Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Muskingum County, Ohio, funds by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Listing $279,320.04 in stimulus funds from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Muskingum

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
DOVETAIL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. $180,077 25,240 watt Direct Grid-tie Solar PV System: SRS and Flush Mounts at Dillon Lake, Ohio U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 9/24/2009
MIAMI & ERIE CONTRACTORS, INC. $44,706 DILLON LAKE, INSTALL DOUBLE VAULT TOILET BUILDING, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 9/26/2009
HITTLE ROOFING, INC. $28,850 as a part of construction on dillon lake project to replace the roof on project office/visitor center U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 9/17/2009
HITTLE ROOFING, INC. $16,500 as per construction replace roof on charles mill dam U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 9/17/2009
HEARTLAND AMERICAN PRODUCTS $3,061 4 picnic tables for Dillon Lake U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 8/16/2009
COMINSKY, JOHN $1,400 MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT DILLON LAKE & TOM JENKINS DAM, ZANESVILLE, OH U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 9/30/2009
COMINSKY, JOHN $1,400 MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT DILLON LAKE AND TOM JENKINS DAM, ZANESVILLE, OH U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 9/30/2009
COMINSKY, JOHN $1,200 MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT DILLON LAKE AND TOM JENKINS DAM, ZANESVILLE, OH U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 9/30/2009
COMINSKY, JOHN $1,125 MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT DILLON LAKE AND TOM JENKINS DAM, ZANESVILL, OH U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 9/30/2009
HAN-BOONE INTERNATIONAL, INC. $1,001 Award was to supply 20 speedbumps to the US Army corps of engineers Maintainence supply: Rubber speedbumps and Hardware for Dillon Lake Dillon,OH
This spending item is part of a $4,930 allocation. See details
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 8/06/2009