
Journalism in the Public Interest

The data on this website is limited and is from 2009 to 2013. For complete data from 2013 onward please see the newest version »
Payment Disclosure


Notable drugs produced by Eli Lilly include:

  • Cymbalta (depression, generalized anxiety disorder, diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic osteoarthritis pain, chronic low back pain)
  • Humalog (diabetes)
  • Alimta (lung cancer, mesothelioma)
  • Evista (osteoporosis, lowering risk of invasive breast cancer)
  • Cialis (erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia)
  • Humulin (diabetes)
  • Forteo (osteoporosis)
  • Strattera (ADHD)
  • Effient (prevents strokes and heart attacks in patients who need to have a heart procedure called percutaneous coronary intervention)
  • Glucagon (hypoglycemia, diabetes)
  • Erbitux (colon cancer, advanced head and neck cancer)

Important notes


Research payments are distinct from speaking and consulting. The figure listed does not reflect the actual compensation received by the physician listed as the principal investigator.

Payments for clinical studies may include costs associated with patient care, supplies, as well as the time spent by health care professionals treating patients and managing the study.

The reports include both the name of the health provider who performed the service and, when reported, the entity paid. They may be different.

Source: PharmaShine

I think this is my doctor — what should I do?

If your provider is listed, it’s because a drug company reported paying him or her for promotional activities, meals, travel, educational items, consulting or research. Such payments are legal, but research has shown that drug-company marketing can influence what a doctor prescribes. How you can use this data »