Bills Cosponsored by Mike Rounds (R-S.D.)

Sen. Rounds cosponsored 205 bills in the 114th Congress (2015-16). See other congresses: 118th | 117th | 116th | 115th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Sept. 9, 2015 S.1714: Miners Protection Act of 2015 Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 9, 2015 S.1458: STREAM Act of 2015 Daniel Coats (R-Ind.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 9, 2015 S.2015: Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 9, 2015 S.RES.250: A resolution relative to the death of Richard Schultz Schweiker, former United States Senator for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 8, 2015 S.1957: State Licensing Efficiency Act of 2015 Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Referred to committee
Aug. 5, 2015 S.1383: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Accountability Act of 2015 David Perdue (R-Ga.)
Referred to committee
Aug. 4, 2015 S.1924: Black Hills National Cemetery Boundary Expansion Act John Thune (R-S.D.)
Referred to committee
Aug. 3, 2015 S.RES.241: A resolution designating August 16, 2015, as "National Airborne Day". Jack Reed (D-R.I.)
On the floor of the Senate
July 30, 2015 S.183: Jobs and Premium Protection Act John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)
Referred to committee
July 30, 2015 S.743: Honor America's Guard-Reserve Retirees Act of 2015 John Boozman (R-Ark.)
Referred to committee
July 30, 2015 S.RES.237: A resolution condemning Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army for continuing to perpetrate crimes against humanity, war crimes, and mass atrocities, and supporting ongoing efforts by the United States Government, the African Union, and governments an John Boozman (R-Ark.)
Referred to committee
July 29, 2015 S.1881: A bill to prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
On the floor of the Senate
July 28, 2015 S.1877: A bill to require the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Planned Parenthood, and for other purposes. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.)
Referred to committee
July 28, 2015 S.1861: A bill to prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
Placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar
July 28, 2015 S.258: Critical Access Hospital Relief Act of 2015 Pat Roberts (R-Kan.)
Referred to committee
July 28, 2015 S.CON.RES.20: A concurrent resolution recognizing and honoring the 25th anniversary of the date of enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)
In committee
July 27, 2015 S.314: Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)
Referred to committee
July 27, 2015 S.1461: A bill to provide for the extension of the enforcement instruction on supervision requirements for outpatient therapeutic services in critical access and small rural hospitals through 2015. John Thune (R-S.D.)
Became law
July 27, 2015 S.609: Volunteer Responder Incentive Protection Act of 2015 Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)
Referred to committee
July 27, 2015 S.RES.231: A resolution honoring the memory and legacy of the two Louisiana citizens who lost their lives, recognizing the heroism of first responders and those on the scene, and condemning the attack of July 23, 2015, in Lafayette, Louisiana. David Vitter (R-La.)
On the floor of the Senate
July 23, 2015 S.1844: Voluntary Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) and Trade Enhancement Act of 2015 John Hoeven (R-N.D.)
Referred to committee
July 21, 2015 S.RES.227: A resolution condemning the attacks of July 16, 2015, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, honoring the members of the Armed Forces who lost their lives, and expressing support and prayers for all those affected. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.)
On the floor of the Senate
July 9, 2015 S.RES.219: A resolution designating July 25, 2015, as "National Day of the American Cowboy". Michael B. Enzi (R-Wyo.)
On the floor of the Senate
July 7, 2015 S.1617: Hizballah International Financing Prevention Act of 2015 Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)
Referred to committee
July 7, 2015 S.1711: A bill to provide for a temporary safe harbor from the enforcement of integrated disclosure requirements for mortgage loan transactions under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 and the Truth in Lending Act, and for other purposes. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)
Referred to committee
June 24, 2015 S.RES.212: A resolution condemning the attack on Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and expressing encouragement and prayers for all affected by this evil assault. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)
On the floor of the Senate
June 17, 2015 S.1598: First Amendment Defense Act Mike Lee (R-Utah)
Referred to committee
June 16, 2015 S.1579: NATIVE Act Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)
Became law
June 15, 2015 S.607: Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Extension Act of 2015 Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)
In committee
June 11, 2015 S.1553: Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
In committee
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