Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Essex County, N.J., funds by National Science Foundation

Listing $10,620,725.00 in stimulus funds from National Science Foundation for Essex

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $4,779,753 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This proposal seeks instrument development and infrastructure improvements of an existing radio array, the Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA), to create a major university-based facility serving a broad scientific community, to keep the U.S. competitive in t
This spending item is part of a $5,121,584 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 9/22/2010
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $911,666 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The PENGUIn team will continue investigating in depth a multi-scale electrodynamic system that comprises space environment of Planet Earth (geospace). Several science topics important to the space physics and aeronomy are outlines in this proposal that ca
This spending item is part of a $2,042,457 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/20/2009
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $658,760 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This proposal is the main source of support of the Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA), a university-based solar-dedicated radio imaging array. This proposal provides the funds to keep the instrument operating, partial support for the personnel on the site at
This spending item is part of a $890,575 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/12/2009
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY $540,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support With this award from the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program, Piotr Piotrowiak and his research group from Rutgers University - Newark will develop an ultrafast fluorescence microscope. The proposed microscope will combine ultrafast laser technol National Science Foundation 7/28/2009
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $474,522 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This project primarily will be for a Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program supporting the outreach activities of the NSF sponsored, four university Engineering Research Center on Structured Organic Particulate Systems (C-SOPS). It will involve tw National Science Foundation 8/31/2009
MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR, THE $419,453 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The project seeks to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the DNA repair enzymes photolyase and cryptochrome DASH. These enzymes repair cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) that are formed in DNA upon exposure of cells or DNA by solar ultraviolet ra National Science Foundation 7/01/2009
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $400,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This proposal outlines a challenging career development plan focusing on fundamental challenges associated with dependable data management in SC-HSNs. Specifically, there are three main thrusts in our proposed research in correspondence to the three daunt National Science Foundation 8/18/2009
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $348,684 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The goal of this award is to develop a general and novel drug manufacturing technology based on Hot-Melt Extrusion (HME), a process that holds the potential of improving the bioavailabilty of poorly soluble drugs. HME will be treated as a multidisciplina National Science Foundation 8/14/2009
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY $320,853 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support An interdisciplinary team of researchers will focus on describing the high productivity patchiness observed in phytoplankton blooms in the mid to late summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Key hypotheses to be tested and extended are that intrusions of nutr
This spending item is part of a $345,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/18/2009
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $282,015 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support MRI-0923032: Acquisition of a Properties Measurement System for Education and Research in Energy Related Materials There is a critical need to develop new and novel materials for energy storage and energy conversion and recovery. In order to tap the en National Science Foundation 9/10/2009
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $277,983 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Study of the evolution of coronal magnetic configuration and the corresponding free magnetic energy is the key to understanding and forecasting solar explosive phenomena such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We propose a 3-year program aiming National Science Foundation 9/14/2009
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY $180,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Casimir effects are macroscopic manifestations of changes in the energy of the quantum ground state. They result from changes in boundary conditions or of classical backgrounds for quantized fields. The corresponding Casimir forces can dominate at micro- National Science Foundation 7/31/2009
MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR, THE $169,174 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The main goal of this project is to develop a tagging method which neither relies on target-language training data nor requires bilingual dictionaries and parallel corpora. The main assumption is that a model for the target language can be approximated b National Science Foundation 9/03/2009
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $159,793 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Suspensions of soft particles (such as viscous drops or elastic filaments) are ubiquitous in micro-, nano- and bio-fluidic applications. Quantification of their dynamical response to simple flows and external forcing (such as gravity or electric field) is National Science Foundation 8/20/2009
NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $149,338 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This study propose to use data collected from 2008 (and ongoing) to study CIR signatures at high geomagnetic latitudes. 2008 is a period of extremely low solar activity as compared to the past few solar cycles, sllowing one to study CIRs apart from afore National Science Foundation 8/20/2009
MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR, THE $129,372 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Acquisition of a computer cluster to support a number of computationally intensive research projects in the College of Science and Mathematics of Montclair State University. National Science Foundation 4/22/2010
MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR, THE $119,406 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This project will construct a geomagnetic paleointensity record from the Shaldril NBP05-02 sediment core collected from Maxwell Bay, Antarctic Peninsula. This core contains the rare combination of a strongly-magnetic silty-clay lithology and contains bio National Science Foundation 6/12/2009
EXELUS INC. $100,000 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support SBIR Phase I: Advanced Biomass-to-Gasoline Process: This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project seeks to develop a breakthrough chemical process to convert cellulosic biomass into a gasoline substitute. This project addresses the urgent nee National Science Foundation 6/01/2009
MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR, THE $76,677 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support Despite consensus that forensic interviewing techniques should be informed by eyewitness research, interviewers who obtain evidence from alleged victims of child physical and sexual abuse frequently use techniques that lack empirical support. This occurs National Science Foundation 8/06/2009
MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR, THE $75,817 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This award is for a pilot study on Antarctic diamictite samples from two cores in the Ross Sea area. Core samples are collected at the Antarctic Research facility at Florida State University by a graduate student and the faculty. Samples locations for one National Science Foundation 6/12/2009
UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY OF NJ (INC) $47,459 Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support We will establish static and dynamic cultures of Trichodesmium erythraeum to determine the potential role that the tri-glycine repeat length of Trichodesmium erythraeumG??s unique collagen plays in nanoscale to colony-scale mechanics. Specifically, we hyp
This spending item is part of a $403,148 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 5/26/2009