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oakland, California

Cost So Far


Money already spent on the evaluation and cleanup of hazardous sites.

Expected Additional Cost


The estimated amount of money needed for evaluation and cleanup of hazardous sites at this installation.

Completion Date


The date the DOD says cleanup of all sites was completed. Long term monitoring may continue after this date.

Hazardous Area

15 acres

16 Hazardous Sites

Below are the locations of hazardous sites associated with this military installation, according to the DOD. A site’s contamination may affect a much larger area, including public and private lands and the water supplies beneath them.

High Risk

Medium Risk

Low Risk

Risk Not Evaluated or Not Required

Response Complete

We haven't independently confirmed the location of every site. If you notice a site placed at the incorrect location, please contact us.

Not all sites in the DOD data include location information, so there may be sites listed below that are missing from the map. The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD to prioritize the cleanup of sites.

Land Controls & Restrictions

Many sites have been declared “clean” by the DOD but are still not safe for people. This military installation is safe only with the following conditions in place: local use ordinances, dig permits, construction permits. see more » environmental covenants dig permits local use ordinances construction permit prohibit residential use prohibit sensitive use (e.g. hospital, daycare, school) prohibit human consumption of groundwater « see less

3 Active Sites

Sites where military cleanup actions are still ongoing. The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD, which prioritizes the cleanup of sites that pose greatest threat to safety, human health, and the environment.



Surface Disposal Area



Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup

Final Cleanup Action

Jun 2017

This site is under ongoing monitoring until Jun 2046

Contaminated Areas

Groundwater: High Risk

The area in FOSET II is influenced by tidal action and has little gradient otherwise. There would be little recharge under reuse as most of the area is to be or remain paved. The groundwater is not potable. The majority of the area would be sealed under pavement with a smal park area. The likely receptor would be construction worker through dermal contact.

Contaminants: Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 5.7 ug/L Benzo(a)Pyrene 6.2 ug/L Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 6.4 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 14.0 ug/L Chrysene 16.0 ug/L Benz(a)Anthracene 16.0 ug/L Vinyl Chloride 18.3 ug/L Arsenic 70.5 ug/L 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 110.0 ug/L Toluene 120.0 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 180.0 ug/L Benzene 190.0 ug/L Chromium 210.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 220.0 ug/L Cadmium and compounds 230.0 ug/L Lead 264.0 ug/L Naphthalene 390.0 ug/L Ethyl benzene 450.0 ug/L Xylenes (isomers and mixtures) 930.0 ug/L PCE 3250.0 ug/L Manganese and compounds 36600.0 ug/L

Soil: Medium Risk

Most of FOSET II is earmarked for industrial port reuse with extensive paving. The extreme end of the area is to be a public park with oversight and restricted hours for recreational use. Subsoil construction is the only direct path to exposure in the industrial area. The park will be used for recreational purposes by all ages of the public.

Contaminants: Acetone 0.065 mg/kg Carbazole 0.7 mg/kg Anthracene 1.0 mg/kg Beryllium and compounds 1.03 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 1.4 mg/kg 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 2.0 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 2.6 mg/kg Benz(a)Anthracene 3.1 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 3.3 mg/kg Xylene (Mixed) 5.4 mg/kg Methylene Chloride 7.0 mg/kg Fluoranthene 7.3 mg/kg Toluene 7.6 mg/kg 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 7.9 mg/kg Pyrene 8.94 mg/kg Benzene 42.5 mg/kg Arsenic 47.5 mg/kg Cadmium and compounds 55.2 mg/kg Chrysene 62.4 mg/kg Ethyl benzene 91.0 mg/kg Xylenes (isomers and mixtures) 104.0 mg/kg Vanadium 104.0 mg/kg Copper and compounds 208.0 mg/kg Chromium 210.0 mg/kg Zinc 2120.0 mg/kg Lead 8660.0 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 10500.0 mg/kg Aluminum 19700.0 mg/kg

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Site ID: OARB 14


Surface Runoff



Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup

Final Cleanup Action

Sep 2020

Contaminated Areas

Sediment (Marine): High Risk

Sediment analyses indicate effects of long-standing maritime activities along shore and at piers have contaminated sediments which support benthic organisms. Benthic organisms at the bottom of the food chain which support fish population which in turn are predated on by threatened and endangered species and are also use for human consumption.

Contaminants: DDT 0.032 mg/kg PCBs 0.12 mg/kg Mercury 0.39 mg/kg Chrysene 0.66 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 2.2 mg/kg Anthracene 2.8 mg/kg Fluorene 3.9 mg/kg Benzo(a)Anthracene 4.5 mg/kg Arsenic 4.8 mg/kg Acenaphthene 5.8 mg/kg Pyrene 14.0 mg/kg Fluoranthene 18.0 mg/kg Phenanthrene 24.0 mg/kg Lead 24.1 mg/kg Nickel 43.4 mg/kg Chromium 48.4 mg/kg Zinc 56.4 mg/kg Copper 91.0 mg/kg

Surface Water (Marine): High Risk

Groundwater and surface water flow to adjacent marine environment is through shallow soil area with elevated PCBs in soil. Indigenous shellfish have been found to have elevated tissue levels of PCBs.

Contaminants: PCBs 6.0 ug/L

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Site ID: OARB05


Contaminated Fill



Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup

Final Cleanup Action

Oct 2017

Contaminated Areas

Groundwater: Low Risk

The Remedial Investigation and Hydrogeological studies show that the site has zero gradient and almost no consistant GW flow direction. The risk driving contaminants, dieldrin and DDT, are contained in the upper fill zone aquifer and restricted to aplume The site is fenced, unoccupied and located in a railroad yard. The Remedial Investigation Risk Assessment considers the construction worker in the redevelopment scenarion as the most at risk receptor.

Contaminants: Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.07 ug/L Vinyl Chloride 1.4 ug/L Toluene 5.0 ug/L DDE 12.0 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 25.2 ug/L Benzene 27.0 ug/L PCE 31.0 ug/L Chlorobenzene 60.0 ug/L Xylene (Mixed) 93.0 ug/L Aldrin 120.0 ug/L Ethylbenzol 130.0 ug/L Dieldrin 180.0 ug/L DDT 360.0 ug/L

Soil: Low Risk

The site is fenced, unoccupied and located in a railroad yard. Migration of the risk driving contaminants, aldrin and dieldrin, is highly unlikely. The site is fenced, unoccupied and located in a railroad yard. Human receptors are limited to possible construction workers in a redevelopment scenario.

Contaminants: Trichloroethylene (TCE) 0.0039 mg/kg 1,1,2,2,-Tetrachloroethylene 0.0456 mg/kg 4,4-DDD 1.77 mg/kg Arsenic 5.4 mg/kg Antimony and compounds 6.0 mg/kg Methylene Chloride 28.799999 mg/kg Aldrin 29.2 mg/kg Dieldrin 51.9 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 57.0 mg/kg Lead 260.0 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 525.0 mg/kg Naphthalene 9900.0 mg/kg Aluminum 19200.0 mg/kg

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13 Inactive Sites

Sites where military cleanup actions are complete, according to the DOD. Note that this status does not necessarily mean the site is no longer hazardous, as many of these sites are put under long-term monitoring or other restrictions.

Site ID: OAB-8


Contaminated Ground Water



Final Cleanup Action

Jun 1996

Site ID: OARB01

OU1-1-9 BLDG.1, PARCEL 9

Spill Site Area



Final Cleanup Action

Sep 2006

Site ID: OARB02

OU1-2-10 BLDG 99, PARCEL 10

Contaminated Ground Water



Final Cleanup Action

Jul 2013

Site ID: OARB03

OU1-3-11 BLDG.815, PARCEL 11




Final Cleanup Action

Jul 2013

Site ID: OARB04

OU1-4-NFA PARCELS 4,5,12-15

Contaminated Fill



Final Cleanup Action

Mar 2013

Site ID: OARB06


Contaminated Ground Water



Final Cleanup Action

Apr 2012



Spill Site Area



Final Cleanup Action

Jul 2003

Site ID: OARB08


Storm Drain



Final Cleanup Action

Aug 2013

Site ID: OARB09

OU5-NFA PARCELS 22,23,26

Underground Storage Tanks



Final Cleanup Action

Jun 2010

Site ID: OARB11

OU4-2-2 PARCEL 2

Contaminated Sediments



Final Cleanup Action

Jun 2012

Site ID: OARB12

OU4-3-3 PARCEL 3

Contaminated Sediments



Final Cleanup Action

Jul 2003

Site ID: OARB13

OU7, BLDG.807

Contaminated Ground Water



Final Cleanup Action

Mar 2013

Site ID: OARB07

OU3-2-17 BLDG.840, PARCEL 17

Surface Disposal Area



Final Cleanup Action

Jul 2003

Update (Dec. 5, 2017): We have changed the source of the installation cost data after being notified by the Department of Defense that they erroneously reported their own cost figures on the DERP website. We are now displaying the costs the department says are the most accurate available, from the Pentagon’s DERP database that we received in a FOIA request.

Note: The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD to prioritize the cleanup of sites.

Data: All data comes from the Defense Environmental Restoration Program and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and will be released soon at the ProPublica Data Store. Read our methodology »