Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Marin County, Calif., funds by Interior, Department of

Listing $6,282,613.03 in stimulus funds from Interior, Department of for Marin

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
NORTH MARIN WATER DISTRICT $1,794,744 Water Reclamation and Reuse Program This Project consists of the planning, design, and construction of multi-county activities that will provide recycled water for agricultural, urban, and environmental uses and to expand the recycled water system in the North Bay region. The Project will i
This spending item is part of a $7,203,000 allocation. See details
Bureau of Reclamation 9/16/2010
NOVATO SANITARY DISTRICT $1,346,500 Water Reclamation and Reuse Program This Project consists of the planning, design, and construction of multi-county activities that will provide recycled water for agricultural, urban, and environmental uses and to expand the recycled water system in the North Bay region. The Project will i
This spending item is part of a $7,203,000 allocation. See details
Bureau of Reclamation 9/16/2010
LAS GALLINAS VALLEY SANITARY DISTRICT $846,756 Water Reclamation and Reuse Program This Project consists of the planning, design, and construction of multi-county activities that will provide recycled water for agricultural, urban, and environmental uses and to expand the recycled water system in the North Bay region. The Project will i
This spending item is part of a $7,203,000 allocation. See details
Bureau of Reclamation 9/16/2010
K.J. CAIN COMPANY $498,116 Demolition of the existing approximate 2000 sf wood-framed Chalone Creek Warehouse Building with loft storage space and the construction of a new approximate 2180 sf warehouse. National Park Service 2/12/2010
SUNWIZE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $381,251 installation of solar electric systems Park National Park Service 4/09/2010
HANFORD APPLIED RESTORATION & CONSERVATION $375,192 Construction of trails, viewing areas and parking areas for Giacomini Watershed Restoration National Park Service 4/29/2010
YERBA BUENA ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, INC. $374,631 ARRA PMIS 148433 Demolish 4 houses in Camino del Canyon
This spending item is part of a $399,968 allocation. See details
National Park Service 5/06/2010
NOR-CAL PUMP & WELL DRILLING, INC $153,700 Abandonment of 15 water wells within Pt. Reyes National Seashore Park. National Park Service 5/14/2010
A&P DEVELOPMENT & CONSTRUCTION, INC. $121,932 REMOVE NON-ESSENTIAL STRUCTURES ON THE DRAKES BAY FISH DOCK PIER, POINT REYES NATIONAL SEASHORE, MARIN COUNTY, CA. The Contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, equipment, materials and appurtenances as needed to remove two building additions from
This spending item is part of a $234,907 allocation. See details
National Park Service 3/10/2010
YERBA BUENA ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, INC. $86,385 ARRA PMIS 148204 Demo 2 Houses- Demolish 2 Abandoned Houses Ft. Barry & Reveg Landscape
This spending item is part of a $142,860 allocation. See details
National Park Service 5/06/2010
KADON TRUCKING, INC. $34,496 Trucking and Material National Park Service 9/23/2009
WINZLER & KELLY, CONSULTING ENGINEERS $29,874 Design/demolition of the following: 6 unsafe buildings at Sacramento Landing. Drakes Bay Fish Docks. Cheda Ranch.
This spending item is part of a $32,610 allocation. See details
National Park Service 1/07/2010
BAILEY'S CONSTRUCTION $25,968 Manufacture, deliver and install precast concrete restroom at the Point Reyes National Seashore. National Park Service 9/10/2009
WINZLER & KELLY, CONSULTING ENGINEERS $22,693 Giacomini Wetlands Restoration Project - Pt. Reyes, California
This spending item is part of a $24,253 allocation. See details
National Park Service 12/04/2009
RMC CONSULTANTS, INC. $14,578 Provide all labor, supervision, material & equipment as needed to complete safety closures of three mine adits on Copper Mine Gulch located within Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County, CA. National Park Service 11/17/2009
ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, INC. $2,736 Design/demolition of the following: 6 unsafe buildings at Sacramento Landing. Drakes Bay Fish Docks. Cheda Ranch.
This spending item is part of a $32,610 allocation. See details
National Park Service 1/07/2010
ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, INC. $1,560 Giacomini Wetlands Restoration Project - Pt. Reyes, California
This spending item is part of a $24,253 allocation. See details
National Park Service 12/04/2009