machine- Port Side
One live fruit fly was observed in front of the ice machine.
Galley-Aft Beverage Station- Starboard Side
Many of the black trays were worn and the metal was exposed.
Room Service-Coffee Station
The ribbed tubing from the coffee machines were exposed to splash, and were difficult to clean.
Room Service-Coffee Station
The ribbed tubing from the coffee machines were soiled with coffee grinds.
Galley-Ice Machine
Three slotted fasteners and a missing fastener exposing a hole was observed on the ice cube thickness sensor. This was corrected on site.
Galley-Soup Station
A housefly was observed by the soup station.
Galley-Soup Station
The area between soup kettle 9 and the bulkhead was very soiled with food debris.
Buffet-Staff Mess- Cold Buffet
The light intensity was less than 220 lux at the cold buffet.
Buffet-Petty Officer Mess
The light was not working by the espresso machine, which resulted in less than 220 lux in front of the equipment and 110 lux behind the equipment.
Buffet-Senior Officer Dining Room
The light intensity was less than 220 lux at the buffet line.
Provisions-Dry Store
Chicken base was observed stored on the deck. The base was moved to the shelves.
Provisions-Dry Store
An empty Lexan box, used for storing food, was stored on the deck. This was taken to be washed.
Recreational Water Facilities-Verandah Pool - Deck 11
The pool water level was at least 100 mm below the level of the bottom of the skimmer. Although staff stated that there was some recirculation from the center drain, that is not the design of this pool, which should overflow from the top water level thru the skimmers and recirculate as well from the center drain.
Recreational Water Facilities-Verandah Pool - Deck 11
This pool has a single drain in the center which is connected to a pump for both recirculation of water and draining. There was not an automatic pump shut-off or a vacuum safety relief valve installed as a back-up to the anti-entrapment drain cover.
Inspection on Jun 14, 2014 | Score: 97
Medical-Crew Gastrointestinal Illness (GI)
An assistant waitress worked while experiencing GI symptoms. Her illness onset was at 0945 on 25 May and she did not report to medical until 1611 on 26 May. She worked on 25 May from 1003-1257, 1501-1550, 1630-2047, and 2153-2301. Documentation was presented verifying the crew member was disciplined for working while experiencing GI symptoms.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Reporting System
The system used to report AGE cases generated the AGE logs, and the AGE logs were incomplete. The columns displaying the number of diarrhea or vomiting episodes were left blank when zero episodes were reported. Staff reported this issue had been identified and was in the process of being addressed.
Recreational Water Facilities-Children's Pool and Verdana Whirlpool
The free halogen residual level of the children's pool was less than 1.0 ppm as measured by the ship's and inspector's test kits. The free chlorine level of the inspector's test kit measured 0.69, 0.68, and 0.57 ppm; the free chlorine level of the ship's test kit measured 0.98, 0.87, 0.93, 1.44, and 0.87 ppm. The pool was open at the time of inspection, but no passengers were observed in the facility or area. The free residual halogen in the Verdana Aft Whirlpool was less than 3.0 ppm as measured by the ships' and inspector's test kits. The ships' test kits measured the free chlorine level at 2.71, 3.1, 3.13, 1.36, 1.18, and 1.72 ppm; the inspector's kit measured the free chlorine level at 2.65, 3.61, and 2.73 ppm. The whirlpool was open at the time of inspection, but no passengers were observed in the whirlpool or area. Both facilities were closed immediately. The inspector's and ship's test kits were tested using the secondary standards onboard to verify their accuracy.
Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Chart Records
The records for the Lido Whirlpool and Verdana Whirlpool showed the halogen residual levels to be less than 3.0 ppm for hours at a time while the whirlpool was in operation. For the Verdana Whirlpool, the free chlorine level was less than 3.0 ppm on: 15 May from 1545-1645; 16 May from 1545-1645; and 07 May from 1100-1315, 1200-1400, and 1530-1800. For the Lido Whirlpool, the free chlorine level was less than 3.0 on: 02 June from 1800-2030; 30 May from 1600-1800; and 27 May from 1415-1715. The charts for both whirlpools did not contain notations outlining actions taken during the time the free halogen residual was outside the acceptable ranges.
Recreational Water Facilities-Serenity Whirlpool Starboard Machinery Room
The flow meter was not working for the Serenity Whirlpool in the starboard Serenity Whirlpool machinery room.
Buffet-Beverage Station- Outside
The back side of the machines for both counter-mounted juice machines had a significant accumulation of dust. This was noted around the wires as well.
Galley-Lido Grill
A food employee working at the breakfast omelet station was wearing a string bracelet.
Galley-Aft Warewash
A significant amount of condensation was observed accumulating on the deckhead above the soiled loading area on the in-use flight type dishwasher.
Galley-Aft Warewash
The two circular exhaust vents on the deckhead above the soiled loading area of the flight type dishwasher were soiled with a heavy accumulation of dust and debris.
Galley-Soup and Sauce Station
The bucket-fill faucet under the handwash station was continuously leaking.
Galley-Bakery/Pastry Ovens
Open seams were noted along the sides inside each oven compartment, and prevented proper cleaning. Old charred food residue was noted along most of these open seams. Additionally, the high temperature gaskets to the oven doors were frayed in many locations. Staff provided documentation to verify both ovens will be replaced in the 25 September 2014 dry-dock.
Galley-Bakery/Pastry Ovens
Old charred food residue was observed in the open side seams of most of the oven compartments. Staff provided documentation that showed both oven will be replaced in the 25 September 2014 dry-dock.
Galley-Left Bakery/Pastry Oven
A panel on the right side of the oven was loose, which created a large opening.
Water was observed dripping from a deckhead speaker by the center preparation table. No food or equipment was impacted.
Pantry-Inspiration Service Pantry
Two live fruit flies were observed in the pantry. The pantry was not in operation during the inspection.
Galley-Forward Hot Line Double Salamander
The technical housing for the lever on the bottom salamander was heavily soiled with food debris.
Buffet-Crew Mess Hot Line
The technical hatch on the deckhead above the hot buffet was loose from the deckhead, which created a large gap.
Buffet-Senior Officer's Mess
The two circular lights above the buffet table in the senior officer's mess were not shielded and did not have shatter-resistant light bulbs.
Ventilation-Fan Room 1104
The potable water line used to wash the air handling units was not stripped blue or blue/green/blue to indicated potable water.
Inspection on Jan 23, 2014 | Score: 98
Buffet-Lido Grill
A technician servicing the hood equipment placed his bag of tools on the preparation counter near the entry into the pantry. The counter was cleaned before the inspection team left the area. This outlet was in operation.
Buffet-Lido Grill
Water dripped from the deckhead hood system onto the counter mounted rotisserie ovens and onto the counter. No food was impacted.
Buffet-Lido Grill - Port and Starboard Cold Well
The underside of the metal shelf above the food out for service in the cold well was soiled with old dried food residue at both port and starboard locations.
Buffet-Lido Grill
Three self-service utensils were on plates that were located outside the sneeze guards and were not protected from potential contamination.
Buffet-Starboard Beverage Station - Inside
The deck inside the technical space below the juice machine was pitted and rough making cleaning difficult.
Gaps were noted along the sides of the decorative deckhead panels and at points where the panels joined. Dark grease and dust debris were present along the metal bracing pieces which were visible in the gaps. This same finding was noted in the previous inspection.
Buffet-Port Beverage Station - Inside
Old dried hot chocolate residue was noted on the underside of the gray plastic panel immediately above the dispensing nozzle. This was immediately cleaned.
Buffet-Pantry #1 & #2
Grease and dust was observed on many recessed circular deckhead lights above the food items out for passenger self-service.
Galley-Ice Machine - Backflow
There was a steady water leak from the relief valve to the backflow prevention device on the potable water line to the ice machine indicating possible malfunction.
Pantry-Imagination Wine Cellar
Three previously cleaned and sanitized wine glasses were soiled with old food residue on the bottom side of the wine stem. Also, the deck stand where the racks of wine glasses were stored was soiled with old food residue. The deckstand and the wine glasses were sent to cleaned.
Pantry-Imagination Wine Cellar
A metal deck stand being used to store 3 racks of drinking glasses was soiled with food debris. The deck stand was sent to be cleaned.
Pantry-Imagination Wine Cellar
No backflow prevention device was found on the potable water line to the ice machine.
Pantry-Imagination Wine Cellar - Ice Machine
A build-up of dark mold was observed on the white plastic water line in the technical compartment where the compressor was located. This was immediately cleaned.
Galley-Trolley Wash
A brown plate trolley had 2 large cracks along the bottom storage area making it difficult to clean. The trolley was discarded.
The deck tile grouting was missing or pitted in front of the large bakery ovens and in front of the forward deck mounted mixer.
Galley-Bakery/Pastry Ovens
Open seams were noted along the sides of each oven compartment that ran from the front to the back which prevented proper cleaning. Old charred food residue was noted along most of these open seams. Also. the high temperature gaskets to the oven doors were frayed in many locations.
Galley-Bakery/Pastry Ovens
Old charred food residue was observed in the open side seams of most of the oven compartments.
Water leaked from a deckhead speaker in front of the aft deck mounted mixer. No food was impacted by the dripping water.
Dining Room-Inspiration - Waiter Stations
Grease and dust accumulation was observed on the small lights above several of the waiter stations in this dining room.
Galley-Forward Hot Line
Deck tiles and deck grouting throughout this area were cracked or in poor repair.
Galley-Forward Hot Line
The two exhaust vents on the front of the CTX machine were heavily soiled with grease residue and dust. These were cleaned immediately.
Galley-Soup and Sauce Station
Deck tiles and deck grouting throughout this area were cracked or in poor repair.
Galley-Aft Hot Galley
Deck tiles and deck grouting throughout this area were cracked or in poor repair.
Galley-Aft Dishwash
Approximately, 1/4 of the fingerlinks to the flight-type dishwash machine were missing or broken.
Galley-Room Service
A water line to the counter mounted coffee machine was draped on the counter making cleaning difficult. This was corrected.
Buffet-Crew Mess
A bag of cream in the bulk milk refrigerator was observed holding at 43°F when measured with both the inspector's and crew member's thermometer. The bag of cream was discarded.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Ice Cream Machine
Old chocolate ice cream residue was on the underside metal lip area above the dispensing area.
Buffet-Crew Mess
Light intensity was less than the required 220 lux at the ice/water and bulk milk stations.
Provisions-Beverage Store Room
Approximately, 8 small black dead flies were observed on top of boxes of boxed wine. Also, there were 2 live flies of similar size in this store room.
Other-Candy Fun Shop
No handwash station was installed in this outlet. Crew stated that the handsink will be installed soon.
Medical-Gastrointestinal Illness Report
On the 2-6 January, 2014 voyage the ship reported 5 crew gastrointestinal illness cases, but 6 were reportable according to the symptoms reported. It appeared that a conflict within the electronic medical record system caused a change in the original diagnosis from the medical staff and that same system populates the report made to the CDC Vessel Sanitation Program.
Other-Deck 8 Hotel Engineer Workshop
The handwash sink in the AC mechanical room within the workshop was supplied with technical water. Staff should find a potable water source for this sink or not use it for handwashing.
Potable Water-Engine Room Bunker Chlorination Station Fwd.
During active bunkering of potable water, there were quite variable readings for the chlorine concentration, where manual tests did not match the analyzer values. During the testing period, there was also a pH reading of over 8.2. The analyzer displayed 2.23 ppm free chlorine when the test from the ship's kit registered 2.10 ppm and 1.91 ppm. The inspectors kit measured 1.87 and 1.72 ppm. Both pH and chlorine were adjusted to below 7.7 and 3.0 ppm during the inspection. A recording chart displayed earlier values on this day as high as 2.7 ppm.
Pantry-Port and Starboard Pool Bar Pantries
The entry doors to both the port and starboard pool bar pantries were pinned fully open. These two bars are located on the outer deck where insects could have easy access to the open pantries.
Inspection on Jul 27, 2013 | Score: 99
Buffet-Lido Pantry #4 Forward
There was significant grease debris present between deckhead panels in areas such as the dual rotisserie ovens as well and above the hot service line.
Galley-Lido Center Galley - Time Control
There was a bulkhead area in a corridor inside this galley with several posted time as a public health control plans, none of which included the lido center galley. Staff found the plans and posted them later in the inspection.
Galley-Lido Center Galley - Dishwash
There was water pooled on the deck from several leaks coming from the in-use conveyor dishwash machine. Staff repaired the machine during the inspection.
Buffet-Lido Buffet Aft
The entire section aft of pantries one and two, including beverage stations, buffet counters, deli, and pizzeria had numerous individual small bulbs installed along the decorative deckhead which were not shielded or shatter-resistant. Staff stated that some were shatter-resistant, but also that they were being changed as some bulbs burned out. Further inspection verified that some of the lights were shatter-resistant, but the percentage installed was very small.
Buffet-Lido Buffet Aft Beverage Stations
At both ice dispensers on the port and starboard side beverage stations aft the dispensing lever arm was covered with a plastic shield which came down to the very top edge of the lever. This forced users to place the lip-contact portion of their cups against this lever whenever filling or refilling their drinks. Additionally, there was no sign at either ice dispenser advising against refilling with the same cup. Staff immediately removed the plastic shields from both dispenser lever arms.
Buffet-Lido Deli
There were significant gaps along the ends of the decorative deckhead strips and at points where the panels joined. There was a heavy mixture of both a dark grease and dust debris present along the metal bracing pieces visible in these gaps.
Buffet-Lido Pantry 1
There was a hotel pan filled with pancake batter set on a tray on a preparation counter with a four hour discard label attached. The written and posted time as a public health control plan did not list potentially hazardous foods on counters as being on time control.
Bar-Lido Bar
The decorative deckhead panels were misaligned leaving difficult to clean gaps between the panels and on the ends. Heavy dust debris was visible in these open crevices.
Bar-Lido Bar
There was a pink beverage residue visible on the underside center surface of the clear plastic top bowl for the large Vitamix drink blender. Staff could not remove the top bowl to clean the underside, The same blender was found in other bars with a similar, but less significant amount of the same pink beverage soil.
Dining Room-Inspiration Dining Room
There were numerous small decorative deckhead light bulbs found over the waiter stations and the long buffet counter in the center of the room which were not shielded or shatter-resistant.
Galley-Main Galley Aft Beverage Station
The middle of three operatiing ice machines was soiled with a green residue along both the drip tube underside and the top of the cuber panel below it. Additionally, there was a crusty blue corrosive powder build-up along the top metal threads for the water supply tube connection in that same upper ice making section. This fitting was wet from water splash and mounted directly over the open water bath of the ice maker. The machine was immediately stopped for a thorough cleaning.
Galley-Main Galley Aft - Hot Service Line
The deckhead panel adjacent to the access hatch 8-5 had a significant build-up of grease debris in the joint between the adjacent two deckhead panels and the grease could be seen at each end of the panel where a gap was present near the canopy hood profile strip and over the bain marie on the other end.
Galley-Main Galley Aft - Pot Wash
The deck in the pot wash area, the adjacent hot galley, and the section of tilt braising pans was difficult to clean due to the recessed tile grout, cracked and broken tiles scattered throughout the area.
Preparation Room-Provisions Vegetable Preparation
There were two water leaks from the deckhead panel junctures in the center of walk-in refrigerator 3205 in the vegetable preparation room. One leak was dripping down to the deck outside of the actual storage rack so no food was impacted. The second leak was directly over the food storage racks and a small amount of water was standing on top of a box of raw tomatoes. The box lid was removed and discarded immediately and all the boxes near the leak were moved safely away to prevent any further contact.
Potable Water-Monthly Representative Samples
Monthly representative microbiologic sampling locations did not show a good distribution of sampling locations. For example: Deck 10 Forward was sampled in 3 of the past 4 months; Deck 3 Midship was also sampled in 3 of the last 4 months; and Two samples were taken from Deck 10 locations in the same month.
Potable Water-Far Point Analyzer
The far point analyzer had its discharge hose submerged in the drain pipe creating a possible cross connection potential between the ship's waste water system and potable water system.
Recreational Water Facilities-Flow Meters / Bather Loads
The flow meter for the main pool was reading 0.0 while the system was recirculation mode. The two adjacent whirlpool had low flow indicated 2.7 and 2.8 -9.0 gpm(?) while the system was running. Bather loads posted at each of the recreational water facility is still based on the theoretical pump flow rate the hotel engineer reported.
Inspection on Nov 17, 2012 | Score: 96
Buffet-Lido - Beverage Station
A large stack of clean glasses that were being transported around to replenish the Lido beverage stations was observed being wiped along the rim edge by a rag that was taken from a crew member's pants pocket. Ship's staff redirected entire bin back to the dishwashing operation to clean all the glasses.
Buffet-Lido - Starboard Grill Station
A small amount of food soil was found on a plate and in a bowl in the stack of clean tableware.
Buffet-Lido - Starboard Grill Station
The deck and coving were heavily soiled under the two-door undercounter cooler.
Buffet-Lido - Omelet Station
Eggs to order were available at the Omelet Station. Consumer advisory placard was not posted. Staff immediately found the sign and returned it to the counter.
Buffet-Lido - Pizza Station
A soiled spatula was found stored with the clean utensils.
Bar-Tiffany Bar
Soil was observed in the bottom of the recirculating water supply pan for the right ice cuber. The left cuber was clean.A heavy amount of black soil was found in the back upper left corner of the ice storage bin.
Buffet-Lido - Pizza Station
The outside of the parmesan cheese shaker dispenser on the passenger service counter was soiled with old food debris from the previous passenger's fingers.
Buffet-Lido - Port Grill Station
The deck and coving were heavily soiled under the two-door undercounter cooler.
Buffet-Lido - Port Grill Station
Area around the grease pan chute on the grill was heavily soiled with old grease.
Buffet-Lido - Central Galley
Area behind and on the right side of the convection oven did not have 110 lux light intensity.
Galley-Hot Galley
Black soil was noted along the seam between the ice maker and storage bin.
Clean bowls on the service line were inverted in standing water that had apparently drained from the bowls.
Galley-Dishwashing - Forward
The final rinse thermometer on the conveyor dishwash machine was out of calibration. It was reading 229 - 232°F, but the final rinse manifold was not emitting steam, as it would at this temperature if it was accurate.
Galley-Hot Serving Line - Forward
Condensate water from the bottom of the plate shelf was observed dripping into an uncovered pan of roasted eggplant. The bain marie was at a full boil and all empty pan inserts were uncovered which created a large amount of steam that condensed on the surface immediately above the food. The food was immediately discarded by the staff
Galley-Hot Serving Line - Aft
Soil was noted in the back left bottom corner under the drip tray of a previously cleaned broiler.
Bar-Coffee Shop
Wiping cloth buckets were set up for use, but sanitizer had not been added. Bar was in the process of being opened.
Bar-Coffee Shop
The time control plan was not posted. It was on a clipboard inside a cabinet. This was corrected by ship staff by posting the time control plan.
Potable Water-Bunkering Records
The bunkering chart record for 25 October showed free halogen residual levels below 2 ppm from 1200 to 1600.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment
The Veranda aft pool had a single, blockable, gravity drain with no gravity drainage system. When draining, water goes directly overboard and does not enter a compensation or makeup tank. The gravity drain cover was an ASME A112.19.8 approved cover.
Recreational Water Facilities-Flow Meters
Only the Serenity whirlpools had flow meters installed to monitor the recirculation flow rates. The bather loads values on the safety signs for the other RWFs were calculated using the manufacturer's theoretical flow rates. Turnover rates were not calculated for any of the RWFs. This is a repeat item from the previous inspection. According to staff, flow meters were ordered after last inspection, but an essential piece for the installation of the flow meters were not delivered. Staff showed a recently placed requisition order dated 8 October for the missing parts.
There was less than the required 110 lux of light behind and around the deck mounted ice machines located throughout the deck pantries.
Bar-Coffee Shop
Two decorative pieces at the right end of the coffee preparation service counter were coated with dust. Staff permanently removed the pieces from the area.
Inspection on Jul 19, 2012 | Score: 98
Buffet-FWD Beverage Station
A cleaned and sanitized coffee mug set out for use at the beverage station was visibly soiled with lipstick around the mouth contact area.
Food Service General-Decks
Deck tiles were missing grouting and were chipped and cracked throughout several food service areas making cleaning difficult. This was observed in the following areas: lido Rotisserie Grill, lido dishwash, lido center galley, main galley soup station, main galley potwash and dishwash. In particular, the tiles located near deck drains and scuppers were most notably in poor condition.
A significant amount of water was spraying out of the flight type dishwash at the soiled end when it was in use. It appeared that one of the pre-wash manifolds was not properly attached which caused water to spray out onto the soiled landing.
Food Service General-Light Intensity
The light intensity behind and beside several deck and counter-mounted equipment was less than the required 110 lux of light. This included the deck and bar pantry ice machines, behind the lido dishwash machine, and at the room service coffee station counter.
Buffet-AFT Beverage Stations
The counter area behind the starboard and port juice machines as well as the electrical cords to the juice machines were heavily soiled with dust. The soiled electrical cord on the starboard side was in direct contact with clean drinking cups placed on the counter for passenger self-service. These areas were immediately cleaned and the impacted cups were sent to be cleaned.
Buffet-Aft STBD Beverage Station
The counter area behind the starboard and port juice machines as well as the electrical cords to the juice machines were heavily soiled with dust. The soiled electrical cord on the starboard side was in direct contact with clean drinking cups placed on the counter for passenger self-service.
Buffet-AFT Grand Buffet Island
The bottom of both technical compartments below the cold tops were soiled with food residue as well were the electrical cables that were coiled in these compartments.
Buffet-AFT Salad Bar
The deck drains located in the technical compartments below the salad bar on both the port and starboard side were completely full of food residue. There was approximately 1/4 inch of standing water on the deck in the starboard side technical compartment. The amount of food residue in the drains indicated that the drains are not often cleaned.
The fiber gaskets on the oven doors to the deck mounted bakery oven were torn and frayed.
There was a heavy accumulation of mold growth on the condenser unit inside the top technical compartments of the upright refrigerators #810 and 814. These areas were cleaned during the inspection.
Galley-FWD Water Station
There was a large amount of dust and peeling paint inside the technical compartment of the #7 and 8 water filling stations.
Approximately 1/2 of the fingerlinks on the conveyor belt to the flight-type dishwash machine were broken or missing.
Galley-Dishwash Temperature Gauge
The final rinse temperature gauge was not working correctly. The gauge was reading 214 °F at the manifold and the inspectors' thermocouple measured 172 °F at the plate surface. No steam was observed.
Dining Room-Inspiration Dining Room
On the soiled side of the large waiter stations/pantries, the light intensity was less than the required 220 lux on the counter surface.
Galley-Soup Station
Heavy condensation was observed on the deckhead immediately above 4 in-use soup kettles. The lids to the kettles were open allowing steam to condense on the deckhead surface. Condensation was observed dripping to the deck, however, no foods were impacted at the time of the observation. The lids to the kettles were immediately closed.
The stationary hood-type potwash machine was out of service since the morning.
Galley-Cooked Food Walk-in Cooler
A deckhead light was burned out resulting in a light intensity of less than the required 110 lux of light.
A plastic tub of soiled wiping cloths was stored on a shelf underneath a preparation table adjacent to the preparation sink. The tub of wiping cloths was removed.
Provisions-Vegetable Cooler
A stack of fresh shell egg boxes were stored immediately next to and in contact with several boxes of raw green peppers. The peppers were moved to another location.
Bar-Musical Cafe
The lighting at the handsink could not be raised to 110 lux of light.
Recreational Water Facilities-
Analyzer-chart recorders were not used to record the halogen and pH values for the RWFs. The equipment was installed, but not yet in use and the vessel was conducting manual tests of all RWFs.
Recreational Water Facilities-Serenity Safety Signs
The safety signs for the Serenity whirlpools did not include a caution against use by children or a restriction against use by children in diapers. The company has requested a variance, but it has not been approved.
Recreational Water Facilities-Flow Meters
Only the Serenity whirlpools had flow meters installed to monitor the recirculation flow rate. The bather load values on the safety signs for the other RWFs were calculated using pump manufacturer's flow rate. Turnover rates were not calculated for any of the RWFs.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment
One of the Serenity whirlpools was missing a safety vacuum relief system for the therapy jet suction system. The main pool had a field fabricated drain cover with no alarm installed for draining.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The OPRP did not include: trigger points for activating the OPRP procedures; procedures to protect passengers and crew from disinfectants; procedures for informing current passengers and crew during an outbreak and procedures for informing embarking passengers and crew following an outbreak cruise. Also, the OPRP listed Tor HB as the disinfectant used during an outbreak, but the Housekeeping Manager stated that HB Quat is used onboard.
Inspection on Jan 28, 2012 | Score: 99
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Case Definition
The AGE case definition used by the ship did not consider the number of diarrhea episodes that was above normal to certain individuals. The current definition did not allow individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, such as individuals with irritable bowel syndrome, who reach 3 loose stools to be considered non-reportable cases. This definition was in writing. No cases appeared to be reported incorrectly.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Surveillance Log
The AGE surveillance log could not be put into a spreadsheet with the required information in the exact order as Annex 13.2.2 of the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Potable Water-Bunkering
The halogen and pH analyzer was not calibrated at the beginning of bunkering. During the bunkering of potable water, the halogen and pH analyzer readings were used to document the manual tests every half hour. The analyzer measured 3.32 ppm of chlorine while the inspector's test kit measured 2.50 ppm and the crew member's test kit measured 2.68 ppm. This was corrected.
Potable Water-Bunkering
During the bunkering of potable water, the pH was measured but it was unclear if it was over 7.8. The scale of the manual color comparison kit used to determine the pH value and calibrate the halogen/pH analyzer made difficult to determine the precise value.
Potable Water-Distillate & Permeate Water Lines
The distillate water lines from the evaporator to the potable water halogenation station and the permeate water lines from the reverse osmosis plant to the potable water halogenation station were not striped or painted in accordance with ISO 14726 standards (blue/gray/blue).
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The test results for a number of reduced pressure zone assemblies appeared to be incomplete. The instructions for the test kit stated to perform four tests and record those pressure differentials to determine any leaks and the proper functioning of the relief vent. Only the results for the first two tests were documented.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The cross-connection control program did not list air gaps. There were air gaps at the fillings of the compensation tanks of the recreational water facilities, at the mineralizer backwash drain, and at the two fillings for technical water tanks.
Potable Water-Tank Maintenance
Potable water tank #1 was serviced on 14 October 2011, tank #2 was service on 7 October 2011, and tank #3 was serviced on 23 September 2011. There were notations that the tanks were super chlorinated, but there was no written documentation of the free halogen residual before the tanks were put back in service.
Recreational Water Facilities-Water Testing
There was no means to test the total halogen and alkalinity for the water in the recreational water facilities.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The safety signs posted at the recreational water facilities did not contain all elements of the 2011 VSP Operations Manual sign requirements.
Recreational Water Facilities-Turnover Rates
Turnover rates for recirculation for the pools and whirlpools were not available.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment Requirements
The gravity drains for the Lido swimming pool were more than 3 feet apart, had custom fabricated drain covers, and there was no alarm for draining the pool. It was uncertain if the antientrapment drain requirements were met per the 2011 VSP Operations Manual. Also, the gravity single drain for the aft swimming pool had a blockable drain cover, but it was uncertain if it met the antientrapment drain requirements per the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Recreational Water Facilities-Depth Markers
Depth markers at recreational water facilities were only measured in feet.
Recreational Water Facilities-Chart Recorders
There were chart recorders for pH and halogen measurements for each individual recreational water facility, but they were not operational.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan
The outbreak prevention and response plan did not include procedures for informing current and embarking passengers and crew members of an outbreak or procedures. The plan was not specific to the surfaces or items where the disinfectants were to be applied. Also, the plan detailed the use of the sanitizer TOR HB which was replaced with HB QUAT. Concentrations and contact times for the current sanitizer are not detailed in the plan.
Housekeeping-Toilet Room Signs
The bridge toilet room did not have a sign advising users to wash hands after using the toilet or signs advising users to use hand towels, paper towel, or tissue to open the door when exiting. This was corrected.
Children Area-
The height of the handwashing sink in the toilet room was more than 22 inches and the height of the child-size toilet was more than 11 inches. No step stools were provided.
Ventilation-Air Handling Units
The water used for the cleaning of air handling units was technical water.
Buffet-Flat-top Grills
Inside the drip pan housings, there were large gaps around the drains.
Buffet-Flat-top Grills
Inside the drip pan housings, the areas around the drains were soiled with old grease and black carbonized material.
Buffet-Omelet Stations
The consumer advisory for the omelet stations, where eggs could be cooked to order, was not specific to eggs.
Buffet-Forward Buffet Line
There was a water leak inside the hood cleaning cabinet. A technician arrived to investigate the leak during the inspection.
There was a side table with 5 tall stacks of plates to be inspected following dishwashing. The plates were not covered or inverted.
Food Service General-Time Control Plans
The time control plan flow charts had a stopwatch icon to indicate the start of 4-hour time control and a thermometer to indicate temperature control. On many of the plans throughout the vessel, there was a stop watch icon between two steps with a thermometer. The time control procedures in the food areas were correct. Staff were updating the plans during the inspection.
Food Service General-Tip-sensitive Thermometers
Chefs and cooks who prepared thin foods did not have tip-sensitive thermometers.
Bar-Handwashing Station Light Intensity
The light intensity at the handwashing stations was less than 110 lux during normal operations at the bars inspected. For some bars, it was adequate during the inspection, but these bars had large windows with sunlight during the inspection.
There was a gap below the edge of the decorative bar counter above the handwashing station. There was also a rough fiber-like material exposed along the edge.
Bar-Musical Cafe
Both Scharf espresso machines had gaps, seams and exposed pipes in the splash zone above the coffee making and milk steaming areas of the machines.
Galley-Forward Hot Line
In undercounter oven #3, there were two holes in the area below the hinge of the oven door.
Food Service General-Light Intensity
The light intensity behind and beside several pieces of deck-mounted and counter-mounted equipment was less than 110 lux. This included the main galley forward hot line combination oven, room service coffee machines, aft wine cellar ice machine, aft dining room service bar ice machine, and bar and deck pantry ice machines.
Galley-Soup Section
There was recessed grout between deck tiles in this area.
Food Service General-Brine Line Identification
The brine lines for the undercounter and upright refrigeration units were not uniquely identified.
Bar-Musical Cafe
The time control plan did not list the undercounter refrigerator that was labeled as time control.
Galley-Aft Hot Line
In the technical compartment for bain marie #4, there was no grout at the deck tile around the deck penetration. This area of the deck was also soiled.
Galley-Aft Beverage Line
The areas where each juice concentrate container connected to dispense juice were soiled inside both juice dispensers.
Galley-Crew Toilets
The toilets inside the galley did not have a 'wash hands after using toilet' sign posted by the exit door. The sign was in the toilet room, but not in the correct location.
Dining Room-Inspiration Dining Room
On the soiled side of the large waiter stations/pantries, the light intensity was less than 220 lux on the counter surface. There was also less than 220 lux on several of the other smaller waiter stations.
Preparation Room-
There was soft sealant on the food contact surface of the backplate of the slicer. The sealant was removed and it was determined it was not needed.
Preparation Room-Walk-In Refrigerator
The temperature of mung bean sprouts was measured between 44°F and 49°F. The sprouts had been recently provisioned and were taken to a blast chiller.
Preparation Room-Meat Thaw Room
There were 4 pans of ground beef on a shelf above top round roasts. The ground beef was still packaged and frozen. The pans of ground beef were moved to a separate shelf.
Buffet-Crew Mess
On the top shelf of the cold buffet, there were 3 pans of bread with lids. The lids were not self-closing and once removed, the bread was not protected from contamination. The pans were moved to the lower area below the sneeze guard.
Other-Formalities Shop
There was self-service candy in this shop. The lids on the top row of the candy display were not self-closing.
Inspection on Jul 21, 2011 | Score: 94
Pantry-Empress Forward
Two deck tiles around the deck drain were chipped.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The two backflow prevention devices for the pedicure thrones were not listed on the cross-connection control program.
Recreational Water Facilities-Children's
One of the anti-entrapment drain covers was cracked in three places. The pool was empty at the time of the inspection.
Bar-Coffee Shop - Scharf Espresso Machines
The food splash zone above the milk steaming and coffee making areas had gaps, holes, piping, and other difficult to clean features. There were also slotted fasteners in the food contact zone of the coffee making area.
Buffet-Lido Forward Starboard Service
Grout was missing from the bulkhead tile to the right of the handwash station.
Buffet-Lido Forward Starboard Service
The previously cleaned rotisserie oven drip pan had a six-inch long hair in it, and the drain fitting for this oven was soiled with food debris.
Pantry-Lido 1 and 2
There were gaps between the bulkhead and fire door channel profile in both pantries. This was being corrected during the inspection. In lido pantry 2, there was a gap between the stainless backsplash and tile on the back, left side of the cooking unit.
Pantry-Lido Pizza
There was a seam in the left door jamb of the door to the back preparation area.
Galley-Forward Hot Service Line
A trolley of previously cleaned bowls had a heavy accumulation of soil that contaminated the clean bowls.
Galley-Soup Section
There were seams at the juncture between the deck and bulkhead to the left and right of the tilting pan line. The seams were soiled with food debris.
Provisions-Vegetable Walk-In Cold Room
Ten shell eggs from the outside to the center of four cases from a pallet near the cold room door were checked for internal temperatures with a small needle probe thermocouple. The temperatures were found to be between 49°F and 57°F. Additional eggs were checked from another pallet stacked in the center of the cold room. The temperatures were all around 46°F. All eggs had been originally loaded on 16 July. New provisions were loaded into this cold room on the morning of the inspection. The cold room temperature log from 0600 indicated an air temperature of 40°F.
Preparation Room-
A previously cleaned food slicer was soiled with old food debris on lower side of the back plate.
Provisions-Cooked Meat Walk-in Cold Room (3204)
Cooked ham in two unopened cartons had internal temperatures of 46°F and 48°F. These temperatures were measured at 1400. The cold room had been reported for maintenance at 0600 on the morning of the inspection because of an ambient temperature of 42°F.
Inspection on Feb 03, 2011 | Score: 95
Integrated Pest Management-
The integrated pest management plan indicated that night inspections should be conducted periodically. There were several locations without any night time inspections recorded in December 2010 and January 2011. This included Sun Deck, Romeo & Juliet, and Jekyll & Hyde bars, petty officer mess and staff mess.
Recreational Water Facilities-Crew Pool
There was only one depth marker on the inside of one side of the pool. This depth marker could not be seen from all areas of the pool deck.
Pantry-Deck 5 Forward
In the pantry by staircase 230, the flange was loose around the deckhead penetration above the left end of the counter. This was corrected.
Potable Water-Tanks
Fresh water (potable water) tank #3 was recently inspected and some touch-up painting was conducted following the inspection. The records indicated that the tank was allowed to dry from 1130 to 1430 before the surfaces were sanitized. The manufacturer's guidelines indicate a minimum of 5 hours drying time at 35°F and longer at lower temperatures. The temperature was not documented in the records.
Bar-Tiffany Bar
There was no "wash hands often" sign at the handwash station. This was corrected.
Preparation Room-
There was one small black fly near the potato peeler.
Galley-Buffet Pantry
The pipe penetration on the right side of the technical compartment for the undercounter refrigeration unit #026 was not sealed. A piece of duct tape was used to cover the opening around the penetration.
Galley-Forward - Imagination Warewash
There was a gap where the ventilation trunk joined the deckhead above the flight-type warewash machine. This was corrected.
Galley-Appetizer Pantry
The technical compartment for the refrigeration unit #083.83XI was soiled in all areas with a sticky, brown substance. This was corrected.
Galley-Aft Preparation Area
The door gaskets of the hot holding units to the left of the Chef's Box No.1 were cracked and worn. This was corrected.
Galley-Sauce and Soup Station
There were cracked deck tiles in this area.
Buffet-Tiffany Bar Beverage Station
The counter top was soiled below the starboard aft and port aft coffee machines.
Buffet-Tiffany Bar Port Aft Beverage Station
The door gasket of the juice machine was chipped and worn.
Buffet-Pantry Forward Food Service Line
The left rotisserie chicken oven was dripping cooking juice from underneath the back of the unit. This oven was in use at the time of the inspection.
Provisions-Beer and Soda Cooler
White tape was used to cover a seam between two adjacent deckhead panels near the cooling unit. This tape was soiled.
An engineer reached into the crushed ice side of the lower compartment ice machine with his bare hand. Staff stated this crushed ice was used for display purposes only, but there was no divider between the crushed and cubed ice. The cubed ice was used for ice dispensers and consumption by passengers. No immediate action was taken by the staff until the end of the inspection, after notification by the inspectors.
Galley-Buffet Pantry
In the technical compartment for undercounter refrigeration unit #026, the piece of duct tape used to close the pipe penetration on the right side of the compartment was soiled.
Inspection on Jul 31, 2010 | Score: 97
Pantry-Deck 7 Forward Pantry
An accumulated soil was noted inside the upper ice machine water bath under the right cuber panel.
Pantry-Deck 11 Forward Pantry
The upper interior stainless steel panel for the ice machine had several corrosion spots on the surface which left the surface rough and made cleaning difficult.
Pantry-Deck 11 Forward Pantry
The lower and upper surfaces of the ice cuber panels were soiled on both cubers with what appeared to be mineral deposits. The soil wiped away easily with a paper towel. Additionally, there was an accumulated soil debris noted inside the water bath below the right interior cuber.
Pantry-Bridge Pantry
There was a heavy accumlated soil build-up inside the water bath under the right side cuber panel in the ice machine. Additionally there was a brown soil which appeared to be mineral deposits on the upper and lower surfaces of the cuber panels on both sides of the machine.
Pantry-Bridge Pantry
The milk refrigerator on the exterior side of the WMF coffee machine had a temperature of only 45 °F. Staff stated it was refilled only two hours prior and removed it.
Pantry-Bridge Pantry
There was no thermometer inside the milk refrigerator on the WMF coffee machine. Staff replaced this during the inspection.
Pantry-Bridge Pantry
The steel conduit pipe from the ice machine to the deckhead above was broken loose, exposing a gap where the cable inside was visible.
Potable Water-Cross Connection Control Program
There was a non-continuous pressure model backflow prevention device installed between the two valves on laundry washer hot and cold potable water lines in the deck 2 engine changing room and the deck 4 boson store.
Galley-Lido Galley - Dishwash
The in-use conveyor dishwasher had a wash tank temperature of 161 °F, while the mounted thermometer displayed a temperature of 182 °F. The rinse tank temperature measured only 156 °F and the manufacturer's data plate on the machine requires a minimum 160 °F rinse tank temperature. The hot water final sanitizing rinse temperature measured 161 °F at the dish surface and the mounted thermometer displayed 164 °F as a manifold temperature. The manufacturer's data plate requires a final rinse manifold temperature of at least 180 °F. There were some erratic spray patterns noted in the upper final sanitizing rinse spray arm nozzles and one center nozzle in the upper rinse spray arm was completely clogged.
Buffet-Lido Buffet - Pantry #1 and #2
There was an accumulation of dust debris present in the adjustable lights in the deckhead directly above the buffet counters in pantries 1 and 2.
Buffet-Lido Buffet Aft - Deli, Pizzeria, Tiffany Bar
The small decorative lights over all the food and beverage stations, including the deli of the aft lido were not shielded did not appear to be shatter-resistant. These same deckhead mounted lights were installed over the Tiffany Bar and the Pizzeria.
Pantry-Tiffany Bar - Pantry
There was an accumulated gray colored granular soil inside the water bath beneath the right cuber panel in the ice machine. Additionally there was what appeared to be a mineral staining on the panel just below the right cuber panel and above the water bath below.
Pantry-Tiffany Bar - Pantry
There were two slot-head screws fastening the water bath under the left ice cuber panel to the side of the ice machine interior. There was clear water contact with these screws, so they should be replaced with low profile non-slotted screws.
Bar-Tiffany Bar
During operation with two bar staff a small bucket containing a bleach water solution and rags was stored in the only handwash sink basin in this front bar. This was removed immediately.
Galley-Main Galley Aft - Beverage Station
There was black and pink mold soil present on both ends of the water tubes over the ice cubers in ice machine #2. Additionally, there was an accumulated gray granular debris inside the right water bath below the cuber in both ice machine #1 and #2. There was some additional brown material staining the interior of the right side water bath in ice machine #2.
Galley-Main Galley Forward - Imagination Dishwash
During active use of the conveyor dishwash machine there was a water leak from the deckhead near the column.
Galley-Main Galley Forward - Imagination Dishwash
The profile was loose, creating a gap where the column joined the deckhead panel beside the conveyor dishwashing machine. Additionally, there was a loose deckhead panel near to that same column.
Galley-Main Galley Forward - Imagination Dishwash
The in-use conveyor dishwasher had a rinse tank temperature measured at 165 °F, while the mounted thermometer displayed 193 °F.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 12 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Jan 15, 2015
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 17, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 16, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 18, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 17, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 09, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 19, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 09, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 10, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Aug 05, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jul 17, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 18, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Feb 20, 2014
Passenger died after shortness of breath and dizziness, believed to be due to acute respiratory failure.
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesDec 09, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesDec 09, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesNov 30, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesNov 25, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesNov 21, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesNov 21, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesNov 11, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesOct 28, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesOct 14, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesOct 10, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesOct 10, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesSep 21, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesSep 16, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesSep 02, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesSep 02, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesAug 24, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesAug 19, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesAug 01, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesAug 01, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesAug 01, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJul 27, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJun 24, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesMay 23, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesMay 23, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesMay 18, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesApr 25, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesApr 20, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesMar 28, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesFeb 23, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesFeb 17, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJan 31, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJan 26, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJan 21, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJan 21, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesJan 03, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesNov 24, 2012
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
On 26 NOV 12, Sector NOLA received notification of an injury onboard the cruise ship CARNIVAL ELATION. Preliminary investigation determined the individual was INTOXICATED and fell on a carpeted floor. As a precaution, ship's medical staff recommended transport to local NOLA hospital in the event of potential spinal cord injury. No vessel operations were involved or determined to be contributing to the fall.
Source: US Coast GuardApr 08, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
07-APR-2011 Sector Key West received a report of marine casualty aboard the cruise ship CARNIVAL ELATION (O.N. 948721). A passenger experienced cardiac arrest and was medically disembarked and transported to Port of Cancun for Medical assistance ashore. The level of this investigation has been downgraded as per MSM V Part A5 Section C.
Source: US Coast GuardApr 24, 2010
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
A passenger onboard the Cruise Ship CARNIVAL ELATION died from natural causes.
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.