Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

District of Columbia County, D.C., funds by National Science Foundation

Listing $129,919,264.32 in stimulus funds from National Science Foundation for District of Columbia

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY INC $79,684,773 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The construction of an Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) is consistent with this mission and was a specific or tacit recommendation of three National Academy of Sciences reports. The ATST would be the world's flagship facility for the study of ma
This spending item is part of a $146,000,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 1/15/2010
CONSORTIUM FOR OCEAN LEADERSHIP INC $15,235,809 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Program Management Office staffing in support of managing the Ocean Observing Initiative Construction Project for the National Science Foundation. Coastal and global scale nodes development and build.
This spending item is part of a $105,930,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 9/14/2009
ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. $5,400,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). This award supports infrastructure upgrades at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) that will ensure the viability of current NRAO assets for sup National Science Foundation 9/30/2009
ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY INC $3,783,230 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Infrastructure Improvements at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO): NOAO, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center under a Cooperative Agreement with the National Science Foundation, is charged with the oversight and management o
This spending item is part of a $5,600,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 9/03/2009
INCORPORATED RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS FOR SEISMOLOGY $3,341,053 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The integrated observing systems that comprise the EarthScope Facility can be used to address fundamental questions at all scales, from the active nucleation zone of earthquakes, to individual faults and volcanoes, to the deformation along the plate bound
This spending item is part of a $5,101,724 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/14/2009
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION $2,665,991 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The ASEE/NSF Corporate Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Program provides 40 recent engineering PhD's opportunities to conduct research in an industrial setting. The program is a partnership between the federal government and interested industry sponsors. National Science Foundation 8/14/2009
ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY INC $1,892,319 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support 'This award will be used to augment the project team with key staff to complete the design efforts, prepare for construction start, support recommended risk reductions and assist in vendor contracting preparation in support of the construction phase. The
This spending item is part of a $3,100,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 7/16/2009
INCORPORATED RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS FOR SEISMOLOGY $1,587,848 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). In this project funded by the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program, the PI?s will develop a new, international (8-nation), broadband seismic capabili
This spending item is part of a $1,992,785 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/06/2009
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $1,327,416 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) program is concerned with observing the response of the active layer and near-surface permafrost to climate change at multi-decade time scales. The present active-layer network of 168 sites represents the onl
This spending item is part of a $1,662,201 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 11/04/2009
CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON $1,121,600 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Math for America DC (MfA DC) is a collaborative project between American UniversityG??s (AU) School of Education, Teaching, and Health (SETH) and Department of Mathematics and Statistics (M/S), the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), a group of DC
This spending item is part of a $1,498,042 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 5/22/2009
ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY INC $1,101,611 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Infrastructure improvements at the National Solar Observatory (NSO). NSO is a Federally Funded Research Center that operates telescopes and research facilities on Kitt Peak on property leased from the Tohono O'odham Nation in the Quinlan Mountains in Ariz
This spending item is part of a $1,400,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 9/03/2009
CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA (THE) $1,023,621 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Large DNA viruses, bacterial viruses ('bacteriophages' or 'phages') and eukaryotic viruses such as herpes viruses, package the viral genome inside a protein shell (capsid). The bacteriophage T4, which infects E. coli, packages a 171-kb 56 micrometer long National Science Foundation 6/02/2009
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $843,662 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This is a CAREER award to support the research of Dr. Hongfang Liu in the Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics at Georgetown University. Dr. Liu is a second-year, tenure-track Assistant Professor. Natural language processing (NLP National Science Foundation 8/10/2009
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $750,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support With the advent of new supercomputers that employ hundreds of thousands of processors and can compute at speeds approaching one quadrillion operations per second, many grand challenge science problems can be solved which were unsolvable even a few years a National Science Foundation 9/15/2009
HOWARD UNIVERSITY, INC. $714,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) is a partnership of 14 institutions (Cornell University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Howard University, , Pennsylvania State University, Stanford University, University of
This spending item is part of a $10,000,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 9/17/2009
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $700,120 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5)'. This project will investigate why many small molecules self-assemble in dilute solution to form very long '1-dimensional' (1D) objects, thinner than a huma
This spending item is part of a $1,150,120 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 7/22/2009
CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON $675,005 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Renewal - Experimental Studies of Elasticity, Rheology, Volume, and Texture of Materials at Pressure-Temperature Conditions of the Earth's Mantle and Core National Science Foundation 7/20/2009
CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON $575,750 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This project involves major renovations to laboratory spaces that will house three groups of instruments, the combination of which forms a coherent and multidisciplinary facility for research in Earth and space science and materials physics.
This spending item is part of a $1,093,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/24/2010
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $542,152 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Long-term studies of mammals are precious resources for scientists and the public, but rarely are such data sets fully exploited. This is largely because, with volumes of data stored in many formats (e.g. spreadsheets, text, image files), biological inqui National Science Foundation 9/13/2009
ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. $507,258 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). In order for astronomers to have the highest possible resolution to detect objects of the smallest angular size, they require large telescopes, or they comb National Science Foundation 3/16/2010
CENTEYE, INC. $504,789 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Title: Collaborative Research: RoboBees: A Convergence of Body, Brain and Colony. With impacts ranging from industrial automation to household chores, robots are poised to become an integral part of modern life. Technological progress over the past severa
This spending item is part of a $9,301,955 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/11/2009
CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON $480,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Acquisition of a Dual Beam FIB/SEM system for the Carnegie Institution of Washington, which will be used for sample characterization, micro/nano-fabrication, and sample preparation National Science Foundation 8/05/2009
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $450,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The Analytical and Surface Chemistry Program at NSF Division of Chemistry will support the international collaborative research project of Prof. YuYe Tong of Georgetown University. A Collaborator in the project is Prof. Shi-Gang Sun of Xiamen University, National Science Foundation 8/11/2009
CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA (THE) $415,938 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The primary purpose of this project is to use multivariate methods to econometrically estimate the extent to which ground-induced currents (GICs) contribute to Loop flows. Loop flows are unscheduled electricity flows or inadvertent flows that represent th National Science Foundation 8/31/2009
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES $378,684 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The purpose of the project is to promote broad implementation by the engineering community of the findings and recommendations presented in the 2008 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) report, Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public Und
This spending item is part of a $461,784 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/20/2009
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY $376,442 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Math for America DC (MfA DC) is a collaborative project between American UniversityG??s (AU) School of Education, Teaching, and Health (SETH) and Department of Mathematics and Statistics (M/S), the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), a group of DC
This spending item is part of a $1,498,042 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 5/22/2009
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $375,395 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The nature of scientific computing is changing G?? it is becoming increasingly data-centric. We use AmdahlG??s Laws to quantify (i) what is a data-intensive computational problem, and (ii) what is a data-intensive computational architecture. Based on thes National Science Foundation 8/19/2009
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $374,974 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Collaborative award involving Georgetown, University of Minnesota, and The George Washington University for four years, starting from 09/15/09. The award was made fairly recently and we are now creating our team and organizing meetings with our counterpa National Science Foundation 9/15/2009
CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON $317,290 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Three year project to measure thermal emission from over a dozen Hot Jupiter extrasolar planets at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. National Science Foundation 6/16/2009
CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON $276,639 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Establishmen of a new high pressure scale that will be used to make accurate determination of pressure at high temperature in the externally heated and laser heated diamond anvil cell. National Science Foundation 6/25/2009
OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY $263,670 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Program Management Office staffing in support of managing the Ocean Observing Initiative Construction Project for the National Science Foundation. Coastal and global scale nodes development and build.
This spending item is part of a $105,930,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 9/14/2009
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $230,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This project focuses on the physics of mesoscopic electronic devices. These devices are made of a large number of atoms, but are sufficiently small to exhibit quantum phenomena that are not found in macroscopic structures. Understanding how smaller size a National Science Foundation 8/13/2009
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $222,399 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The Awash National Park Baboon Research Project has been conducting research on the behavioral, anatomical, physiological and ecological adaptations of anubis and hamadryas baboons, and on the natural hybrid zone between them, for over thirty years. All t National Science Foundation 8/24/2009
HOWARD UNIVERSITY, INC. $202,182 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This stipend and travel support for graduate students. The funding will help alleviate the severe shortage of minority mathematicians. National Science Foundation 7/01/2009
ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS, THE $199,276 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Track 1: Departments and Underrepresented Students ALIGNED: Addressing Locally-tailored Information Infrastructure & Geoscience Needs for Enhancing Diversity. The ALIGNED Project will support the development of knowledge-driven, place-based, and locatio National Science Foundation 9/01/2009
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $197,547 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The instrument will be used to support research activities such as: 1) study of lanthanide chalcogenides for use in magnetic conductors; 2) analysis of clay minerals in soil samples; 3) coordination polymers and framework materials; 4) template directed c National Science Foundation 1/13/2010
CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON $179,955 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Collaborative Research: Serpentinizationa and cycling of B, Nd and Sr in submarine hyrothermal systems: An experimental study on the effects of pH and temmperature. National Science Foundation 7/28/2009
ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. $173,907 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This proposal seeks instrument development and infrastructure improvements of an existing radio array, the Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA), to create a major university-based facility serving a broad scientific community, to keep the U.S. competitive in t
This spending item is part of a $5,121,584 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 9/22/2010
SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC $150,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Visualization is one of the most important and commonly used methods of analyzing and interpreting digital assets. For many types of computational research, it is the only viable means of extracting information and developing understanding from data. Howe
This spending item is part of a $7,000,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 7/25/2009
ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY INC $150,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The National Solar Observatory (NSO) International Research Experience for Students (IRES) Program provides qualified and motivated US graduate students with the opportunity to perform scientific research at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) in B National Science Foundation 8/19/2009
CHILDREN'S RESEARCH INSTITUTE $115,695 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This project, developing an instrument for information processing and computing that enables cohesive study of the brain, involves the new concept of a 5-D brain processing platform while addressing the challenge of finding the best way to put together fi
This spending item is part of a $2,939,515 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 6/18/2010
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (THE) $108,596 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Technical Summary: Static and dynamic light scattering provide real-time, noninvasive characterization of molecular masses and/or particle sizes. They are powerful techniques for characterizing materials such as polymer dispersion, pigments, colloids, etc National Science Foundation 9/10/2009
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE $97,564 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This OK Inter-campus and Intra-campus Cyber Connectivity (RII C2) project would be led by the University of Oklahoma Norman Campus to benefit the entire state. Intellectual Merit: Through the Oklahoma Optical Initiative (OOI), the OK RII C2 project plans
This spending item is part of a $1,176,470 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/18/2010
ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, INCORPORATED $96,683 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Diversity program in the field of Ecology National Science Foundation 7/30/2009
CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA (THE) $32,114 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The objective of this EAGER research is to demonstrate the feasibility of using synthetic fly ash glass as a model for systematic studies of fly ash reactivity instead of using real fly ash. It will demonstrate that synthetic fly ash specimens will produc National Science Foundation 8/14/2009
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $25,712 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support In plants the distinction between species is is often not complete, allowing for the production of hybrids that frequently perform poorly. On the flip side, within a single species, genetic differentiation may develop between isolated populations resulti National Science Foundation 8/17/2009
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY $25,595 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Project summary: Physical ecosystem engineering is now widely held as an important ecological process. Despite this purported importance, the extent of the ecological and evolutionary impacts of ecosystem engineers on other organisms, and the conditions u
This spending item is part of a $451,614 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/17/2009
WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS $25,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This project will explore the application of a prediction market to an emerging field of science ? synthetic biology ? where a better understanding of future development and directions in the field could be of significant value to funders, policymakers, a National Science Foundation 8/17/2009
CONSORTIUM FOR OCEAN LEADERSHIP INC $0 To purchase 251 days of ship operations and fuel in support of the USIO expeditions
This spending item is part of a $25,000,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 9/04/2009