Bills Cosponsored by Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.)

Sen. Murphy cosponsored 332 bills in the 114th Congress (2015-16). See other congresses: 118th | 117th | 116th | 115th | 113th | 112th | 111th | 110th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Sept. 12, 2016 S.RES.552: A resolution commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of NATO's invocation of Article V to defend the United States following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 8, 2016 S.J.RES.39: A joint resolution relating to the disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of M1A1/A2 Abrams Tank structures and other major defense equipment. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
Voted on in the Senate
Sept. 6, 2016 S.1982: Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Act of 2015 Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.)
In committee
July 14, 2016 S.2595: Building Rail Access for Customers and the Economy Act Michael D. Crapo (R-Idaho)
Referred to committee
July 14, 2016 S.2748: Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)
Referred to committee
July 14, 2016 S.RES.485: A resolution urging the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to comply with constitutional limits on presidential terms and fulfill its constitutional mandate for a democratic transition of power in 2016. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)
On the floor of the Senate
July 14, 2016 S.3277: Remedies for Refusal of Repatriation Act Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.)
Referred to committee
July 14, 2016 S.3274: Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
Referred to committee
July 14, 2016 S.CON.RES.48: A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation should domesticate and recognize judgments issued by United States courts on behalf of United States victims of terrorism, and that the Italian Ministry o Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.)
Referred to committee
July 14, 2016 S.RES.539: A resolution condemning the horrific acts of violence and hatred in Dallas, Texas, on July 7, 2016, and expressing support and prayers for all those impacted by the tragedy. John Cornyn (R-Texas)
On the floor of the Senate
July 13, 2016 S.RES.530: A resolution supporting the termination of the Select Investigative Panel of the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives established pursuant to House Resolution 461, and for other purposes. Patty Murray (D-Wash.)
Referred to committee
July 7, 2016 S.2830: Lead Testing in School and Child Care Drinking Water Act of 2016 Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)
Referred to committee
July 7, 2016 S.3070: Hygiene Assistance for Families of Infants and Toddlers Act of 2016 Al Franken (D-Minn.)
Referred to committee
July 7, 2016 S.RES.523: A resolution relating to the death of Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, powerful advocate for peace and human rights, and award-winning author. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
On the floor of the Senate
July 6, 2016 S.2067: EUREKA Act Roger Wicker (R-Miss.)
Referred to committee
July 6, 2016 S.314: Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)
Referred to committee
June 29, 2016 S.2531: Combating BDS Act of 2016 Mark Steven Kirk (R-Ill.)
Referred to committee
June 29, 2016 S.2960: Access to Birth Control Act Cory Booker (D-N.J.)
Referred to committee
June 28, 2016 S.386: Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act of 2015 John Thune (R-S.D.)
Referred to committee
June 28, 2016 S.RES.513: A resolution designating September 25, 2016, as "National Lobster Day". Angus King (ID-Maine)
On the floor of the Senate
June 23, 2016 S.RES.510: A resolution affirming the importance of title IX, applauding the increase in educational opportunities available to women and girls, and recognizing the tremendous amount of work left to be done to further increase such opportunities. Patty Murray (D-Wash.)
Referred to committee
June 23, 2016 S.RES.511: A resolution expressing support for the designation of June 26, 2016, as "LGBT Equality Day". Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)
Referred to committee
June 20, 2016 S.RES.503: A resolution recognizing June 20, 2016, as "World Refugee Day". Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.)
Placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar
June 16, 2016 S.6: We the People Act of 2016 Tom Udall (D-N.M.)
Referred to committee
June 16, 2016 S.RES.500: A resolution designating June 19, 2016, as "Juneteenth Independence Day" in recognition of June 19, 1865, the date on which slavery legally came to an end in the United States. John Cornyn (R-Texas)
On the floor of the Senate
June 16, 2016 S.RES.496: A resolution condemning the terrorist attack on the Pulse Orlando nightclub, honoring the memory of the victims of the attack, offering condolences to and expressing support for their families and friends and all those affected, and applauding the dedicat Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)
On the floor of the Senate
June 16, 2016 S.RES.498: A resolution designating June 15, 2016, as "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day". Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.)
On the floor of the Senate
June 14, 2016 S.RES.493: A resolution relative to the death of George V. Voinovich, former United States Senator for the State of Ohio. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
On the floor of the Senate
June 13, 2016 S.2336: REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act of 2015 Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)
Referred to committee
June 13, 2016 S.3053: Hate Crimes Prevention Act Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
Referred to committee
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