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Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Feb 2015
Highest: 100 | Lowest: 94
Deficiencies (found in 11 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Feb 14, 2015 | Score: 100
Buffet-Garden Cafe
The container of bread at the midship toaster station next to island #5 was had a removable lid that was not self closing. According to staff, this station was supposed to be monitored by a crew member who would assist the passengers in making toast but on two separate occasions passengers were seen making their own toast with no crew member around. The tongs used to pick-up the sliced bread were on a separate plate with a plate cover but it was not self-closing.
Galley-Warewashing (Tax Paid Storeroom)
In the soda equipment cabinet, the top shelf under each of the compressor units for the soda dispensing system was soiled with dust and debris.
Buffet-Great Outdoors Port Beverage Station
The exterior of the counter ice machine was broken and cracked in several locations.
Buffet-Great Outdoors Hot Line
The chute in the drip tray housing on both flat grills had a gap around the opening.
Galley-O'Sheehan's Bar and Grill Warewash
The first curtain on the soiled end of the mechanical dishwash machine was warped which cause water from the prewash to spray and pool on the deck.
Galley-O'Sheehan's Bar and Grill Warewash
The first curtain on the soiled end of the mechanical dishwash machine was warped which cause water from the prewash to spray and pool on the deck
Galley-O'Sheehan's Bar and Grill Warewash
Several stacks of clean plates on the clean storage rack were not stored covered or inverted.
Galley-Toilet Room
The self-closing toilet room door did not close properly.
Galley-Toilet Room
The lock housing on the door frame for the toilet room door was missing.
Galley-Flat/Groove Grills
The juncture between the flat and grooved grills throughout the main galley were heavily soiled with grease residue. The juncture was visible on the underside of the grills.
Galley-Chin Chin (Asian Galley)
Food debris was still present on the blade of the previously cleaned deli slicer.
Galley-Pot Wash
The water in the wash compartment of the in-use three compartment sink was heavily soiled with food debris. The water was brown in color and the soap suds were yellow. The water was immediately drained.
The water pressure for the final rinse in the rack-type glasswash machine was low, producing only a single stream of water from each nozzle. The final rinse temperature was still measured above 160°F at the plate surface. It was determined the O-ring on the water supply pipe to the final rinse manifold was missing which caused the drop in water pressure.
Buffet-Officer Mess
The table next to the juice machine was on carpet and had clean equipment and water pitchers on top.
Pantry-Java Cafe
The wash temperature of the in-use undercounter glasswash machine was measure between 142°F-145°F.
Medical-Crew Member Reporting
A beauty therapist had an onset of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) symptoms on 19 January at 21:30, but did not report to the medical center until 22 January at 08:45. When she experienced her initial AGE symptoms she continued to work 30 minutes until the end of her shift. Her second episode of AGE symptoms were in the early morning hours of 22 January. On 20 and 21 January she worked her regular shifts all day. Medical staff discussed the appropriate AGE training and required reporting procedures provided to all crew members on a regular basis. This crew member received a written warning from the Staff Captain.
Medical-Crew Member Reporting
A sales assistant (concessions) had an onset of AGE symptoms on 14 January at 05:00, but did not report to the medical center until 14:55. He did not work during these hours while ill, but did go to the staff mess at 13:00. Medical staff discussed the appropriate AGE training and required reporting procedures provided to all crew members on a regular basis. This crew member received a written warning from the Staff Captain.
Potable Water-Swisher Dispensers Vacuum Breakers
The inspector was shown a log of 25 vacuum breakers for the dishwash and potwash machine swisher dispensers. The log was from the shipyard delivery in August 2005. No further records were available to indicate these devices were visually inspected periodically. Staff explained that only when the devices needed replaced a work order was issued and followed up.
Inspection on May 31, 2014 | Score: 100
The water temperature of the handwash sink at the soiled loading area of the flight-type dishwasher was 81°F when measured.
Galley-Italian Pantry
The milk compartment for the espresso machine was labeled for time control but no time control plan was found. Staff stated the machine has not been in use for several weeks.
Bar-Mama's Italian Restaurant
The bricks installed as decorative bulkhead trim along the two side entries to the bar and installed along the deckhead and the bulkhead of the back bar were not proper for either bulkhead or deckhead construction due to their difficult to clean features. This was noted in the previous VSP inspection. Since the last inspection a layer of epoxy was applied to the bricks and seal most cracks and crevices, but the deeper cracks and crevices were still rough to the touch.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Buffet Island #2
The two ventilation covers above the buffet island had a heavy accumulation of dust.
When plates were sent through the rack-type dish machine with the plate contact surface facing forward the plates would be knocked over onto one another by the curtains. This would prevent the food contact-surfaces from being properly washed and sanitized.
Buffet-Moderno's Buffet Menu
The consumer advisory was printed at the bottom of the menu but each item that could be served raw or undercook did not have an asterisk.
Galley-Sushi Bar Time Control Plan
The plan stated undercounter refrigerator #1 was on time control but the only undercounter refrigerator labeled for time control was #2.
Galley-O'Sheehan's Bar and Grill
The single tank dish machine did not have a data plate listing the minimum wash temperature, minimum final rinse temperature, and the time of each cycle.
Bar-O'Sheehan's Bar and Grill
A bottle of RelyOn was stored in a technical compartment cabinet in the bar area.
Bar-O'Sheehan's Bar and Grill
The previously cleaned drip collection pan and housing for the grooved grill was soiled with food residue.
Galley-O'Sheehan's Bar and Grill
The light behind the combination over was burnt out resulting in a light intensity less than 110 lux.
Galley-O'Sheehan's Bar and Grill
The light fixture behind the combination oven was heavily soiled with grease.
Galley-Beverage Storage Locker
The backflow prevention device for the middle carbonator for the soda dispensing system was continuously leaking through the relief vent indicating a possible failure. A plastic tube was connected to the relief vent to direct the leaking water to a floor drain but the tube was placed directly into the floor drain creating a cross connection
Galley-Upright Ovens
The light on the bulkhead between the two upright ovens was burnt out resulting in a light intensity less than 110 lux.
Buffet-Starboard Hot Line
The light intensity above the employee handwash station was less than 220 lux.
Galley-Pot Wash
When the inspector arrived in the area the water in the sanitizing compartment of the three compartment sink had just been replaced and was heating up to 171°F. The water temperature was at 168°F when measured by the inspector and the crew was reminded not to sanitize any pots or pans until the water temperature reached the required minimum of 171°F. A few minutes later when the inspector was still in the area an employee was seen placing a metal pan into the sanitizing compartment. The inspector measured the water temperature again and found it still at 168°F.
Medical-Crew Isolation
On 23 April, a food worker had an onset of two episodes of diarrhea and abdominal cramps. This person was working when the onset of AGE symptoms occurred at 0740, but did not report to medical until 1020. According to the documentation, this person was disciplined. According to staff this person received formal training on acute gastroenteritis (AGE) symptoms and reporting procedures.
Medical-Acute Gastronenteritis (AGE) Surveillance Log
On 15 April, a passenger had an illness onset of six episodes of vomiting and no other symptoms. The underlying illness column stated 'none'. This individual was indicated as reportable on the AGE log. According to staff this individual was documented as reportable because their brother had AGE symptoms recently.
Medical-Acute Gastronenteritis (AGE) Surveillance Log
The medical staff documented a passenger with six episodes of vomiting and no other symptoms as reportable on the AGE log even though these symptoms do not meet the reportable AGE case definition in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Medical-Crew Reporting
On 3 May, a nonfood worker had an onset of two episodes of diarrhea and abdominal cramps at 1000, but did not report to medical until 1700. According to their time card, this person did not work while sick, but because they were not isolated it was unknown if they moved around the ship or went ashore that day. According to the documentation, this person was disciplined. According to staff this person received formal training on acute gastroenteritis (AGE) symptoms and reporting procedures.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shock Chlorination
Between 26-29 May, whirlpool spas #2,3,4,5,6, and 9 were treated for biofilm, but were not shock halogenated. The time the biofilm treatment was applied was documented along with the concentration used, which was 200 PPM, but no other information was recorded. According to the staff, a biofilm treatment was applied to all the whirlpool spas every six months and shock halogenation was not done the same day as the biofilm treatment. According to the ship's procedures, the biofilm residual remained on the spa surfaces for 7 hours, but there was no water in the RWFs to measure the actual chlorine concentration at the end of the treatment.
Children Area-Girl's Toilet Room
Both of the toilets in the girl's toilet room used by kids less than six years old was more than 11 inches above the deck. There were no step stools in this room or anywhere in the kid's center.
Potable Water-Engine Room Compartment 14
No air gap was present between the pressure relief value of the reduced pressure assembly and the drain line on the potable water loop to the technical water line in compartment 14.
Galley-Italian Pantry
The milk compartment for the espresso machine was labeled for time control but no time control plan was found. Staff stated the machine has not been in use for several weeks.
Inspection on Oct 27, 2013 | Score: 98
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
The AGE log for the voyage ending on 10/27 listed 2 reportable cases and 2 nonreportable cases, but the total reportable number of cases on the top of the log listed 3 passengers and 1 crew as reportable cases. The submitted 24 hour report for this voyage listed the reportable cases as 3 passengers and 0 crew. After investigation, it was determined the actual number was 2 reportable passenger cases and 0 reportable crew cases.The AGE log for the voyage ending on 10/13 listed 34 reportable passenger cases and 4 reportable crew cases. The submitted 24 hour report for this voyage listed 30 reportable passengers cases and 3 reportable crew cases. After investigation, it was determined the 24 hour report contained the correct information.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
A crew member reported to medical on 9/16 with two episodes of diarrhea. When a third episode was reported to medical later that day after the initial visit the case was correctly update and reclassified as reportable on the AGE log. However, the number of diarrhea episodes on the AGE log was not updated and remained at two.
Potable Water-Mineralizer Backflush Line
An extension was placed on the mineralizer backflush line which resulted in an air gap less than 2 times the diameter of pipe. The extension was removed.
Children Area-Child Activity Area
Some of the previously cleaned Lego building blocks in two different bins were still connected together, indicating they were not properly cleaned. This is a repeat violation from the previous VSP inspection.
Children Area-Child Activity Center
A large table top toy was soiled with dust and dirt in the crevices around most of the buttons and other features.
Integrated Pest Management-Rat Guards
Two forward mooring lines were not equipped with rat guards.
Buffet-Garden Cafe'
The stacks of clean bowls for both hot cereal buffet islands were positioned behind the hot milk and oatmeal containers, such that passengers had to reach over those containers to the point of touching the tops to retrieve the bowls for serving themselves. The cut lemon dispensing unit was similarly placed directly in front of the stacked racks of cups beside the ice/water dispensers. Passengers were required to both reach and lean over the container of cut lemons to reach the cups for self-service in coffee stations 1 and 2.
Buffet-Garden Cafe'
There was a working fluorescent light tube inside the front upper exterior panel of the ice/water dispensers at all 4 coffee stations in the buffet. Each light was unshielded and not shatter-resistant and they were installed directly above the open chute where ice falls from the upper bin into individual cups when triggered. Staff immediately removed all the tubes from the machines.
Buffet-Garden Cafe'
The deckhead recessed artificial lights over coffee stations 1-3 and the two ice cream stations were not shielded or shatter-resistant bulbs.
Buffet-Garden Cafe'
There was heavy dust debris present along the deckhead lights over toaster stations 1 and 2. Additionally there was heavy dust residue noted on the deckhead surrounding the lights and, in the case of station #2 there was dust debris on the bulkhead as well. The lights and the deckhead in question were directly above two toaster ovens.
Bar-Mama's Italian Restaurant - Bar
The bricks installed as decorative bulkhead trim along the two side entries to the bar and installed along the deckhead and bulkhead of the back bar were not proper for either bulkhead or deckhead construction due to their difficult to clean features. The bricks were very rough and porous along the exposed surfaces and in no way smooth. They were all absorbent and most were fractured along the surface, with crevices that were not cleanable. There was heavy dust debris present along the cement between each brick. According to staff this brick accent was installed from the original construction of the vessel.
Bar-Mama's Italian Restaurant - Bar
The square, white deckhead over the front bar was soiled with dust debris, which became quite heavy at each of the individual lights.
Provisions-Walk-in Dairy Refrigerator and Vegetable Freezer
There was a small condensate drip identified near the evaporative condenser on the deckhead of the walk-in dairy refrigerator. Two boxes had drips of water from this deckhead issue. Additionally there was evidence of dripping on boxes in the vegetable walk-in freezer, specifically those directly below an ice accumulation present on the deckhead panel immediately in front of the evaporative condenser.
Provisions-Parasite Destruction
This ship serves raw and undercooked seafood in a ready-to-eat form. In reviewing the logs documenting freezing in storage to kill potential parasites, the Sysco company letter stated that the fish supplied to the ship was frozen to 0 °F and 0°C for a period of 7 days prior to transfer to this and several other NCL cruise ships. The Sysco company supplied the bulk of the fish to the ship.
Other-Deck 7 Staircase #40
A trolley with 8 racks containing clean and inverted ramekin dishes and ice cream dishes was set in a corner of the staircase landing, directly beneath a cable tray of wiring which subjected the cleaned items to soil from above. Staff stated that there was a function on board which required these items, but had no idea why the staff did not leave the trolley at that final point. The trolley was moved immediately to the dishwash area for re-cleaning.
Inspection on Jun 08, 2013 | Score: 94
Buffet-Garden Cafe Island # 5
Recessed deck grouting was located at the crew serving side of this island and outside the island where crew members enter.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 2
Light intensity could not be raised to the required 110 lux of light between the counter mounted beverage equipment. This was written on the previous inspection.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 2
Old silicone sealant was on the counter surface where the old juice machine was located making cleaning difficult.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 2
There was a large hole in the back bulkhead inside the technical compartment below the juice machine which led to a void space.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 2
Several small holes were on the bottom of the technical compartment below the juice dispenser leading to a void space. Staff stated that this was from the old juice machine equipment that was removed.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 3
Dust, standing water, and other paper debris was on the bottom of the technical compartment below the juice machine. Heavy dust covered the no longer used juice dispensing equipment.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 3
Two small holes were on the bottom of the technical compartment under the coffee machine which led to a void space.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 1 & 3
The new juice machines installed at these stations were installed too close to the ice/water dispensing machine which prohibited proper cleaning of the machine's sides.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 3
Light intensity at the self-service juice dispenser was less than the required 220 lux.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Island #1, 2, & 4
There was recessed and missing deck grouting in front of the worker entrances to these buffet islands.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Ice Cream Machine
Old food residue of more than a day's accumulation was on the removable black drip tray to this machine. Also, the wheels to this machine were soiled with old sticky residue and had a build-up of old food debris and dust.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Ice Cream Machine
The deck under this machine was soiled with old food residue and dust.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station #1
Two open electrical penetrations were located on the back bulkhead inside the technical compartment below the coffee machine.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station #1
The bottom compartment to the coffee mug storage lowerator was soiled with old food residue and old paper debris.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Pizza Station
Two open holes were located inside the pizza oven where hex head screws were missing. The open holes were located just behind where the oven door closes and prevented the inside of the oven from being easily cleaned.
Galley-Ice Machine
Light intensity could not be raised to the required 110 lux of light behind the ice machine.
Food Service General-Undercounter Refrigerators
The door hinges to many undercounter refrigerator doors throughout the Garden Cafe buffet and galley were loose preventing the doors from opening or closing properly. Several of the doors were also bent, preventing them from making a tight seal. No temperature violations were noted.
Galley-Deck Tiles
There were missing, chipping, and cracked deck tiles behind the bank of combination ovens. Also there was a large missing deck tile in front of the walk-in cooler closest to the blast chiller.
Galley-Pizza Oven
An open hole was located inside the pizza oven where a hex head screw was missing. The open hole was located just behind where the oven door closes.
Light intensity could not be raised to the required 110 lux of light behind the ice machine.
Buffet-Great Outdoors
A five gallon bag in box container of milk was measured at temperatures between 43-44°F. The milk was discarded,
Buffet-Great Outdoors - Beverage Station
Old silicone sealant was on the beverage counter where the old juice machine was located.
Buffet-Great Outdoors - Beverage Station
Standing water and drain lines to beverage equipment were laying on the bottom of the technical compartment to the coffee machine.
Buffet-Topsiders Grill
The french fry warmer had two unprotected light bulbs above the fry storage area.
Buffet-Blue Lagoon Coffee Station
There was less than 110 lux of light behind and around the beverage equipment at this station.
Galley-Butler Pantry
The electrical cables to two juice machines were draped on the counter making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Butler Pantry
Dust build-up of more than a day's accumulation was underneath both juice machines.
Galley-Room Service
A yellow sticky residue was located on the bottom side of the lid to the ice machine bin.
Galley-Room Service - Pizza Oven
An open hole was located inside the pizza oven where a hex head screw was missing. The open hole was located just behind the door to the second from the top oven compartment.
Galley-Room Service
Old dried food reside was on the mixing arm to the previously cleaned deck mounted mixer.
Galley-Tsar's Hot Galley
A garlic and oil mixture prepared by the crew was on a working counter without a four hour discard label. The garlic and oil mixture was immediately discarded.
Galley-Tsar's - Garde Manager
Water was dripping from the bucket filling tap at the handsink near the entrance to this area.
Galley-Tsar's - Dishwash
Dried food residue was inside a previously cleaned and sanitized coffee mug.
Galley-Tsar's - Hotel Store
A cutting board in it's original packaging and a box of new service tongs were stored on the deck in the hotel store near the dishwash.
Buffet-Staff Mess - Ice Cream
The ice cream mix in the ice cream machine hopper was measured at 45°F. Ambient air temperature inside the refrigerator where the ice cream hopper is located measured 55°F. There was no thermometer in this refrigerator.
Buffet-Officer Mess
The light intensity was less than the required 220 lux of light at the self-service juice dispenser.
Medical-Crew Gastrointestinal (GI) Illness Reporting
A sales assistant developed GI illness symptoms at midnight on 21 April and did not report her symptoms to the medical department until 1540 on 21 April. There was no indication that she worked while ill or ate on the ship, but this was a port day and it was not clear if she went ashore. A junior stateroom steward experienced GI illness symptoms at 0900 on 27 April and did not report to the medical department until 2120. He worked from 0730 to1100 and again from 1130 to1330 and from 0600 to 2130. This staff member also ate lunch at the Great Outdoor buffet with other crew while symptomatic. A similar crew late reporting violation was noted in the previous VSP inspection report.
Medical-Toilet Rooms
There was no sign or pictogram advising handwashing at the handwash sink in either of the two toilet rooms in the medical center.
Children Area-Child Activity Center
The hot water in the small handwash station installed between the two child toilet rooms reached a temperature of 124°F.
Children Area-Child Activity Center
Some of the previously cleaned Lego building blocks in two different bins were still connected together, indicating they were not properly cleaned.
Recreational Water Facilities-RWF Recordkeeping
The ship did not have written confirmation onboard to show that there were certified data security features for the electronic data logging system being used to record all pH and free chlorine readings at all recreational water facilities (RWFs).
Recreational Water Facilities-Deck 14 Villa Area - Snack and beverage counter
A portable table was set with beverage equipment and self-service snacks on the outdoor villa area near the whirlpool spa. On the snack counter was an uncovered bowl of gummy bears and another uncovered bowl of unpackaged nuts with spoons for self-service. There was also a platter of unpackaged cookies with a plastic top covering, but there was a large opening in the front where passengers could contaminate the cookies.
Housekeeping-Engine Control Room Crew Toilet
There was no sign advising handwashing at the handwash sink in the toilet room. Also, there was no sign posted advising use of a tissue to open the door upon exit and there was no tissue box or paper towels to use to open the door upon exit or a waste bin for disposal.
Pantry-Sky High Bar Pantry
The swinging entry door to the pantry from the bar was pinned open during operation, allowing flying insects easy access into the pantry through this outside bar.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Coffee Station # 3
Heavy dust covered the no longer used juice dispensing equipment located inside the technical compartment as noted in the previous violation.
Buffet-Garden Cafe - Pizza Station
The pizza cooking stone in the bottom oven was badly cracked and chipped preventing the area from being easily cleaned. According to staff, a new stone had been ordered.
Buffet-Staff Mess - Ice Cream
There was no thermometer inside the refrigeration unit to the ice cream machine.
Inspection on Feb 19, 2013 | Score: 99
Recreational Water Facilities-Japan Pools
Record review revealed that the two Japan Pools in the Spa area were treated as whirlpools with 3 ppm to 10 ppm of free residual chlorine concentrations. The records documented consistently levels above 5 ppm. These were cold water tubs with a laminar water surface and no jets or bubbles.
Recreational Water Facilities-Turnover Rates & Bather Loads
The turnover rates and bather loads for all RWFs were calculated using the manufacturer's flow rate of the pumps and not actual flow rates measured by flow meters.
Medical-Crew Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Reporting
The review of the AGE logs for the last 5 cruises revealed that there were two crew members who experienced AGE symptoms and did not report to the medical center on a timely manner. It was also determined that they did not work after those symptoms began but were isolated only after they reported to the medical center. Specifically, (1) a guest entertainer had an onset of symptoms on 10 February at 22:00 and reported to the medical center on 12 February at 09:10; and (2) an assistant electrician had an onset of symptoms on 12 February at 10:00 and reported to the medical center at 19:30 that day.
A rolling ice chest was stored wet and sideways inside a locker. The food contact surfaces were facing several soiled flower vases that were stored on the same shelf. This was corrected.
Bar-Spinnaker Lounge
There were two activities that happened every cruise where appetizers of potentially hazardous foods were served, time was used as public health control, but there was no time control plan. On sea days, the Latitudes Party for repeat guests happened from 13:30 to 14:15 and the Captain's VIP Party happened from 19:00 to 19:45. The appetizers were prepared in the room service galley and taken to the Lounge. The staff presented to the inspector records documenting that appetizers were taken from temperature control, placed on time control, and discarded after 1.5 to 2 hours.
Bar-Sky High
The soap dispensed at the handwashing sink was mixed with water and highly diluted.
Pantry-Sky High
The soap dispensed at the handwashing sink next to the ice machine was mixed with water and highly diluted.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automated Monitoring
The sample lines for the data logger system were not directly from the RWFs or on the return lines before the compensation tanks. In addition, a few of the RWF systems had combined monitoring instead of each individual RWF. This was noted in the previous inspection. As of the day of the inspection, 5 of the 19 RWFs were corrected. Progress had been done and was expected to be completed by mid-March according to the staff. Staff presented to the inspector records documenting that the first order of equipment to correct this deficiency was created on 23 September 2012 and approved and ordered on 23 October 2012, and equipment received on 18 December 2012 and 15 February 2013. The inspector and the staff evaluated the machinery rooms for the RWFs not yet corrected and it was found that new equipment had been installed already and only connections had not been done to make them operational.
Galley-Topsider's Grill
The top of the far left grill was removed, exposing all of the electrical wires. Staff covered the top of the grill with plastic wrap to protect the exposed wires.
Buffet-Topsider's Grill
Platters on the buffet line and pans in the undercounter time control cabinets containing potentially hazardous foods, such as cole slaw, pasta salad, cut tomatoes, and hamburgers, were not labeled with their discard times. The buffet area had a set-up time of 10:30 and a discard time of 17:00.
Bar-Topsider's Bar
There was no time control plan for the milk of the espresso machine. Also, the milk compartment was not labeled as being on time control.
Buffet-Garden Café
At both beverage stations, the light intensity was less than 220 lux in front of the equipment. Also, the light intensity was less than 110 lux between the beverage equipment.
Buffet-Garden Café
The temperature of the vanilla ice cream ranged from 46°F to 47°F as measured by the inspector's thermometer.
Buffet-Garden Café
At both hot selection islands, the light intensity was less than 220 lux on the worker side of the counter.
Buffet-Garden Café
Crew members preparing hamburgers were not equipped with tip-sensitive thermometers.
Food Service General-Rack-Type Warewasher Data Plates
The data plates of the rack-type warewashers did not indicate the rack minimum transit times but maximum conveyor speed in racks per hour.
Galley-Garden Café - Dishwash Area
Excess condensation collected on the deckhead above the soiled end and the center of the dishwash machine during operation. The condensation was dripping onto the machine. No clean items were impacted.
Galley-Garden Café - Dishwash Area
Condensation was dripping from the vent onto the deck between the dishwash and glasswash machines clean ends. No clean items were impacted.
Galley-Garden Café - Bar Service Area
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind and around the ice machine.
Galley-Great Outdoors
The manufacturer's data plates for the flight-type dishwash machine and the rack-type glasswash machine were switched. The data plate on the flight-type dishwash machine indicated a maximum conveyor speed in racks per hour and the data plate on the rack-type glasswash machine indicated a conveyor speed in feet per minute.
Galley-Undercounter Cabinet
Four previously cleaned pans were stored stacked and wet in an undercounter cabinet.
Galley-Undercounter Cabinet
One of the previously cleaned pans in the undercounter cabinet was soiled with rice debris.
Galley-Combination Ovens
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind the combination ovens.
Galley-Soup Station
An open ended stir paddle was in use at one of the tilting kettles. This open end made it difficult to clean. The paddle was discarded.
Galley-Soup Station
The inside of an open ended stir paddle was soiled with old food debris. The paddle was discarded.
A few stainless steel lids were stored on the deck in the soiled end of the dishwash area. These lids were moved to a deck stand.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Beverage Stations
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind and around the beverage equipment.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Port Beverage Station
Inside the juice machine, food residue was found inside two of the previously cleaned dispensing ports.
Buffet-Staff Mess - Beverage Station
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind and around the beverage equipment.
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind the deck oven.
The plastic lid for the rolling container of flour was cracked and broken.
Galley-Outside Wine Cellar
The light intensity was less than 220 lux at the handwash facility.
Galley-Churrascaria Grill
The wash temperature gauge of the in-use rack-type dishwash machine indicated 154°F when the inspector arrived in the area. The gauge lowered to 149°F over the next few minutes. The manufacturer's data plate indicated a minimum wash temperature of 160°F. The wash temperature was measured at 163°F and 157°F using the inspector's thermometer.
Galley-Blue Lagoon
Containers of bread and rolls were stored on the preparation counter under the paper towel dispenser of the handwash station. During handwashing, a person could drip water onto these food items when reaching for a towel.
Inspection on Jul 11, 2012 | Score: 100
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment Protection
The swimming pools had dual gravity drains greater than 3 feet apart, but the drain covers were not certified for antientrapment and there were no alarms for draining installed. According to the staff, certified covers would be ordered to replace the current covers.
Recreational Water Facilities-Automated Monitoring
The sample lines for the data logger system were not from RWFs or on the return line before the compensation tank. In addition, a few of the RWF systems had combined monitoring instead of each individual RWF. Staff presented a proposal for making changes to the systems.
Recreational Water Facilities-Counter Current Pool
The turnover rate for the counter current pool was 2 hours and 48 minutes. This facility is classified as an activity pool greater than 24 inches (610 mm) deep.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
The backflow prevention devices for the cabin toilets were not listed on the cross-connection control program.
Potable Water-Distillate and Permeate Lines
The distillate and permeate lines were striped blue/gray/blue up to the mineralizer but not up to the production chlorine injection point.
Food Service General-Lighting
Areas in the galleys and pantries around and behind equipment such as ice machines and combination steamer ovens had less than 110 lux of light.
Galley-Beverage Walk-in Cooler
Standing water with old food soil was on the deck in the back left corner of the beverage cooler.
The flight-type dishwash machine's wash thermometer was reading 157°F, but the actual temperature of the water was 140°F.
The wash temperature in the flight-type dishwash machine was measured at 140°F.
Condensate was dripping from the deckhead above the soiled end of the dishwash machine back onto the dishwash machine and adjacent deck. No clean items were impacted.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Hot Galley
The drain valve on one of the tilting kettles could not be easily removed for cleaning.
Inspection on Dec 19, 2011 | Score: 98
Buffet-Garden Cafe Buffet Islands
The display counter tops above the buffet lines at all the self-service food islands had more than a day's accumulation of dust.
Food Service General-Consumer Advisory
Ensure the consumer is informed by way of disclosure using menu advisories, placards, or other easily visible written means of the significantly increased risk to certain especially vulnerable consumers of eating foods like shell eggs, cold smoked fish, or beef burgers in buffet operations where these specific foods are in raw or undercooked form. Locate the advisory at the outlets where these types of food are served.
Food Service General-Consumer Advisory - Menus
The menus for the specialty restaurants and main dining rooms had the consumer advisory at the bottom of the menu but did not have an asterisk at the animal-derived foods that could be served raw or undercooked.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Beverage Stations
The lighting at the FWD and AFT beverage stations could not be raised to 110 lux behind and around the beverage machines.
Buffet-Garden Cafe FWD Beverage Station
The continuous pressure backflow prevention device for the juice dispenser on the potable water line to the water filter was leaking. The water leaking was being collected in a buffet serving container.
Galley-Garden Cafe Dishwash
The bottom rinse arm of the active flight-type dishwash was not attaching properly to the water inlet connection which resulted in water spraying from this connection point and not from the spray nozzles.
Galley-Garden Cafe Ice Machine Item #126131
There were fine black granules along the length of the black plastic water return tray immediately below the ice cubers.
Galley-Garden Cafe
An employee was observed cleaning the ice machine water bath reservoir in the handwash sink located in the hot galley.
Galley-Mama's Restaurant Dishwash
The final rinse spray arm on the active glasswash machine had an uneven spray pattern caused by a poor connection to the water inlet connection point.
Galley-Midship Beverage Station - Ice Machine # 65301
There were tiny black granules along the length of the black plastic water return tray immediately below the ice cubers.
Water was observed leaking onto the deck from the left side of the hood-type potwash machine where the hood door meets the bottom of the track. A large amount of silicone sealant was observed at this door juncture indicating a reoccurring issue.
Galley-Tsar's Dishwash
The flight-type conveyor dishwash machine was not functioning properly and had been taken out of service earlier in the day.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Ice Cream Station
A recessed bulkhead light at the ice cream station was burnt out preventing the consumer self-service area from reaching the required 220 lux of light.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signage
None of the safety signs for any of the RWFs, including the children's pool, the hydropool, and the Japan cold water pool, met the requirements in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual. According to staff, new signs have been ordered.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment
Pools 1 and 2 and the crew pool were drained by gravity and had 2 drains greater than 3 feet apart but they did not have ASME A112.19.8 compliant drain covers or an alarm.
Recreational Water Facilities-Fecal and Vomit Accident Procedure
There was no contact time on the fecal and vomit accident procedure for disinfecting the RWFs in sea to sea mode after a fecal or vomit accident.
Recreational Water Facilities-Sample Lines
The sample lines for the free halogen residual and pH were on the return line from each RWF but after the compensation tank.
Recreational Water Facilities-Electronic Data Logger Records
The electronic data logger records did not include notations outlining actions taken when the free halogen residual or pH levels were outside of the acceptable ranges or other important information such as maintenance of the RWFs.
Potable Water-Monthly Microbiological Samples
Medical staff in charge of collecting and analyzing these samples were unaware that these locations did not meet the requirements for monthly sampling, as indicated in the above finding.
Potable Water-Striping
The distillate and permeate lines directed to the potable water system from the evaporators and the reverse osmosis system must be striped or painted in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/grey/blue).
Potable Water-Monthly Microbiological Sampling
Less than 4 samples per month since the last USPHS inspection were collected from the potable water distribution system in the aft, upper, and lower decks of the vessel. Samples were collected from water in closed canisters in life boats, whirlpools and the Japan pool, ice machines, and potable water tanks among a few other locations.
The rack-type glasswash machine was not functioning properly and had been taken out of service earlier in the day.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan
Ensure that the Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP) includes procedures for informing passengers and crew members of the outbreak. Also check to make sure that the OPRP procedures includes the notification of passengers embarking the vessel following an outbreak voyage. Update the 'corporate-approved disinfectant' general statement to reflect actual products used for disinfection and their use instructions including use instructions, monitoring of concentration procedures, application methods and contact times.
Housekeeping-Deck 10 - Midship Forward Pantry
A black powder was observed in the water bath of the ice maker unit. Unit had a slight mold build up in the ice shield hinge area at the top of the ice maker unit that was above the ice storage bin.
Housekeeping-Deck 09 - Midship Forward Pantry
Water supply line to ice machine had a leaking fitting between the filter and the machine. Water drain line from cuber compartment on this ice machine also had a leak. A repair order was submitted to maintenance during the inspection.
Housekeeping-Ice Pantries - General
Ensure that areas behind ice machines have 110 lux of light for adequate cleaning.
Children Area-Restrooms
Ensure children's areas have a child-size toilet(s) or child-accessible toilet(s) (child-size seat and step stool) and handwashing facilities. Ensure child-size toilets (to include the toilet seat) have a maximum height of 280 millimeters (11 inches) and a toilet seat opening no greater than 203 millimeters (8 inches). Ensure handwashing sinks have a maximum height of 560 millimeters (22 inches) above the deck or a step stool.
Bar-Deck 12 - Topsiders Bar Pantry
A cutting board had deep knife scores in it making the cutting board difficult to clean. The board was immediately removed from service and taken to the maintenance shop for repairs.
Bar-Deck 12 - Topsiders Bar Pantry
A conveyor dishwasher has been on maintenance request since June 2011 and is being used for spare parts for other machines on the ship. Repairs have been scheduled on this machine in January 2012. The deck service ware are being taken to the main dishwashing area on lido. There was an operating glasswasher also in this area.
Bar-Deck 6 - Martini Bar
A cutting board had deep knife scores in it making the cutting board difficult to clean. Board was immediately removed from service and taken to the maintenance shop for repairs.
Other-Deck 7 - Sushi Bar
Time was being used for products in counter cooler for display/service. The time control indicated that labels would be on products, but these time labels for 6 plates of product in the unit had not been applied, yet. Proper labeling was accomplished during the inspection.
Galley-Deck 7 - Asian Restaurant Galley
A wiping cloth storage bucket near the center handwashing sink had a heavy layer of grease on the surface of the solution.
Galley-Deck 7 - Asian Restaurant Galley
Drips of condensate were forming on the drip pan of the ventilation hood above the boiler. The high heat in the boiler unit was reduced and reduced the condensate forming above the boiler.
Galley-Deck 7 - Asian Restaurant Galley
Rust was found inside a pan in the clean utensil storage area. Pan was discarded during the inspection.
Galley-Deck 7 - Teppanyaki Grill
Grill oil spray was stored on the handsinks during an active serving time.
Galley-Deck 7 - Teppanyaki Grill
Grill area handwash sinks did not have 'Wash Hands Frequently' signs installed. Request for signs was placed during the inspection.
Inspection on Aug 22, 2011 | Score: 100
Integrated Pest Management-
The current version of the vessel's integrated pest management plan was dated 15 April 2009. There was no indication that this document had been evaluated since that date.
Potable Water-Mineralizers
There was no air gap at the common backflush drainage for the three mineralizers. A flexible hose was connected to the discharge pipe and extended into the receiving funnel of the drain. This was corrected.
Children Area-
The entrance of the jungle gym playground was heavily soiled with dust in several areas where children can touch during regular play. This area was previously cleaned and not in operation at the time of the inspection.
Pantry-Deck 10 Forward
There was no waste receptacle at the handwash station. No one was working in the pantry at the time of the inspection.
Pantry-Deck 10 Forward
There were black particles in the back of the water bath of the ice machine. According to the staff, this machine was last cleaned about one month ago.
Housekeeping-Deck 10 Forward Room Storage Locker
There were cans of soft drinks, cans of beer, and bottles of water stored along with cleaning solutions and other housekeeping articles.
Pantry-Deck 5 Forward
There were black particles in the back of the water bath of the ice machine. According to the staff, this machine was last cleaned about one month ago.
Housekeeping-Deck 5 Forward Room Storage Locker
There were several pillow cases filled with mini bar items, such as candy, liquor, and soft drinks stored along with housekeeping carts and other housekeeping articles.
Potable Water-Deck 11 Spa/Pool Trunk
There was a hose with a spray nozzle connected to a faucet next to the filter cleaning station. A non-continuous pressure type backflow preventer was connected to the faucet.
Preparation Room-Handwash Station Paper Towel Dispensers
The older bulk-style paper towel dispensers with the lock on the side did not consistently provide enough material to pull the next paper towel. This was primarily observed at the handwash stations in the food preparation rooms and around the provision areas, but similar dispensers were located in other food service areas. Newer bulk-style dispensers were in some food areas and these did not have the same dispensing problem.
Preparation Room-Stack Oven
The gasket between the glass panels and the stainless steel frame was loose in several areas. The gasket was a fabric material that was not easy to clean.
There was a leak at the intermediate vent of the backflow prevention device on the potable water line to the ice dispenser on the starboard side of the beverage area.
The stainless steel electrical conduit for the ice dispenser on the port side of the beverage area was loose at the bulkhead and at the dispenser.
The written time control plan did not indicate that the undercounter refrigeration units on the buffet lines were on time control. The units were labeled as time control.
Dining Room-Tsar's
Soft sealant was used for the coving at the waiter station cabinet/deck junctures.
Dining Room-Bistro
There was no coving at the deck/bulkhead juncture at the entrance end of the waiter stations.
In the technical compartment below and to the left of the soda gun, the penetration in the back of the compartment for the multi-flow lines was not sealed. This was corrected.
Bar-Java Cafe
In the technical compartment below and to the left of the espresso machine, the pipe penetrations into the floor of the compartment were not smooth and were holding water.
Inspection on Feb 15, 2011 | Score: 100
Potable Water-Cross-Connection
The listing of cross-connections did not include the air-gap in the engine room for the mineralizer backflush drainage. Additionally, there was no listing for the clothes washers in the deck 2 changing room or the flexible shower hose in the changing room.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection
There was no backflow prevention device installed on the potable water connection to the clothes washers in the deck 2 changing room. A backflow preventer is identified in a drawing of the area, but it appears to be in a position to protect only the potable water distribution main line which enters the space. There was a shower, toilet with sink, and an additional sink in this room which require that the individual hoses connected to the clothes washers have backflow preventers installed as well.
Buffet-Garden Cafe Salad Station
A bowl of salad dressing was not under the sneeze shield or otherwise protected. The salad dressing was on the working side of the buffet for crew members to make salad. However, the bowl was less than one meter from where passengers would pick-up their plates and was outside of the shielded area. The bowl was moved.
Buffet-Beverage Station 2
The latch on the bulk milk dispenser was broken and the door would not fully close.
Food Service General-Multi-flow Beverage Units
There were no backflow prevention devices on the non-carbonated potable water lines from the multiflow units to the soda dispensers.
Galley-Blue Lagoon
A wet wiping cloth was draped over the side of a sanitizing bucket. This was corrected.
There was some chipped and missing deck grout in front of the fryers.
Galley-Main Tsar's Dishwash
There was condensate on the exhaust hood and deckhead air diffuser on the soiled end of the in-use conveyor warewash machine. The condensate was dripping onto the warewash machine and deck. therew was an excessive amount of steam coming from the soiled end of the warewash machine.
Galley-Main Tsar's Dishwash
There was an excessive amount of steam coming from the soiled end of the warewash machine. This was corrected.
Galley-Toilet Room
There was no sign stating, "wash hands after using the toilet" in the galley toilet room. This was corrected.
Bar-Maltings and Whiskey
The inside of the beer taps were lightly soiled.
Inspection on Jul 24, 2010 | Score: 98
For the cruise 7/10-17/2010 there was a senior waiter who reported ill on 7/15. The last symptom was listed as occurring on 7/15 at 1430. The crew member was released back to work on 7/17 at 1200.
Buffet-Hot Buffet Line 2
The ingredients for the omelets station were not under the sneeze shield.
Buffet-Portable Sneeze Shields
There was no side protection on the portable sneeze shields. Passengers were within one meter of the foods on display.
Buffet-Hot Cereal Stations
The raisin, cinnamon and brown sugar were not fully under the sneeze shields.
Buffet-Grill Station
There was dust and grease in the vents above the cooking and holding stations of the front counter.
Buffet-Grill Station
There was damage to the bulkhead at the back of this station, especially at the corners.
Galley-Garden Cafe
There were wet insulated beverage dispensers in the beverage store room. These coolers were not stored inverted to drain.
Galley-Garden Cafe
The final rinse water temperature measuring device registered 161°F but the plate surface temperature was measured at 164.4°F.
Galley-Garden Cafe
Sliced ham in the walk-in refrigeration unit was tested at 50°F. There temperature measuring device in the unit registered 36°F. The ham was discarded.
Food Service General-
There were a few areas in the Garden Cafe Galley and Main Galley that had pitted grout.
Galley-Garden Cafe
The finish on the pizza oven handles was peeling and rough.
Food Service General-
There were a few deck stands in walk-in refrigeration units that were difficult to clean due to channels, openings and open voids.
Food Service General-
Several of the difficult to clean deck stands were soiled.
Galley-Garden Cafe
The backflow prevention device for the Mama Mia coffee machine was leaking.
Galley-Blue Lagoon/Tango
The dipper well could not be turned off.
Bar-Java Cafe
The time control plan did not specify the use of discard labels. This station was open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. The pitcher of milk in refrigeration unit 1 was said to be on time control. The pitcher of milk did not have a discard label.
Galley-Azure Dishwash/Glasswash Station
The final rinse water temperature measuring device for both warewash machines was over 212°F. The plate surface water temperatures were 174.2°F and 169.3°F. There was no steam coming from the final rinse nozzles.
Raw fish was stored over pre-cooked escargot and raw scallions. Raw duck was stored over raw beef and raw lamb. This was in refrigeration unit 9. This was corrected.
Galley-Bistro Corridor-Bar Stores Room
Cardboard boxes were re-used to store liquor bottles.
Galley-Bistro Corridor-Bar Stores Room
Two open cans of whipped cream were in this room. The whipped cream was tested at 64-66°F. The cans were discarded.
Galley-Deck 5 Glasswash Ice Pantry (GI Pantry)
There was large red container of chlorine solution that was labeled 200 ppm. This solution was in excess of 200 ppm.
There was a butter and oil mixture on the table near the grill. This mixture was tested at 96°F. The areas on time control in the galley were the hot hold units only.
Provisions-Meat Thaw Box
Raw pork ribs were stored over bolo ham (cooked ham). This was corrected.
Buffet-Mess Rooms
There was no serving utensil for the grated hard cheese.
Inspection on Mar 21, 2010 | Score: 100
Provisions-Walk-in Freezers
Three walk-in freezers had an accumulation of frozen condensate on the deckheads. Some of the boxes in these units had ice on top of them as well, indicating that the condensate has been dripping prior to freezing.
Preparation Room-
There was no soap at the handwash station near the entrance. This was corrected.
Preparation Room-Fish
A soiled knife was stored in the knife locker.
Provisions-Fruit Cold Room
A container made of cardboard and raw wood was reused for storage of watermelons.
Provisions-Dry Stores 1 and 2
The deck under the storage shelves was soiled.
Preparation Room-Pastry
There was an open pipe penetration in the undercounter refrigeration unit technical compartment.
There was mold and water in the bottom of the technical compartment for the under counter refrigeration unit #3.
Galley-Aft Beverage Station
The milk dispensing tubes at the bulk milk dispenser were longer than 1 inch. This was corrected.
Galley-Ice Cream Service Station
The ice cream toppings were not under a sneeze shield or otherwise protected.
Galley-Le Bistro
A pan of chicken Coq au Vin in the walk-in refrigeration unit was not listed in the cooling log.
Recreational Water Facilities-
There was no rope attached to the floatation devices at the garden villa pool and crew pool.
Potable Water-
The potable water lines supplying the theater costume laundry machine were not fitted with backflow prevention devices. This was corrected.
Potable Water-Garbage Room
The nozzles for the eye-wash station were below the flood level of the basin. The potable water line supplying the eye-wash station was not fitted with a backflow prevention device. This was corrected.
Potable Water-
The record for Miami bunkering showed a result of "+ERR" for the pH readings of the port water.
Potable Water-
The distribution system far point charts were not consistently changed on a daily basis. Some of the charts had overlaps of several hours and in a few cases 24 hours. The same individual who changes the charts was also said to be the one who performs the daily calibration.
The interviews of cabin mates and asymptomatic close contacts of ill crew members were not consistently conducted as required.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan
During code red the disinfection of public areas was not always to be conducted on a continuous basis per the plan. This was noted for the passenger launderettes, handy phones, passenger public toilet rooms, casino (tables, slots and chairs), and child activity center. There was no mention of disinfection of the gangway. There was no mention of the disinfection frequency of the crew public areas.
There were open penetrations in the technical compartment where the old keg system was installed.
The forward port section of the deck and bulkhead were soiled with mold. This was corrected.
Bar-Spinnaker and Java
The time control plans for these areas indicated that all potentially hazardous foods were on time control. These areas were open for more than 4 hours but the time control plans did not mention the use of discard labels. Discard labels were on container of milk in the coffee machines and in the Spinnaker bar and bar pantry refrigerators. In the Java Bar the whipped cream and milk in the pantry and bar refrigeration units did not have 4-hour discard labels. According to the bar manager the plan was not correct and only the milk in the coffee machines and the Spinnaker Bar counter were to be on time control.S
There was a spray bottle of disinfectant in the cleaning locker that was not labeled. This was corrected.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 17 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Aug 12, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 27, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 03, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 09, 2014
0899 - Accident Prev, Misc. - Annually, each transfer hose must not leak under static liquid pressure at least 1.5 times MAWP. PSCO observed last test was performed by air in May 2012. Vessel is restricted from bunkering in U.S. waters until satisfactory test is conducted and documentation is provided to USCG. - 33 CFR 156.170
0899 - Accident Prev, Misc. - The transfer procedures must be in the order listed in 33 CFR 155.750 or contain a cross reference index page. Vessel cannot provide oil transfer procedures in accordance with 33 CFR 155.750. Vessel is restricted form bunkering in U.S. waters until procedures are available to USCG. - 33 CFR 155.720
Fire Fighting
0915 - Signs Indications - Means of escape shall be provided so that persons onboard can safely and swiftly escape to the lifeboat and liferaft embarkation deck. Aids for escape shall be provided as necessary to ensure clear marking. Forward starboard exit sign in the Jewel Club Casino on Deck 6 is facing wrong direction. SOLAS 74am II-2/13
2535-Development of plans for shipboard ops-Within 12 hours before departure, the ship's steering gear shall be checked and tested by the ship's crew.The test procedure shall include operation from the emergency power supply.Ship is not conducting tests prior to departure or arrival in accordance with SOLAS,33CFR164.25, or company policy; Policy NCL #G404 does not meet requirements.-SOLAS74am V/26
Inspection on Aug 20, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 18, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 08, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 11, 2012
Fire Fighting
The doors shall be self-closing and be capable of closing with an angel of inclination of up to 3.5 degrees opposing closure. Fire screen door 10.2.005 did not close all the way.
Fire Fighting
Host podium blocking e-gress outside Mama's Restaurant, deck12. In addition, table blocking e-gress from children's activity area to pool, deck 12. Lastly, a door was installed in restaurant manager's office, deck 4, frame 120.
Fire Fighting
Escape routes shall be maintained clear of obstacles. A door was placed in an opening to create the restaurant's manager's office. Frame 120, deck 4.
Inspection on Jul 28, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jun 12, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 10, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 07, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 17, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 18, 2011
Freshwater technical pipe found with soft patches and leaking water. make permanent repairs.
Deadend wires found in way of black water holding tank in eninge room. Isolate and remove.
Fire Fighting
Plastic Garbage Container found in compartment 10 of engine room. Remove combustible container from engine room.
Diesel Emergency Generator line was leaking small amount of oil in purifier room.
Inspection on Feb 23, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 21, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Mar 28, 2010
Fire Fighting
Fire door 07-02-027 did not clsoe properly upon examination. Solas 74, 2009 cons. CH II-2 Reg.
Fire Fighting
Deck 12 mid-ship stair tower; low location lighting was burnt out and nor illuminated. Solas 74 2009 cons. CH II-2 Reg.
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Feb 09, 2014
Miscellaneous/Slip & Fall
Passenger tripped over luggage.
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesDec 15, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesNov 03, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesAug 13, 2013
Personnel Casualties : 1 death
Received a form 2692 via fax on the 14th of August stating a passenger was found at 1720 on the 13th unresponsive outside the female steam sauna. Advance cardiac life support measures were initiated. Efforts were unsuccessful and time of death was called at 1747. Contacted King County Coroner to determine disposition and cause of death. Ships doctor believes Sauna may have contributed to death. King County Coroner external examination determined probable cause of death was heart disease.
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.