Florida's 3rd Congressional District

About This Map

Congresswoman Corrine Brown, an African-American Democrat from Florida, represents one of the most irregularly shaped districts in the nation. It is made up of heavily African-American neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Gainesville and Orlando which are connected by a large, sparsely populated corridor that includes most of Ocala National Forest. To protect this district against a pair of anti-gerrymandering amendments, Brown served as African-American chairwoman of Protect Your Vote; a group funded in part by Honeywell and CSX Transportation. (Population data via Census 2000) Related Story ยป

Just north of Deltona, Florida, the district protrudes east about 4 miles to enclose a heavily populated African American neighborhood.
A large portion of Orlando's African American population is captured by the southern tail of the district, essentially "bleaching" the surrounding district, altering its racial composition to be more white.
At its narrowest point, Brown's district is only slightly wider than Highway 17.