Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

21135 Lewis County, Ky.

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U.S. Kentucky Lewis
Population 308,745,538 4,339,367 13,849
Total recovery funding $522,082,377,600 $7,005,008,232 $13,344,718
Funding per Capita $1,691 $1,614 $964
Unemployment Rate, 7/08 – 7/12

This site was updated in September 2012. It includes recipient-reported data through the second quarter of 2012, which was released in July 2012.

Important: This interactive database is not kept up-to-date and should be treated as a historical snapshot. As records may have changed since we stopped making updates, researchers and consultants wishing to use the data should check against original sources for accuracy before using any data published here.

Those wishing to download the data can find it at the ProPublica Data Store.

Funding by Federal Agency and Department

Click total to see spending list
Agriculture, Department of $6,236,338
Education, Department of $4,137,111
Health and Human Services, Department of $1,162,536
Housing and Urban Development, Department of $916,904
Social Security Administration $840,750
Commerce, Department of $51,079


Stimulus contracts, grants and loans in Lewis County, Ky. Data last updated on September 2012.
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Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Type Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
LEWIS CO SCHOOL DISTRICT $1,856,606 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Fund- for the support of public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and, as applicable, early childhood education programs and services. KentuckyG??s purposes/goals for the uses of ARRA funding ar... Show more
This spending item is part of a $532,797,583 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/09/2009
LEWIS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT $1,100,000 Loan Community Facilities Loans and Grants Community Facilities Loans and Grants - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 6/18/2010
GREATER FLEMMING COUNTY REGIONAL WATER COMMISSION $994,000 Loan Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA Greater Fleming County Water Commission has a combined loan/grant project to construct a new 500,000 gallon elevated water storage tank near the existing tank at the Flemingsburg Industrial Park. The new tank will provide additional water... Show more Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service 8/13/2009
LEWIS CO SCHOOL DISTRICT $983,902 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for student most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standard.
This spending item is part of a $155,347,894 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 8/31/2009
LEWIS COUNTY PRIMARY CARE CENTER, INC $880,735 Grant ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] ARRA - Capital Improvement Program Grant Number C81CS13551. This project did not create any jobs as the project was an enhancement of our certified EHR to improve meaningful use, clinical decision support, e-prescribing, disease regis... Show more Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Resources and Services Administration 6/25/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $820,000 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 6/30/2009
GARRISON WATER DISTRICT $798,000 Loan Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA Project is to provide sanitary sewer service to the Garrison community in Lewis County. The community currently has no public sewer service and most private sewage systems are failing. The project consists of construction of 43,500 linea... Show more Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service 8/24/2009
GARRISON WATER DISTRICT $798,000 Loan Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA Project is to provide sanitary sewer service to the Garrison community in Lewis County. The community currently has no public sewer service and most private sewage systems are failing. The project consists of construction of 43,500 linea... Show more Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service 8/24/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $640,500 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Direct SECTION 502 SINGLE FAMILY HSNG DIRECT LN - 2009 ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 5/31/2010
LEWIS, COUNTY OF $600,000 Grant Community Development Block Grants/State's program and Non-Entitlement Grants in Hawaii ? (Recovery Act Funded) CDBG-R activities include a wide variety of community development projects directed towards housing, neighborhood revitalization, economic development and the provision of improved faciliti... Show more
This spending item is part of a $7,277,180 allocation. See details
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 7/29/2009
LEWIS CO SCHOOL DISTRICT $560,164 Grant Special Education Grants to States, Recovery Act Assist States in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities in accordance with Part B of the IDEA.
This spending item is part of a $157,569,975 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 8/31/2009
LEWIS CO SCHOOL DISTRICT $560,164 Grant Special Education Grants to States, Recovery Act Assist States in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities in accordance with Part B of the IDEA.
This spending item is part of a $157,569,975 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 8/31/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $479,384 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Guaranteed Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loans - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 10/31/2009
GARRISON WATER DISTRICT $429,500 Grant Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA Project is to provide sanitary sewer service to the Garrison community in Lewis County. The community currently has no public sewer service and most private sewage systems are failing. The project consists of construction of 43,500 linea... Show more Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service 8/24/2009
GREATER FLEMMING COUNTY REGIONAL WATER COMMISSION $426,000 Grant Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA Greater Fleming County Water Commission has a combined loan/grant project to construct a new 500,000 gallon elevated water storage tank near the existing tank at the Flemingsburg Industrial Park. The new tank will provide additional water... Show more Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service 8/13/2009
LEWIS COUNTY PRIMARY CARE CENTER, INC $281,801 Grant ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] ARRA - Incease services to Health Centers. This increase in services is due to hiring a physician as a hopitalist who will follow the hospitaized patients, thus allowing our other physicians to stay in the office and follow their patie... Show more Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Resources and Services Administration 3/27/2009
Peoples Self Help Housing Inc $213,000 Grant Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (Recovery Act Funded) Homeless Prevention and Rapid ReHousing Program (Kentucky HEARTH) provides financial assistance and housing relocation and stabilization services to assist program participants who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeles... Show more
This spending item is part of a $12,157,352 allocation. See details
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 7/23/2009
LEWIS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT $200,000 Grant Community Facilities Loans and Grants Community Facilities Loans and Grants - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 6/18/2010
BLACK OAK VOLUNTEERFIRE DEPT. INC. $200,000 Grant Community Facilities Loans and Grants Community Facilities Loans and Grants - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 3/03/2010
BLACK OAK VOLUNTEERFIRE DEPT. INC. $150,000 Loan Community Facilities Loans and Grants Community Facilities Loans and Grants - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 3/03/2010
VANCEBURG HOUSING AUTHORITY $103,904 Grant Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (Formula) Recovery Act Funded Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (Formula) Recovery Act Funded Housing and Urban Development, Department of 3/18/2009
LEWIS CO SCHOOL DISTRICT $97,927 Grant Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States to improve student academic achievement through the innovative use and the effective integration of new and emerging technology with teacher training, curriculum development, and successful research-based in... Show more
This spending item is part of a $9,899,923 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
LEWIS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION $51,079 Grant Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Many Kentucky libraries currently lack the requisite equipment, instructional capacity, and funding to meet increasing user needs, while existing One-Stop Career Centers in the state are often overcrowded with long wait times for service. The Kentucky... Show more
This spending item is part of a $1,349,826 allocation. See details
Commerce, Department of / National Institute of Standards and Technology 8/19/2010
LEWIS CO SCHOOL DISTRICT $37,674 Grant Special Education - Preschool Grants, Recovery Act Assist States to make available special education and related services for children with disabilities age 3 through 5 years, and at a State's discretion, to 2 year old children with disabilities who will reach age three during the school year.
This spending item is part of a $10,596,756 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 8/31/2009
LEWIS CO SCHOOL DISTRICT $37,674 Grant Special Education - Preschool Grants, Recovery Act Assist States to make available special education and related services for children with disabilities age 3 through 5 years, and at a State's discretion, to 2 year old children with disabilities who will reach age three during the school year.
This spending item is part of a $10,596,756 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 8/31/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $13,251 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 11/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $9,750 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 9/30/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $4,000 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 12/31/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $3,312 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 8/31/2010
LEWIS CO SCHOOL DISTRICT $3,000 Grant Education for Homeless Children and Youth, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for student most at risk of failing to meet Sate academic achievement standard.
This spending item is part of a $1,319,915 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/10/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $2,891 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 7/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $2,500 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 3/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $2,500 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 6/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $1,500 Loan Farm Operating Loans DIRECT OPERATING LOAN Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 3/27/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $1,000 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 9/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $1,000 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 12/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $0 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Direct SECTION 502 SINGLE FAMILY HSNG DIRECT LN - 2009 ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 9/30/2010