This database was last updated in October 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new information that is not included here.

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Robb Nathaniel Wong

Small Business Administration (joined: March 27, 2017)

Associate Administrator for Government Contracting and Business Development, Office Of Government Contracting And Business Development | $150,000 | Financial Disclosure »

Task force
Task force member

Robb Wong held leadership positions in several small businesses, including FedSolve LLC, which used SBA programs to help win federal contracts. The agency indicated he agreed to recuse himself for two years from issues narrowly affecting recent clients or employers. — ProPublica

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Employment Assets

Description Value Income
(IRA) Lansdowne Private Wealth Management
(Cash) $100,001-$250,000 $2,501-$5,000

Other Income/Assets

Description Value Income
(J)(Cash Deposit/Savings) Capital Bank Rockville, MD, US Savings and checking (We have business accounts and personal accounts with Capital Bank in these estimated amounts. I wanted to be as truthful as possible but do not access to the precise amounts in the accounts at this time.) value not readily ascertainable $15,001-$50,000
(J)(Cash Deposit/Savings) Lansdowne Private Wealth Management Lansdowne, VA, US (This is a personal investments account held at Lansdowne Private Wealth Management. Bob O'Braitis is the LPWM owner and he holds/manages this account) $250,001-$500,000 $2,501-$5,000
(J)(IRE) Office condo (1600 square feet approximately) Gaithersburg, MD, US (This is a small office condo of about 1600 square feet, which used to be our primary office space in 1998. We now rent this to 3 psychiatrists who have been our tenant for about 5 years. We make very little profit on the rent as there are several vacancies and rents are competitive.) $250,001-$500,000 $1,001-$2,500
(J)(WLI) Universal or Whole Life-via Lansdowne Private Wealth Mgt (My wife and I each have life insurance policies as a result of ''estate planning'' done by our friend Mr. Bob O'Braitis who owns Lansdowne Private Wealth Management. we each have at least 2 policies with cross beneficiaries being the spouses - in the event of either death.) $1,000,001-$5,000,000 None (or less than $201)
(J)(Annuity) Lansdowne Private Wealth Management offering Lansdowne, VA, US (These Variable annuities are created by Lansdowne Private Wealth Management as part of our retirement/finanacial strategy.)
(Other) Lansdowne Private Wealth Mgt product $1,000,001-$5,000,000 $15,001-$50,000

Employment Agreements and Arrangements

Employer or Party City, State Status and Terms Date
FedSolve, LLC Rockville, MD, US Leave of Absence-I have no day to day dealings with Fedsolve, LLC during the term of my employment with SBA. I have turned these over to the President of Fedsolve, LLC. March 16, 2017


Creditor Name Creditor Type Amount Rate Year Incurred
Capital Bank; Rockville, MD, US (This is a loan/mortgage on a small office condo of about 1600 square feet. It was our primary office space since 1998. and we presently will pay it off in about 3 more years. ALL VALUES AND DATES ARE BEST TRUTHFUL ESTIMATES given the immediacy of filing this form.) Loan $15,001-$50,000 5% 2010

Do you know something about Robb Nathaniel Wong? Send us an email at [email protected] or send a Signal message to 347-244-2134.

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