
Journalism in the Public Interest

Homeschooling Regulations by State

Homeschooling has been legal throughout the United States for about 25 years, but regulations vary dramatically by state. Only two states require background checks for parents who choose to homeschool, and just ten require parents to have a high school degree. Fewer than half require any kind of evaluation or testing of homeschooled children. Use the map below to compare how these regulations vary by state. Related Story »

State Notification Parent Education Minimums Criminal Bans State Mandated Subjects Assessment Requirements Vaccination Requirements

Note: These regulations do not pertain to students taught at home by certified teachers. In some states, private school regulations also apply to homeschools. In others, parents can choose to operate as a private school, but are overseen by accredited private schools and typically face different requirements.

Sources: Education regulations and bylaws for all 50 states, Department of Education, Coalition for Responsible Home Education, Home School Legal Defense Association, Massachusetts Home Learning Association.