Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Listing all stimulus spending by amount, in descending order. Return to National Institutes of Health page

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Type Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THE $165,778 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The ability of B lymphocytes to capture, process and present antigens to T cells is requisite for normal humoral immune responses and contributes to the pathogenesis of both B and T cell mediated autoimmune diseases. B lymphocytes preferentially capture p Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
THE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $80,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of our ARRA supplement request was to obtain a portion of the funds needed to procure a state of the art laser scanning confocal microscope, an instrument essential for our work on asymmetric divisions. Asymmetric divisions occur when precurso Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $161,693 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We propose to analyze crystal structures of non-erythroid spectrin alpha II, to design and prepare mutants that will affect the spectrin II tetramerization region and the alpha and beta spectrin association, and to grow crystals of the alpha beta complex. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/26/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS $95,632 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: These supplemental funds will permit one African American female to be hired during the academic year to undertake research of one of the original aims of the parent research grant proposal. These funds further permit her to be employed over the Summer mo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/14/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS $351,081 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Hsp70 chaperones occur in all organisms and essentially all cellular compartments. Among their wide array of essential cellular functions, they facilitate folding of newly synthesized proteins; protect cells from damage such as aggregation that can occur Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS $107,145 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The focus of the proposed research is on structural plasticity and large-scale dynamics as determinants of protein function. Detailed and highly specific characterization of functionally important transient non-native protein states will rely on developme Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL CORPORATION, THE $182,467 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Real time data collection and analysis would substantially strengthen public health surveillance at both regional and national levels. Although symptom and diagnostic data are stored in administrative health care databases, there currently are no automate Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (INC) $147,237 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this summer student supplement is to support a summer student wouldn't healing clinical research and informatics program that will demonstrate the utility of the Wound Electronic Medical Record (WEMR) as a research tool to measure the correlat Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/19/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $106,665 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Depression in the elderly is common and causes significant distress and disability. Approximately 15% of the elderly have significant depressive symptoms. It is also the 2nd leading cause of 'global disease burden', the leading predictor of poor outcome f Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY, THE $175,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement is one of two linked applications from Florida State University and University of Michigan forming a collaborative R01 supplement in response to NOT-OD-09-056. We are recruiting toddlers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at a rate of 10 Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/22/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $99,877 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The hippocampus is critically involved in flexible learning tasks, particularly in spatial navigation, reversal, and episodic-memory tasks and tasks that require planning and decision-making. In tasks with a spatial component, hippocampal cells show a str Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, THE $186,866 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This proposal is to develop methods and instrumentation for the simultaneous imaging and optical stimulation of activity in large populations of neurons in the awake mouse brain under conditions in which the mouse is free to navigate in a virtual environm Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/21/2009
BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE $281,332 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Ten to 17% of children between the ages of 4 and 16 years meet the criteria for recurrent abdominal pain (RAP). Of these, up to 68% meet the criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which also affects 15 G?? 20% of adults. Up to 66% of RAP children de Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $73,963 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The diversity supplement to R01NR05352 has two primary goals: 1) To provide an opportunity for a post master s student interested in health related research to spend two years engaged in a mentored experience in scientific inquiry and to develop research Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL, THE $917,920 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The long-term objective of this project is a better understanding of the role of genetic and environmental factors in human neuropsychiatric disorders through the study of the Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (GTS), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM $202,406 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This request for an Administrative supplement under the Recovery Act will generate a new position for a mid-career Research Associate who is an expert in Ca2+= imaging in glial cells. This hire will allow us to extend the originally proposed studies on th Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $143,652 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This application from a collaboration between the Seufferheld and Blanke laboratories at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign proposes studies to explore the overall hypothesis that Helicobacter pylori acidocalcisome-like granule (ALGs) are poly Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/04/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $82,433 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Skeletal muscle differentiation is a well-orchestrated process regulated by autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine factors via a regulatory network of signal transduction pathways. In recent years the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) has begun to be reco Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/10/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $999,543 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This application addresses broad Challenge Area (03) Biomarker Discovery and Validation and specific Challenge Topic Identify and validate clinically relevant, quantifiable biomarkers of diagnostic and therapeutic responses for blood, vascular, cardiac, a Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
HELICOS BIOSCIENCES CORPORATION $2,897,065 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DNA sequencing technology has improved dramatically over recent years with orders of magnitude improvements in the yield of sequence data having resulted from applying massively parallel approaches. Helicos has taken next generation sequencing even furthe Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY $1,317,933 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The presence of engineered nanomaterials (NMs) in the environment is of human health concern. This project will produce reliable, sensitive and accurate methods for the determination of NMs in a broad spectrum of environmental and biological samples to in Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY $1,700,934 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Nanopore sequencing offers the possibility of rapid single molecule sequencing with long reads, almost no sample preparation, and direct electronic readout from a small, computer-chip-like device. Nanopores are orifices that are so small that electrophore Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $634,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall goal of this project is to understand molecular mechanisms by which the nuclear bile acid receptor, farnesoid X receptor (FXR), regulates metabolic homeostasis in normal and diseased states. The specific goal of this application is to elucidat Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/28/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $110,232 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have an increased mortality rate and cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for approximately 50% of deaths in these patients. It is an atypical form of atherosclerosis with increased deposition of calcium in the Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM $95,029 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award will support a Health Services Administration PhD candidate at UAB. With support from NHLBI Recovery Act Funds, the candidate will defend her dissertation and obtain her PhD within the next 12 months, and then she will work with the PI as a po Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, INC., THE $340,101 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Myocardial regeneration after infarction mediated by injection of autologous cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) or local activation of resident CPCs by growth factors results in a significant recovery of ventricular muscle mass. However, the regenerated myoc Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
RUSH UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER $86,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Current proposal is extension and continuation of previous work on epigenetic markers for multiple sclerosis. We have shown that patients with multiple sclerosis have a specific pattern of DNA methylation in cell-free circulating plasma DNA in blood. This Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/11/2009
THE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $30,400 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: INVESTIGATION ON THE MOVEMENT ABNORMALITIES & GENETICS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA (IMAGES) Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM $1,825,789 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The CFAR Network of Integrated Clinical Systems (CNICS), headquartered at UAB, was funded in September 2006 via the R24 mechanism. This supplement is to fund increased capacity for sample repositorys at UAB and each of the designated CNICS sites through Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY $569,995 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Salamanders are important vertebrate model organisms in several areas of human health and disease research, including spinal cord and limb regeneration, post-embryonic development, toxicology, vision, olfaction, heart development, renal function, and neur Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/20/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M D ANDERSON $253,451 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is a competitive R25E renewal application for years 16 to 20 of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Cancer Prevention Education: Student Research Experiences (the Program, Since the beginning in 199 Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
BECKMAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE CITY OF HOPE $92,268 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Skilled cancer risk counselors and cancer prevention and control studies are critically needed to improve the efficacy and range of management options available to individuals identified to have a genetic cancer predisposition. Cancer risk assessment invo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI $362,076 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overarching goal is to increase the number of underrepresented, underserved minority students entering Ph.D. programs in biomedical research. This supplemental award focuses on institutional, curriculum and faculty enhancement. We aim to G?increase Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/05/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, THE $325,975 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Accumulated evidence suggests that higher-order organization of chromatin is important in gene expression. However, little is known about how genomes are folded and organized in the cell so that specific genes are properly regulated in a cell-type specifi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
EMORY UNIVERSITY $64,950 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Functional Substructure of Flagellar Dynein (3R37GM051173-25S1) This award is an Administrative Supplement from the NIGMS to support our research on cilia and the ciliary dyneins. Based on several advances, the significance of our work on cilia has been g Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY FACULTY AND STUDENTS CLUB INC, THE $111,342 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this supplement is to add chemical detail to the hormone effects on gene transcription in preoptic and hypothalamic neurons that are responsible for regulating courtship and sexual behaviors. By creating two new jobs for a postdoctoral fell Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
AMBERGEN, INC $80,876 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall aim of the project described in the parent proposal and this supplement is to develop a proteome array based platform for the discovery of novel autoantigen biomarkers for autoimmune disease and then implement the biomarkers into commercial au Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
PHYSICAL SCIENCES, INC. $116,571 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Physical Sciences Inc., and Massachusetts General Hospital propose to modify the prototype automated singlet oxygen monitor being developed and tested under the current Phase II SBIR program into a single, integrated device that can be used for PDT treatm Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK $440,334 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Tyrosine kinases are important regulators of growth, differentiation, and apoptosis in eukaryotic cells. Inappropriate activation of tyrosine kinases often occurs in human cancers. The goal of this project is to understand the contributions of the catalyt Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII SYSTEMS $4,295,090 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: To take advantage of the newly established Multiethnic Cohort Study biorepository to conduct biomarker studies of cancer etiology and survival (using blood, DNA, and urine samples) in the Multiethnic Cohort Study. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
MOUNT SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE $3,099,050 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Studies of primary human B cell defects have led to an appreciation of specific stages of B cell development. Commitment to the B cell lineage occurs early in lymphogenesis with selected gene rearrangements in Ig heavy chain genes; these initiate the proc Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM $73,250 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This Administrative Supplement will accelerate the tempo of scientific research by providing funds that will allow us to capitalize on recent data acquired and published by our laboratory. The observation that Hck/Fgr/Lyn-/- mice were better at clearing P Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM $24,539 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This administrative supplement request under ARRA is to support summer students in 2009 and in 2010 for the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke-Myocardial Infarction Study, R01HL080477. The parent R01 will end April 30, 2011, and is th Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/29/2009
DUKE UNIVERSITY $237,616 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The beta 1 and beta 2 adrenergic receptors are members of the super-family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). This receptor super-family comprises some of the most important pharmacological targets for the treatment of cardiovascular (e.g. heart fail Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE $2,992,617 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: BDNF and Spine-related disorders of memory and cognition. Dendritic spines with abnormal morphology occur in various forms of mental retardation and are also found in psychiatric conditions associated with disturbances to memory and cognition. These wide Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/26/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $772,101 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The following is a revised version of RO1 AG013983-22 entitled B Cells and Autoimmunity, which has been reduced in scope to pursue research that can be accomplished in two years rather than the originally proposed five years. The previous application, whi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $1,482,648 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Patients with probable Alzheimer s disease (AD) have semantic memory difficulty. In the previous funding period, we demonstrated that this is due to several factors, including degraded knowledge of the features that contribute to concepts; and an impairme Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/14/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $270,758 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is a two-year extension of the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF) to analyze data, publish results, and continue scientific participation in SOF during the 4th and 5th years of our competitively renewed and (partially) funded 5 year study. We are Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/04/2009
SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE $949,500 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The long term goal of these studies is to understand how B lymphocytes capable of making antibodies to self tissue are normally prevented from doing so. One form of regulation is receptor editing, in which such cells are reprogrammed to express non autore Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/07/2009
VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY $710,693 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Borrelia are causative agents of important human diseases including Lyme disease and relapsing fever. In N. America, Lyme disease is caused by B. burgdorferi, B. garinii, and B.afzelii and relapsing fever is caused by Borrelia hermsii and B. turicatae Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/14/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI $750,396 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Award Title: Biochemical Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in HIV RT Description: Nucleosides are an important class of drugs against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); however, drug resistance is frequently selected during therapy. Drug resistance to nuc Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M D ANDERSON $770,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: T cell activation and tolerance are tightly regulated to assure effective elimination of infectious pathogens while maintaining tolerance to self-tissues. T cell immunity vs tolerance decision is, on one hand, determined by the extracellular signals deliv Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/15/2009
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY $752,782 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is one of the two most frequent causes of hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), a disease that afflicts 10% of all patients admitted to intensive care units (170). Studies in humans and animal models have shown that the type III s Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/11/2009
UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, THE $1,057,464 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: HIV disease progression varies widely among individuals. Although some genetic or HIV protein factors have been identified that affect disease progression, these do not explain slow HIV disease progression in most cases. We and others found an association Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY $584,800 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The C7N-aminocyclitols, a relatively new class of microbial secondary metabolites, have great potential to be developed as drug candidates for the treatment of various physiological disorders (eg, diabetes), infectious diseases (e.g., influenza and HIV in Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
TRUSTEES OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY $770,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In 2001, our group began studies to determine the genetics causes of bone fragility. We chose to study rats, rather than mice, because the laboratory rat has proven to be an excellent model for human bone disorders, like osteoporosis. Because rats are lar Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY (INC) $668,014 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The long-term objective of this proposal is to obtain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing the first step in tumor cell dissemination, namely motility. To accomplish the we propose to define the structure-functional relationship a Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/02/2009
LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY, THE $546,752 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Like most other cancers, prostate carcinogenesis involves a multi-step progression from precancerous cells to cells that proliferate locally in an unregulated fashion and then metastasize. Multiple lines of evidence have shown that the effects of androgen Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/19/2009
SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE $849,950 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of the project is to understand the role of Cks proteins in the etiology of cancer. Cks proteins are overexpressed in a broad spectrum of human cancers, yet the reason for this is not known. We are therefore investigating the cellular phenotyp Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE $735,556 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The studies of CA076379-11Al will define the mechanisms by which select tumor suppressors are inactivated in different developmental contexts. The studies supported by CA076379-11Al have shown that the Myc oncogene, which is activated in 700k of all human Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M D ANDERSON $318,098 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The primary goal of the research in this competitive renewal application is to understand the role of signal transducers and activators of transcription (Stats), particularly Stat3, in epithelial carcinogenesis. During the previous funding period, through Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/07/2009
HEALTH RESEARCH, INC. $784,160 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Vitamin D has been investigated as a potential preventive therapy for prostate cancer (CaP) because of its many anti-cancer activities. We demonstrate in the transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate (TRAMP) model of CaP that early treatment with 1,25( Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY $459,922 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a naturally occurring lysophospholipid, is ligand of at least five G proteincoupled receptors (LPA1-5). The LPA1-3 receptors are members of the endothelial cell differentiation gene (Edg) family and couple to Gi, Gq, and G12/1 Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/19/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $562,752 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: During the past 25 years, studies in epithelial cancers have defined genetic changes in the tumor cells themselves. However, it is clear that cancer progression and metastasis requires complex interactions between tumor cells and the surrounding stromal. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/15/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $657,128 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Molecules essential for tumor growth and development represent promising targets for novel immunotherapy of cancer, yet host immunosuppressive factors impose major challenges for translating this hypothesis into clinical success. This proposal addresses t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO $611,878 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our goal is to understand the regulation of ErbB signaling in endometrial and breast cancers, diseases where amplification of ErbB genes (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3) is associated with poor outcome. The composition of the UNM team is unique, with expertise in sig Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE $359,028 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Calcitonin in Prostate Growth and Neplasia - DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Prostate cancer (PC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer type and the second leading cause of male cancer deaths in the United States. We and others have shown that all pr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $757,500 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: A major mechanism for regulating the activity of biogenic amine neurotransmitter transporters, the important targets for therapeutic antidepressants and psychostimulant drugs of abuse, is through modulation of the abundance of functional transporters at t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY $702,800 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This project is based on a multidisciplinary, international collaboration to study the role of cannabinoid receptors and the endocannabinoid system in behavior, pharmacology and physiology of cognitive function. The collaboration entails an unprecedented Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY $667,405 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Opioids such as morphine are the most powerful treatment for pain. Unfortunately, the analgesic effects of morphine decrease with repeated administration because of tolerance. Many mechanisms have been proposed to underlie the development of tolerance. Re Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER AT DALLAS $826,531 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Drug addiction is a major illness that penetrates beyond the afflicted individual to families and communities, having adverse effects on millions of people. It exacts enormous costs on our nation?s health care system, economy, and overall productivity. Th Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS CORPORATION $1,062,692 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: A Qualitative Study of Women Prescription Drug Sellers This Qualitative research project will provide much needed empirical information about women who sell prescription drugs and their unique experiences in order to design more appropriate and effective Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON $830,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The development of the organ of Corti is a tightly regulated process, in which a small 'prosensory' domain of the cochlear duct is sorted into various types of hair cells and support cells. Over the past five years, a model of this process has emerged, pr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/14/2009
COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY $423,151 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Tremendous advances in ion channel research have been made with respect to channel structure and function. However, there is a lack of information regarding how living cells process ion channel proteins in real time. Such information is important since ra Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/16/2009
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (INC) $212,264 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This administrative supplement was awarded to advance the pace of scientific discovery of the parent grant 1RO1GM084244001A1, entitled Role of Deubiquitination in Fanconi Anemia Cancer Susceptibility Pathway. The parent grant is focused, in part, on unde Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M D ANDERSON $616,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This application is submitted in response to the Notice Number (NOT-OD-09-058): NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Applications. The overall objective of this Competitive Revision (CR) application is to examine t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THE $428,053 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This project will develop a comprehensive array of new statistical methods for analyzing genome-wide association studies, and will apply these methods, and other appropriate methods, to perform in-depth analyses of NIH-funded association studies that atte Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/04/2009
HARVARD COLLEGE, PRESIDENT & FELLOWS OF $990,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The funds we were granted will cover the analysis of protein complexes from adult transgenic flies. These results will be compared and contrasted with analogous protein maps established from S2 cultured cell lines. The combination of in vivo and in vitro Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
PACIFIC BIOSCIENCES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $714,406 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The grant addresses two research areas directed towards significant performance improvements of the single-molecule, real-time (SMRT) DNA sequencing technology we have developed through funding by the original grant. They pertain principally to increase i Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN $147,320 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is a competing revision (NOT-OD-09-058, Notice title: NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Applications) for grant 1 R01 GM076536-01, Cell chips for genome-wide protein and RNA localization in single cells. Pr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE, INC. $226,040 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This project seeks to continue the development and maintenance of the dChip software, which analyzes and visualizes oligonucleotide gene expression and SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) microarray data. We have developed dChip as a software package to Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA $387,696 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We will determine whether quantitative genetic interactions from the X contribute to allele specific transcript varaition. By sampling from a set of 3rd chrosomoe introgression lines we will determine whether interactions from an autosomal region contribu Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY $165,338 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This administrative supplement requests funds to accelerate research on the structural dynamics of multidrug ABC tranporters (R01-GM077569). Active drug extrusion by multidrug transporters is one of four general mechanisms associated with the multidrug re Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THE $241,639 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Inter-species comparisons of gene expression levels will increase our understanding of the evolutionof transcriptional mechanisms and help to identify targets of natural selection. This approach holdsparticular promise for apes, as many human-specific ada Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY $25,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The dorsal root ganglion ??DRG?? is composed of a heterogeneous population of sensory neurons that occupy distinct niches within the somatosensory nervous system. This heterogeneity represents a significant challenge to investigators interested in studyin Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
RECTOR & VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA $121,377 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: 1. Purpose of the supplement - This is a request for salary support for a postdoctoral research associate to continue work begun on this project by a former postdoctoral fellow. The former postdoctoral fellow was a vital component of our current NIGMS-fun Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
SOUTH CAROLINA RESEARCH FOUNDATION $88,299 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS WITH COMPLEX GENOME REARRANGEMENT EVENTS With the support of administrative supplement from NIH, we will conduct research on mathematical modelings of genomic duplication and individual gene loss, with the aims to find new results fo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
DUKE UNIVERSITY $301,553 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Specific Aim 2 of the parent project involves mechanistic studies of the N-terminal antibody binding domain of Staphylococcal protein A (SpA-N). This 291 residue protein is composed of five nearly identical 56 +? 61 residue domains. The proposed sub-proj Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA $233,860 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is an ARRA Adminisitrative Supplement to an active grant entitled Dynamic Eukaryotic Replication Machines? (R01 GM082849-02). The major goal of the parent grant is to define the mechanism by which the eukaryotic clamp loader, replication factor C (R Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/09/2009
RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, THE $199,998 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The ATP synthase is a membrane-bound, energy-coupling rotary motor that is responsible for the synthesis of most cellular ATP in animals, plants and many bacteria. It consists of two sub-complexes with distinct, partial functions: the FO complex contains Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $53,900 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Our long-term goal is to understand the mechanisms by which molecular motors drive directional traffic along cytoskeletal filaments in the crowded cellular milieu. Specifically, we aim to understand how kinesin motors, Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, THE $102,340 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Abstract Organisms have evolved a number of molecular surveillance pathways to monitor and prevent cellular damage. One such system is the nonsense mediated decay (NMD) pathway. NMD functions to detect mRNAs with premature termination codons, such as occu Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER AT DALLAS $115,649 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The parent grant proposes to determine the molecular mechanism of adenylyl cyclase VII (AC7) regulation by the G13 pathway and to determine the physiological functions of AC7 in the immune system. Results from these studies in the long run will help ident Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/28/2009
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (INC) $165,515 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The molecular mechanisms controlling stem cell self-renewal versus differentiation hold great potential for advances in cancer biology, aging and regenerative medicine. Increasing the pool of stem cells provides a condition for oncogenesis; tumors have ca Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/03/2009
THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK INC $268,206 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this administrative supplement was to accelerate our work on the underlying R01 grant application, in which we are attempting to make potent small molecule PDI inhibitors that can be tested in mouse models of neurodegeneration. Our specific go Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY $225,227 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) is an HDL receptor that regulates HDL cholesterol levels by mediating the delivery of HDL cholesterol esters to the liver. We recently report a novel and potentially clinically important function of SR-BI in protection agains Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $276,413 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Maintenance of genome stability is of paramount importance; genome instability has been correlated with numerous disease states in humans, for example. Repetitive DNA is often the source of genomic rearrangements. One class of repetitive DNA, minisatellit Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $133,753 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Histones are the major scaffolding proteins which organize and compact nuclear DMAin chromatin. These proteins undergo numerous types of chemical modifications that govern a variety of processes in the nucleus. Methylation of the amino acid lysine occurs Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, THE $157,068 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Polarity establishment and oriented cell divisions are central to the development of many organisms. Cells of the budding yeast S. cerev/s/ae exhibit two distinct patterns of budding depending on their cell type, reflecting genetic programming of cell pol Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON $261,807 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In membranes, proteins and lipids form an integrated system to support essential cell functions. Tranmission electron microscopy is the only technique to determine the structure of proteins in their native lipid environment. Recently the structure of AQ Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THE $295,754 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this supplement is to identify the genetic variants contributing to inter-individual variation in GCmediated transcriptional response and to determine if these variants were targets of genetic adaptations to different local environments. Becau Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/16/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $108,622 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Pre-mRNA splicing is essential for gene expression in all eukaryotes and errors in splicing cause genetic disorders and many other diseases. Mutations in splicing factor Prp8, for example, cause a severe form of human genetic disorder Retinitis Pigmentosa Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND $525,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The research project focuses on the development of efficient chemoenzymatic methods for synthesizing N-glycopeptides and N-glycoproteins of biomedical significance. N-linked glycosylation is a major posttranslational modification of proteins in eukaryotes Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE $276,047 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are deleterious DNA lesions that occur spontaneously or are induced by chemicals or irradiation. DNA recombination is an essential process that repairs DSBs. There are two pathways of DSB repair, homologous recombination that u Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL $288,334 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Protein Misfolding and Disease-ARRA In our ARRA-funded project, we first aim to quantify the binding affinity of the small GTPase Rac1 to Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) using a FRET-based fluorescence assay and NMR. These studies will also yield inf Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT RIVERSIDE $243,200 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The long-term goal of this project is to understand the underlying signaling mechanisms of cell intercalation, in which neighboring cells change their shapes to become intercalated with each other. Cell intercalation is critical for the proper development Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
SOUTH CAROLINA RESEARCH FOUNDATION $239,134 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: RECQ HELICASES AND GENOMIC INSTABILITY The general goal of the parent grant for which this supplement is requested is to increase our understanding of how genomic stability relates to aging, development, and cancer. Our research focuses on the roles playe Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/09/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM $153,922 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Linkage disequilibrium (LD, the non-random association of alleles at two or more loci) provides valuable information for detecting genetic variations that are responsible for complex human diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and stroke. Hapl Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
CORNELL UNIVERSITY, INC $317,882 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The principle long-term objective of this project is to provide a detailed biophysical and molecular understanding of exocytotic vesicle fusion and transmitter release in endocrine cells and nerve terminals. Upon electrical stimulation nerve terminals and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
DUKE UNIVERSITY $287,694 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Although recent advances in genomics have revealed a tremendous amount of nucleotide polymorphism, little is known about why genes segregate for variants that influence quantitative traits. This proposed research seeks to determine which evolutionary proc Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/09/2009
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (INC) $422,500 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: B and T lymphocyte development is driven by V(D)J recombination, a process by which gene segments at the antigen receptor loci are repeatedly rearranged to create a vast repertoire of antigen receptor genes. Because V(D)J recombination entails the cleavag Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, INC., THE $85,465 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: General anesthesia is typically considered to be a rapidly and completely reversible state. The demonstration of anesthetic preconditioning against ischemia makes it clear, however, that anesthetic agents can alter molecular and synaptic events in the cen Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY $10,872 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This fund is an ARRA administrative supplement to 54066D entitled, 'Language, Modality and the Brain.' The supplement provides summer research experience for students and science educators and will investigate: a) the neural substrates underlying percepti Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/24/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER $117,294 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This administrative supplement requests funds for an SRI EyeLink II eye-tracker to expedite research on-?NIH HD 27206, along with an upgrade to make the eye-tracker portable and software to facilitate experimental design and data analysis and support for Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL $44,831 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Regional Differentiation during Forebrain Development - ARRA Project is to accelerate research that will define the niche and transcriptional network necessary for specification of olfactory epithelial (OE) neural stem cells. The funding action will allo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $27,582 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Iron deficiency remains one of the foremost nutrient deficiencies in children in the world. Whereas over 40 studies have described the effects of postnatally acquired dietary iron deficiency on neurodevelopment, less attention has been paid to the immedia Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
HEALTH RESEARCH, INC. $46,733 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Throughout life, descending activity from the brain shapes spinal cord reflexes to support effective motor function. When injury or disease impairs this long-term supraspinal control, reflex patterns are distorted and spasticity and other disabling proble Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT $193,155 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has come to be recognized as a crucial activity in promoting the best possible outcome for affected children. In our current NICHD-funded Early Detection (ED) study, for which this application is a compet Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
TRUSTEES OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY $7,911 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This proposal is a request for a Recovery Act administrative supplement to an existing NIH grant providing summer research experiences for students and science educators. It is proposed to support the summer employment of an undergraduate student from Pur Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/09/2009
THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK $73,822 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The diversity of cell types within the vertebrate nervous system depends on patterning events that occur at early stages of development. The specification and patterning of neural tissue is closely coupled to the development of the other germ layers. The Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY $150,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Although prior research has demonstrated that relationship characteristics and partner type (e.g., casual vs. primary sexual partner) are associated with HIV risk behavior, the role of relationship dynamics in sexual risk behavior has only begun to be exa Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY $4,210 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The aims of this study are to evaluate the interaction of temperament and dietary factors in early human development in order to determine their impact on weight gain. The increase in pediatric obesity is of great concern, as close to 6 million American c Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM $140,554 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We propose that folic acid and the folate methylation pathway play an essential role in repair and recovery of the injured adult CNS, and aim to investigate this relationship with the long-range goal of establishing the mechanism of action of folic acid i Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN $164,158 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Oral contraceptives (OCs) are one of the most effective, safe and widely-used contraceptive methods available to women worldwide. The US differs from many other countries in that women still need a healthcare provider's prescription, often requiring an ex Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
BROWN UNIVERSITY IN PROVIDENCE IN STATE OF RI AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS $81,978 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: It is proposed to study racial and ethnic differentiation in U.S. cities in 1880, with a particular emphasis on the relationships between people and places. The project will use full-count census data from the U.S. Census of Population in 1880 to create Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEDICAL CENTER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. $72,960 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this supplement request is to facilitate and accelerate acquisition of data essential for moving forward our understanding of mechanisms responsible for pelvic pain. This will be accomplished by using technologies and approaches that are su Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL $56,334 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of the requested supplement is to provide summer research experiences for a junior faculty member and 3 undergraduate students from Rhodes College. The participants from Rhodes College will assist research staff and graduate students with thr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER AT DALLAS $82,270 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited form of mental retardation and is caused by loss of function mutations in the Fragile X Mental Retardation gene (FMR1). Patients with FXS as well as other forms of mental retardation have an excess of Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY $8,961 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Fertilization is biological process with important medical, social and economic implications. From extensive study, the events of fertilization are known in some detail. However, the molecular underpinnings of these events generally remain elusive. Most p Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/23/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA $219,390 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): People with Down syndrome (DS) are usually in the lowest 2% of the population in intellectual ability, yet their language ability is far lower than their intellectual ability. Severe language limitations have a profoun Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL $296,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: ARRA - Rapid Genetic Engineering of Stem Cells Description: The production of murine models by means of gene-targeting embryonic stem cells is a fundamental tool in biomedical discovery. The parent grant ?Rapid Genetic Engineering of Stem Cells? R01 HG0 Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/26/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO $23,642 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is caused by obstruction of proximal and distal pulmonary arteries with thromboemboli, and by pulmonary vascular remodeling due to excessi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/05/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM $57,885 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Restenosis, or re-narrowing of the arterial lumen following vascular interventions to treat atherosclerosis, produces significant mortality and morbidity for thousands of individuals. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b) is an important mediator of re Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $9,106 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: 2 year supplement to NIH R01 HL071626 for summer employment and research supplies. The student (Kyle Loftus, a sophamore at South Dakota State University) learned laboratory techniques and skills and began an independent research project which was supervi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/03/2009
NATIONAL JEWISH HEALTH $237,025 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of our parent RO1 grant is to determine mechanisms regulating cell fate determination in the tracheobronchial stem hierarchy. Ongoing studies indicate that ?-catenin is stabilized during the transition from phase 1 (basal cell) to phase 2 (secret Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTHCARE AT TYLER $8,178 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Title: Structural Mechanisms of Factor IXa Function. The purpose of this award is to provide a summer research experience for a college student under PA 08-190 Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research. The identified student wil Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORPORATION $136,515 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Fas-induced apoptosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of several human diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic incurable lung disease that progresses relentlessly leading to death from respiratory failure. Averag Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (INC) $129,623 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of the supplement is to accelarate the structural studies of mitochondria affected by Barth syndrome. These studies have shown extraordinary promise and they are of crucial importance for the overall project, i.e. the investigation of the path Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $7,150 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of the award was to support a pre-dent undergraduate or prematriculating dental student for a summer research experience. The student was expected to participte in an ongoing research project of a parent R01 grant that seeks to elucidate the m Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/08/2009
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION $265,416 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: To improve the outcome of trauma victims and of patients undergoing high-blood-loss surgical procedures and to avoid the many serious complications of blood transfusions, there is a critical need for an oxygen- carrying blood substitute. This study is aim Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/30/2009
BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE $267,831 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Despite compelling evidence of the benefits of treatment, hypertension is controlled in less than 1/4th of US citizens. Inadequate blood pressure control results in excess cases of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, stroke and other diseas Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK $68,929 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We started paying salaries for the two associates (Neeco Palmer and Carl Schubert) on October 1, 2009, as planned. We have also obtained many Taqman assays and made preparations for genotpying. However, the major snag has been ordering the equipment (Flui Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY $171,934 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Force development during striated muscle contraction is initiated by the binding of Ca2+ to the specific sites in troponin C (TnC), triggering a series of functional structural changes within the thin filament, including opening of the N-domain of TnC, co Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY $17,452 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The sympathetic nervous system innervates a number of targets, including the heart, and sympathetic activity is a critical regulator of cardiac function. Sympathetic neurons form noradrenergic synapses onto heart cells resulting in excitation of myocyte f Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY $193,700 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The aim of the proposed research is to define how genetic loss of MeCP2, the gene responsible for Rett Syndrome (Rett), disrupts Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) signaling in autonomic reflex pathways in the brainstem nucleus tractus solitarius (n Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
CATHOLIC HEALTHCARE WEST $48,384 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is a supplement to a currently active 5-year research project grant 5R01NS058659, which is in its second year. Summer support for a total of 7 students is provided: 3 high school students (1 during summer of 2009, and 2 during summer of 2010), and 4 Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $142,410 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The modern view of cerebral cortical function ascribes a critical role for corticothalamic feedback in enabling the cerebral cortex to dynamically regulate its own input. However, the role of corticothalamic (CT) circuitry remains a deep mystery. This is Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS MEDICAL CENTER INC $50,510 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is critical for normal brain function. Neuropathological disorders in AIDS patients have been associated with perivascular HIV-infected macrophages, gliosis and abnormalities in the permeability of the BBB. B Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/29/2009
RECTOR & VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA $28,028 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Microvascular growth (angiogenesis) and remodeling impacts many tissue repair processes in the postnatal organism and plays a critical role in a number of human diseases, including tumorgenesis, diabetes, and ischemic disorders of the lower limbs and coro Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON $284,127 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this supplement is to meet the objectives of the Recovery Act by enabling the hiring of additional staff, in order to accelerate the rate of progress in the areas of our existing RO1 grant that are currently showing the highest relevance for l Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
MAINE MEDICAL CENTER $261,367 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall purpose of this Administrative Supplement to R01HL083151 is to: 1) Create an employment opportunity 2) Facilitate the reentry of a qualified scientist into active research 3) Accelerate the aims of the parent research grant. Specific Aims Thes Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $264,440 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Role of p67 phox in myocardial hypertrophy This ARRA project will provide crucial data directly contributing to validation of the central hypothesis of our parent R01 grant. These supplemental experiments will directly test our working hypothesis that Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION $82,574 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Mitochondrial oxidative stress is associated with ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. At the myocardial level of the post-ischemic heart, defective energy metabolism has been linked to marked overproduction of oxygen free radical(s). Available evidence ind Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
DUKE UNIVERSITY $23,213 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Angiogenesis, the growth of new capillaries from pre-existing blood vessels, is tightly regulated by a number of vascular growth factors and their cognate receptor tyrosine kinases expressed on endothelial cells; principal among these factors is vascular Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, THE $141,647 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Voltage-gated Nav channel Nav1.5 (encoded by SCN5A) initiates rapid depolarization of the cardiac action potential and is essential for normal cardiac conduction. Human SCN5A mutations may lead to cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death. Nav1.5 function is de Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS MEDICAL CENTER INC $173,409 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Boiselle, Phillip, Michael RESEARCH & RELATED Other Project Information 1. * Are Human Subjects Involved? l Yes m No 1.a. If YES to Human Subjects Is the IRB review Pending? l Yes m No IRB Approval Date: Exemption Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Human Subject Assuran Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $266,931 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The main goal of the proposed supplement is to examine the effect of Ate1 knockout on adhesion, migration, and contractility of major cell types relevant to cardiovascular development. These studies will build on the results obtained in aim 3 of the pare Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY $271,207 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Despite the success of lipid lowering drugs for the prevention of coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis remains the most common cause of disease-related death in the Western world and in developing countries. We and others hav Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY $188,795 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement to our project entitled Pericardial Fat and Subclinical and Clinical measures of Coronary Heart Disease (R01 HL085323) aims to accelerate progress on understanding the relation between adiposity around the heart and deaths secondary to cor Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM $260,876 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR) stimulation is the primary mechanism to increase the contractility of the heart, however chronic beta-AR stimulation, as occurs in heart failure (HF), results in reduced contractility. In heart cells, beta-AR stimulation Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
HARVARD COLLEGE, PRESIDENT & FELLOWS OF $283,792 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This administrative supplement will support a new postdoctoral fellow position to perform cutting-edge and novel fatty acid (FA) G?patternG? investigation related to 5R01HL085710-03 G?Fatty Acids and Major Cardiovascular OutcomesG? to advance understandin Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY $276,884 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of the parent grant is to test the effects of a community intervention on smoke-free policy outcomes in rural underserved communities. The intervention combines assessment of community readiness with tailored, evidence-based dissemination and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $261,790 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Duffy antigen, a minor blood group antigen, binds multiple chemokines with high affinity and is one potential modifier of lung and systemic inflammation located at tissue sites (endothelium) and in the vascular space (erythrocytes). We have recently Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/25/2009
RUSH UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER $58,725 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award provided research experience for an hispanic male for his first year after graduating from college before applying to graduate school. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEDICAL CENTER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. $186,816 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award will provide funding for a postdoctoral candidate to support a project that examines whether telemedicine counseling that is delivered through physician offices is effective for smoking cessation among rural smokers. This funding will accelera Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA $37,319 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Numerous factors have contributed to the failure to produce a successful small diameter vascular graft. It is clear that a working graft must include a cellular component since inert materials are unable to interact appropriately with the surrounding tiss Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
FRED HUTCHINSON CANCER RESEARCH CENTER $251,520 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Plasma C-Reactive Protein (CRP) level is a biomarker that predicts future risk of cardiovascular disease. The specific aims of R01HL088531 are to (1) comprehensively explore patterns of rare variation at CRP by resequencing individuals selected from two Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
CLEVELAND CLINIC LERNER COLLEGE OF MEDICINE/CWRU $286,955 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most prevalent cardiovascular disease, afflicting nearly one in every three American adults. The prevalence of this disease is even higher in African-Americans but the under Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $234,929 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Award Description Spontaneously active embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes could provide biological pacemaker that respond to neurohumoral stimulation and integrate indefinitely into the myocardium circumventing repetitive surgically invasive repai Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY $168,431 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The period immediately following hospitalization is a vulnerable time for patients. After hospital discharge, approximately 40% of patients experience at least 1 serious medication error, a term that includes adverse drug events as well as potentially har Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION, INC. $251,720 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Funding to hire a new research assistant full time employee (FTE) would be invaluable in helping us accelerate the pace and expand the scope of research aims currently funded by my parent R01 grant that are focused on elucidating the role of apoE isoforms Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $33,880 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Little is known about the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and the factors that contribute to its higher prevalence in HlV-infected patients. Chronic exposure to viral products in the lung as well as HlV-induced immune dysregulation m Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/30/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $243,558 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle): Han, Zhe RESEARCH & RELATED Other Project Information 1. * Are Human Subjects Involved? m Yes l No 1.a. If YES to Human Subjects Is the IRB review Pending? m Yes m No IRB Approval Date: Exempt Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, INC., THE $268,636 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our currently funded R01 grant is designed to elucidate the roles of STAT3 and SOCS3 signaling in acute lung injury (ALI) occuring after intrapulmonary deposition of IgG complex (IC) or LPS, and the underlying molecular mechanisms. In the first Aim of the Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $89,965 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Asthma is a highly prevalent airway disease that is a major public health problem for which available treatment options are inadequate. Endogenous nitrated fatty acids (NFAs), thought to be produced from NO, have recen Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
PALO ALTO MEDICAL FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH CARE, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION (INC) $282,092 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This request is submitted for an administrative supplement to a recently (beginning April 1, 2009) funded 5-year R01 Can diet- & exercise-induced weight loss improve asthma control in obese adults?. The PI, Dr. Jun Ma, was qualified to receive the award Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL CORPORATION, THE $248,553 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The epicardium, an epithelial sheet of specialized mesothelium that covers the heart, is gaining recognition as an important source of signals and cells that modulate heart development and postnatal heart function. In the developing heart, epicardial cell Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK $152,617 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We propose to accelerate our progress on sub-aim D1b, ?Uncertainty of temporal assertions,? of the parent project, ?Discovering and Applying Knowledge in Clinical Databases.? The original sub-aim describes two approaches to handling uncertainty, probabili Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY $87,075 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The conversion of adenosine to inosine (A-to-I) by RNA editing is a widespread RNA processing event by which genomically encoded sequences are altered through site-specific deamination of adenosine residue(s) in precursor and mature mRNA transcripts. The Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/15/2009
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY $7,725 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Necrotic neuronal death underlies the pathology of many neurodegenerative diseases and is an incapacitating outcome of stroke, ischemia, acidosis, and physical injury. Currently, there are no effective clinical treatments that protect against necrotic neu Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/21/2009
TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK $163,665 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Evaluation of work that has been completed: We have obtained TRIP8b heterozygous mice from KOMP. They have been removed from quarantine and we have now obtained the first litter, consisting of 2 homozygote KO males and 2 heterozygote females. One of the m Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY $137,984 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Small conductance Ca-activated K channels (SK channels) affect excitability and contribute to shaping excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). SK2 channels are expressed throughout the dendritic arbors of hippocampal CA1 neurons and contribute to synap Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (INC) $1,242,287 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Prion diseases are infectious, conformational neurodegenerative disorders characterized by the structural modicfication of the prion protein, PrPC, into a pathological conformer, PrPSc. Currently there is no effective therapy for this group of diseases. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $26,437 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: With supplemental funds we will analyze gene expression of proteins of interest in dorsal root ganglia in parallel with the analyses of spinal cord samples from the same animals. Changes in the neurochemistry of dorsal root ganglion neurons have implicat Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/21/2009
MOUNT SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE $44,070 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) accounts for 5-10% of annual stroke cases. 50% of the patients die within 30 days with most deaths occurring within the first 48 hours. Acute brain injury after SAH is ischemic in nature and develops within the fir Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM $125,159 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This study seeks to determine the molecular basis of regulation of the JAK/STAT pathway in glial cells, to better understand the circuitry that goes awry in neuroinflammatory disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis. One Specific Aim is proposed in this Admi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE $16,345 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The supplement will guide two summer interns to investigate the potential protective functions of QR2 electron donors on differentiated neuronal cells and crystallization of QR2 in complex with substrate analogs. The first project will focus on the effect Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO $105,131 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Glucocorticoids (GC) remain the mainstay of therapy for acute multiple sclerosis (MS) episodes. However, it is also clear that GC fail to prevent MS relapses and disease progression, and appear to have little effect on long-term T cell responses to myelin Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER $260,088 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Many drugs distribute poorly to brain and this is a central problem in drug development for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) disorders, including brain cancer, stroke, ischemia, inflammation, infection, and neurodegenerative disease. This iss Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE $277,387 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Accumulation of pathogenic proteins and peptides with expanded polyglutamine repeats is characteristic of Huntington's disease (HD) and related neurodegenerative diseases, however precise molecular mechanisms that underlie pathogenesis remain elusive. Be Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY $220,213 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Functionally diverse proteins are generated by alternative splicing of primary transcripts in differentiating oligodendrocytes. PLP and DM20 are generated through the alternative selection of competing 5' splice sites in exon 3. As PLP becomes the predomi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
HEALTH RESEARCH, INC. $25,460 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this proposal is to optimize engineered intracellular antibodies (intrabodies) as novel clinical reagents and drug discovery tools for the treatment of Huntington's Disease (HD), with broad, long-term relevance to other neurodegenerative disor Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009
THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK $172,250 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Myelination is essential for brain development and function but the precise mechanisms that control the development of myelinating oligodendrocytes are not known. In demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis, the loss of myelin is also thought to Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE $60,548 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is a salary and fringe supplement to retain .5 FTE in support of research activities associated with the primary research award. ): Our recent work shows that glial restricted precursor cells (GRPs), grafted into a demyelinating or contusive spinal Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO $33,136 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: (Project summary) This request for an administrative supplement is to support undergraduate research assistants on the main funded project. The funding requested will support two named undergraduates during the summer of 2009, and two additional undergr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/19/2009
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $207,218 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We propose to study a novel mechanism by which sensory neurons detect noxious stimuli. The ability to detect noxious stimuli is critical to survival, but can also be the source of unwanted pain. Injurious chemical, thermal and mechanical stimuli are trans Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $41,448 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most advanced and invasive form of brain tumor. Various issues reduce long-term survival, the most common being recurrence even after treatment. GBM invasion and metastasis (dispersal) require the degradation of extrac Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/27/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE $183,466 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This project aims to provide robotic therapy to subjects with hand/wrist/arm weakness after stroke. The main focus is to examine predictors of treatment-induced gains in behavior. We are exploring a range of traditional and non-traditional measures, Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/11/2009
THE INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH $184,500 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Title: R01 NS060701 Intra- and Inter-Neuronal viral Trafficking. Abstract and Specific Aims: Supplemental funds provide support for one new full-time postdoctoral fellow. The parent grant for this request has two main research objectives, both of whic Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/20/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON $47,817 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Bamford laboratory investigates striatal synaptic plasticity using optical and electrophysiological experiments in murine models. The Bamford laboratory offers students and fellows a unique opportunity to determine how changes in striatal synapses pro Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $66,764 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: GRANT NAME: SCOR on Lower Urinary Tract Function in Women AWARD DESCRIPTION: Purpose This study is designed to assess whether markers of oxidative stress are associated with incontinence in patients with type 2 diabetes and to test the hypothesis that Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $743,628 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is an emerging entity throughout the world, as documented by the recent case series from the developed countries including USA. Despite the increased incidence of EE there is limited information regarding its underlying patho Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/22/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $1,580,324 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We seek to integrate our molecular investigations with other clinical and pathologic outcome variables that are important in pediatric EE. In Aim 1, we will develop a local internet based registry of subjects with EE to capture defined clinical, pathologi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, THE $158,850 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Understanding the genetic basis of human disease is one of the most important problems in biomedical research. Most genetic polymorphisms have no relevant functional effect, but determining deleterious from benign changes has been challenging. Accurate Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $249,023 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall purpose of this supplement is to create a new position in our laboratory for a postdoctoral research fellow, thus accelerating the tempo of our research and promoting new job creation. Research supported by HL-091769 is defining important new Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $990,687 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This application addresses broad Challenge Area (01) Behavior, Behavioral Change, and Prevention and specific Challenge Topic, 01-AA-102*: Functional Roles of Neuroimmune Factors in Mediating Behavior. A critical unanswered challenge in understanding neur Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $28,167 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Supplementary funding will result in professional employment for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in a position that fully utilizes his potential and affords him advanced training, while accelerating the pace of this project through to its completion. I Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $185,550 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The long-term objective of this research project is to develop a detailed atomic-resolution structural and functional understanding of protein aggregation and fibrillation relevant to human disease, principally with studies of alpha-synuclein. Wild type a Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $223,607 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The primary focus of this proposal is the discovery and development of highly selective, catalytic allylic C-H functionalization reactions that can be broadly applied to synthesis. Using these reactions to develop strategies for effecting highly efficient Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/28/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $805,496 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: 'Rapid progress in understanding the epidemiology and molecular virology of human caliciviruses (HuCVs) in the past decade has highlighted the importance of HuCVs as a cause of acute gastroenteritis. The recent finding that Noroviruses (NVs) recognize hum Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA $54,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Malaria continues to be a global health problem killing 1-2 million people each year. Because of prevalence drug resistance it is urgent to identify new therapeutics for treatment. However, the development of new drugs by traditional screening approaches Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $895,078 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Aims of the project are: 1. Determine if Notch signaling regulates semilunar valve cell lineage differentiation and leaflet stratification in vivo. 2. Dissect the Notch signaling pathway and intersecting pathways in aortic valve progenitor cell li Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $950,772 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This contract will test the following 3 hypotheses: 1. IL-4 and IL-13 induction of AHR is completely accounted for by its effects on smooth muscle and epithelial cells. 2. Induction of airway remodeling by IL-4 and IL-13 is primarily accounted for by th Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA $722,175 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Myelination allows rapid propagation of action potentials in the nervous system. Dys- and demyelinating disorders are among the most common neurological pathologies affecting young adults. Myelinating glial cells such as Schwann cells (SCs) of the periphe Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING $438,300 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Aging is the single largest risk factor for disease in developed countries. The ongoing demographic change in the American population is greatly increasing the proportion of the population at risk for socially and economically important age-related diseas Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
AEROTEK, INC. $79,768 Contract : Services of individuals to assist in coordination of collection, analysis, and reporting of international research & training activities funded under the ARRA. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $1,081,482 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Grant Name: Mechanism of Pseudomonas-mediated epithelial cell damage Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is one of the most virulent opportunistic pathogens of man. The morbidity of PA infections results from the ability of the bacterium to colonize previously in Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $496,140 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology of Adult Glioma: The purpose of the project is to accelerate progress on our studies of well characterized individual, genomic, and tumor information regarding glioblastoma and other high grade gliomas from a large group Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $99,844 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is the final report for this award. The project is complete, but the research expense did not exhaust the funds awarded. Closeout documents have been submitted to NCI for processing the remainder of the award that is being returned to NIH. Scanned co Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $464,455 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Glioma is a rapidly fatal brain cancer, featuring immunosuppression and abnormal angiogenesis. The project will accelerate progress on studies of immune and angiogenesis markers as predictors of survival in well characterized glioma patients and controls. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY $976,850 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In this proposal, we used advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology to visualize the trafficking of cellular immunotherapy against colorectal cancer. Most often applied to advanced cancer, where existing therapies have limited efficacy, cellul Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/05/2009
ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY $130,527 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Approximately 8% of children in the United States are diagnosed with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). In addition to problems acquiring morphology and syntax, a significant number of children also demonstrate difficulty acquiring vocabulary. Vocabulary Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $175,718 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Grant Number: Grant Number: 3R01DE016849-04S1 Project Title: DENTIN STRUCTURE, DEMINERALIZATION AND REMINERALIZATION. The ARRA supplement allowed us to hire additional personnel (post-doc or Research Associate) at UCSF to accelerate work on portions of t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $1,221,350 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this project is to develop new, improved metabolic MRI imaging methods and translate them to be applicable for future human patient studies. This project is based on a recently invented method for providing real time metabolic imaging. The met Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $13,133 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This study addresses the growth of PC12 cells in vitro and observation of neurite grown after infecting the cells with HSV mutant strains. This project was completed during summer 2009. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/14/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $78,647 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Funds were used to purchase equipment and materials used for quantitative measurement of NHE1 activity and microscopic imaging of the localization of NHE1 and NHE1-regulated and -associated proteins in cells. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $154,559 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Grant Name: Can drug aggregation affect physiologic distribution? (Supplement to GM71630). The key goal was to test whether drugs form colloidal aggregates in the intestine, and whether this affects their distribution. This was to be investigated by det Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING $145,500 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our group focuses on understanding how amino acid substitutions disrupt molecular functions that cause human disease. In our currently funded R01, we are developing methods we call in silico functional profiling. This method works by learning residue-spec Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $87,382 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is an understudied debilitating chronic illness that is most prevalent in the elderly. Patients with PAD experience substantial walking impairment, due to symptoms of limb ischemia (claudication) that significantly dimini Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $187,302 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this grant is to explore the role of gap junctions in regulating neural stem and progenitor cell proliferation and neuronal migration. Recently, we expanded our goals to study gap junction regulation of microcircuit formation. Our first stra Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $123,600 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our laboratory is studying the neural circuitry of the brain. We attempt to generate disease-like states in a model organism, the zebrafish, which can be investigated with genetic methods and microscopy. The long-term goal is to better diagnose and potent Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/11/2009
BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING $970,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Stroke is a major cause of death and disability in the elderly. However, in vivo experimental stroke studies, including the evaluation of neuroprotective and cell replacement strategies, have relied almost universally on models of stroke in young adult a Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $150,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The principal goal of this grant is to determine whether neonatal seizures disrupt the integration of hippocampal granule cells in the developing brain. This study involves exposing seven-day-old transgenic Gli1-CreERT2 X GFP reporter mice to kainic acid Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $415,653 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Conducted a total of 12 educational intervention sessions with 110 people consented and completing a base-line survey (T0). Post-intervention evaluation surveys were completed immediately after the intervention by 95 people(T1) and three-months later by Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY $180,529 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The activities included in the parent grant, 1 R21 EB008804-01A2, which encompass those proposed in this supplemental request, are based on the implementation of the clinical research study from which data is gathered for the application of the FSI comput Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA $383,214 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award is for technique development. The technique in this case represents a combination of neuronal manipulations of pairbonding prairie voles, and observations of resulting behavior in semi-natural enclosures. We propose that this combination of met Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA $139,721 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This Administrative Supplement is designed to both accelerate the pace and achievement, and broaden the scope, of scientific inquiry into sleep/insomnia in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators ??ICD?? through investigation of the cognitiv Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
PHYSICAL SCIENCES, INC. $56,313 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Purchase of newly available commercial optical coherence tomography (OCT) swept source that operates at a center wavelength of 1um. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/19/2009
MISSOURI SYSTEM, UNIVERSITY OF $100,847 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: NIH ARRA administrative supplement to R21 HL088228. An essential feature of inflammation is the emigration of leukocytes from the blood into damaged or infected tissue. Several evidences suggest that extracellular nucleotides play a critical role in leuk Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK INC $37,836 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this administrative supplement is to improve the hardware of our existing in-vivo high-speed two-photon microscope to improve imaging speed and signal to noise. Within the parent grant, we will use this faster and improved system to investi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/19/2009
UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, THE $103,446 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): This study will facilitate research and address questions associated with familial clustering of a wide range of diseases. The purpose is to create a research resource of unmatched value to the personalization of medic Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/25/2009
CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY $29,500 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Craniofacial abnormalities represent a broad and complex class of birth defects and understanding their genetic basis is essential for their diagnosis and treatment. Despite much recent progress in understanding their etiology, many facets of their pathog Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
BOSTON MEDICAL CENTER CORPORATION $40,080 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The parent R03 award is a pilot randomized trial of a problem solving intervention for mothers of premature infants at risk for depression. The purpose of the summer supplement is to hire an undergraduate to help us maintain a low missing data rate by ke Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/05/2009
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, THE $25,978 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Resemblance Between Child & Parental Eating, Physical Activity & Obesity Patterns: The ARRA award is a supplemental grant to help support additional research, mainly analysis of additional data than what we proposed in the original parent project supporte Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY $75,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The primary objectives are to extend the L1 penalized method to ordinal response models to enable modeling of common ordinal response data when a high-dimensional genomic data comprise the predictor space. This study will expand the scope of our current r Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY $220,022 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The serpin class of protease inhibitors includes many of the protease inhibitors in blood, such as antithrombin and alpha-1 antitrypsin. Serpins are involved in the regulation of many physiological processes including fibrinolysis, complement activation, Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009
MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY $34,324 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall purpose of the award is to provide research assistantship funds, tuition funds, and travel funds to support Shawanda Wilson-Stanford in her research objectives. Shawanda Wilson-Stanford will be characterizing mutations made in the peptide ant Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY $34,878 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Aziridinomitosenes (AZMs) are related to the clinically useful anti-cancer agent mitomycin C (MC). The search for compounds related to MC that display an increase in efficacy and a decrease in side-effects has led to the study and synthesis of numerous a Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/29/2009
WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORPORATION $39,496 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Emergent resistance to molecularly-targeted therapies presents a significant challenge for the treatment of breast cancer. Our long-term goal is to improve cancer treatment by creating the scientific foundation for a prognostic technology that will identi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI SYSTEM $372,115 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): The current methods for cryopreservation of swine embryos are time consuming and troublesome. One of the most successful methods of cryopreservation of swine embryos is to centrifuge the cells to polarize the lipids an Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M D ANDERSON $434,487 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The difficulty quitting and chronic relapse which characterize the experience of many smokers may be due in large measure to the adaptations in neural mechanisms regulating reward, affect, and goal- directed behavior that have taken place as a consequence Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE $522,225 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall purpose of the project is to investigate the role of miRNA in the actions of cocaine in the brain. Results obtained so far support the hypothesis of the present application that miRNAs are differentially regulated by cocaine and may play regul Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
THE MIRIAM HOSPITAL $361,107 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Most smokers want to quit but few actually succeed. The problem is particularly acute among young adult smokers who tend to under-utilize existing smoking cessation services, and have limited access to health insurance and healthcare. New, innovative ap Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $418,766 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This proposal will establish a new research direction and develop novel techniques for my laboratory while promoting a new collaboration between my lab and that of my co- investigator, Dr. Yehoash Raphael. We plan to develop a guinea pig model of vestibul Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/05/2009
RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, THE $431,750 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Odor detection and signal transduction occur in cilia where they are initiated by the interaction of odorant molecules with G-protein coupled olfactory receptors. Olfactory receptors comprise a large multigene family; in humans there are an estimated 400 Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/19/2009
LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY, THE $435,443 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In this exploratory research grant application, it is proposed to investigate the applicability of somatic cell nuclear reprogramming to generate otic progenitor cells. It is planned to explore whether induced pluripotent stem cells can be directed to di Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/18/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE $191,980 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our ability to detect a target sound against a background of competing sounds requires the integration of the information across time and frequency. Classification images, or the estimate of an internal matched filter, are obtained using a reverse-correla Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/03/2009
OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY $422,365 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Cardiovascular disease can lead to myocardial infarction (Ml) and subsequent heart failure. There are currently a number of therapies aimed at preventing or treating heart failure post-Mi. Only heart transplantation replaces infarcted myocardium to restor Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/02/2009
WOMEN & INFANTS HOSPITAL OF RHODE ISLAND $517,229 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Preliminary evidence suggests that children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) may be characterized by atypical features of cry during early infancy. Previous research has identified atypicalities in prosodic qualities of speech and vocalizations in old Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT SAN ANTONIO ,THE $252,333 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: (Dr. Jill Fehrenbacher will be resigning on November 9 and will be transferring her NIH ARRA R21 grant to Indiana University. Per conversation with Dr. Fehrenbacher today (10/26/09), the grant termination date will be October 31, 2009.) Epidemiological Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/05/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM $99,890 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our research is intended to elucidate the origins of specific folding and assembly behavior displayed by proteins. Proteins perform a vast array of functions that are essential for life, and protein activity usually depends on the adoption of higher order Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS $135,596 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The broad, long-term objective of this proposal is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms governing oxygen sensing, heme signaling and chaperone action in eukaryotes. Oxygen is vital for maintaining critical cellular functions in many living organisms, and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO $380,719 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Circadian clocks have evolved in diverse organisms, from bacteria to humans, where they time a host of physiological processes to occur in a coordinated manner throughout the 24-h day. The overall goal of the parent grant is to understand the mechanism by Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/28/2009
MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, INC $41,860 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this award is to purchase four pieces of laboratory equipment to use for research into cancer cellular aggregation, tumor formation and metastatic processed. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER $250,108 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of the administrative supplement is to accelerate and deepen our studies on the mechanisms by which silencers establish transcriptionally silent chromatin, and protosilencers facilitate silencer function in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $211,256 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is an administrative supplement to RO1 GM063843 Protein Specific Polysialylation (PI: Karen Colley). The focus of the parent grant is to define how the polysialyltransferases recognize and polysialylate their major substrate, the neural cell adhesion Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND $232,600 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This Recovery Act administrative supplement is focused on NMR studies of structural determinants of the polyubiquitin signal recognition by proteasomes and other ubiquitin-chain receptors. The ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway is the principal regu Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
RECTOR & VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA $218,661 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The long term goal of the original project is to understand how the functions of nuclear transport factors and histone chaperones are coordinated, and regulate the assembly of histones into specific chromatin domains. This project focuses on the role of h Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
HARVARD COLLEGE, PRESIDENT & FELLOWS OF $571,200 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Several years ago, our laboratory initiated a research program to explore small molecule-nucleic acid conjugates as substrates for an unusual form of organic synthesis in which a small molecule?s reactivity is determined by its attached DNA or RNA sequenc Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $86,109 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Administrative supplements are requested for the purchase of necessary equipment items to expand the capability of our IR stopped flow apparatus. This new setup will extend our ability to measure time resolved IR spectra of biological reactions, including Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA $499,813 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Funds to purchase a Leica SP5 laser scanning confocal microscope for communal use. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 4/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA $499,813 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Funds to purchase a Leica SP5 laser scanning confocal microscope for communal use. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 4/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $27,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award provided research to study carbohydrate receptors (AIM1) on the surface of the murine oral cavity to determine the various carbohydrate sultotransfererases expression as well as the effect of the estrogen and/or progesterone on enzymes (AIM3) Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $25,259 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The study of the developmental regulation of tooth number and shape is important for understanding both human disease and evolutionary biology. Mammalian tooth development is controlled by signaling between the oral epithelium and the neural crest-derived Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $49,926 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this supplement application is to enable the hiring of new personnel to ensure the successful, timely completion of recruitment, enrollment, and follow-up, and to complete and enhance analyses of ongoing data collection using new and reallo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $49,139 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This project will accelerate and augment the studies proposed in Aim 3 of the parent grant application. We will initiate an immediate analysis of T-reg populations and Th17 cell function within existing HIV+ gut biopsy specimens. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA $10,869 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The requested supplement added to the scientific agenda of the parent project (k23 White Matter and Cognition in PD), and provided summer employment for 2 undergraduate research trainees, as well as supplemental funds for a graduate student to act as over Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $54,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The ARRA supplement award Improving Biomaterials from a Cellular Point of Views is to increase the productivity by carrying out additional experiments needed to test the objectives of the parent grant. Specifically we and others have shown that ions rele Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR MENTAL HYGIENE INC $778,389 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: To support research and other projects that will support fundamental biomedical discovery and translation of that knowledge into effective prevention strategies and new treatments while also providing economic stimulus to the nation. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/15/2009
MISSOURI SYSTEM, UNIVERSITY OF $167,759 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is an administrative supplement to Microchip devices to assay quantal exocytosis, 5R01NS048826-05. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
CHILDREN'S RESEARCH INSTITUTE $473,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) exploits cell machineries and provides powerful tools for understanding cellular regulatory mechanisms. HCMV is the leading viral cause of congenital disorders in developed countries and a significant pathogen of immunosuppres Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, THE $408,247 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most common causes of acute and chronic infections in both community and hospital settings. The ability of S. aureus to adhere to host tissues or medical implants and develop into biofilms is a critical determinant of c Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/29/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI SYSTEM $409,750 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Parasites are causative agents of some insect-borne infectious diseases such as malaria and filariasis. Insects respond to infection by parasites with both cellular and humoral immune responses. However, parasites have developed strategies to evade or sup Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/05/2009
ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY FACULTY AND STUDENTS CLUB INC, THE $464,646 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Plague caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis (Y. pestis) remains an infectious disease of concern to public health due to the absence of a vaccine for humans and the isolation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Y. pestis is also a threat as a biological Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/04/2009
THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY $425,875 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The major objectives of the proposed research in this application from a new investigator are to develop candidate vaccines for human metapneumovirus (HMPV), identify viral determinants of virulence and define genetic diversity of HMPV over time. HMPV is Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY $430,068 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy with an estimated 40,100 new cases expected in the United States in 2008. Uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) is an aggressive histologic subtype accounting for about 10% of all cases but Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/05/2009
UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII SYSTEMS $608,962 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have a relatively good prognosis, but treatment can have tremendous impacts on growth and development, including effects on the central nervous system (CNS). This in turn affects school performance and neur Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/19/2009
DUKE UNIVERSITY $377,520 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Pancreatic cancer is a devastating disease, causing an estimated 33,370 deaths per year in the USA with a five-year survival rate of only 5%. The molecular hallmark of this cancer is an activating mutation in the small GTPase KRas, which is well known to Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/17/2009
LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY, THE $403,344 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Pancreatic cancer is the 4th leading cause of cancer-associated deaths, and it is virtually always a fatal disease. The progression of this cancer from a preinvasive state to a metastatic, invasive state is associated with mutation of the p53 tumor suppre Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/14/2009
PURDUE UNIVERSITY $419,375 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The broad, long-term objectives of this proposal are to develop new metabolomic methodologies to identify pathways involved with metabolism and biosynthesis of endogenous cannabinoid signaling molecules such as anandamide and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG). Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/07/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI $8,100 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Funds to employ undergraduates for summer 2009 in research projects that relate to my Career Development Award. I have a talented pool of undergraduates who have volunteered in the lab and whom I have trained. Stimulus funds have allowed me to gainfully Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/19/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $100,333 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Racial disparities in outcomes after cancer surgery are becoming increasingly apparent. Black patients have both increased risks of operative mortality and lower 5-year survival rates. This project will pursue the Hypo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
UMDNJ-ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON MEDICAL SCHOOL $50,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The title of the parent grant isBreast and Cervical Cancer Screening in Obese Women. The purpose of this supplement is to accelerate the achievement of Specific Aim 2 of the parent grant: determine the barriers for obese women to obtain cancer screening. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $98,022 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. An estimated 146,940 new cases of CRC will develop in 2004, resulting in 56,730 deaths. Screening methods that detect the early Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, THE $89,399 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): During vertebrate development, the embryo is subdivided into domains that correlate with eventual specializations in cellular function. The regional expression and function of multiple transcription factors, acting ant Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/16/2009
CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA $240,901 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Positional cloning of rare multisystem genetic disorders that follow Mendelian inheritance patterns allows for the identification of genes and molecular pathways that play critical roles in human development. While the impact of disease gene identificati Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $173,922 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The University of Pittsburgh Brain Trauma Research Center is funded to investigate the molecular and cellular mechanisms of secondary brain injury (physiologic and neurochemical responses of the injured brain). Our studies have lead to an improved underst Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY $73,894 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is a supplement application for Summer Research Experiences for Students and Science Educators submitted in response to the recent announcement NINDS FY2009 Program for Administrative Supplements Using Recovery Act Funds and NIH Notice NOT-OD-09-060. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009
CASPIAN SEA LLC $81,000 Contract : Professional and Scientific Support for Grant Review Services Resulting from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/22/2009
TUNNELL CONSULTING, INC $237,952 Contract : Grants Management Specialists Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/14/2009
LOGICAL TECHNICAL SERVICES CORP. $21,028 Contract : Technical services to assist the NIH/OER Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA) with the execution of NIH grant support implementation of the required NIH oversight related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (AR Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
ST LUKE'S-ROOSEVELT HOSPITAL CENTER $799,913 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement is the NORDIC (Neuro-Ophthalmology Research Disease Investigator Consortium) Headquarters portion of a joint effort for both Drs Mark Kupersmith and Karl Kieburtz on behalf of our respective institutions, St. Luke?s Roosevelt Hospital and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/19/2009
CHILDREN'S MERCY HOSPITAL, THE $359,683 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall objectives of the Pediatric Pharmacology Researc Unit at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics (CMH) are: 1) to continue and expand collaborative participation of the CMH PPRU in the NICHD Netowrk of PPRUs for the primary purpose of producin Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
CHARLES DREW UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND SCIENCE $599,521 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Charles Drew University will further the Comprehensive Center of Health Disparities-CKD mission in addressing chronic kidney disease (CKD) & cardiovascular (CVD) in minority communities by conducting research promoting prevention, early intervention, and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER $151,476 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit (CCHMC PPRU) Network site has evolved into a premier pediatric clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics program during the previous funding cycles, with concentrated i Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY (INC) $228,187 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We propose to define in greater detail the structural-functional relationship of galectin-3 as its relates to cellular localization, cell growth, apoptosis resistance, cell-cell recognition, angiogenesis, tumor growth and hematogenous spread of tumor cell Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THE $52,242 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The broad objective of this research proposal is to advance understanding of thyroid physiology through study of genetic defects at key regulatory processes. More specifically, research is centered on the mediation of thyroid hormone (TH) effects by study Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/14/2009
MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL, THE $99,998 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Intercalated cells (IC) respond to pH changes in the blood by increasing or decreasing acid secretion in the kidney collecting duct. Dysfunction of this process results in pathophysiological disorders of different organ systems as the pH of the blood drif Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
MAYO CLINIC $99,554 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Heme oxygenase (HO) metabolizes heme to biliverdin during which iron is released and carbon monoxide (CO) emitted. In 1992, the PI's laboratory provided the first evidence for the cytoprotective effects of HO-1, findings that served as the basis for the f Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $63,300 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award allows us purchase a needed new apheresis machine (to replace existing outdated equipment) together with a service contract. The machine will be dedicated for use by the PI and co-investigators on the parent U01 and by other non-human primate t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND $410,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The parent award describes a series of experiments based on the hypothesis that more effective control of pathogenic costimulation pathway activation will prevent alloantibody elaboration and cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) following heart transplant Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
HARVARD COLLEGE, PRESIDENT & FELLOWS OF $784,832 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Statistical and Data Management Center - Pediatric, Adolescent and Maternal Clinical Trial Groups - Epidemiological Research Addressing Long Term Effects of HIV Infection, Exposure and Treatment in Pediatric Patients Followed in Pediatric AIDS Clinical Tr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $397,080 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This proposal requests addition of S-band (3.5 GHz) and Q-band (35 GHz) capability to the X-band (9.5 GHz) pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectrometer system (ELEXSYS, E-580) currently available on campus. This will provide a strong and dive Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 4/28/2009
RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR MENTAL HYGIENE INC $64,770 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: To support research and other projects that will support fundamental biomedical discovery and translation of that knowledge into effective prevention strategies and new treatments while also providing economic stimulus to the nation. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
UMDNJ-ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON MEDICAL SCHOOL $428,960 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The proper functioning of the adult vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) depends critically on the generation of specific neuronal and glial cell types at the correct times and positions during embryogenesis. This process is largely controlled by inter Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/13/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI SYSTEM $389,117 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Neonatal tolerance represents an immune response that lacks Th1 cells but displays an indubitable bias towards Th2. This provides an environmental pre-disposition to allergies and infections. Recently, we developed a n Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
WESTAT, INC. $762,688 Contract : The funds will cover the support of clinical trials for the Accelerating Clinical Trials of Novel Oncologic Path Ways (ACTNOW) project. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
TEMPORARY STAFFING INC $24,752 Contract : Invoices totaling $16,516.50 were sent to NCI and OFM. Final payment was processed by OFM 11/18/2009. Contract is now closed Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
CARL ZEISS MICROIMAGING, INC. $28,670 Contract : Laboratory Equipment Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
PHOENIX RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC. $49,900 Contract : Micron II Retinal Imaging Microscope, includes the following: Windows XP PC System with StreamPix software, LCD monitor, 64 bit computer capturing XGA images, Norpix video handling, custom frame grabber, light source, interchangeable objective and light p Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/23/2009
WORLD WIDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. $3,088,939 Contract : This task order is awarded to acquire the Oracle Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Suite Maintenance Renewal Services under Option Year One. The maintenance support services are for a continuation of ongoing activities. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/17/2010
JBS INTERNATIONAL, INC. $1,000,000 Contract : In 2009, the NIDA-funded Center of Excellence for Physician Information at the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University finalized an innovative web-based education module for medical students on treating patients with substance use disorders. The Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
MDB, INC. $150,000 Contract : Initial Pay Line Module; Program Officer Assessment; Reviewer Assignment Module; Editorial Review Module; Completion of Review and Final Awards; Auditing and Reports. Create or modify an existing database to track ARRA grant money for the Worker Educatio Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/30/2009
MDB, INC. $115,000 Contract : Develop separate tracking, monitoring and reporting modules in order to track trainees placed in jobs supported by ARRA supplemental health and safety training. Develop a communication pathway with the Worker Education and Training Branch (WETB) ARRA gra Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/28/2009
ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE $228,134 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall project is response to the Notice (NOT-OD-09-056): ?The Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements?. The proposal addresses the request for the supplement for the parent NIH/NHLBI R01 grant (5 R01 HL078881-03): ?Transcr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $986,522 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of the Comparative Effectiveness Large Dataset Analysis Core is to foster efficient and sophisticated use of very large health data sets: 1. Build the necessary data repository infrastructure that will enable CTSI-UCSF and its collaborating CT Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/26/2009
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL $5,623 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: ARRA- Carolina Population Center - Supplement 3-R24-HD050924-04S1 Bianka Reese May 2010 With support from the Summer Research Experience supplement, we proposed and implemented a summer internship program in 2009 and 2010 to involve undergraduates in the Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/22/2009
BRENTWOOD BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. $100,567 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Human Brain and Spinal Fluid Resource Center (Bank) was established as a repository of matched blood (serum), CSF, and cryopreserved postmortem nervous system tissue because animal models are not typically considered sufficient to yield a comprehensiv Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
THE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $153,900 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement will greatly increase the tempo of gene mapping research performed using the LG/J and SM/J mouse strains by providing measures of gene expression across the genome in a variety of tissues and by precisely identifying the recombination brea Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
H. LEE MOFFITT CANCER CENTER AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITAL, INC. $214,764 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This T32 application for a Tumor Immunology Training Program at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center has the goal of training postdoctoral fellows to enter the field of translational immunology and immunotherapy of cancer. The eighteen faculty members compris Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY $87,028 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This proposal is a request for support of the Northwestern University pre-doctoral training program in Molecular Biophysics. Past support from the training grant has played a major role in stimulating interdisciplinary interactions between faculty, studen Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/12/2009
LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY, THE $52,846 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award provides additional funding to add a 6th trainee. Applications for the extra trainee slot have been reviewed and an applicant selected. Paul Novick is starting his training appointment October 1, 2009. Paul Novick has a BS in Biomedical Enginee Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/03/2009
SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY $84,565 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This request for summer research experiences for science teachers will aid investigation of diabetes-related issues of muscle metabolism. The proposal would help achieve the goals of the ARRA by providing summer employment opportunities, by increasing the Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/08/2009
KENT STATE UNIVERSITY $37,605 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In the specific aim 4 of our R15 award, RecQ helicase is used to test the unwinding capability of helicase on G quadruplexes. The RecQ helicase was selected based on the fact that the bacterial enzyme has been widely studied and can be easily purified. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/13/2009
CLEMSON UNIVERSITY $66,529 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Arsenic is an enormous public health problem as it is a contaminant of drinking water in many parts of the world. A number of recent epidemiological studies have correlated arsenic exposure with adverse developmental outcomes such as stillbirths, spontane Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/02/2009
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON $88,683 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The parent project is aimed at testing the hypothesis that the thermodynamics of peptide insertion into the membrane from the surface-associated state determines the mechanism, with the long-term goal of designing improved antimicrobials and molecular cel Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY $62,786 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The integration of behavior and physiology is critical to human health; disease states can result when a person's actions are inappropriately regulated by his physiological state and vice versa. The relationship between food intake and digestive function Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/31/2009
GOUCHER COLLEGE $71,289 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall goal of this project is to elucidate the effects that local structural perturbations in DNA have on an advancing RNA polymerase (RNAP) as it transcribes DNA to form an RNA product. Transcription is the first step in the expression of genetic i Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY (INC) $57,894 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Antioxidants have been reported to be beneficial for prevention of a variety of human diseases including cancer and cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, pulmonary and chronic ailments. Commonly available antioxidants are small molecular weight compounds tha Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
LOYOLA UNIVERSITY NEW ORLEANS $5,013 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Synovial joints such as those that comprise the elbow, knee, and hip are extremely important for functioning in everyday life. Congenital defects, disease, and trauma to synovial joints, in particular to the articular cartilage that comprises a joint, are Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/10/2009
HOPE COLLEGE $19,325 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award provides funding for two student researchers in each of two summers (2009 and 2010). The students are members of a larger team of undergraduate and high school student researchers working to develop, test and implement a variety of statistica Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND $581,599 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our project is based on the use of a water-soluble membrane peptide, pHLIP, by whole-body fluorescence and PET imaging, to selectively target acidic solid tumors in vivo and to translocate polar cargo molecules into the cytoplasms of cultured cancer cell Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY $47,677 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Herpesvirus-encoded protein kinases (HPKs) have attracted increasing attention lately due to the growing evidence of their involvement in different aspects of the viral life cycle, making them appealing targets for antiviral therapy. The broad objectives Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/28/2009
MOUNT SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OF $15,255 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: HIV-1 infection is influenced by several host factors, including components of DNA repair pathways. One example is Rad18, a member of the post-replication DNA repair system and also an important element in the maintenance of genome stability. Rad18 intera Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/04/2009
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, THE $90,484 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The long-term goals of the project are to (1) Characterize HIV-related high-risk behaviors (heterosexual, drug abuse, homosexual) among commercial sex male clients (CSMCs) population; determine the prevalence and interacting effect of these behaviors, and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND $75,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: A Lassa vaccine in primates with AIDS. Lassa fever virus is a rodent-borne scourge in West Africa, and Lassa has been classified as a Category A biothreat in the US because of its lethality and aerosol-transmissibility. Efforts to control Lassa fever focu Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA $20,661 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION This innovative proposal focuses on the fundamental question of T-cell receptor (TCR) signal initiation by peptide-MHC ligands (pMHCs). A unique feature of TCR triggering is that while soluble pMHC is incapable of triggering in solution even Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/04/2009
LOS ANGELES BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE AT HARBOR-UCLA MEDICAL CENTER $60,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The insect-borne protozoa Leishmania causes death and morbidity in millions of humans living in and traveling to the developing world. Wars and economic globalization expose even more Americans to these infections. Despite the efforts of many scientists t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
CORNELL UNIVERSITY, INC $39,750 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Ever since the invention of monoclonal antibodies in 1975 and, more recently, the development of various in vitro antibody display technologies, antibodies have become one of the most powerful tools in biological research and are presently the fastest gro Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/29/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $311,698 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This proposal describes supplemental aims designed to improve the speed and quality of the pharmacodynamic assays for autophagy inhibition, and the integrative analysis and data reporting for the pharmacokinetic and genetic endpoitns of the parent R21 gra Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA $81,837 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this proposal is to develop microfluidic devices for effective single-cell analysis in biomedical laboratories without the requirement of specialized expertise. The lack of ability to perform biochemical and molecular characterization at the s Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
BROAD INSTITUTE, INC., THE $113,025 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of our parent R21 project is to create a high-performance, multi-scale, Integrative Genomics Data Viewer (IGV) to support the TCGA project, which displays multiple data types against genomic coordinates with near-immediate response time at all le Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY $200,433 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Cancer-associated blood biomarkers exist in exceedingly low concentrations, well below the sensitivity of conventional biomarker proteomic technologies. Moreover, biomarkers are masked within complex mixtures of high-abundance proteins such as albumin and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK $570,520 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Oral health is an important component of overall health (e.g., Tabak, 2008; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS], 2000a) and is one of 28 focus areas in U.S. Government's Healthy People 2010 public health strategy (USDHHS, 2000b). Oral di Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY $247,640 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This project is an administrative supplement to a parent R21 grant. The parent grant was designed to solidify an interdisciplinary team of basic and clinical researchers in the Center for Environmental Health Sciences at Mississippi State University for r Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM $222,750 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Optic nerve diseases are common causes of irreversible blindness. Most are incurable or result in permanent visual loss by the time of diagnosis. An exception is glaucoma, the most common optic neuropathy, where the most important risk factor is elevated Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/14/2009
NORTHEASTERN OHIO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE $72,578 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The aims of the R21 grant (1R21EY018318-01A1) ?Real time imaging of the aqueous outflow pathway by two-photon endoscopy, are (1) to establish a two-photon endoscopic system to examine the aqueous outflow pathway and (2) to establish a procedure for two-ph Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE $35,510 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The interplay between chromatin structure and transcriptional regulators has an important role in gene regulation throughout development and differentiation. Because the mammary gland develops mostly postnatally and the hormones of puberty and pregnancy t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY $7,426 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem that is rapidly increasing. Using an addiction model to examine brain activation in response to food cues in childhood obesity, we predict that cue-induced brain activation differences play a critical r Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
PACIFIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND EVALUATION $6,796 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Although men have long held the lead in motor vehicle crashes (MVCs), recent international research indicates that women, particularly young female drivers, are closing the gap. The relative increase in females involved in crashes has been associated with Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/22/2009
RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, THE $65,127 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Racial and ethnic minorities encounter unlawful discrimination approximately one out of every five times they inquire about renting or purchasing a home. Such practices deny the targeted victims access to decent schools, safe streets, good jobs and many o Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (INC) $159,778 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is an administrative supplement to advance the pace of scientific discovery of the parent grant 1R21HD057525-01, entitled Integration of RNAi, proteomic and chemical genetic approaches to identify specific modulators of Wnt/+?-catenin signaling. The Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO $82,546 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Each parent grant aim depends on the accurate detection of blood lead level. For the parent grant, we will test a minimum of 800 children for blood lead, and the FDA-approved LeadCare II system was selected (ESA Magellan Biosciences, Chelmsford, MA). Rigo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
MOREHOUSE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, INC., THE $363,168 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall goal of the Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) RISE Program has been to actively involve students in biomedical research by providing research training, mentoring and exposure to high quality research by MSM faculty. Research training and othe Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/14/2009
UMDNJ-ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON MEDICAL SCHOOL $98,672 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This Administrative Supplement under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was requested to enhance the education and research of trainees supported by Bridge to the Doctorate Award 2R25 GM058389. This supplement is being used to purchase a Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON $12,291 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics will be held for the 14th time in June of 2009. The Institute consists of a series of 20 short courses, each taught for two and a half days. The courses are designed to introduce modern statistical methods to g Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
MEHARRY MEDICAL COLLEGE $445,252 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is a supplement to Meharry Medical College's Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) initiative to establish a career development office for the PhD student. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY OF NJ (INC) $177,854 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall purpose of this project is to examine the relationship of factors that may be predictive of minority students choosing to prepare themselves for careers in health and research. We are especially interested in the role of parenting in creating Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY $110,979 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Program ENERGY`s long-term goal is to reduce the rate of obesity & type 2 diabetes (T2D) in elementary school students by teaching & reinforcing healthy behavior choices. Obesity & T2D are epidemics among our children and effective, feasible, sustainable, Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M D ANDERSON $152,010 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Michale E. Keeling Center for Comparative Medicine and Research (KCCMR) at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center proposes to develop a two-year program to provide veterinarians with specialty training in the care and management of nonhu Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND $43,200 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Globalization of research activities occurs in a very heterogeneous world, because developing countries differ from industrialized countries regarding economic, social, and cultural contexts. Such differences bring up the concern with exploitation and inc Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, THE $108,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall aim of this three-year project is to develop a Global Health program that is based on a multidisciplinary educational framework for addressing African health issues in the context of georesource management (oil, gas, and mineral extraction), e Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
DUKE UNIVERSITY $108,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Duke Global health Institute (DGHI) Framework program is developing a new Master of Science in Global health (MSc-GH). This supplement will be used to develop online learning modules based on selected course content from this program and incorporate Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
CLAREMONT GRADUATE UNIVERSITY $107,803 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Chronic non communicable disease accounts for 60% of the world's mortality and morbidity. Training programs in global public health, specific to the NCD epidemic are vital especially in developing nations that until recently have dealt primarily with infe Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI $39,908 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: While Latin American and Caribbean investigators have dramatically increased their participation in collaborative international bioscience research, there continues to be interesting and important impediments to the establishment of adequate mechanisms fo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI $349,014 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In the R21 part of this application we have shown that gp96-Ig based vaccination against HIV generates excellent mucosal and systemic immunity. In the R33 part of this grant we plan to challenge immunized macaques with SIV to determine the degree of prote Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
COLORADO SEMINARY $153,267 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is an administrative supplement award that will support the timely completion of our NIMH award #1R34MH080102, Deployment Focused Development of Depression Treatment for Victimized Youth. This project is a community-based treatment protocol for depr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
OKLAHOMA MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION $96,748 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In response to NOT-OD-09-056 we request funds to purchase an Insilon Systems IQ Storage 24 terabyte Usable System N+1 Server ($96,748) as a supplement to R37 AI24717. At the moment we have 3.5 terabytes of data in our 4 terabyte system supporting lupus ge Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY $122,304 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This project's efforts will focus on identifying the mechanisms that regulate specific membrane binding and nuclear targeting by the MA protein, identifying ntermolecular CA interactions that occur during retrovirus assembly and infectivity, and increasin Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/05/2009
UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. $307,166 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement is focused on defining the molecular specificity of a monoclonal antibody, MAb109. This antibody shows specificity toward pancreatic cancer and other epithelial cancer cells and binds to an N-linked glycan. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/04/2009
UMDNJ-ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON MEDICAL SCHOOL $99,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this application is to develop and perform early clinical trials with new anti-cancer agents sponsored by the NCI Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program. Discovery and clinical evaluation of new anti- cancer agents is one of the highest strategic o Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/08/2009
NEW ENGLAND RESEARCH INSTITUTES, INC. $250,001 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey is currently supported by U01DK056842 from NIDDK. BACH is a population-based, epidemiologic cohort survey conducted among 5,501 men and women aged 30 to 79 residing in Boston, Massachusetts. A multistage, str Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, THE $64,996 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Administrative Supplement to Look AHEAD will increase the scientific impact of Look AHEAD and retain and/or create new staff positions. Look AHEAD is a randomized, controlled, multi-center clinical trial comparing the long-term health effects of an in Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $150,293 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Look AHEAD is randomized clinical trial examining the long-term health effects of an intensive weight loss intervention in approximately 5,145 overweight volunteers with type 2 diabetes. Participants are randomized to an intensive lifestyle intervention d Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON $172,560 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), FIC is soliciting one- and (if applicable) two-year administrative supplement requests to existing FIC research and research training grants for FY2009 and FY2010 to support U.S. postdo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
MOUNT SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE $43,200 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Department of Community and Preventive Medicine of Mount Sinai School of Medicine seeks funding to continue and to expand the International Training and Research in Environmental and Occupational Health Program (ITREOH), which is in its 11th year. The Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, THE $86,468 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers in both men and women in the United States, and comprises about 10% of new cancer cases. Colorectal cancer is an age-related epithelial cancer that often takes Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/23/2009
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY $100,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Measurement of outcomes related to the quality of physical and mental health states in population-based cancer studies has increased in recent years as more and more researchers realize the importance of such endpoints. These endpoints are measured alongs Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY $100,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this administrative supplement is to hire an additional research assistant for a two year period to expedite the aim of the parent grant. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY $49,263 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects about 20% of adults in the United States. The prevalence of NAFLD is four to five times higher in obese than in lean persons and is associated with insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Decreasin Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009
WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY $394,694 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Dendritic cells (DC) are essential to the development of protective immunity to a number of infectious pathogens. These cells alert the adaptive immune system to the presence of pathogenic invaders and activate these cells to clear infections. To stimulat Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
TRUSTEES OF TUFTS COLLEGE INC $453,646 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Merkel cell carcinoma virus (MCV) is a recently-discovered member of the polyomavirus family that is associated with an aggressive form of skin cancer. Our interest in this virus stems from the fact that the sequence of the viral origin of replication is Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
FRED HUTCHINSON CANCER RESEARCH CENTER $414,605 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall goal of this project is to examine local innate immune mechanisms of resistance to genital mucosal HSV infection. Specifically, we will measure the ability of human genital mucosal secretions to inhibit infection by herpes simplex virus (HSV) Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/23/2009
NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY $403,256 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this R21 application is to examine how bacteriophage resistance confers attenuation, while preserving immunogenicity of a Listeria monocytogenes strain that is oral-virulent for mice. Mutants of listerial strain F6214-1 that are resistant Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
AUBURN UNIVERSITY $410,905 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this project is to identify new antibiotics that can be used to treat infections by bacterial pathogens. Most antibiotics are derived from microbial species in pure cultures, but since a small proportion of microorganisms have been cultur Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $65,010 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Parent Grant, known as the Carolinas Conversations Collection, represents the development of a Web-based data archive of recordings and transcriptions of people over 65 years of age in North and South Carolina from racially, ethnically, and linguistic Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $66,015 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: There is a demonstrated community need for an annotated corpus consisting of the full texts of biomedical journal articles. There are many reasons to believe that the rate-limiting factor impeding progress in biomedical language processing today is the la Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/22/2009
HARVARD COLLEGE, PRESIDENT & FELLOWS OF $64,288 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: To accelerate the tempo of our progress and to create a part time position by developing a prototype of a contextualized medication tool, leveraging test data which resembles data from the I2B2 system (1-3), that will become part of the Contextualized Cli Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
RFCUNY - HUNTER COLLEGE $429,200 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Research Centers in Minority Institutions Award: To assist predominantly minority institutions that offer the doctorate in the health professions and/or health-related sciences in strengthening and augmenting their human and physical resources for the con Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO $480,362 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We propose a supplement for advancing the basic and translational research and collaborations at the Border Biomedical Research Center (BBRC), University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). The BBRC involves over 30 faculty members from the departments and divisi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORPORATION $402,875 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Arsenic is widely spread in the environment such as soil, minerals, smoke, contaminated air and water. Epidemiologic studies showed that inorganic arsenic exposure induced lung, skin, liver, and bladder cancers. However, the etiology and molecular mech Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/15/2009
WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION $343,265 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Congenital malformations are a major source of human morbidity and mortality. The role of chemical exposure and other environmental factors in the etiology of congenital malformations is not completely understood. However, many xenobiotic chemicals are kn Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/14/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON $415,250 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Although genetic predisposition and environmental factors such as exposure to genotoxic agents play critical etiological roles in many cancers, no gene yet has been identified as being directly responsible for the development of sporadic lung cell carcino Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/18/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI $420,752 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Despite the importance of visual impairment (VI) and ocular conditions as a public health problem there has been relatively little research on the influence of these conditions on economic consequences, morbidity and mortality. The proposed investigative Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/23/2009
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY $207,071 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This administrative supplement will be used to hire a laboratory coordinator and a post-doctoral fellow for two years and to purchase an eye tracker. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
DUKE UNIVERSITY $485,096 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Identifying potential regulatory mechanisms controlling aqueous humor outflow resistance has important implications for understanding glaucoma and developing effective therapies. We hypothesize that Rho/Rho kinase signaling pathway regulated cytoskeletal Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/04/2009
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, THE $656,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: During early development of the mammalian eye, there is a transient network of blood vessels arising from the area of the optic nerve, extending through the vitreous, and surrounding the developing lens. Called the fetal vasculature, these blood vessels n Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/16/2009
PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, THE $98,228 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: To facilitate the study of molecular evolution and understand the origins and evolution of new genetic systems at the molecular level, two mutually related research projects are proposed. The first project is for developing new statistical methods and eff Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/14/2009
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY $231,750 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our current focus is on structural analysis of two simple three-component molecular complexes formed in transcription activation by the E. coil catabolite activator protein (CAP), RNA polymerase (RNAP), and promoter DNA. Structural knowledge of both CAP a Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
TEXAS A & M RESEARCH FOUNDATION $139,113 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The focus of this proposal is on the mechanism of host lysis by bacteriophage. Building on recent progress, it is proposed to investigate the biochemical and genetic properties of holins, smallphage-encoded membrane proteins that act as the timers of phag Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
EARLENS CORPORATION $320,200 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our goal is to design and build a new hearing aid system, which mitigates the most common complaints that hearing aid users have. The most frequently cited complaints include difficulty understanding speech in multi-talker situations, poor sound quality, Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (INC) $400,809 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Plasmodium blood-stage infection is characterized by an acute host inflammatory response with high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which contribute to the pathology of the disease. We have performed the molecular characterization of a soluble activi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
TRUSTEES OF BOSTON UNIVERSITY $298,784 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement is being used to accelerate the tempo of research on this project, to retain 1.4 FTEs that are not covered by other funding sources. We will use this funding to continue research on our HIV+/HAART+ cohort as planned in the original grant. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY $149,432 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award is an administrative supplement to a Parent R56 research project. The overarching goal of the R56 grant is to discover bioactive marine natural products that lead to novel chemotherapeutics for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Although ele Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA $16,300 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: It is the long-term objective of this study to understand the process of root development at the morphological, cellular and molecular levels including the mechanisms underlying root dentin, cementum and periodontal ligament formation which leads to root Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/02/2009
THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY $52,158 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Application is made under the NIDDK FY2009 Program for Adminstrative Supplements utilizing Recovery Act funds to increase the tempo of our work on the role of ErbB proteins in liver ontogeny and regeneration and to promote job creation and economic develo Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
CLEVELAND BIOLABS, INC. $458,512 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: To develop a medical radiation countermeasure to meet the radiological and nuclear threats in support of the preparedness mission and priorities of the HHS Puclic Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) as articulated in the PHEMCE Im Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY $113,715 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Program Immerses participants in the active Research program being conducted by the Oncofertility Consortium which is exploring and expanding options for the reproductive future of cancer survivors. They propose to expand this effort by providing full Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/02/2009
SCHEPENS EYE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC., THE $198,423 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: These supplemental funds are being used in two ways. Two other mucin-null mice are now available, Muc5AC (the goblet cell mucin) and Muc5B (which is present in small amounts in human tears, the source of which is unknown). To take advantage of these add Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/04/2009
TUFTS MEDICAL CENTER $7,950 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: 1 undergraduate student for 1 summer Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/09/2009
TEMPLE UNIVERSITY-OF THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION $272,244 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The request for an administrative supplement to HL 086699, entitled Coordination of Pathophysiologic Endothelial Cell Signaling by ROS. The purpose of the requested supplement is to allow us to hire Wan Ting Saw, who graduated with a BS in Biology in May Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
RFCUNY - LEHMAN COLLEGE $328,717 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Individual investigator-initiated research projects aimed at developing researchers at minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to a stage where they can transition successfully to other s extramural support (R01 or equivalent). Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/08/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO $197,618 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Hsp90 binding protein FKBP52, through interactions with the steroid hormone receptors, plays important physiological and potentially pathological roles in mammals. FKBPS2 specifically regulates the androgen, progesterone and glucocorticoid receptors. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/14/2009
UNIVERSITY CORPORATION, THE $66,100 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: UV sunlight induces chemical reactions in DNA which, if allowed to accumulate, give rise to mutations in skin cells and eventually lead to the development of skin cancer. One of the chief biological defenses against the carcinogenic effects of UV light o Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/10/2009
HOWARD UNIVERSITY, INC. $180,584 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of the reasearch is to characterize the structure and function of the fused anthranilate synthase from the choramphenicol producing bacterium strptomyces venezuelae using site directed mutagenesis Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, THE $101,121 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: There is a growing need for investigators who are trained in biomedical computing and related fields as they directly relate to application domains, including health care delivery, basic biomedical research, clinical and translational research and public Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/20/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $445,637 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Computational Bioscience Program (CBP) of the University of Colorado School of Medicine is an independent Ph.D.-granting and postdoctoral training program. We have an innovative and highly productive approach to training pre- and post-doctoral fellows Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/23/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $64,382 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This renewal proposal seeks continuing support for the NIH/CU Molecular Biophysics Training Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The goal of this 4-year old program is to prepare exceptional, highly motivated biophysics students for productive Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY & BIOLOGY (INC) $45,669 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of this predoctoral training program is to provide students with the intellectualand technical skills required to solve important and complex biological problems that can be most effectively addressed by studies at the chemistry-biology interface Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/03/2009
WEILL MEDICAL COLLEGE OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY $261,084 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Tri-lnstitutional Training Program in Computational Biology and Medicine (CBM) takes advantage of the outstanding educational and research resources of Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, and the Sloan Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
RFCUNY - BROOKLYN COLLEGE $109,402 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: To enable minority institutions to make National Research Service Awards to individuals selected by them for undergraduate research training in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/05/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA $152,122 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Goals of the Supplemental Request: 1. To provide Supplemental Instruction (SI) in gateway science and math courses of students who are a)associated with groups that are underrepresented in biomedical research, b) in their freshman or sophomore class year, Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY $257,340 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The cellular mechanisms that mediate the intoxicating and reinforcing effects of ethanol are not completely understood. However, considerable evidence supports the hypothesis that increased mesolimbic DA system activity is one of the important components Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $493,255 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The currently funded parent grant (U01 AA014095) to this competitive revision application is a research component of the NIAAA supported INIA-Stress Consortium, which is focused on stress-ethanol interactions in relation to excessive drinking behavior. S Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, THE $3,111,766 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Brooklyn WINS site is one of six clinical WIHS sites that together form the largest ongoing study of HIV infection in women in the US The WIHS in general, and the SUNY Brooklyn site in particular, have demonstrated their ability to recruit, retain and Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $471,248 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Washington Metropolitan WINS (WMW) Consortium has enrolled and retained a representative cohort of HIV infected and HIV uninfected women since 1993 with the purpose of investigating the consequences of HIV infection and its treatment. Although signifi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $591,184 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Multi-Center AIDS Cohort Study: Genetic Correlates of Dyslipedmia and Cardiovascular Disease in the MACS. This project is an investigation of the genetic causes of some of the most severe side-effects of anti-retroviral therapy experienced by many HIV-p Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $1,591,670 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: INSIGHT'S mission is to develop strategies for the optimization of treatment -- antiretroviral therapies (ART), immunomodulatory therapies, and interventions to prevent and treat complications of HIV and ART - in order to prolong disease-free survival in Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK $1,601,545 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This Administrative Supplement, awarded under the ARRA of 2009 to the parent grant, the Columbia Collaborative HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Unit (CC-CTU), is focused specifically on assisting with the enrollment to the flagship study of the HIV Vaccine Trials Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
PUBLIC HEALTH FOUNDATION ENTERPRISES, INC. $73,048 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The San Francisco Vaccine and Prevention Unit (SFVPU) provides scientific leadership, capacity to recruit study volunteers into vaccine and non-vaccine prevention trials, innovative methods for community engagement in research, and mentorship of junior in Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/03/2009
TRUSTEES OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY $882,409 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We propose an administrative supplement to IeDEA-EA that continues the development and documentation of this technology and illustrates its effectiveness in a proof-of-concept pilot implementation. This application aims to demonstrate a standard approach Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY $882,141 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: A subset of HIV-specific antibodies can neutralize virus, including primary virus isolates in some cases. A handful of interesting and unusual human monoclonal antibodies to HIV have been isolated and studied extensively. Nevertheless, the molecular basis Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/27/2009
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, THE $572,797 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This application is to evaluate promising new therapies for patients with malignant disease in a clinically efficient, regulatory-compliant, and scientifically rigorous research environment. Phase I clinical studies of new anti-cancer therapies continue t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
NATIONAL CHILDHOOD CANCER FOUNDATION $750,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement award supports the Accelerating Clinical Trials of Novel Oncologic Path Ways (ACTNOW) program for Protocol ADVL0813, which is a Phase I Study of IMC-A12 (Anti-Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Receptor Monoclonal Antibody) in Combination with C Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/13/2009
NATIONAL CHILDHOOD CANCER FOUNDATION $96,543 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplemental award provides support for integration of the new version of the NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) within the COG Phase 1/Pilot Consortium. To accomplish this integration, the following projects need to be compl Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
NATIONAL CHILDHOOD CANCER FOUNDATION $1,981,588 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplemental award supports the Accelerating Clinical Trials of Novel Oncologic Path Ways (ACTNOW) program for Protocol ANBL0931, which is a Phase III Study of Chimeric Antibody 14.18 in High-Risk Neuroblastoma. The primary objective of study ANBL09 Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/07/2009
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON $210,448 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The California State University, Fullerton proposes to spearhead a university community consortium to undertake a project with the goal of Increasing Cancer Screening, Treatment and Support in the Tongan Community through Patient Navigation. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA $293,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The University of Oklahoma Community Networks Program (OUCNP) is creating a new Patient Navigator program for American Indian patients who are referred to the University of Oklahoma Medical Center (OUMC) for abnormal indications that may lead to a diagnos Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER OF SAN ANTONIO $248,025 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Patient Navigation appears to hold new promise as a new professional health intervention that may improve patient care and ultimately result in improved retention rates for disadvantaged patients in health care. Through this supplemental award, we aim to Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER $213,978 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Our parent grant, Patient Navigation Research Program (PNRP) is evaluating the impact of patient navigation on breast cancer (BC), and colorectal cancer (CC) related quality of care and is evaluating the impact of patient navigation on disparities in canc Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $696,150 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement will expand co investigator, project management, analytical and laboratory activities to accelerate key goals of the CRIC study. It will hasten scientific contributions owing to the immediate availability of a vast array of high quality re Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $2,100,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This competitive supplement application proposes a genome wide association study to engage in discovery to identify potential novel pathways explanatory of the progression of renal disease. Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $275,731 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: AIMS: We propose the use of a multi-center, prospective, cohort design with standardized, open, outcome variable evaluation technique to non-experimentally study patients aged 18-75 years with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) defined as125I-Iothalamate G Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/02/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $783,931 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Chaperones or heat shock proteins are found in all cells from bacteria to man and are among the most highly conserved and immunodominant molecules in nature. Originally thought to facilitate the three dimensional assembly of proteins it has become increas Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/05/2009
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY $718,599 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-binding proteins play a critical role in the regulation of protein activity at the surface of eukaryotic cells by controlling the internalization of proteins into the endocytic pathway. Dysfunction of ubiquitin-dependent endocytosi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/07/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $724,055 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: In brain, sulfur metabolism exemplifies the principle of metabolic cooperation and furnishes cells with four major reagents critical for methylation reactions (S-adenosylmethionine), antioxidant capacity (glutathione), signaling (H2S), and cell volume reg Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK $803,542 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Tactile allodynia refers to a painful sensation induced by a simple touch. It is a serious and often debilitating medical problem associated with nerve injury and inflammation. In experiments supported by this grant over the last funding period, we have d Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
UMDNJ-ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON MEDICAL SCHOOL $858,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall goal of this project is to conduct preclinical studies that will provide a firm underpinning for effecive treatment of Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (LINCL) patients. There are three specific aims: to develop an inducible tra Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/23/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M D ANDERSON $796,746 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most important complications that afflict people with diabetes. Because chronic pain caused by diabetic neuropathy is not adequately relieved by existing analgesics, it represents an important unmet clinical need. The cho Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY FACULTY AND STUDENTS CLUB INC, THE $1,206,914 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Alzheimers disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that leads to profound cognitive decline and eventually death. There are no effective treatments or preventative measures available, and the incidence and prevalence of the disease are increasing. Ne Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $854,686 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: ParkinsonG??s disease (PD) is an insidious disease that affects the quality of life of over one and a half million people in the United States alone. In the past several decades, it has become accepted that PD occurs as a result of degeneration in dopami Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/04/2009
OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY $757,813 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The long-range goal of this project is to develop methods for enhancing motor function in patients with motor disabilities. Our approach to improving motor function has been to couple assisted movement with enhanced sensation ('AMES'), in which the patent Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN $193,125 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Identification of JAK family tyrosine kinases as receptor-associated signaling molecules for growth hormone (GH) receptors (GHR) and the many other members of the cytokine receptor superfamily was a major step forward in our understanding of the cellular Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/21/2009
TUFTS MEDICAL CENTER PARENT, INC. $699,600 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The dysfunctional regulation of signal transduction pathways is central to the pathogenesis of a number of clinically significant inflammatory conditions including systemic inflammation (SIRS), atherosclerosis and autoimmune diseases. The mitogen-activate Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $88,250 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The University of Pittsburgh GRCs study subject recruitment efforts to date have been largely focused on the clinical practice of a single, full-time, IBD clinician in the Digestive Disorders Center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Pr Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY $150,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The goal of the Gastroparesis Clinical Reserach Consortium (GpCRC) is to perform research in gastroparesis and provide an infrastructure that can rapidly and efficiently conduct clinical trials to improve treatment of gastroparesis. At Wake Forest, we hav Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA $308,882 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is the preferred mode of vascular access for chronic hemodialysis, because of significantly lower mortality, morbidity, and maintenance costs as compared to other types of access. However, recent reports establish that as m Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/07/2009
BOSTON MEDICAL CENTER CORPORATION $877,937 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award will be used to accelerate enrollment of the Boston Clinical Center Hemodialysis Fistula Maturation Consortium (HFMC) subjects to 18 months (Aim 1), include pre-operative vascular function testing and venous tissue analysis (Aim 2), and include Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON $169,692 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The parent grant is a Discovery Site for the NIDDK-funded Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP) Research Network, funded in September 2008. The MAPP Research Network is focused on a whole-body approach to the study of Inter Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/27/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT RIVERSIDE $110,960 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall objective for this supplement is to train three undergraduate students and one inter city elementary school teacher to expedite the goals of the parent project by fabricating high density conductometric nano gas sensor arrays using site?]speci Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL $59,341 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Developing Selective Inhibitors of GAPDHS and Sperm Glycolysis for Contraception Glycolysis is essential for sperm energy production and motility. Several enzymes in this central metabolic pathway have isoforms that are only found in developing spermatog Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO $0 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This application for renewal of the California NeuroAIDS Tissue Network (CNTN) responds to RFA-MH-08-021. The CNTN is part of the National NeuroAIDS Tissue Consortium (NNTC) which includes sites at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, UCLA, and University of Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO $433,295 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Title: Pre-clinical and Clinical Studies of Cobinamide, a New Cyanide-Detoxifying Agent This is a supplement to the above research project. The goal of the parent project is to develop cobinamide, a vitamin B12 analog, as a cyanide antidote. Cyanide i Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
MAYO CLINIC $225,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) has need of Information Technology (IT) resources to support the development and integration of standardized IT tools to reduce the administrative burden on study investigators. The NCCTG IT staff is curren Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY GROUP , THE $489,402 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) is the foremost multidisciplinary cooperative clinical trial research group devoted to the study of gynecologic malignancies. Since its inception in 1970, the GOG has been a recognized leader in the development of new Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/31/2009
DUKE UNIVERSITY $682,887 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The CALGB will implement an initiative from the Clinical Trials Evaluation Program (CTEP) to incorporate new tools/technologies into the NCI/CTEP-sponsored Cooperative Group and Consortia infrastructure supporting multi-institutional clinical trials. Thi Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
BAY AREA TUMOR INSTITUTE $226,130 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: DESCRIPTION The Bay Area Tumor Institute Community Clinical Oncology Program (BATI-CCOP) is a consortium of 6 community and county hospitals in Greater Oakland, California. Since its creation in 1979 as a CGOP and its convention to CCOP status in 1989, th Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, THE $617,367 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Ocular hypertension Treatment Study is a large multicenter randomized clinical trial to determinewhether lowering intraocular pressure with topical ocular hypotensive medication in subjects with ocular hypertension prevents or delays the development Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/16/2009
JAEB CENTER FOR HEALTH RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. $693,507 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Cornea Donor Study (CDS) and its ancillary study, the Specular Microscopy Ancillary Study (SMAS), are examining the effect of donor age and the predictive value of endothelial cell density (ECD) on cornea graft survival. The study enrolled 1,101 subj Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO $238,920 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This proposal for an administrative supplement will allow completion of pediatric pharmacology studies performed as part of the Pediatric Pharmacology Research Network (PPRU) Network and hasten the acquisition of scientific knowledge that can be applied t Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 1/01/2008
UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT & STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE $252,355 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this supplement is to pay salary and fringe for an additional research project employee to work on the main grant. Thie person is responsible for obtaining blood samples, entering and analysing data, maintaining patient records, and monito Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
BAYLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE $48,970 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Vaccination represents one of the major successes of medicine as it has spared countless people from polio, tetanus and other acute infections. Yet, improved immunization strategies are needed to make vaccines for microbes that cause considerable morbidit Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/10/2009
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH THE $300,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This is a supplement to the existing grant. This supplemental award has been directed toward developing safe radiation damage mitigator compounds (drugs which work after radiation exposure but before the onset of radiation damage syndrome), to pregnant f Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY, THE $49,328 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This supplement will support the transfer of established protein microarray technologies developed in the Ulz lab to the Stanford Human Immune Monitoring Core (HIM C), creating the Autoimmunity Center of Excellence (ACE) at Stanford Protein Microarray Cor Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/04/2009
WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, THE $1,618,515 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Advanced Technology QA Consortium (ATC), through the Image-Guided Therapy Center (ITC) at Washington University, has developed an advanced medical informatics infrastructure that enables institutions to submit, and QA Centers to receive, share, and a Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/23/2009
MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL, THE $306,058 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The overall goal of this U24 application is to continue supporting a team of investigators to develop new and provide established, state-of-the-art high resolution mouse imaging techniques to local cancer investigators. The Harvard Small Animal Imaging Re Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY $395,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This application is in response to Notice Number (NOT-OD-09-058) and Notice Title: NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Applications. We propose a competitive revision to the Clinical Proteomic Technology Assessmen Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
SLOAN-KETTERING INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH $532,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This award is issued in response to Notice OD-09-060, Recovery Act Administrative Supplements Providing Summer Research Experiences for Students and Science Educators. DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Within the pilot phase of The Cancer Genome Atlas Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, THE $278,332 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We will operate a Cancer Genome Characterization Center in which we will systematically analyze the genome and transcriptome of human cancers as provided under the TCGA pilot project. We will use Molecular Inversion probes to measure allele specific copy Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, INC., THE $649,319 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We are seeking support to establish a Cancer Genome Characterization Center in Boston. The goal of the proposed effort is to analyze 3000 tumor samples over a three-year period of time and identify a set of genes that can be resequenced by the members of Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
GEORGIA HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. $1,819,749 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The Coordinating and Bioinformatics Unit (CBU) for the Animal Models of Diabetic Complications Consortium (AMDCC) and the Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Centers (MMPC) is responsible for creating and maintaining the administrative, scientific and informatics Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS $500,412 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The NCRR/OAR sponsored programs to establish and maintain breeding colonies of specific pathogen-free rhesus macaques has been an unequivocal success, providing valuable research animal resources for AIDS-related research. Domestic production, the only so Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS $394,671 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: The purpose of this project is to establish a Curation Division at the Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Center (MMRRC) at the University of California Davis (UCD) in order to advance translational (T1 & T2) research, thus accelerating the availability of va Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON $932,328 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This application requests continued support for the NIEHS Center at the University of Texas Medical Branch. The mission of this Center is to integrate, coordinate and foster interactions and collaborations among a group of established investigators pursui Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/07/2009
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM $267,359 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: We intend to enhance and expand the U54 UAB Community Outreach Program entitled Increasing Minority Participation in Clinical Trials (IMPaCT) by providing the opportunity for AA patients at Cooper Green Mercy Hospital, a safety-net county hospital treatin Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 8/28/2009
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY $577,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This administrative supplement would be used to provide summer research experience to four undergraduates in 2009 and six in 2010. Expansion would also keep pace with increased student interest, as the level of applications for INN summer programs was hig Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK $82,542 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: Specialized Center G?? Cooperative Agreements: To Support any part of the full range of research and development from very basic to clinical; may involve ancillary supportive activities such as protracted patient care necessary to the primary research or Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, THE $13,103 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: ARRA Administrative Supplement: Providing Summer Research Experience for Students and Science Educators Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 6/23/2009
CHARLES DREW UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND SCIENCE $32,712 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: With a longstanding history of collaborations in education, health services research and community service, Drew University, the only historically black medical school west of the Mississippi River, and UCLA, one of this nation's premier universities, are Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/14/2009
BROAD INSTITUTE, INC., THE $494,631 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support: This ENCODE consortium project aims to identify and classify chromatin regulatory elements in the human genome in systematic fashion. This goal is being pursued through the application of chromatin methods and ultra high-throughput sequencing to acquire g Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009