Bills Cosponsored by Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii)

Sen. Hirono cosponsored 250 bills in the 113th Congress (2013-14). See other congresses: 118th | 117th | 116th | 115th | 114th | 112th | 111th | 110th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Dec. 16, 2014 S.1463: Captive Primate Safety Act Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
Placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar
Dec. 4, 2014 S.2609: Marketplace and Internet Tax Fairness Act Michael B. Enzi (R-Wyo.)
On the floor of the Senate
Nov. 20, 2014 S.RES.26: A resolution recognizing that access to hospitals and other health care providers for patients in rural areas of the United States is essential to the survival and success of communities in the United States. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.)
Referred to committee
Nov. 20, 2014 S.RES.588: A resolution recognizing that access to hospitals and other health care providers for patients in rural areas of the United States is essential to the survival and success of communities in the United States. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.)
On the floor of the Senate
Nov. 20, 2014 S.RES.590: A resolution recognizing National Native American Heritage Month and celebrating the heritages and cultures of Native Americans and the contributions of Native Americans to the United States. Jon Tester (D-Mont.)
On the floor of the Senate
Nov. 17, 2014 S.2694: Ensuring Access to Primary Care for Women & Children Act Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
Referred to committee
Nov. 13, 2014 S.1040: A bill to provide for the award of a gold medal on behalf of Congress to Jack Nicklaus, in recognition of his service to the Nation in promoting excellence, good sportsmanship, and philanthropy. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
Referred to committee
Nov. 12, 2014 S.541: Safeguard American Food Exports Act of 2013 Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 18, 2014 S.1011: Boys Town Centennial Commemorative Coin Act Mike Johanns (R-Neb.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 18, 2014 S.2714: World War I American Veterans Centennial Commemorative Coin Act Roy Blunt (R-Mo.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 18, 2014 S.RES.572: A resolution congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 18, 2014 S.RES.573: A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 18, 2014 S.RES.574: A resolution designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as "National Estuaries Week". Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 18, 2014 S.2852: State Regulatory Representation Clarification Act of 2014 Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 18, 2014 S.2890: Digital Coast Act of 2014 Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 17, 2014 S.2646: Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
Placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar
Sept. 17, 2014 S.RES.556: A resolution designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 16, 2014 S.RES.548: A resolution designating November 29, 2014, as "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 10, 2014 S.1690: Second Chance Reauthorization Act of 2013 Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
Placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar
Sept. 9, 2014 S.RES.539: A resolution relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 8, 2014 S.942: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
Referred to committee
July 31, 2014 S.2520: FOIA Improvement Act of 2014 Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
On the floor of the House
July 30, 2014 S.1410: Smarter Sentencing Act of 2014 Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)
In committee
July 30, 2014 S.2543: Supporting Afterschool STEM Act Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)
Referred to committee
July 30, 2014 S.2687: Access to Contraception for Women Servicemembers and Dependents Act of 2014 Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)
Referred to committee
July 29, 2014 S.2685: USA FREEDOM Act of 2014 Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
Voted on in the Senate
July 28, 2014 S.2673: United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014 Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
Became law
July 23, 2014 S.2645: TREAT Act Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.)
Referred to committee
July 17, 2014 S.RES.505: A resolution congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)
Referred to committee
July 17, 2014 S.2625: Access to Birth Control Act Cory Booker (D-N.J.)
Referred to committee
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