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Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Mar 2015
Highest: 100 | Lowest: 89
Deficiencies (found in 10 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Mar 08, 2015 | Score: 97
Other-Mooring Lines at Pier
The rat guards on the ships mooring lines at the pier were not effective. These were modified plastic garbage can lids which were cut thru the center. Where attached to the mooring lines there was a very large gap on the underside of the guard where the rope was not covered and allowed easy access for rodents to walk up the ropes and access any part of the ship.
Recreational Water Facilities-RWF Logs
The standard log form used for RWF's had a statement covering maintenance that on a weekly basis the hair and lint strainer housings were cleaned, rinsed and disinfected. There was nothing recorded that the hair and lint strainers were cleaned and disinfected. Staff who conduct the RWF maintenance were asked what that involves and described cleaning, rinsing, and disinfecting the hair and lint strainers prior to the housing cleaning. As this log form is created at the corporate level, some change should be made to include the cleaning and disinfection of the hair and lint strainers on the form.
Recreational Water Facilities-Paddle Pool
The paddle pool and adjacent T-Rex facilities were open for use and the bromine residual measured by the inspector was 11.16 ppm, while the ship's test kit measured 9.26 ppm. Staff immediately closed this pool and the entire T-Rex complex while the water chemistry was adjusted on this child pool connected to interactive RWF's.
Galley-Deck 12 Garden Cafe
The lowest compartment in the stack pizza oven had a single slotted fastener on the front lower interior (cooking surface).
Bar-Deck 12 Aqua Juice Station
The coffee machine in this area had 4 slotted screws located under the dispenser in the food splash area.
Galley-Deck 6 La Cucina
Metallic conduit tape was randomly stuck to the deckhead over the handwash sink. Upon removal the deckhead became sticky.
Galley-Deck 6 La Cucina
The some of the deck tile in this area that was replaced became stained with a black substance and caused tiles around them to also become stained.
Preparation Room-Deck 4 Deckhead Above Wash Sink
There was a leak in the deckhead bulkhead juncture over the handwash sink which was leaking water.
Preparation Room-Deck 3 Pastry
One side of a chemical locker cabinet was clearly labeled as chemical storage and also another sign that stated 'Food Grade Sodium Hydroxide Only'. The chemical storage label was removed.
Ventilation-Air Handlers
Five air handlers were inspected midship and forward. All were found to have a significant build-up of debris in the filter area. Also noted was the presence of a small accumulation of black mold in the condensation pan area. The units inspected were E 5-13-20.2, E-5-13-16.2, E-5-13-18.1, E3-13-09.2, E-2-14-14.1.
Bar-Deck 7 Coffee Bar
During embarkation a very large projection screen is lowered over the bar within 4 feet of the countertop. The bottom of this screen had a heavy accumulation of dust.
Inspection on Jul 04, 2014 | Score: 95
A food employee making waffles was wearing a string bracelet.
The rack-type glass wash machine on the port side was out of order since 25 December 2013. Staff stated they were waiting for spare parts and provided documentation showing the expected arrival date was 25 July 2014.
Condensation was accumulating on the deckhead above and the bulkhead adjacent to the clean landing of the flight-type dishwash machine. Water was observed dripping onto the dishwash machine but no plates were impacted.
Galley-Port Ice Machine
The interior side of the white deflector panel was soiled with some black residue.
Food Service General-Garden Cafe
The air exhaust vents above the food buffet lines were heavily soiled with a significant amount of dust. In several areas the vent cover was missing exposing the interior space of the ventilation system that was also heavily soiled with a significant amount of dust. This item was noted on the previous VSP inspection report.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Bain Maries
During the breakfast service steam from the bain maries was condensing on the underside of a large metal panel that was being used as a hot serving top above the bain marie. This condensate was dripping from the underside of the metal serving top and onto the preparation counter where the bain marie was located. A similar violation was noted on the previous VSP inspection report.
Galley-Mechanical Pot Wash
The water temperature for the wash cycle was between 136°F-141°F when measured in three separated cycles. The machine was in active use during the inspection.
Galley-Mechanical Pot Wash
The water temperature for the final rinse was measured at 157°F, 150°F, and 156°F for three separate cycles. A maximum temperature thermolabel that was placed on a clean pan and placed into the machine did not change color to indicate the surface temperature reached 160°F. The machine was in active use during the inspection.
Galley-Blue Lagoon
The cleaning locker in the potwash area between the clean pot storage and dry storage cabinet was not labeled 'CLEANING MATERIALS ONLY' or other similar wording.
Galley-Blue Lagoon
Water sprayed up from a deck tile at the entrance to galley when stepped on.
Dining Room-Aqua
The special Fourth of July menu had the consumer advisory for eating raw or undercook foods but did not have an asterisk next to a sirloin entree and a burger entree. Both items could be cooked to order.
Room Service-Dry Storage Locker
The lighting intensity in front of the dry storage locker next to the entrance was less than 220 lux.
Galley-Aqua Beverage Station
The drain under the counter-mounted coffee machine was soiled with a significant accumulation of coffee grounds.
Galley-Aqua Galley Flat/Groove Grills
The underside of the grills were the drip tray is held in place was soiled with a significant amount of grease. The underside panel of the grill that had the tracks for the drip tray was loose and created a seam in the front of the unit where a significant amount of grease and food debris was accumulated.
Galley-Aqua Galley Flat/Groove Grills
The underside panel of the grill that had the tracks for the drip tray was loose and created a seam in the front of the unit where a significant amount of grease and food debris was accumulated.
Galley-Venetian Beverage Cold Room
A horizontal profile strip on the lower part of the bulkhead to the right of the beverage cold room was loose and not flush against the bulkhead.
Galley-Crew Flat/Grooved Grill
The underside of the grills were the drip tray is held in place was soiled with a significant amount of grease. The underside panel of the grill that had the tracks for the drip tray was loose and created a seam in the front of the unit where a significant amount of grease and food debris was accumulated.
Galley-Crew Flat/Grooved Grill
The underside panel of the grill that had the tracks for the drip tray was loose and created a seam in the front of the unit where a significant amount of grease and food debris was accumulated.
Buffet-Staff Mess Soda Machine
The soda machine next to the buffet line was not installed at least six inches above the deck.
Buffet-Staff Mess Soda Machine
The deck under the soda machine was heavily soiled with dust and debris. A large area of what appeared to be soda residue from a previous spill was present.
Preparation Room-Mechanical Potato Peeler
Nine slotted fasteners were present in the interior of the mechanical potato peeler.
Provisions-Poultry Freezer
A box containing two frozen turkey breasts were stored under a light fixture that had a icicle formed on the cover. The top of the box had a thick layer of ice on the outside. When the box was opened both turkeys were frozen together by a large piece of ice in the middle. No active drip was observed but both turkeys were discarded.
Pantry-Ice Machine
No backflow prevention device was installed on the potable line before the water filter.
Medical-Crew Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Reporting
The review of the AGE logs revealed that there was a restaurant steward who experienced AGE symptoms with an onset on 2 June at 0200 and reported to the medical center on 3 June at 1115. The food employee worked her full shift on 2 June. The employee received a disciplinary action.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
On the list of backflow prevention devices: (1) there was no plumbing system component or actual backflow prevention device installed for the showers in the medical center, and the inspection of the area revealed that they were hose-bib vacuum breakers installed on the shower hoses; (2) a Watts 9D was listed as being located in B/S Main Engine but the plumbing system component was not documented, and upon inspection of the area it was found that the device was installed on the potable water line that ultimately supplies a sink; (3) a Watts 009 was listed for deck 7 photo gallery, and staff confirmed that the device was removed when the area changed some time ago; (4) a Combraco device was listed as being located on deck 4 by cabin 4510 and the plumbing system component was not described.
Potable Water-Engine Room
There was no air gap under the reduced pressure assembly relief vent of evaporator #2. A large funnel was located around the vent. In addition, there was no air gap between the cleaning tank filling line and to the funnel below in compartment 14 starboard/forward.
Recreational Water Facilities-T-Rex Pool and Splash Pools
The shepherd's hook was not long enough to reach the center of the deepest portion of the pool from the side plus two feet.
Children Area-Diaper Changing Toilet Room
The diaper changing table was soiled with a yellow/brown residue. Staff instructed the crew members to clean it immediately. Also, there was no sign posted in the toilet room advising the providers to wash their hands and the children's hands after assisting children with using the toilet. In addition, a previously cleaned toy kitchen was soiled with debris in many areas.
Recreational Water Facilities-T-Rex Pool and Splash Pools
The calculated turnover rate for the combined system was 2 hours and not the required 30 minutes for a children's pool.
Inspection on Dec 08, 2013 | Score: 98
Buffet-Garden Cafe Line #1
The aft handwash station was not operable. This station was fixed during the inspection.
Buffet-Garden Cafe
The undercounter refrigerators at all the buffet lines were operating on time control, but not all were physically labeled as such.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Line 1, 4
During breakfast service, heavy steam from the bain marie condensed on the underside of a large metal panel which was being used as a hot serving top above the bain marie. This condensate was dripping from the underside of the metal serving top and onto the preparation counter where the bain marie was located. Water ran off the preparation counter and onto the deck below. Dishwash tubs were placed on the deck to catch the water runoff in several areas.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Line 1
Water was running from the counter top to the deck as described in the previous violation.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Line 3 Beverage Station
Old brown coffee residue was on the back underside nozzle panel to the coffee machine. This panel was located in the food splash zone.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Line 4
An approximate 6 x18 inch section of the glass sneeze guard was missing in front of the omelet station where passengers placed their orders. The distance between where the passengers stood and the exposed food was less than 1 meter.
Food Service General-Garden Cafe
The air exhaust vents above the food buffets were heavily coated in dust in many areas.
Galley-Starboard Dishwash
Water leaked from a deckhead seam next to the air supply vent at the clean dish storage area. No clean items were impacted.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Line 2
During breakfast service, heavy steam was generated by the bain marie warming the biscuits and gravy. The steam was condensing on the deckhead above the food items. No food items were impacted with dripping condensate.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Line 2
The deckhead above the bain marie with biscuits and gravy was wet with condensate as described in the previous violation.
Galley-Pizza Oven
Two oven stones were badly cracked and chipped prohibiting proper cleaning.
Galley-Pizza Press
There was an open seam around the upper edge of the top press. This seam was soiled with old food residue.
Galley-Pizza Press
The seam on the upper edge of the top press was soiled with old food residue.
During active use, the wash temperature of the hood type dishwash machine only reached 131°F. Several measurements were taken with both the inspector's and crew member's thermometers. The data plate to the machine required a minimum of 150°F wash temperature.
Bar-Star Bar
A stainless steel water line to the utility sink was draped on the deck prohibiting easy cleaning.
The temperature gauge to the manual sanitizing compartment read 240°F when actual temperatures were 190°F.
Electrical components underneath the scrapping trough were soiled with a build-up of old food residue of more than a day's accumulation.
Galley-Room Service Preparation
A deck mounted mixer was kept in this location and has not been used in over a year. Staff stated that there are no plans to use the mixer in the future.
Food Service General-Warewash Machine Wash Temperatures
Temperature logs maintained for all dishwash, glasswash, and potwash machines throughout the food service areas showed that wash temperatures were not reaching the minimum temperatures required as indicated by the machine's affixed data plates (150°F). Staff were unaware that the minimum wash temperatures for these machines needed to reach 150°F and had them set to run at temperatures below. After this was mentioned by the inspector, all the wash temperatures for the machines were increased to at least 150°F. The logs in which the temperatures were being recorded stated that the wash and rinse temperatures must be between 120°F-150°F.
Galley-Venetian Beverage Station
Water leaked from a deckhead seam onto the beverage counter in front of the bulk milk machine. No food was impacted.
Galley-Venetian Beverage Station
Water pooled on the beverage counter in front of the bulk milk machine due to a deckhead water leak.
Galley-Hot Galley / Soup Station
Deck tile grouting was missing or pitted in many areas throughout this section of the galley. This was especially observed around deck drains and gutter ways.
Dining Room-Moderno
Dishes and different types of food condiments were being stored on galvanized shelving in both hotel store rooms in this area.
The wash temperature of the in-use hood-type glass wash machine measured less than 150°F. The data plate required a min of 150°F.
Heavy steam was exiting the soiled landing side of the rack-type glasswash machine and collecting as condensate on the deckhead above. The condensate was dripping onto the deck and soiled landing table below.
Buffet-Crew Mess
During service, heavy steam generated by the bain marie formed as condensate on the sneeze shield above. Water was observed dripping from the sneeze shield onto the tray rail. No food was impacted and the bain marie temperature was turned down.
Potable Water-Representative Microbiological Samples
An ice machine was sampled on 18 November 2013 as one of the 4 locations in the monthly random samples for the month of November. Other records examined since the last inspection showed more than the minimum four required had been taken. The Operations Manual advises: 'Microbiological samples from ice machines and POTABLE WATER storage tanks do not count toward the monthly routine distribution system monitoring.'
Potable Water-Far Point Analyzer Calibration
The far point analyzer was reading 1.6 PPM free halogen residual. Three measurements of the far point were taken using the inspector's calibrated colorimeter and the halogen level was actually 2.0 PPM. The sample vial on the ship's colorimeter was cleaned by the ship's staff and instrument agreement between both calorimeters was obtained.
Pantry-Deck 12 Forward Ice Pantry
A black granular residue was noted in the water recirculation bath of the ice machine.
Pantry-Deck 12 Forward Ice Pantry
The final rinse temperature to the active undercounter dishwasher was measured five times and the maximum temperature achieved was 136°F. The undercounter dishwasher was in active use when the inspection team entered the pantry.
Pantry-Deck 12 Forward Ice Pantry
The external final rinse temperature gauge to the dishwash machine constantly read 186°F during all cycles.
Inspection on Jul 19, 2013 | Score: 89
Buffet-Garden Cafe Port Beverage Station
A set of tools was stored inside the soda multi-flow cabinet.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Port Beverage Station
The right side panel of the Elangrill had an exposed broken light bulb.
Bar-Topsiders - Bar counter
The sanitizing solution having a wiping cloth inside had no measurable chlorine concentration
Galley-Garden Cafe Port Dishwash
There were at least 5 cereal bowls on the clean racks that were soiled with food residue.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Port Beverage Station
The milk bags inside the bulk milk dispenser were on temperature control but were not identified with a 7-day discard label. Staff stated that these bags were opened on the day of the inspection.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Port Beverage Station
The thermometer of the bulk milk dispenser indicated an ambient temperature inside the refrigerator of 50°F. The ambient temperature checked manually was 38°F. A thermometer inside the refrigerator measured 43°F.
Galley-Garden Cafe
The technical compartment doors of the starboard upright time-control refrigerators were soiled with black residue and soap.
Pantry-Bimini Bar & Grill
The upper compartment of the ice machine was soiled with dark and pink residues on the water curtain plastic panel in front of the cuber panel and on the water dispensing tube over the cuber panel.
Pantry-Bimini Bar & Grill
A set of tools was stored inside the soda multi-flow cabinet along with the soda syrups and the carbonator.
Galley-Cagney's Steakhouse
The light intensity over the front food preparation counter of the show galley was less than 220 lux.
There were 2 slotted fasteners by the heating elements and another slotted fastener on the left side panel of the Elangrill.
The previously cleaned Elangrill was soiled with grease residue on the far right heating element and on the right side panel with a white powder where the broken light bulb was exposed to the food area.
Food Service General-Sculleries
Cleaned and sanitized plates were not stored covered or inverted. This was noted on all sculleries of the ship.
There was heavy condensation collecting over the clean side of the in-use rack-type dishwasher.
The vent of the reduced pressure assembly of the hood-cleaning system was continuously leaking.
Other-Hotel Store FSD-08-5-066 (Moderno Dining Area)
The deck was soiled under the racks. There were multiple plastic containers with salad dressing jugs and a rack of glasses stored directly on the deck under the shelf stands. In addition, there was a stack of racks with glasses stored directly on the deck. The staff stated that all items were clean but were sent to be rewashed.
Other-Hotel Store FSD-08-5-066 (Moderno Dining Area)
There were multiple plastic containers with salad dressing jugs and a rack of glasses stored directly on the deck under the shelf stands. In addition, there was a stack of racks with glasses stored directly on the deck. The staff stated that all items were clean but were sent to be rewashed.
Other-Locker 07-4-062
There was a soiled and warm to the touch waffle maker stored on top of two ovens. There was also a previously cleaned slicer that was soiled with food liquid residue under the blade.
Other-Locker 07-4-062
There were two ovens stacked over each other stored directly on the deck. There were two soup kettles stacked together stored directly on the deck and under a desk. There were also 3 induction tops stored directly on the deck. the deck was slightly soiled.
Other-Locker 07-4-062
Two soup kettles were stored directly on the deck and had water inside.
Bar-Sushi Bar
The front bar conveyor was soiled underneath with food and dust residues.
Galley-La Cucina
The cooling of several potentially hazardous foods was not completely documented. A review of the records disclosed that: (1) on 14 July 2013 at 16:30, a batch of minestrone soup was placed in the blast chiller with an initial temperature of 142°F, but no temperatures were taken at 2 and 4 hours past the starting cooling time; (2) on 8 July 2013 at 18:00, a batch of osso buco was placed in the blast chiller with an initial temperature of 142°F, at 1 hour past the temperature was 112°F, but no temperatures were taken at 2 and 4 hours past the starting cooling time; (3) on 8 July 2013 at 18:10, a batch of brown beef sauce was placed in the blast chiller with an initial temperature of 144°F, at 1 hour past the temperature was 110°F, but no temperatures were taken at 2 and 4 hours past the starting cooling time; (4) on 30 June 2013 at 12:30, a batch of béchamel white sauce was placed in the blast chiller with an initial temperature of 146°F, at 1 hour past the temperature was 110°F, but no temperatures were taken at 2 and 4 hours past the starting cooling time; (5) on 24 June 2013 at 11:30, a batch of béchamel white sauce was placed in the blast chiller with an initial temperature of 148°F, at 1 hour past the temperature was 110°F, but no temperatures were taken at 2 and 4 hours past the starting cooling time; (6) on 24 June 2013 at 11:38, a batch of brown beef sauce was placed in the blast chiller with an initial temperature of 142°F, at 1 hour past the temperature was 108°F, but no temperatures were taken at 2 and 4 hours past the starting cooling time; (7) on 24 June 2013 at 11:40, a batch of osso buco was placed in the blast chiller with an initial temperature of 146°F, at 1 hour past the temperature was 112°F, but no temperatures were taken at 2 and 4 hours past the starting cooling time.
Galley-La Cucina
The temperature of a pan of garlic butter stored in undercounter refrigerator #11 was 51-53°F. The butter was discarded.
Galley-La Cucina
The ambient temperature of the far left compartment of undercounter refrigerator #11 was 53°F.
Room Service-Menu Locker
There were multiple boxes and a bucket with sugar bowls stored directly on the deck under the shelves. The deck was slightly soiled.
Room Service-Menu Locker
A bucket of bowls with sugar was stored directly on the deck under the shelves.
Room Service-Menu Locker
A deckhead light fixture was not working. As a result, the light intensity was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Starboard Dishwash
There were mops and mop buckets unattended and stored next to 2 room service trolleys and garbage bins. Staff stated there was a cleaning locker a deck above.
Galley-Starboard Coffee Station
The uncovered waste receptacle with coffee grounds was soiled inside with food debris. This was corrected.
Galley-Starboard Coffee Station
There were slotted fasteners in the food splash zone of the WMF coffee machine.
Galley-Female Toilet Room
The female toilet room inside the galley was closed and not in-service since 20 June. Staff stated the toilet room needed a working toilet bowl that was ordered.
Galley-Aft Dishwash
There were dust pans and brooms stored next to the handwashing stations.
Buffet-Crew Mess
A crew member touched several apples that were inside a bowl at the buffet line while selecting the one he wanted. There was a serving utensil but it was stuck inside the bowl. The apples were removed from the line by the staff after the issue was pointed out by the VSP inspector.
Preparation Room-
There were 2 out of 3 cutting boards that were heavily scored and difficult to clean.
Provisions-Consumables Store Room
There were multiple boxes and stacks of hotel pans stored directly on the deck and under the shelves. The deck was slightly soiled.
Provisions-Consumables Store Room
There were several hotel pans that were stored soiled with food residue on the shelves and on the floor.
Bar-Topsiders - Ice Cream Counter
Two in-use ice cream scoops were stored in a running dipper well. One was placed in a glass in the well and receiving the appropriate flushing from the overflowing water. The other one was between the side of the glass and the wall of the dipper well. This ice cream scoop was not receiving any flushing during its storage outside the overflowing container.
Bar-Topsiders - Bar Counter
The wiping cloth storage solution had no measurable chlorine concentration using the ship's test strips while it was in active use at this bar.
Bar-Topsiders - Pantry
The single tank rack machine (COD #5986.230.00) had an E-2 code showing in the display rather than the wash temperature. It was found that the wash temperature was actually 130°F rather than the required 150°F noted on the machine data plate. According to the staff, the machine was found to meet the operational standards during the start-up operational check at 0900, four hours prior to the inspection team arriving at this bar. The ship's electrician arrived to commence repairs and said the E-2 code indicated a malfunctioning wash tank heater.
Bar-Temporary 'Satellite' Bar in Pool Area
A temporary 'satellite' bar was open in the pool area. In addition to bottled beer sold to passengers, mixed drinks were also prepared without benefit of a handwashing station.
Bar-Temporary 'Satellite' Bar in Pool Area
The temporary 'satellite' bar in the pool area did not meet deck and deckhead construction standards for food preparation facilities.
Bar-Temporary 'Satellite' Bar in Pool Area
The temporary 'satellite' bar in the pool area had an ice scoop handle touching the ice that was being dispensed to the passengers in their mixed drinks.
Bar-Temporary 'Satellite' Bar in Pool Area
The temporary 'satellite' bar in the pool area had two large bins of beer that were full of beverage bottles and cans submerged in the water and ice mixture in the bins. The water covered the lip contact surfaces of the beverage containers.
Bar-Gatsby's Bar - Pantry
The backflow preventer on the carbonator unit water supply line had a constant drip of water from the air relief holes in it. The leak was long-standing as indicated by the corrosion on the backflow preventer.
Medical-Acute Gastrroenteritis (AGE) Reporting
On the AGE Log for the June 28 - July 5 voyage, a crew member's illness onset was listed as July 5 at 13:00 and he reported to medical on July 4 at 14:35. The AGE log also listed him medically cleared on July 5 at 14:20. The crew member was an assistant waiter so the isolation time should have been 48 hours. Upon reviewing the original medical paper it was determined the real onset time was July 4 at 13:00 and the real medically cleared time was July 6 at 14:20. The wrong dates were mistakenly transferred from the original paperwork to the AGE log.
Potable Water-Production Records
From June 26 at 02:20 until June 28 at 13:30 the pH level for the osmosis production was above 7.8. From July 3 at 09:00 until the morning of July 4 the pH level for the osmosis production was also above 7.8. Staff stated that they educated their employees on July 18 about maintaining the pH level below 7.8 during production. New production record logs listed the 7.8 pH limit in the instructions.
Potable Water-Portside Bunker Station
The cap for the second bunkering line from the bottom was unscrewed and not protecting this hose connection. The connection was not in use.
Potable Water-Engine Room Production
The potable water line leading to the hose tap near the mineralizer was not painted blue or striped blue/green/blue. The potable water line after the chlorine injection point on the production line was not painted blue or striped blue/green/blue. It appeared two blue stripes after the chlorination point were painted over with white paint. The reverse osmosis permeate potable water line was marked blue/gray/blue after the chlorination point. The permeate water line from the reverse osmosis unit to the mineralizer was not striped blue/gray/blue on the production side of the bulkhead.
Inspection on Oct 19, 2012 | Score: 100
Potable Water-Far Point
On 31 August 2012 and 19 September 2012, the free halogen residual was not recorded on the charts for several hours and no notations were made indicating any unusual events. According to the staff, it was likely that the pen was not properly placed on the chart.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The list of backflow prevention devices did not include the plumbing connection for several testable and nontestable devices. The four testable devices listed on Deck 10 near passenger cabins did not indicate that they were for the balcony washing connections. The testable device listed on deck 11 for the bridge did not indicate that it was for the connection to the window washing system. The testable device listed for the engine room compartment 16 did not indicate that it was for the connection to the high pressure wash system. In addition, there were several listings for cabins on various decks, but the it was not indicated that these were for toilets and showers and the number of devices on each deck for each type of connection was not listed.
Potable Water-Engine Room
The potable water tap with an attached hose near the mineralizer did not have a backflow prevention device. This was corrected.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automated Monitoring
The automated data logging monitoring systems for free halogen and pH for all RWFs except whirlpools #1 and #3 were not fully installed. The majority of the equipment was installed and the vessel was waiting for a few more parts to complete the installation. The locations of the sample lines were correct and the parts were expected to arrive on the day of the inspection.
Housekeeping-Bridge Toilet Room
There were no signs advising users to wash their hands or to use a paper towel or tissue to open the door. This was corrected.
Children Area-3-5 Year Old Girls Toilet Room
The maximum water temperature at the handwashing sink was 125°F.
Dining Room-Menu Consumer Advisories
For the Tepannyaki, Moderno and Cagney's menus, there was a consumer advisory at the bottom of the page, but there were no asterisks by the animal-derived foods that could be served raw or undercooked. For the main dining room menu, there was no asterisk by the cold smoked salmon appetizer.
Buffet-Garden Cafe
There were consumer advisories at the buffet, but they were not specific to the food items that could be cooked to order and served undercooked. This included the omelet station and the cold smoked salmon.
Buffet-Forward Starboard Beverage Station
Inside the ice chute, there was a pink material on the bottom of the white plastic surface of the upper chute.
Galley-Port Dishwash
The data plate on the flight-type dishwash was worn and not easily readable.
Galley-Starboard Dishwash
There was condensate collecting inside the hood on the clean end of the flight-type dishwash machine. Condensate was dripping from the outside edge of the hood onto the deck, but not onto the conveyor surface.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The undercounter refrigeration units on the service lines did not have time control labels. All of the units were indicated as time control on the plan.
Buffet-Staff Mess
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind the ice dispenser at the beverage station.
Buffet-Staff Mess
There were holes in the surface of the panel immediately behind the ice chutes of the ice dispenser, making cleaning difficult.
Food Service General-Time Control Plans
For the outlets that were open longer than 4 hours on a regular basis, such as the specialty dining rooms and the Blue Lagoon, the time control plan indicated to use discard labels 'if the outlet was open longer than 4 hours.'
Food Service General-Rack Conveyor Dishwash Machines
The data plate on the rack-type conveyrodishwash and glasswash machines indicated a speed in baskets per hour instead of the transit time.
Galley-Bamboo Galley
There was missing and worn deck grout in the hot section of the galley.
Buffet-Bimini Grill
There was a leak in the technical compartment at the far end of the front counter.
Food Service General-Carbonator Units
There was a check valve between the carbonator and the brass pump on the inspected carbonators. Staff indicated that all of the carbonators had the same device installed.
Inspection on Jun 01, 2012 | Score: 98
Children Area-Splash Academy
There was no policy posted at the entrance of the center which indicated the requirement for written clearance from the medical staff before a child with symptoms of infectious illness can enter. This was corrected during the inspection.
Housekeeping-Deck 10 - Housekeeping Trolley
A box of opened latex gloves was stored inside the glassware container and on top of cleaned and sanitized glasses that were being distributed to the cabins.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The written OPRP specified a chlorine dioxide product for disinfection through an electrostatic sprayer. The contact times were specified, but the concentration was not. Although, this product was used directly from a bottle without dilution, this manufacturer sells different concentrations of this product. The data sheet for the one used on board specified the concentration was 2,000 ppm chlorine dioxide.
Recreational Water Facilities-Filter Housing & Hair & Lint Strainer Disinfection Records
The halogen residual for disinfecting the hair and lint strainer, strainer housing, and cartridge filter housing was not being recorded in the records.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automated Monitoring
There were no chart recorders or electronic data loggers installed on the RWFs (besides the main pool) for monitoring free halogen and pH. In addition there were no alarms for low and high bromine levels.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment Protection
The RWFs did not meet the 2011 VSP Operations Manual requirements for antientrapment. Compliant drains for the whirlpools were observed but yet to be installed.
Potable Water-Mineralizer Air Gap
A plastic bottle was taped around the discharge end of the backwashing drain pipe which negated the effectiveness of the air gap. This was removed during the inspection. In addition, the cross connection control plan did not list this air gap and it had not been periodically inspected.
Potable Water-Testable Devices
The annual pressure test for 12 of the 28 testable backflow prevention devices had not been tested in over a year. These overdue testable devices were last tested on 26 May 2011.
Potable Water-Deck Chemical Dispensing Lockers
The backflow prevention devices on the bulkhead mounted chemical dispensers in the deck chemical lockers for housekeeping products were not on the cross-connection control program and were not periodically inspected.
Potable Water-Distilate and Permeate Water Lines
The distillate and permeate lines directed to the potable water system were not painted or striped in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/gray/blue). These lines were striped blue only.
Galley-Deck 3 - Bakery / Pastry
Several pieces of paint had chipped away along the food contact surface of the mixer-shaft of the deck mounted mixer.
Galley-Deck 3 - Bakery / Pastry
Water was leaking from the two backflow prevention assemblies attached to the water purifiers used to add water to the mixing bowl of the large deck mounted mixer.
Galley-Deck 3 - Bakery / Pastry
Several pieces of metal plating along the food contact surface of the mixer shaft of the deck mounted mixer adjacent to the proofing cabinets had fallen off, or were loose which created a difficult to clean surface.
Galley-Combination Oven Gaskets
Numerous rubber gaskets along the door edges of combination ovens located in the crew galley, main galley, and specialty galley were cracked, especially along the bottom edges. One gasket on a combination oven in the crew galley failed along the bottom edge, which allowed a large volume of steam to escape.
A gap along the bottom edge of the door to the potwash machine allowed water to spurt out of the machine while it was in use. In addition, the door could not be fully closed and appeared to be warped.
Buffet-Beverage Stations
The artificial light intensity around and behind counter-mounted equipment located in the officer's mess, crew mess, and staff mess was less than 110-lux of light.
Buffet-Officer's Mess Beverage Station
Soft sealant was used as coving material along the deck/equipment foundation for the consumer self-service buffet.
Galley-Deck 6 - Warewash
Two wash manifolds of the in-use flight-type warewash machine were not seated correctly, which created leaks at the ends of the manifolds and diminished the effectiveness of the wash spray patterns.
Galley-Deck 12 - Garden Cafe - Warewash
The installed final rinse gauge (Manifold) of the flight-type warewash machine was out of calibration. According to the gauge, the temperature registered 220°F, but no steam was visible from the final rinse manifolds. The final sanitize rinse temperature by the inspector's thermocouple registered 167°F.
Galley-Deck 12 - Garden Cafe
Gouges and scoring made a large round plastic cutting block difficult to clean.
Galley-Deck 12 - Garden Cafe
Food residue and a dark material soiled the gouges of the round cutting block.
Galley-Deck 6 - Bistro (Show) Galley
Corrosion covered two metal fasteners attached to the heating elements of the deep fat fryer.
Galley-Deck 6 - Gatsby Bar Pantry
A backflow prevention assembly was not installed on the carbonator.
Food Service General-Post-Soda Mix Lines
Insulation for post-soda mix lines installed through decks in numerous bars had features that were not easily cleanable. The adhesive used to affix (tape) the insulation was failing, which created gaps and seams that made cleaning difficult (this was noted where the lines splint and where the lines came through the deck penetration.
Potable Water-Cross-connection Control Log
Several backflow prevention devices were not on the cross-connection control log (some of these were repeat violations from last inspection which had yet to be corrected), crew members could not identify the type or location of backflow prevention used for the mineralizer backwash process, 12 of the 28 testable backflow devices had not been tested annually. The cross-connection control log did not list all of the testable devices that had been previously tested.
Inspection on Jan 04, 2012 | Score: 97
Buffet-Garden Cafe Starboard Forward Beverage Line
The two backflow prevention devices in the technical space below the juice machine and ice dispenser were leaking at the atmospheric vents. Water was pooled below each of the devices. These were replaced.
Food Service General-Light Intensity
The light intensity around and behind counter-mounted and deck-mounted equipment was less than 110 lux in several areas. This included: the Garden Cafe beverage lines; Venetian beverage station in the main galley; main galley soup section combination ovens; crew galley combination ovens and hot holding units; crew mess beverage line; officer's mess beverage area; buffet preparation room combination ovens; Bamboo ice machine and combination oven.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Starboard Forward Beverage Line
The milk in the bulk dispenser closest to the windows was measured at 45 °F (regular milk) and 44 °F (skim milk). The internal dispenser thermometer read 42 °F. The milk was discarded.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Port Service Line
The bottom bracket on the portable sneeze shield was directly over the side of a pan of gravy and the bracket had gravy on it. It appeared that the serving spoon came in contact with the bracket while going in and out of the pan. The sneeze shield was moved so that the bracket would not be over the gravy.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Port Service Line
The food-contact portions of the two serving utensils at the bread station were not fully under the sneeze shield. The utensils were moved.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Port Aft Omelet Station
The containers of omelet toppings were not under a sneeze guard or otherwise protected. The toppings were not self-service, but consumers were standing within one meter of the food.
Galley-Garden Cafe Hot Galley
There was some missing and recessed deck grout in this area.
Galley-Garden Cafe Dishwash Area
Five previously-cleaned carafes were stored upright and wet in the locker across from the crushed ice machine.
Galley-Garden Cafe Dishwash Area
The final rinse temperature gauge on conveyor warewash machine 125326 read between 200 and 220 °F. There was no steam coming out of nozzles, and the temperature at the utensil surface was 169 °F.
Food Service General-Consumer Advisories
There were no asterisks at the animal-derived foods on the menus in the following areas: main dining rooms, La Cucina, Le Bistro, Bamboo (sushi and tepannyaki); Cagney's; or Moderno. In addition, the consumer advisories at the passenger buffet did not include all of the required information.
Food Service General-Refrigerant Lines
The refrigerant lines in the galleys and food service areas were not uniquely identified.
Galley-Venetian Dishwash Area
The final rinse temperature gauge on the conveyor warewash machine read between 220 and 240 °F. There was no steam coming out of nozzles, and the temperature at the utensil surface was 164 °F.
Galley-Venetian Beverage Cold Room
Two display pieces made of raw wood were stored in the cold room.
Galley-Time Control Plan
Two upright refrigerators were labeled for time control, but they were not listed on the plan.
Galley-Room Service
The cleaning locker was not labeled. This was corrected.
Preparation Room-Buffet
The backflow prevention device on the potable water line to the combination oven was leaking at the atmospheric vent. Water was pooled below the device. The device was replaced.
Provisions-Pot Wash Area
The needle on the sanitizing sink temperature gauge was past the maximum gauge mark. The water in the sanitizing sink was approximately 180 °F. The gauge was replaced.
Preparation Room-Poultry
There was a large black fly in this room. The area was closed at the time of the inspection.
Galley-La Cucina
There were two small black flies around the deck drain below the food pulper in the dishwash area. The area was closed at the time of the inspection. The pest management personnel treated the area.
The backflow prevention device on the potable water line to the coffee machine was leaking at the atmospheric vent. Water was pooled below the device. The device was replaced.
At the handwash station across from the grills, the paper towels were so far down in the counter-mounted dispenser that to reach the towels the user had to push their hand through a small slot, making contact with the sides of the dispenser. According to the staff, a spring was broken in the dispenser.
The light intensity along the front counter from the right side of the display case to the end of the counter was less than 220 lux.
Dining Room-Cagney's
A bottle of sanitizer was stored on the counter top of the clean side of a waiter station. A bowl of butter and a plate of lemons were stored on the same counter top. The bottle was immediately removed.
There was a leak from the deckhead light fixture at the entrance to the dishwash area. Liquid was dripping to the deck.
The backflow prevention device on the potable water line to the coffee machine was leaking at the atmospheric vent. Water was pooled below the device. The device was replaced.
Buffet-Moderno Salad Bar
There was no coving at the juncture between the deck and the three support pillars for the buffet.
Galley-Moderno/Blue Lagoon Dishwash Area
The final rinse temperature gauge on the conveyor warewash machine read between 210 and 230 °F. There was no steam coming out of nozzles, and the temperature at the utensil surface was approximately 170 °F.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Surveillance Log
The AGE surveillance log was not exactly the same as the log in section 13.2.2 in the VSP Operations Manual 2011.
Medical-Medical Public Toilet
There was no sign posted in the public toilet advising users to use a hand towel, paper towel, or tissue to open the exit door.
Potable Water-Medical Isolation Ward
There was a flexible hose on the faucet tap at the stainless steel sink in the operating theater. The hose and faucet extended into the sink, but no backflow prevention device was installed at the potable water line to this sink. In addition, this cross-connection was not on the cross-connection control program.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The written OPRP specified a chlorine dioxide product for disinfection through an electrostatic sprayer. The contact times were specified, but the concentration was not. Although this product was used directly from a bottle without dilution, this manufacturer sells different concentrations of this product. The data sheet for the one used onboard specified the concentration was 2,000 ppm chlorine dioxide.
Potable Water-Chemical Lockers Deck 9 and 11
The backflow prevention devices on the bulkhead-mounted chemical dispensers in the deck 9 and deck 11 chemical lockers for housekeeping products were not on the cross-connection control program and were not periodically inspected.
Food Service General-Deck Pantry Dishwash Machines
The data plates on the Electrolux undercounter stationary rack dishwash machines did not specify wash or final rinse cycle times.
Children Area-T Rex Kids Center
There were no sanitary wipes in the child toilet room. This was corrected during the inspection.
Children Area-T Rex Kids Center
Both of the child-size toilets were over 11 inches high and the toilet room handwashing sinks were over 22 inches high. There were no step stools provided for the toilets or for the handwashing sinks.
Children Area-T Rex Kids Center
There were no diapers in the diaper changing room. This was corrected during the inspection. There was also no sign advising handwashing after each diaper change.
Children Area-T Rex Kids Center
The two handwashing sinks in the 2 to 5-year age group had hot water temperatures of 118 °F. In addition, both sinks were greater than 22 inches high and no step stools were provided.
Potable Water-Tank Cleaning and Disinfection
Potable water tank 17 center was spot painted on 20 December 2011. It was not clear from the written record if the paint was applied according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automated Monitoring
There were no chart recorders or electronic data loggers installed on any of the RWFs for monitoring free halogen and pH. In addition, there were no alarms for low and high levels.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The RWF safety signs did not meet the requirements of the VSP 2011 Operations Manual.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment Protectino
The RWFs did not meet the VSP 2011 Operations Manual requirements for antientrapment.
Potable Water-Secondary Standards
There were no secondary standards for the electronic test kits used in the potable water and recreational water systems.
Potable Water-Deck 2 Engine Changing Room
There was no backflow prevention device on the potable water line to the two clothes washing machines. In addition, this cross-connection was not on the cross-connection control program.
Inspection on Aug 19, 2011 | Score: 95
Galley-Venetian Dishwash
Plates and bowls were observed either contacting each other or with very little space between on the in-use flight type conveyor dishwashing machine. The space between dishware was not enough to allow sufficient spray from the upper and lower wash and rinse spray.
Galley-Venetian Dishwash
The final, hot water-sanitizing rinse manifold temperature thermometer gauge displayed only 126 °F during active use of the flight-type conveyor dishwashing machine. The plate level temperature was over 160 °F, and there were no problems with the spray nozzles inside the machine. Additionally, the final rinse pressure gauge on this machine gave erratic readings both within the 15-25 psi range and displayed at times only 5 psi. It appeared the interior of this liquid-filled gauge was damaged, including peeling paint.
Galley-Venetian Aft Pantry
A full serving tray of dust soiled flower vases was stored on a clean preparation counter beside several other serving trays of cleaned tea and coffee pots and pitchers.
Galley-Venetian Aft Pantry
Two live fruit flies were noted in this area, which was not in use at the time of inspection, but had clean food-contact surfaces exposed. One fly was on a soiled flower vase and another was on the deckhead over the clean counter.
Galley-Venetian Wine Cellar
The soda tower on the bar top counter was posted out of order, and the multi-flow cabinet for the soda tower was also posted out of order with a date of February 11, 2011.
Galley-Venetian Wine Cellar
There was leaked soda on the counter below the out of order soda tower.
Food Service General-Galley - Undercounter Refrigerators
There was a gap present between the lower door of several undercounter reach-in refrigerators and the door frame when shut closed. All should be checked but the observation was made in the following areas: Venetian juice station refrigerator #2, Crew Galley refrigerator #2, and the Blue Lagoon/Moderno galley reach-in refrigerator #3.
Galley-Venetian Juice Station
One live fruit fly was observed on the dispensing head of the juice machine. This area was not in active use at the time of the inspection.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Beverage Station
One live fruit fly was observed at the juice machine in the starboard beverage station and two live fruit flies were observed at the port side beverage station bulkhead. These areas were in service at the time of the inspection.
Buffet-Officers Mess
There was no coving at the deck juncture with the bulkhead or the buffet counter foundation throughout this buffet, including the waste bin cabinet foundation.
Buffet-Officers Mess
There were open voids where cables penetrated the rear stainless steel panel and drain pipes penetrated the side stainless steel panels inside the undercounter technical compartments for the newly installed buffet.
Preparation Room-Potato Section
There were two live fruit flies on the interior surface of the previously cleaned potato peeling machine. The area was not in use at the time of inspection.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Second Line Dessert
There was oil residue dripping from the short deckhead directly over the aft section of the starboard dessert section. Staff stated this was the area where waffles were cooked in the breakfast. The observation was made at the lunch service.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Second Line Dessert
There was a loose deckhead panel over the wok cooking section of the buffet line. Additionally, there was dust soiling the short deckhead along the air supply vent throughout the length of the starboard line.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Port/Fwd. Line
One live fruit fly was observed on uncovered bread on the service line during the lunch service.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Beverage Station
There was one live fruit fly observed between the juice and ice machines in the port forward beverage station during the lunch service.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Beverage Station
The dispensing arm for the ice and water dispensers at all the self-service buffet beverage stations only contact the cups at the lip-contact surface. There were no signs prohibiting refilling.
Galley-Cagney's Front Preparation
Cut, fresh spinach inside the glass door upright reach-in refrigerator had a food temperature of 45 °F.
Galley-Cagney's Front Preparation
The handwash station at the starboard end of the counter was heavily soiled with food residue and a shrimp tail piece. Beside the sink left were two cutting boards and to the right a tray of prepared shrimp cocktail. The waste bin also had food related debris inside. On the back counter, immediately behind the handwash station was a large food preparation sink.
Galley-Topsider's Galley
Two live fruit flies were observed on the deckhead. The area was not in active use at the time of the inspection.
Pantry-Topsider's Pantry
One live fruit fly was observed in the area near the bar section and one dead fruit fly was found on the top of the clean dish storage rack.
Galley-Topsider's Galley
Two full plastic containers of whole, raw strawberries were found inside upright reach-in refrigerator #1. Nearly every strawberry were spoiled, mold covered, and unfit to eat. They were discarded.
Potable Water-Far Point Charts
The far point halogen analyzer chart for 24 July 2011 did not indicate the free residual halogen for any part of the day, nor were there manual readings to indicate the halogen level at least every four hours. The chart was initialed.
Potable Water-Reduced Pressure Assembly Testing Records
There were at least four reduced pressure assembly backflow prevention devices where the pressure differences were not recorded on their respected form. These forms were dated 26 May 2011, and were signed by the backflow prevention device testing contractor along with the test equipment used.
Medical-Crew Members Reporting
During two recent cruises, two crew members had onsets of reportable gastrointestinal illness (GI) symptoms and worked while symptomatic before reporting to the medical center. During the 12-19 August cruise, a hairdresser had onset of GI symptoms on 12 August at 11:00, but did not report to the medical center until 13 August at 08:45. He indicated he had five episodes of diarrhea. During the 15-22 July cruise, a restaurant steward had onset of GI symptoms on 17 July at 13:30, but did not report to the medical center until 18 July at 17:10. She indicated she had five episodes of diarrhea. The time cards for these crew members were reviewed to verify work history on these dates. According to the medical staff, crew members are to report to the medical center after one episode of vomiting or diarrhea to begin eight hours of precautionary isolation.
Inspection on Feb 25, 2011 | Score: 100
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Port Line
The coating on one of the heat lamp bulbs above the pastries was worn. The bulb was replaced.
Galley-Garden Cafe
There was liquid dripping from the deckhead to the deck near deckhead access panel AC 5-11-15.1 FD 01. No clean items or food were impacted.
The coatings on four of the heat lamp bulbs were peeling. The bulbs were replaced.
Children Area-
There was no airtight, washable waste receptacle located in the rest rooms for boys and girls 2 to 12 years old.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The cross-connection control program did not always include the specific location where backflow preventers were installed.
Potable Water-Far Point Halogen Analyzer
On 25 February 2011 at 08:35, the halogen analyzer display had a reading of 0.35 ppm while the manual tests from the VSP inspector and the staff measured at 1.01 ppm of free halogen residual. At 13:15, the halogen analyzer display had a reading of 0.18 ppm while the staff manual test measured 1.00 ppm of free halogen residual. According to the staff, the halogen sensor was replaced around 07:40 due to an apparent equipment failure. The staff added that when they replace a sensor, the system needs a few hours to stabilize and make correct readings and that this was the reason for the inaccurate readings. Despite the inaccurate readings, the free residual halogen was not measured and recorded manually at this halogen analyzer at least every four hours.
There was a filling spout on the drinking fountain. This was corrected.
Galley-Cagney's - Dishwash Area
There was a filling spout on the drinking fountain. This was corrected.
The inside of one of the beer taps on the starboard side was soiled. The inside of all four of the beer taps on the port side was soiled. This was corrected.
There was a continuous leak from the dipper well faucet. This was corrected.
There was a continuous leak from the vent on the reduced pressure assembly in the hood cleaning cabinet. This was corrected.
Inspection on Apr 04, 2010 | Score: 100
The bulk rice bin was damaged, resulting in a hole. This was corrected.
Buffet-Crew and Officer's Mess
The coating was damaged/loose on the bulbs over the buffets. Some of the bulbs were not coated to be shatter-resistant.
Galley-Cold Pantry
There was no cooling log entry for the roasted eggplant that was used to make the eggplant dip that was in the walk-in refrigeration unit.
Dining Room-Venetian Pantry
There was a hole in the dry stores locker where the lock bracket was missing.
Galley-Aqua Breakfast Galley
There was a pan of raw turkey sausage over a pan of cooked corned beef in the walk-in refrigeration unit. This was corrected.
Galley-Aqua Wine Bar
A "WASH HANDS OFTEN" sign was not posted over the handwash sink. This was corrected.
Room Service-
The door frame channel was open at the locking pin recess.
Bar-Bimini and Gatsby
The backflow prevention device could not be located for the carbonators.
Galley-Le Bistro
A "WASH HANDS AFTER USING THE TOILET" sign was not posted in the toilet room on the bulkhead adjacent to the toilet room door.
The coffee machine milk was on the time as a public health control plan. The milk was 55 minutes past the 4-hour discard time. The milk was measured at 42 F. The milk was discarded.
The insulated lines under the juice rack/well were wet and covered in mold.
Galley-Cold Pantry
There was mold in the technical compartment for refrigeration unit 5.
The area above the middle port liquor display was open to the deckhead above.
Potable Water-Deck 10 Pool Machinery Room
There was a small diameter potable water line on the far side of the compensation tank that was not painted or striped blue.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
In the cross-connection control program, there were many entries that did not include the plumbing connection/system component. A few entries were missing the location.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 23 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Apr 19, 2015
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 10, 2014
Inspection on Sep 25, 2014
Vessel failed to submit required notice of arrival for vessel on voyage of less than 96 hrs.
Vessel submited notice of arrival to port of boston listing port of boston as previous port in lieu of correct previous port (Bar Harbor, ME)
Inspection on Apr 09, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Dec 05, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 18, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 12, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 10, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 20, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 05, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 21, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 19, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 23, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 28, 2012
Electrical installations shall be such that: 3) the safety of passengers, crew & ship from electrical hazards will be ensured. Pool room near theather has several dead end electrical wires. 74 SOLAS (97) II-1/ 40.1.3. 16ac
Accommodation/Occupational Safety
0999 The condition of the ship & its equipment shall be maintained... without danger to the ship or persons aboard. The 2nd step from the top in the theater starboard side leading to the balcony is borken, posing a hazard to the crew. 74 SOLAS (97) I/11 (a). 16 c
After any survey of the ship... no change shall be made in the structural arrangement, machinery, equipment... without sanction of the Administration. Drain valve in deck 6 pool equipment room (starboard) is inoperable/ being held open with a broomstick. 74 SOLAS (97) I/11 (b)
0660 Lifejackets shall be so placed as to be readily accessible. Lifejacket locker 06-4-093 had blocked access, hindering accessibility of the lifejackets inside. 74 SOLAS (97) III/7.2.2.
Fire Fighting
0710 Doors in B class divisions... shall provide a method of closure which shall have resistance to fire equivalent to that of the division. Starboard staircase on deck 5 has a damaged B-15 door which does not provide the intended protection. 74 SOLAS (97) II-2/31.1.1
Fire Fighting
0710 For determining the appropriate fire integrity standards to be applied to boundaries between adjacent spaces, such spaces are classified according to their fire risk. Electrical store 10/E04 is a category 13 space being used improperly as an office, category 6. A.C. room 4-04 (category 10) is improperly being used as a storeroom (category 13). 74 SOLAS (97) II-2/26.2.2
Fire Fighting
0710 Furniture in stairway enclosures shall be limited to seating. It shall be fixed, limited to six seats on each deck... and shall not restrict the passenger escape route. Deck 6, stairway 32 had a chair added to the furniture in the stairwell. Two other passenger stairwells had podiums on various decks that did not comply with above regulation. 74 SOLAS (97) II-2/34.6. 40ac.
Fire Fighting
0715 Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers shall be equipped with...fire detection... in all..accommodation spaces. Smoke detection head in room 12512 does not function.
Fire Fighting
0750 The following basic principles underlie the regulations in this chapter.. restricted use of combustible material. Found combustible/ flammable material not (paints) stored in a combustible locker in dressing room. 74 SOLAS (97) II-2/2.3
Inspection on Oct 21, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 26, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 23, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 17, 2011
Fire Fighting
Class "A" fire screen doors shall be of the self-closing type. FSD 10-7-054 does not close all the way.
Fire Fighting
In passenger ships, a section of detectors shall not serve spaces on both sides of the ship nor on more than one deck. The escape trunk for the food and beverage store on deck two extends from deck two to deck four and has no fire detection on deck four.
Inspection on Feb 18, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 22, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Apr 25, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 21, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 01, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Mar 29, 2013
stolen property
Victim claimed $2,700 Torneau wrist watch was stolen while taken through security checkpoint
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesOct 27, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
On October 27, 2011, a passenger aboard the NORWEGIAN DAWN experienced chest pains, while in their cabin. The passenger was taken to the vessel's hospital and subsequently passed away.
Source: US Coast GuardOct 27, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
On October 27, 2011, a passenger aboard the passenger vessel NORWEGIAN DAWN was found in his cabin complaining of a headache and was slurring his speech. The ship's medical staff commenced treatment of the passenger and transported him to the ship's hospital. While the passenger was being treated, he became unresponsive and all resuscitative efforts by ships medical staff were unsuccessful.
Source: US Coast GuardJan 30, 2011
Personnel Casualties : 1 injury
NORWEGIAN DAWN (O.N. 9000046): Report of passenger MedEvac. Female fell while walking up stairs and sustained a fracture to her left humerus. Passenger disembarked at BVI for medical treatment at home.
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.