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Jonathan lloyd ullyot defense

Jonathan Lloyd Ullyot departed April 11, 2017Transferred to Veterans Affairs →

Defense (joined: Jan. 20, 2017)

Special Assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs | Financial Disclosure »

Bio, via LinkedIn:

Mr. Ullyot has over two decades’ experience in strategic counsel, media relations and issues management in the public and private sectors. He has led strategic engagements with some of the world’s most respected companies and CEOs on many high-profile issues, including major product recalls, earnings, mergers, litigation, regulatory scrutiny, and Congressional testimony. Mr. Ullyot served for seven years on the staff of the United States Senate as a senior policy advisor for two veteran U.S. Senators and as communications director for two Senate Committees, Veterans' Affairs and Armed Services. In the private sector, he was vice president of corporate communications for AOL Europe, Washington spokesman for Intel, and a longtime senior communications counselor at several top public relations firms including Hill+Knowlton Strategies and Brighton Strategy Group. Mr. Ullyot received his Bachelor of Arts in Government-International Relations from Harvard University, and served as an Intelligence Officer and Scout Sniper Platoon Commander in the United States Marine Corps.

Do you know something about Jonathan Lloyd Ullyot? Send us an email at [email protected] or send a Signal message to 347-244-2134.

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