Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Warren County, Ohio, funds by Energy, Department of

Listing $2,423,956.00 in stimulus funds from Energy, Department of for Warren

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
WARREN, COUNTY OF $1,875,200 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Program Energy, Department of 10/19/2009
THALER MACHINE COMPANY, THE $348,756 State Energy Program Recovery Act State Energy Program Award for State of Ohio
This spending item is part of a $96,083,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 4/17/2009
Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc $200,000 Fossil Energy Research and Development The objective of this project is to design and develop a fuel flexible (coal derived hydrogen or syngas) gas turbine for IGCC and FutureGen type applications that meets DOE turbine performance goals. The overall DOE Advanced Power System goal is to condu
This spending item is part of a $32,330,423 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/16/2010