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to see its health and safety record
Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Jan 2015
Highest: 100 | Lowest: 91
Deficiencies (found in 7 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Jan 10, 2015 | Score: 99
Some of the portable sneeze shields did not provide sufficient protection because the shield was too high. This was observed for some food items on the middle and port side buffet islands. Staff reported they could adjust the height of the sneeze shields to provide adequate food protection.
Buffet-Windjammer Storage Locker
Some of the coving at the deck bulkhead juncture of the buffet storage locker was missing or in disrepair. The deck was soiled around the corners of the locker. This locker was used to store condiments and equipment.
Buffet-Omelet Station
A live fly was observed behind the starboard omelet station.
Galley-Windjammer Potwash
The wash cycle of the in-use potwash machine did not reach the minimum temperature of 150°F, as stated on the manufacturer's data plate. The inspector's and ship's thermocouple thermometers measured temperatures between135-137°F. The ship's thermometer measured the wash tank to be less than the 150°F. The machine was in operation at the time of the inspection.
Galley-Windjammer Potwash
Water had pooled on the deck to the right side of the potwash, and water was observed spraying from the machine when in operation.
Galley-Windjammer Potwash
Water was observed spraying from the bottom right corner where the hood closed from the machine while in operation.
Galley-Ice Machine
The ice machine deflector panels on both of the ice machines were cracked in several places.
Galley-Ice Machine
Two live flies were observed by the ice machines.
Galley-Deck 5 - Starboard Beverage Station
The deckhead exhaust vents above the espresso machine were soiled with dust. Espresso mugs and plates were stored directly under these vents.
Dining Room-Port Side Waiter Station
The waiter station doors were in disrepair. The laminated particle wood board was chipping and exposed raw and rough material.
Buffet-Staff Mess Beverage Station
The light was not shielded or shatter resistant above the cup storage rack adjacent to the left of the beverage station. Cups were not stored on the rack at the time of inspection.
A pan was soiled with food residue in the clean storage racks.
Food residue was noted on the bulkhead behind the combination oven. This area was previously cleaned and not in operation.
The espresso machine on the front counter was soiled with dust and debris on the food splash surface around the dispensing nozzles. This area was not in operation.
A live fly was observed by the point-of-sale machine and door.
Other-Conciege Lounge
A live fruit fly was observed by the bar of the Concierge Lounge.
Other-Conciege Lounge
The counter behind the espresso machine was soiled with dust and coffee grounds beyond a day's accumulation.
Galley-Deck 5 - Dishwash
Two previously cleaned plates were soiled with food debris. They were sent to be re-cleaned.
Buffet-Windjammer Storage Locker
Condiments and food equipment were stored on painted galvanized shelving units, and the paint on the galvanized metal shelving was chipping.
Potable Water-Replacement Pipe Sanitizing
The records for sanitizing replacement pipes did not indicate that the pipes had been flushed with potable water or otherwise dechlorinated until the free halogen residual was less than or equal to 5 ppm. The free halogen residual test was also not documented.
The granite countertop under the espresso machine with two group heads was chipped in two locations, exposing a rough surface.
The espresso machine with three group heads was leaking from the bottom in two locations: from where the drain line connected to the underside of the machine, and on the left underside of the machine.
Bar-R Bar
On the starboard side of the bar near the entrance, water came up from the deck tiles when stepped on.
The paper towels at the port handwashing station were slightly damp around the edges. These were replaced immediately.
Inspection on Dec 12, 2013 | Score: 98
On the cruise #24483, 10/10-22/2013, the number of crew members automatically recorded on board was 3938 in the electronic acute gastrointestinal illness reporting system. The actual number was 953. A correction has been made in the electronic medical record system to prevent the system from making these mistakes. The system duplicated a passenger's record on the illness log for this voyage that could not be deleted by the medical staff.
Recreational Water Facilities-Records
The calibration for the water slide automatic monitoring system was not recorded. Other recreational water facilities calibration was noted on the charts and in the records.
Potable Water-Reverse Osmosis System
The back wash drain lines from the reverse osmosis system extended into a funnel that eliminated the required air gap. The drain line was cut to provide the air gap.
Potable Water-Far Point Chart Recorder
Today's chart on the far point chart recorder was 30 minutes behind the actual time.
Galley-Main Dishwash Machine
A water leak was noted from the center of the machine which caused a significant amount of water to accumulate and pool on the deck.
Provisions-Meat Freezer Walk-In
A make-shift mop used to wipe condensate from the deckhead was left stored on a box of food. The item was immediately removed.
Provisions-Frozen General Store
Frozen condensate and ice was accumulated on several boxes of food on the storage shelf immediately to the right of the entrance. Ice was noted in the seams of boxes of frozen cantaloupe and two boxes were actually frozen together. One box of cantaloupe had an hole in the side of the box that was filled with ice. When the box was opened the plastic bag around the cantaloupe was torn which allowed frozen condensate to enter and cover the cantaloupe. All boxes of food that were covered with ice and frozen condensate were discarded.
Preparation Room-Fish
The bowl chopper does not have a blade and has been out of order since June 2013. The specific blade needed is no longer made. Staff stated at the beginning of the fiscal year they are planning on replacing the entire machine.
Galley-Deck 4 Starboard Aft Coffee Station
The light intensity between and behind the counter-mounted milk dispenser and ice machine was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Cold Pantry
The front and back side of the blade on the previously cleaned deli slicer was soiled with food residue.
Galley-Deck 4 Hot Galley
A significant amount of water was pooled between three areas on the deck between the row of combination ovens. It could not be determined at the time of the inspection if the water was from a leak or from cleaning.
Galley-Deck 5 Room Service
The light intensity between and behind the two counter-mounted juice machines was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Deck 5 Starboard Coffee Station
The light intensity between and behind the counter-mounted juice machine and milk dispenser was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Deck 4 Pastry
Four in-use cutting boards were severely scratched and scored making them no longer easily cleanable.
Galley-Deck 4 Pastry
The counter-mounted pie press was installed with a clearance of less than 4 inches to the counter.
Galley-Deck 4 Soup Station
Large clear plastic containers of sugar, flour, and corn meal stored on the counter were not labeled identifying their contents.
Galley-Deck 5 Bakery
The dough sheeter conveyer belt was worn and frayed in several areas making it no longer easily cleanable.
Buffet-Lido Starboard Beverage Station
Slotted fasteners were present on the underside of one of the soda dispensers by the dispensing nozzles. This was the second from the left soda dispenser.
Galley-Hot Galley Oven
Water was leaking from the front right condensate collection drain and splashing onto the adjacent preparation counter. No food was impacted.
Inspection on Mar 17, 2012 | Score: 100
Potable Water-Production
On 15 February, the production of potable water started at 17:50. At 18:17, the free chlorine residual concentration was 1.6 ppm. At 18:48, the free chlorine residual concentration was 2.4 ppm. Hourly readings indicated the free chlorine residual concentration was above 2.0 ppm for the remainder of that day's potable water production.
Potable Water-Storage Tank Coatings
The documentation for fresh water tank 7-8 indicated the inspection was conducted on 18 January, touch-up painting with Interline 925 was completed on 19 January at 16:00, the paint was allowed to dry for 18 hours per the manufacturer's recommendations, and the tank was sanitized on 19 January at 19:00. The First Officer confirmed entry into the tank occurred on 18 January and the painting was completed on 18 January at 16:00.
Potable Water-Storage Tank Coatings
There was no written documentation of approval from the certification organization for the Interline 925 used to paint the interior of potable water storage tanks. An internet search was conducted onboard, and the documentation was printed.
Housekeeping-Bridge Toilet Room
There was no sign advising the use of a paper towel to open the door.
Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Safety Signs
The safety signs at the whirlpools did not caution against individuals with diabetes, low blood pressure, or the elderly from using the facilities. New signs were printed to be installed at each whirlpool entrance.
Recreational Water Facilities-Swimming Pool Antientrapment
The swimming pools had two or more gravity drains greater than three feet apart constructed of a standard design and no alarms were installed.
Children Area-
In the 3-5 year old's toilet room, the height of the toilet seat was measured at approximately 375 millimeters (15 inches) and the height of the handwashing sink was measured at approximately 600 millimeters (24 inches). There was no step stool available. Crew members built a step stool to be provided in this toilet room and showed it to the inspector.
Recreational Water Facilities-Sample Lines
The sample lines for the analyzer chart recorders for all of the recreational water facilities were located after the compensation tank.
Recreational Water Facilities-Chart Recorders
The analyzer chart recorders were not in use. According to the staff, the analyzers installed for the pH and free chlorine residual at all of the recreational water facilities were operational, but the existing chart recorders needed to be updated. Manual readings were conducted until the chart recorders become operational.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shock Halogenation
For whirlpools 2 and 3, the free chlorine residual was not recorded at the completion of shock halogenation on 16 February, 14 March, and 16 March.
Potable Water-Medical
The list of backflow prevention devices indicated a Watts 9D was installed on the potable water line for the dialysis machine. Upon inspection of the area, two Watts 288A devices were installed. This installation does not provide sufficient protection against the health hazards.
Medical-Crew Illness Reporting
On 15 March, a galley steward had an onset of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) symptoms at 05:00, but did not report to the medical center until 19:44. It was determined he worked from 08:42-12:00. On 24 February, another galley steward had an onset of AGE symptoms at 11:00, but did not report to the medical center until 18:24. It was determined he worked from 13:21-14:24.
Medical-AGE Surveillance Log
The electronic database used for collecting AGE illness information could not be exported into the standardized AGE surveillance log exactly as it appears in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Buffet-Consumer Advisory
The consumer advisory at the omelet station did not describe the eggs that could be served cooked to order and may be served raw or undercooked.
Buffet-Bread Station
The portable sneeze guard at the bread station was placed too far back to provide protection to the bread out for passenger self-service.
The water temperature at the handwashing sinks by the soiled dish drop-off was measured at less than 90°F.
Food Service General-Light Intensity
The light intensity was less than 110 lux behind deck- and counter-mounted equipment in several locations in the food areas. These locations included: ice machines in the lido galley; combination oven in the vegetable preparation room; bank of combination ovens in the deck 4 main galley; equipment at all galley beverage stations; room service juice machines; and the Solarium Cafe galley pizza oven.
Galley-Time Control Plan
The time control plan did not indicate the set-up and discard times. The plan indicated the opening hours for each buffet service. Staff stated that the times were actually the set-up and discard times.
Galley-Ice Machine
The chill water line for the ice machine was soiled with a slimy pink material.
Food Service General-Ice Machine Chill Water Lines
The chill water lines for the ice machines were not uniquely identified.
At the handwash sink by the exit to the officer's mess, the water temperature was measured at greater than 130°F and the temperature could not be adjusted by the user.
Buffet-Officer's Mess
The milk inside the coffee machine refrigeration compartment was measured at 44°F. The milk was discarded.
Galley-Deck 4 Port Side Dishwash
The dishwash area was not in use and there were multiple stacks of clean plates that were not covered or inverted. This was corrected.
Galley-Deck 5 Starboard Side Soiled Drop-Off
A bucket of sanitizing solution was cloudy and was measured at less than 50 ppm chlorine.
Galley-Deck 5 Cold Buffet Preparation
A clean pineapple corer tool was stored on a tray with paperwork binders. The corer tool was moved.
Bar-Light Intensity
The light intensity at the handwashing stations was less than 110 lux during normal operations at some of the inspected bars.
Bar-Vortex Bar
The inside of the right beer tap was soiled with a brown material.
Bar-Technical Compartments Below Cocktail Stations
In the technical compartments below the cocktail stations, there were large plastic drain lines on the floor of the compartments. The area below some of these drain lines were wet, but all were clean.
Galley-Solarium Cafe
There was an insect light trap inside the galley near the clean storage racks.
Inspection on Oct 23, 2011 | Score: 96
Recreational Water Facilities-Water Testing
There was no means to test the total chlorine and alkalinity for the water in the recreational water facilities.
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair and Lint Strainers
There was no documentation that the hair and lint strainers were cleaned, rinsed, and disinfected on a weekly basis.
Recreational Water Facilities-Turnover Rates
Turnover rates were not calculated for each recreational water facility.
Recreational Water Facilities-Filter Housing
There was no documentation of the cleaning and disinfection of the filter housing for each recreational water facility.
Recreational Water Facilities-Bather Load
There was no documentation on the maximum bather load for each recreational water facility.
Recreational Water Facilities-Strip Charts
The strip charts were difficult to read, especially for the halogen levels. The ship was taking manual readings every hour for whirlpools and every 4 hours for swimming pools. Also, the sample point for the analyzer to the strip charts were located after the compensation tank.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment
For the main pool and the Solarium pool, there were gravity drains more than 3 feet apart, but there was no antientrapment drain cover or an audible alarm for draining of the pool.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
For the list of backflow prevention devices, some locations were missing the type of device installed, including the devices installed in the spa and for all of the cabin showers and toilets. Some backflow prevention devices were properly installed, but missing from the list, including all multiflow carbonators, all spa shower hoses, and the photo lab sink.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Program
There were no inspection records for backflow prevention devices for deck 0 and deck 1. A list of devices for these two decks was later located on a computer and an inspection was immediately conducted for each device.
Recreational Water Facilities-Solarium Pool
The length of the shepherd's hook at the Solarium pool did not appear to be long enough for the size of the pool.
Recreational Water Facilities-Main Pool
The pool depth markers at the main pool were difficult to read.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The safety signs at the swimming pools, children's pool, and whirlpools did not meet the requirements of the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Potable Water-Tank 17P
Potable water tank 17P was not labeled with the tank number in letters at least 13 mm high.
Potable Water-Distillate Lines
Distillate lines directed to the potable water system were not striped blue/gray/blue.
Potable Water-Technical Water Fill Air Gap
The air gap between the evaporator and the technical water system was enclosed and had a viewing window. For air gaps to be functional, they need to be open to the atmosphere.
Medical-AGE Surveillance Log
The current version of the STARDOCS data management system did not assign a case number to each individual in the log and it did not have a means to export an AGE surveillance log in the format in annex 13.2.2 of the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Medical-Potable Water Testing
The vessel did not have a color comparator for analyzing results of the potable water testing method (Colisure) for microbiological monitoring.
Housekeeping-Housekeeping Pantry Across From Cabin 1542
There was fine black powder residue on the bottom of both water baths below the ice cubers in the upper compartment of the ice machine.
Integrated Pest Management-Provisions
There was no documentation of pest inspections of incoming shipments of nonfood supplies.
Integrated Pest Management-IPM Plan
The IPM log did not include the follow up inspection results for all pest sightings and/or treatments. The log was changed to allow for recording follow-up results and dates.
Galley-Windjammer Dishwash
The trash bin at the handwash station next to the in-use flight-type dishwasher had food debris and butter wrappings inside. The bin was not covered.
Galley-Windjammer Hot Galley
The bottom of the paper towel and soap dispensers at the two handwash stations were soiled with black debris.
Galley-Windjammer Potwash
Two squeegees were stored between the bulkhead and the soiled item sorting table.
Galley-Windjammer Food Lifts
The lifts were soiled at the door tracks and at the stainless steel strips on each bulkhead. In addition, the steps of the ladder attached to one of the lift bulkheads was soiled with black debris.
Buffet-Windjammer Starboard Beverage Station
The top of the activation lever behind the chute of the ice dispenser was soiled with a white material. In addition, the edges of the counter where the ice dispenser was mounted were soiled with a dark material.
Buffet-Aft Crew Storage Lockers
In these two lockers, the deck and deckhead were soiled and the deck/bulkhead juncture was not coved. Food and food-related equipment as were stored in these lockers and some boxes were on the deck.
Buffet-Aft Crew Storage Locker FSD-11-7-020
At least 8 empty wet lexan boxes and boxes with straws and napkins were stored in locker FSD-11-7-020. Several of these items and a box of paper cups were stored on the deck and the deck was soiled.
Buffet-Aft Crew Storage Locker FSD-11-7-020
Coffee cleaner/descaler pouches were stored next to stir sticks and other food related items.
According to the staff, the undercounter refrigerators at the service lines were on time control but they were not labeled to indicate time control.
Food Service General-Reach-in Refrigerators
Several of the gaskets for the reach-in refrigerator doors were missing, had gaps, or were loose in the Windjammer buffet lines, Seaview Cafe, and Chops galley.
Buffet-Windjammer Center Island
In the technical compartment below the handwash station, the side and bottom panels were heavily corroded in many areas.
Dining Room-Consumer Advisories
There were no consumer advisories for the menus in the Chops, Portofino, or main restaurants. There were animal-derived foods that could be served raw or undercooked in these restaurants.
The wheels of the upright combination oven were heavily soiled with dust.
The grooved grill grease chutes were soiled with old grease residue. This unit was previously cleaned and not in use at the time of the inspection.
The handwash station at the entrance of the galley had a water temperature of 124°F. The temperature could not be adjusted by the user.
Room Service-
The power cables to the 2 juice dispensers were draped on the counter, making cleaning difficult.
Galley-Deck 5 - Bakery
A bucket of chlorine sanitizing solution was measured at less than 10 ppm. The staff instructed a crew member to change the water.
Galley-Deck 5 - Dishwash
There was heavy condensation on the deckhead over the soiled landing of the in-use flight-type dishwash machine. The condensation was dripping on the conveyor.
Galley-Deck 5 - Dishwash
During the active use of the flight-type dishwasher, one of the final sanitizing rinse spray nozzles was clogged. This was corrected during the inspection.
Galley-Coffee Station
The light intensity behind and to the right of the ice machine was less than 110 lux.
Galley-Beverage Station
The temperature of the cream inside the bulk milk dispenser refrigerator was 45°F. The cream was discarded.
Galley-Beverage Station
The bulk cream container dispensing tube was not cut on the diagonal.
Galley-Port Dishwash
Water was leaking at the faucet of the preparation counter sink and from one of the spray nozzles attached to the flexible hoses in the scraping area.
Galley-Walk-In Cooler D-04-7-004
The cooling of a hotel pan of sautéed mushrooms cooked on 20 October 2011 was not documented in a cooling log.
Galley-Trolley Washer
The backflow prevention device at the technical compartment of the trolley washer had cap covering its intermediate vent. Because the cap was heavily corroded, it was evident that the device was failing by water spraying from between the cap and the vent.
The far left undercounter refrigerator door did not close completely. No food was stored inside.
The gauge for the final sanitizing rinse temperature was not accurate. The gauge indicated 383°F while the temperature measured at the glass surface was 167°F.
Galley-Food Worker Toilet Rooms
The 'WASH HANDS AFTER USING TOILET' signs in the crew toilet rooms for food workers were not posted on the bulkhead adjacent to the exit door. They were posted outside the toilet room.
In the preparation area, a sanitizing cloth was in a bucket of cloudy sanitizing solution. The staff instructed a crew member to replace the solution.
Galley-Walk-In Cooler
The door of the walk-in cooler was not closing tightly. Cold air was leaking from the bottom right side of the door and creating condensation on the door.
Room Service-
Plates of pastries under time control were not labeled with the set up and discard time according to the time control plan.
Galley-Walk-In Cooler
The cooling of a hotel pan of lamb cooked on 22 October 2011 was not documented in a cooling log.
Galley-Hot Galley
A wet and soiled scrubbing pad was in an empty sanitizing solution bucket.
Preparation Room-
Water was leaking at the faucet of the preparation counter sink.
Bar-Cafe Latte-tude
A serving utensil fell to the deck and the crew member returned it to the display case.
Bar-Cafe Latte-tude
A crew member was using a serving utensil, it dropped to the deck and the crew member picked it up and placed it back into the display case.
Bar-Pool Bar
The temperature of a half-gallon milk container stored in an undercounter refrigerator was 45°F. The milk was discarded.
Bar-Pool Bar
There was no ambient temperature measuring device in the undercounter refrigerator where the half-gallon milk container with a temperature of 45°F was stored.
Bar-Pool Bar
There was no waste receptacle at the far right handwash station.
Children Area-
The water temperature at the handwashing sink inside the children's toilet room could be adjusted to greater than 110°F. The temperature was measured at 135°F.
Inspection on Jun 05, 2011 | Score: 95
Children Area-Aquanauts Section
The interior lower surfaces of the clean toy storage drawers were soiled and full with cleaned toys. Additionally, several of the previously cleaned, small block toys (Connects) were fit together in the clean drawer, indicating they were not completely separated prior to washing.
Potable Water-Tank Painting
Potable water tank 17 port was fully painted and the record did not detail the times or temperatures for the drying or curing. There was no statement that the paint was applied, dried, or cured according to the manufacturer's instructions.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-Solarium Whirlpool Spa
There were two people inside the whirlpool when manual testing began. The ship tests revealed 4.6 ppm (mg/L) free chlorine residual on their first test using program 12 (ultra high range) on their test kit. The inspector's test revealed a free chlorine residual of only 1.90 ppm, followed by a second test of 1.94 ppm. The ship staff changed the setting of their test kit to low range and measured free chlorine concentrations of 1.94 and 1.91 ppm. There were two people using the whirlpool at the time, so it was closed immediately and the halogen residual adjusted.
DO NOT USE (whirlpool/spa)-Pool/Spa Test Kit
Staff were using a high range test on pool and whirlpool spas for the halogen residual calibration and manual testing. Their test kit instructions require a 5 ml sample volume and one 25 ml powder pillow, but the staff used 10 ml and one 10ml powder pillow. Staff used glass sample vials when the instruction appeared to use plastic sample vials. Some of these aspects were not clear even in the manufacturer's instruction manual.
Preparation Room-
At the handwash station near the entrance, there was a gap around the drain line into the bulkhead.
Preparation Room-
There was a leak below the handwash station near the meat saw.
Preparation Room-Fish Preparation
There was a small square panel in the deckhead near the speaker. There was water dripping from the deckhead onto the deck and the water was thought to be condensate. No food or food preparation counters were impacted.
Provisions-Dry Stores
At the entrance, there were four pipes at the deck that were used to install a protective bar during provisioning. When the protective bar was not installed, the pipes were open at the top and not easy to clean. There was some debris inside the pipes.
At the soiled dish pass-through, there was a loose vertical profile strip to the right of the detergent dispenser.
Many of the black plastic coated buffet serving containers were damaged at the outside corners. The plastic material was either missing or peeling away from the metal under surface. This made it difficult to properly clean the containers.
Buffet-Officer Mess
At the bulkhead/hood juncture above the bain marie, there was a seam above and below the new horizontal profile strip.
Galley-Deck 4 - Pastry
Two of the cutting board surface sections had deep grooves and needed to be resurfaced.
Galley-Deck 4 - Soup Station
The right end panel was not secured, leaving a gap along the lower section of the panel. The top fastener was also missing. This was behind the tilting kettles by the combination oven.
Galley-Deck 4 - Pantry
There was a wiping cloth in a bucket of sanitizing solution. The solution was measured at approximately 50 ppm, but it was very dirty. The bucket was removed and refilled with a fresh sanitizing solution.
Galley-Deck 4 - Pantry
Inside a closed trolley, there was a padlock and keys stored on a shelf with pastry shells and spices. There was also a binder stored with doilies that could be used in contact with food.
Galley-Deck 4 - Pantry
There was a leak at the faucet of the utility sink located next to the handwash station.
Dining Room-Deck 4 - Service Station #2
There was less than 220 lux of light at the counter surface to the right of the stairs to the dining room. The under-cabinet light was out.
Dining Room-Deck 4 - Service Station #2
At the left end of the dirty area near the counter corner, there was exposed particle board on the doors to the lower cabinets.
Galley-Deck 5 - Hot Galley
In the technical compartment of each of the bain marie units, the back left support panel was not flush with the side of the compartment. This resulted in a seam on the two left compartments and a gap in the two right compartments.
Galley-Deck 5 - Hot Galley
At the flat grill to the left of the salamander, there was a seam and loose sealant around the grease chute inside the drip pan housing.
Galley-Deck 5 - Hot Galley
The drinking fountain faucet was soiled around where the water exits the fountain faucet.
Galley-Deck 5 - Hot Galley
The juncture of the drinking fountain faucet and the body of the drinking fountain was soiled with a black material.
Galley-Deck 5 - Bakery
The handwash station near the bread slicer had no 'wash hands often' sign.
Below the left two char grill surface panels, there was a brown liquid dripping from the heating/technical units.
Buffet-Port Beverage Station
In the technical compartment below the ice bin, the two ribbed pipes were soiled with a brown and black material. There was also a foul odor from this compartment.
Buffet-Center Deli/Bread Station
There were two portable sneeze guards used for containers of bread out for service. Due to the size of the sneeze guards, they were placed away from the edge of the counter this caused the containers in the front to be unprotected. The bread containers were raised on metal ring supports to protect these items.
Other-Concierge Lounge
The deck/counter juncture was not coved.
Pantry-Pool Bar Walk-in Cooler
A beer keg was placed directly on the deck surface of the walk-in cooler.
Pantry-Pool Bar Dry Storage Room
Toothpicks used for food contact were stored in the dry storage room among several non-food items. Single-service items such as toothpicks should be stored away from non-food contact items in order to be protected from potential contamination.
Pantry-Pool Bar Pantry
The ice crusher was missing several pieces of the stainless steel support grid. The bar manager stated that this piece of equipment had not been in use for at least one year.
Bar-Solarium Bar
There was no coving where the deck tile joined the base of the counter on the left most entrance of the bar.
Bar-Solarium Bar
The soap dispenser at the handwashing sink did not have any soap. This was corrected during the inspection.
There was no coving at the right entrance of the bar where the deck tile meets the tile baseboard.
The written procedures for the time control plan of potentially hazardous food items (discard at 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM, and 7:00 PM) did not match the hand written labels on the bottom of the milk, half and half, and skim milk carafes (1400-1800). Even though the amount of time allotted until the food items needed to be discarded was correct, the time control plan did not descibe the use of discard lables.
Bar-Schooner Bar
The chlorine concentration in the sanitizing solution bucket was measured at less than 50 ppm. This was immediately corrected by staff by increasing the chlorine concentration to approximately 100 ppm.
Pantry-Schooner Bar
The ice crusher was missing several pieces of the stainless steel support grid. The bar manager stated that this piece of equipment had not been in use for an unknown amount of time.
Pantry-Schooner Bar
Duct tape was used to tape the soda lines together underneath the first speed rail. The duct tape was coming apart and was not an easily cleanable surface.
Bar-Schooner Bar
Receipts and miscellaneous papers were stored in between the register and clean dish storage. A few receipts were positioned against the clean glasses.
Bar-Schooner Bar
A difficult to clean surface canvas material was used to cover the deckhead over the bar. This canvas should be replaced by an easily cleanable surface by 2012 or points will be deducted for future violations.
Inspection on Nov 07, 2010 | Score: 91
Potable Water-Deck 10 - Suite 1058
The flexible shower hose did not have a backflow prevention device installed. It could not be determined if the flexible hose for the personal whirlpool had a backflow prevention device installed.
Potable Water-Backflow Lists
The facilities management list for backflow and cross-connection control listed a testable backflow prevention device for the window washing system on deck 8 that was not tested. The backflow and cross-connection control list for the engineering department listed the device as tested.
Other-Deck 2 - Crew Passage
The ice chute was soiled with mold. The inside of the plastic cover protecting the cubers was also soiled with mold and mold was found along the edges of the cubers. The exterior of the ice machine had an accumulation of dust along the top and back.
Other-Deck 2 - Crew Passage
The ice chute was soiled with mold. The inside of the plastic cover protecting the cubers was also soiled with mold and mold was found along the edges of the cubers. The exterior of the ice machine had an accumulation of dust along the top and back.
Recreational Water Facilities-Fecal Accident Records
The type written fecal accident log listed a fecal accident in the main pool on August 2, 2010 at 1445 Hrs. The follow-up action was to net the pool and disinfect for 3-hours with a halogen residual of 100 ppm. According to the hand written pool records, the pool was not closed at the time of the fecal incident. A further review of the hand written records indicated the fecal accident should have been listed on February 8, 2010, and not August 2, 2010.
Housekeeping-Ice Pantries.
The clean storage rack was not protected from splash from the pre-rinse process. Water from the prewash process was observed splashing onto the clean storage rack and clean landings.
Housekeeping-Deck 8 - Ice Pantry
There was a rack of soiled glasses stored on the clean landing.
Other-Deck 10 - Concierge Lounge
A concierge host was observed placing four set of tongs on a the desk, then handle them on the food contact surfaces of the utensils. According to the host, the tongs and other small service items must be brought to the lounge by concierge staff. The host further indicated the tongs were just cleaned.
Other-Deck 10 - Concierge Lounge
According to the concierge host, some utensils, cups, glasses and utensils were washed and/or prewashed in the two compartment preparation sink. In addition, it was reported that bar tending staff will mix drinks. The concierge lounge did not have a handwashing station.
Bar-Deck 6 - Champagne Bar
There was soiled lexan bin stored with clean items.
Children Area-Child Activities Center
The label for the microbac stated that the product was poisonous and should not be used near children. However, the label further stated that the warning only applied to the concentrate and not the diluted product.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Hot Service Line
During service there was a heavy condensate present throughout the entire length of the hot service line deckhead exhaust hood, with condensate dripping down to the deck below. The bain marie was boiling and some of the pans were not installed, while others were still inserted and had food inside for the final minutes of the breakfast service. Steam was visible rolling out of the bain marie into the hood above. Additionally there was heavy steam rolling out of the combination ovens in use and condensate was present on the hoods above and the deckhead fixtures adjacent and dripping down to the deck below.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Hot Service Line
One live filth fly was noted in the area near the combination ovens. The fly was noted landing on one of the 55 gallon sized tubs filled with raw beef parts, which were covered with wax paper. There was also a large, uncovered bowl of seasoning mix on the adjacent counter, and clean utensils uncovered on counters in the area. Staff immediately film covered these foods and utensils.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Hot Galley
A cook was observed at the tilt braising pan with a large plastic bin filled with raw beef strips. When asked the cook stated that he was going to add this product into the braising pan, which was visibly soiled with food residue on the bottom and all side panels. A wiping cloth was used to wipe away the soil on one lower section. Staff were immediately brought in to clean the braising pan.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Hot Service Line
A cook was observed at the tilt braising pan with a large plastic bin filled with raw beef strips. When asked the cook stated that he was going to add this product into the braising pan, which was visibly soiled with food residue on the bottom and all side panels. A wiping cloth was used to wipe away the soil on one lower section. Staff were immediately brought in to clean the braising pan.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Hot Galley
Some of the raw eggs stored in individual containers on sheet pans inside the under counter breakfast refrigerator were at holding temperatures of 45-48 °F, while others farther back on the pans were at 41 °F. Staff removed the pans and immediately blast-chilled the eggs.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Hot Galley
The in-use ice machine at the end of the hot service area had interior panels of both cubers soiled with black and pink mold at the underside of the drip tubes over the cubers, the panel behind the tubes, the cuber flap panel interior and the panel exterior. There was also pink and black mold visible along the cuber side panels where condensate had formed and dripped down to the lower bin. Staff immediately closed the machine and a group cleaned and sanitized it. All the ice in the bin was discarded.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Dishwash Port
During active use of the conveyor glass washing machine, three of the four rinse arm nozzles were blocked, with no water spraying. In the adjacent in-use flight-type conveyor dishwash machine there were 5 of 10 upper final rinse arm nozzles which weren't spraying.
Galley-Deck 4 Main Galley - Pastry
There were 16 live fruit flies noted on the deckheads throughout the pastry. There facility was not in active use at the time of the inspection, but there were uncovered clean utensils and scoops setting out on the counters. Staff immediately covered the utensils with plastic film.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Starboard Beverage Station
There were 4 live fruit flies noted on the deckhead over this beverage station.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Starboard Beverage Station
One of the 8 soda dispenser heads on the soda tower had 5 slot-head screws fastened to the underside of the dispenser head.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Bakery
There were 11 fruit flies counted on the deckhead in the pastry during active preparation of food and when cooked bakery items were setting on counters and racks.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Dishwash
During active use of the flight-type conveyor dishwash machine the spray pattern from all the upper rinse arm nozzles was a single water stream with gaps present between the streams. The same was true for 9 of 10 of the upper spray arm nozzles in the final rinse compartment. Additionally, three of the final rinse nozzles were producing a pulsing spray, and the one nozzle spraying with a full fan type pattern was producing a mixture of steam and water.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Buffet Preparation
The ice machine near the walk-in refrigerator was in operation and an accumulation of a fine black dust was noted on the interior bottom surface of the left cuber water bath.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Buffet Preparation
There was an accumulation of water inside the deckhead light cover over the port side edge of the large food preparation counter, with water dripping directly on the clean counter from the light and the access hatch immediately beside. There was no preparation ongoing at the time of the inspection, so the light was removed and drained of water.
Galley-Deck 5 Main Galley - Room Service Section
Nearly all of the previously cleaned coffee and tea pitchers on the clean rack had the manufacturer's label still affixed to the bottom exterior surface. The label was easy to remove by hand.
Buffet-Crew Mess Buffet
The deckhead panels over the crew buffet were set loosely in place leaving gaps between and an uneven surface for cleaning.
Galley-Crew Galley - Hot Galley
One live filth fly was noted on the bottom edge of the exhaust ventilation hood during active food preparation and service.
Galley-Crew Galley - Hot Galley
Cut arugula lettuce in bags inside walk-in refrigerator 04-7-003 had food temperatures of 44-46 °F.
Buffet-Staff and Officers Mess
There was a deckhead to bulkhead profile section of about one meter missing behind the buffet line at the hood section above. Loose sealant and a black material were hanging from the deckhead void.
Galley-Crew Galley - Dishwash
The flight-type conveyor dishwash machine was in active use. There was a build-up of mineral deposits from hard water on the upper and side panels just past the final rinse spray compartment. Water was dripping from the upper panel onto the clean dishes passing thru.
Galley-Crew Galley - Dishwash
The flight-type conveyor dishwash machine was in active use. There was a build-up of mineral deposits from hard water on the upper and side panels just past the final rinse spray compartment. Water was dripping from the upper panel onto the clean dishes passing thru.
Other-Portofino's Galley - Pot Wash
A few of the previously cleaned skillets on the clean pot rack had food residue on the interior surfaces.
Buffet-Windjammer Buffet - Hot Station
There was a layer of heavy dust debris noted inside the deckhead air exhaust vents in both the port and starboard hot buffet islands.
Buffet-Windjammer Buffet - Dessert Station Port
Four live fruit flies were noted under the buffet shielding at the port side dessert island buffet counter when uncovered desserts were displayed. One live filth fly was noted at the port side hot buffet island during service and when uncovered hot foods were on display.
Buffet-Windjammer Buffet - Dessert Station Port and Starboard
The serving tongs handles on most of the dessert items on the upper rear display stands under the shield in both port and starboard dessert buffet islands were in contact with the food on that stand or the dessert items in the counter in front of them.
Galley-Windjammer Galley - Dishwash
The conveyor glass wash machine was in active use. There was a build-up of mineral deposits from hard water on the upper panel just past the final rinse spray compartment. Water was dripping from the upper panel onto the clean dishes passing thru.
Galley-Windjammer Galley - Dishwash
The conveyor glass wash machine was in active use. There was a build-up of mineral deposits from hard water on the upper panel just past the final rinse spray compartment. Water was dripping from the upper panel onto the clean dishes passing thru.
Galley-Windjammer Galley - Sushi Preparation Counter
Three live fruit flies and one live filth fly were noted on the deckhead over the sushi counter. Although there was no preparation activity at the time of the inspection, there were uncovered clean food pans and equipment present in the area.
Inspection on May 01, 2010 | Score: 98
Potable Water-
The potable water tanks 3 port and 3 starboard were not labeled with the words "Potable Water" in 13 mm (0.5 inch).
Potable Water-
The cross connection control program listed a backflow preventer for the x-ray developer station. The x-ray developer station has been removed, along with the backflow preventer. According to the medical staff, the x-ray developer was removed when the ship started using digital x-rays approximately a year or two previously.
Potable Water-Photo Lab
A hose with a nozzle (valve) was attached to the sink facet. The sink did not have a backflow preventer installed. According to the cross-connection control list, a backflow prevention device was installed at the sink. The cross-connection control list was last updated in 2009.
Potable Water-Spa
The showers in the spa have hoses that can reach the deck drains. According to the engineer, there is a single backflow prevention device for all potable water fixtures (including sinks and drinking fountains) in the spa area. The backflow device could not be located for inspection.
Preparation Room-Fish
The cover for the buffalo chopper was severely damaged, making cleaning difficult.
Preparation Room-Fish
Raw seafood was stored over cooked ready-to-eat seafood in the reach-in refrigeration unit. This was corrected.
The buffet serving containers were damaged, especially at the outside bottom corners.
Food Service General-
There were gaps around the grill drip pan pipes, making cleaning difficult.
The end caps were missing at the side profile strips on the right grill. This resulted in open channels that made cleaning difficult.
Food Service General-
The grout was recessed in small sections throughout the food areas.
The final rinse thermometer at the warewash unit registered greater than 212°F (the boiling point of water), but there was no steam coming from the spray nozzles.
There were 3 curtains missing from the warewash unit.
Food Service General-
The vessel was using discard dates that did not coincide with the cook dates of the foods. This occured when the cooling end times for the foods extended in to the next day after cooking. The date of preparation on the discard labels for those foods was the date when cooling ended. This resulted in an 8-day discard instead of 7-day. None of the foods in the refrigeration units were past the 7-day discard requirement.
Side shields were not provided where crew lined up within one meter of the foods on display.
Dining Room-Deck 4
The bulkhead covering was peeling or gouged at several of the waiter stations and table linen storage areas. There was a loose stainless steel panel on the bulkhead near the waiter station at the port entrance to the galley.
Galley-Deck 4 Dishwash Area
There was no "wash hands often" sign posted over the handwash sink.
Galley-Deck 4 Cold Pantry
The previously cleaned slicer was soiled with food residue.
Galley-Deck 4 Pastry Service Area
There was no waste receptacle at the handwash station.
Galley-Deck 6 Portofino
There was condensate dripping on the deck from the deckhead on the soiled end of the dishwash unit. The warewash units in this area were not in operation and were not a factor in this condensate formation. According to the engineer, this condensate was coming from refrigeration lines above the deckhead.
There were several locations where foods were out for display and serving utensils were not placed at each serving container. This was noted at 4 stations and 10 serving containers.
At several locations plates and serving utensils were placed forward of the sneeze shield. This was corrected.
There were 3-sets of time control plans that covered the Windjammer Galley and Windjammer Buffet. The plans had various revision dates and did not match each other. The plan that was said to be the plan for the lunch service that was occuring at the time of the inspection did not have the most current revision date. While most of the other plans were posted on the bulkhead this plan had to be printed from the computer.
One of the posted time control plans stated that foods in hot hold units in the galley were on temperature control and foods in hot hold units under the service line were on time control. The plan went on to state that foods in hot hold units could be cooled following the cooling procedures used on the vessel. The plan did not make it clear that this only applied to foods in temperature controlled hot hold units in the galley. The chef did state that the cooling of foods was only for those on temperature control.
Buffet-Windjammer Soft-serve Ice Cream Station
There was a large container of ice cream cones that were not under a sneeze shield and had no other protection from potential contamination.
There were no 7-day discard labels on the potentially hazardous foods in the pastry trolley. Earlier in the day there was a 7-day discard label for this trolley when it was in the pastry area.
The large "Temperature Control" signs on the hot and cold holding units were peeling, especially along the corners, making cleaning difficult.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 12 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Jan 24, 2015
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 22, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 24, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Sep 12, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 28, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Dec 23, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Dec 12, 2013
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 13, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Oct 09, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 16, 2011
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 20, 2010
No deficiencies found
Inspection on May 22, 2010
No deficiencies found
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Dec 21, 2013
Source: Local Police AuthoritiesCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.