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Shaina Hilsey

Education (joined: June 11, 2018)

Confidential Assistant, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education | Financial Disclosure »

Bio, via

Hilsey, who is majoring in professional golf management with a minor in business administration, will serve as a mentor during the annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, scheduled for May 2018. She participated in a leadership retreat at the AAUW headquarters, in Washington, D.C., this fall. She also has established an AAUW student chapter at Cal U. "The Student Advisory Council gives us an outlet to discuss a variety of issues relevant to college campuses," Hilsey said. "Our new campus AAUW chapter will provide similar opportunities for our diverse student body. I look forward to reaching out to members of our campus community." A former Student Government Association president, Hilsey continues to advocate for public higher education as a member of the Board of Governors for Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education. Last summer, she interned at the U.S. Golf Association, where she assisted with major events such as the U.S. Open. In spring 2018, she will head back to Washington, D.C., for an internship with the Heritage Foundation. "We are enormously proud of Shaina," said University President Geraldine M. Jones. "It's been exciting to witness her growth as a young leader making an impact on our University, within the State System and now on a national level. "Shaina has made the most of every opportunity, and I'm confident that she will be a strong voice for students in her role with the AAUW."

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Creditor Name Creditor Type Amount Rate Year Incurred
Department of ED/Great Lakes (incurred loans between 2014-2018) Student Loan $15,001 - $50,000 3.76% 2014

Do you know something about Shaina Hilsey? Send us an email at [email protected] or send a Signal message to 347-244-2134.

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