Cost So Far
Money already spent on the evaluation and cleanup of hazardous sites.
Expected Additional Cost
The estimated amount of money needed for evaluation and cleanup of hazardous sites at this installation.
Expected Completion Date
The date by which the DOD estimates cleanup of all sites will be complete. Long term monitoring may continue after this date.
65 Hazardous Sites
Below are the locations of hazardous sites associated with this military installation, according to the DOD. A site’s contamination may affect a much larger area, including public and private lands and the water supplies beneath them.
High Risk
Medium Risk
Low Risk
Risk Not Evaluated or Not Required
Response Complete
We haven't independently confirmed the location of every site. If you notice a site placed at the incorrect location, please contact us.
Not all sites in the DOD data include location information, so there may be sites listed below that are missing from the map. The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD to prioritize the cleanup of sites.
Land Controls & Restrictions
Many sites have been declared “clean” by the DOD but are still not safe for people. This military installation is safe only with the following conditions in place: dig permits, signs, restrictions on land use. see more » dig permits restrictions on groundwater withdrawal restrictions on land use signs « see less
42 Active Sites
Sites where military cleanup actions are still ongoing. The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD, which prioritizes the cleanup of sites that pose greatest threat to safety, human health, and the environment.
Site ID: TS060A
Trap and Skeet Range
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Sep 2017
Contaminated Areas
Soil: Low Risk
Final Summary Table 082310 w/concurrence (10May2012) & CSE PHII Final Oct 2011
Contaminants: Benz(a)Anthracene 0.00038 mg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 0.0044 mg/kg Dibenz(a,h)Acridine 0.006 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.012 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.012 mg/kg Lead 0.1081 mg/kg
Site ID: TS060
Trap and Skeet Range
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Sep 2017
Contaminated Areas
Soil: Low Risk
Final Summary Table 082310 w/concurrence (10May2012) & CSE PHII Final Oct 2011
Contaminants: Benz(a)Anthracene 0.00038 mg/kg Dibenz[ah]anthracene 0.0017 mg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 0.0044 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.006 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.012 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.012 mg/kg Lead 0.1081 mg/kg
Site ID: SS015
Spill Site Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2052
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Medium Risk
Contaminants in groundwater have migrated less than 100 feet from source. Contaminated groundwater will not reach downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Chlorobenzene 0.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (trans) 0.0 ug/L Benzene 0.0 ug/L Vinyl Chloride 1.9 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 27.0 ug/L Tetrachloroethylene 91.9 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 210.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 407.0 ug/L Nickel (soluble salts) 1500.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
02/25/2004: A 2003 soil removal action cleaned up the soil contamination to concentrations below residential cleanup goals. No receptors have been identified but the area is accessible; therefore, there is potential for receptors to have access to soil. 02/25/2004: A 2003 soil removal action cleaned up the soil contamination to concentrations below residential cleanup goals.
Contaminants: Barium 0.0 mg/kg Cadmium and compounds 0.0 mg/kg Lead 0.07590000000000001 mg/kg
Site ID: ST027
Underground Storage Tanks
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2075
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Medium Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source. Groundwater is contaminated with TPH-G, TPH-D, and TPE with maximum concentrations of 17,000,000 ug/L, 98,000 ug/L and 282 ug/L, respectively. Contaminated groundwater will not migrate to downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Aldrin 0.01 ug/L Benzene 1.0 ug/L Lead 4.5 ug/L Zinc 413.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Contaminants may have migrated during normal base operations. No receptors have been identified but the area is accessible; therefore, there is potential for receptors to have access to soil.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 2.41e-06 mg/kg Aldrin 3.96e-06 mg/kg Heptachlor Epoxide 4.23e-06 mg/kg
Site ID: ST028
Underground Storage Tanks
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Aug 2008
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Jun 2021
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Medium Risk
Contaminated groundwater had migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source. 02/24/2004: Currently, the base has not defined the plume boundaries, so there is a potential for the plume to migrate. Contaminated groundwater will not reach downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 8.0 ug/L o-Xylene 261.0 ug/L Benzene 3800.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Much of the area is paved, so there is little potential for contaminants to migrate toward receptors. Much of the area is paved, so there is little potential for receptors to have access to contaminated soil.
Contaminants: Trichloroethylene (TCE) 7.4799999999999995e-06 mg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 0.000134 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.00037 mg/kg Chrysene 0.000531 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.00069 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 0.00069 mg/kg Pyrene 0.00079 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.0007940000000000001 mg/kg Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 0.0010600000000000002 mg/kg
Site ID: OW053
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: OW056
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: OW050
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: SS035
Spill Site Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Jul 2018
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Groundwater contaminants have migrated in excess of 100 feet from source. Groundwater pump and treat system has been installed. Migration has been halted. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years. Groundwater pump and treat system has been installed. Migration has been halted.
Contaminants: Benzene 0.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 2.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Contamination has moved slightly from source. Industrial workers and military personnel have access to the contaminated site. The workers are nearby, but not directly in the area.
Contaminants: Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.000523 mg/kg
Site ID: SS016
Spill Site Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2078
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Medium Risk
Groundwater contaminants have migrated in excess of 100 feet from sources. 02/20/2004: Plume is partially confined by a network of extraction wells. However, there is a potential for solvents to enter Union Creek when water table is high. Contaminated groundwater will not reach downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: 1,2-Dichloroethylene (trans) 0.0 ug/L Methylene Chloride 0.0 ug/L Chloroform 0.31 ug/L Benzene 0.49 ug/L Vinyl Chloride 3.3 ug/L Tetrachloroethylene 22.1 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 1320.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 3950.0 ug/L
Sediment (Fresh): Low Risk
Sediments from this site have migrated from the storm drain system to Union Creek. Identified ecological receptors in Union Creek.
Contaminants: Benzene 0.00091 mg/kg Toluene 0.0017 mg/kg Methylene Chloride 0.0047 mg/kg
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Sediments from this site have migrated from the storm drain system to Union Creek. Potential for human receptors working in or near Union Creek or cleaning out storm drains.
Contaminants: Benzene 0.00091 mg/kg Toluene 0.0017 mg/kg Methylene Chloride 0.0047 mg/kg
Soil: Low Risk
Contamination has not moved appreciably from the source area. Most of the area is paved so there is little potential for receptors to have access to contaminated soil.
Contaminants: Dibenz[ah]anthracene 3.44e-05 mg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 0.00011300000000000001 mg/kg Chrysene 0.000236 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.00028000000000000003 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.000589 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 0.000589 mg/kg Nickel (soluble salts) 0.049600000000000005 mg/kg Zinc 0.37 mg/kg Lead 1.77 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
Contaminants from groundwater and construction projects have migrated into the storm drain system and have migrated to Union Creek. Other surface water pathways are confined. There are human receptors who perform work along Union Creek or clean associated storm drains.
Contaminants: Heptachlor Epoxide 0.01 ug/L Aldrin 0.03 ug/L Endosulfan 0.04 ug/L Hexachlorobenzene 0.05 ug/L Chlordane 0.14 ug/L Dieldrin 0.14 ug/L DDT 0.18 ug/L DDE 0.38 ug/L DDD 0.51 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 1.6 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 38.0 ug/L
Surface Water (Fresh): Low Risk
Contaminants from groundwater and construction projects have migrated into the storm drain system and have migrated to Union Creek. Other surface water pathways are confined. Ecological receptors along Union Creek. Pesticide concentrations are regional and not considered a COC for Travis Union Creek.
Contaminants: Heptachlor Epoxide 0.01 ug/L Aldrin 0.03 ug/L Endosulfan 0.04 ug/L Hexachlorobenzene 0.05 ug/L Chlordane 0.14 ug/L Dieldrin 0.14 ug/L DDT 0.18 ug/L DDE 0.38 ug/L DDD 0.51 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 1.6 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 38.0 ug/L
Site ID: TU038
Duplicate Site Within Same Program
Site ID: OW051
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: FT005
Fire/Crash Training Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Jul 2021
Contaminated Areas
Sediment (Fresh): Medium Risk
Potential for ingestion of windborne dust from sediment or dermal contact in drainage ditches. Potential exposure for animals in the area.
Contaminants: Aldrin 1.1399999999999999e-06 mg/kg Toluene 3.67e-06 mg/kg DDT 4.83e-06 mg/kg Chlordane 6.4900000000000005e-06 mg/kg Methyl Chloride 8.77e-06 mg/kg DDD 9.270000000000001e-06 mg/kg DDE 1.9e-05 mg/kg Acetone 7.52e-05 mg/kg
Soil: Medium Risk
Contaminants are present in the surface soil. They are not migrating very much but are at a point of exposure. Per MAJCOM review, interim measures are in place to restrict exposure to surface soils A road goes through the area, and the site is fully accessible to base personnel. However, there is little evidence that humans work in the area. FT005 provides an excellent habitat for ecological receptors, particularly those that feed and nest in the po
Contaminants: Heptachlor Epoxide 1.22e-06 mg/kg Heptachlor 1.5800000000000001e-06 mg/kg Trichloroethylene (TCE) 6.2300000000000005e-06 mg/kg Endrin 1.09e-05 mg/kg Methoxychlor 1.34e-05 mg/kg Dieldrin 3.52e-05 mg/kg DDD 6.34e-05 mg/kg Chlordane 0.000118 mg/kg DDE 0.000199 mg/kg Dibenz[ah]anthracene 0.0009230000000000001 mg/kg Fluorene 0.00109 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.00176 mg/kg Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 0.0022 mg/kg
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated off base in excess of 100 feet. 02/20/2004: A groundwater extraction system is installed and preventing further migration of the plume toward downgradient wells. There are several privately owned wells downgradient of the site used for domestic and cattle grazing purposes. Contaminated groundwater could reach these wells within five years.
Contaminants: 1,2-Dichloroethylene (trans) 0.0 ug/L Nickel (soluble salts) 0.0 ug/L Methylene Chloride 0.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 1.08 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 3.64 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 14.5 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 35.9 ug/L
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Potential for ingestion of windborne dust from sediment or dermal contact in drainage ditches. Personnel have access to this area. However, the area is remote and seldom used.
Contaminants: Aldrin 1.1399999999999999e-06 mg/kg Toluene 3.67e-06 mg/kg DDT 4.83e-06 mg/kg Chlordane 6.4900000000000005e-06 mg/kg Methyl Chloride 8.77e-06 mg/kg DDD 9.270000000000001e-06 mg/kg DDE 1.9e-05 mg/kg Acetone 7.52e-05 mg/kg
Site ID: LF006
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Dec 2020
Contaminated Areas
Sediment (Fresh): Medium Risk
Presence of contaminants in sediment indicates that contaminants are migrating; potential receptors in Union Creek. 02/20/2004: PCB contamination found in one of ten sediment samples. It is unlikely that sediment is migrating toward human receptors. Fairy shrimp in vernal pools; ecological receptors along Union Creek 02/20/2004: Drainage associated with this site leads to Union Creek only and not vernal pools with fairy shrimp.
Contaminants: Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 8.0e-05 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.000115 mg/kg Beryllium and compounds 0.000824 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 0.806 mg/kg
Soil: Medium Risk
All trailers have been removed from the trailer park, but the park is still open to public access. There is a potetial for visitors to be exposed to soil contaminants. Exposure to humans in trailer park. The children in trailer park are attracted to the vegetated area. No fence or other control structure in place. 02/20/2004: The base has removed all personnel from the park, reducing the RF significantly.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 5.27e-05 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.099 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.115 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 0.652 mg/kg
Surface Water (Fresh): Medium Risk
Potential access to drainage ditches during rain events. Ingestion or dermal contact with water. Probable access to surface water by local animals.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 0.01 ug/L Manganese and compounds 49.0 ug/L
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source. 02/20/2004: There are a set of extraction wells between the contaminated water and the private wells, so the migration of this water to the private wells is unlikely. Contaminated groundwater will not reach downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 0.0 ug/L Dieldrin 0.03 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 6.53 ug/L
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Presence of contaminants in sediment indicates that contaminants are migrating; potential receptors in Union Creek. 02/20/2004: PCB contamination found in one of ten sediment samples. It is unlikely that sediment is migrating toward human receptors. Receptors along Union Creek. People living in trailer park. 02/20/2004: The base has removed all personnel from the park, reducing the RF significantly.
Contaminants: Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 8.0e-05 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.000115 mg/kg Beryllium and compounds 0.000824 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 0.806 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
Potential access to drainage ditches during rain events. Ingestion or dermal contact with water. Potential access to drainage ditches by base personnel.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 0.01 ug/L Manganese and compounds 49.0 ug/L
Site ID: OW047
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: OW048
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: OW049
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: OW055
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: OW057
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: TA500
Above Ground Storage Tank
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Sep 2016
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Feb 2021
Site ID: SD031
Surface Disposal Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Jun 2021
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source. Interim groundwater RA has been installed. Contaminant migration has been halted. Contaminant migration has been halted. There is no plan to install production wells within the plume.
Contaminants: 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0 ug/L Methylene Chloride 0.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0 ug/L Benzene 0.59 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 13.5 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 21.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene 78.0 ug/L Nickel (soluble salts) 3810.0 ug/L
Site ID: SD034
Surface Disposal Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Dec 2020
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminants have migrated more than 100 feet away from the source; floating product (PD-680) on groundwater. Pump & treat system is in place to stop groundwater migration. Free product is being removed. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Benzene 0.13 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.59 ug/L Vinyl Chloride 1.35 ug/L Tetrachloroethylene 3.51 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 41.2 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 41.4 ug/L
Site ID: SD036
FAC 872, 873, & 876 CE SUPPORT/OFF SPACE
Surface Disposal Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Oct 2076
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Groundwater contaminants have migrated more than 100 feet away from source. Interim groundwater pump and treat system has been installed. Contaminant migration has been halted. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years. Interim groundwater pump and treat system has been installed. Contaminant migration has been halted.
Contaminants: Bromodichloromethane 0.0 ug/L Benzene 0.34 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene 3.71 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 5.65 ug/L Tetrachloroethylene 8.38 ug/L Vinyl Chloride 15.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 229.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 3500.0 ug/L
Site ID: SD037
Surface Disposal Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2075
Contaminated Areas
Soil: Medium Risk
Contaminants present a potential dermal contact and ingestion risk. Site acreage is large, and there is a potential for receptors to contribute to contaminant migration. Humans and ecological receptors have access to the contaminated soil.
Contaminants: Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 2.2700000000000003e-05 mg/kg Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 0.00030900000000000003 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.0013000000000000002 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.0014 mg/kg
Groundwater: Low Risk
Groundwater contaminants have migrated more than 100 feet from source areas. 02/20/2004: Most of the plume is confined by a network of extraction wells. The leading edge of the plume is managed through monitored natural attenuation. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Chloromethane 0.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.59 ug/L Benzene 0.75 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 5.5 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene 5.56 ug/L Vinyl Chloride 23.0 ug/L Naphthalene 115.0 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 139.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 159.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 1450.0 ug/L
Site ID: SD043
Surface Disposal Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Feb 2021
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminants have migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source area. Groundwater extraction system has been installed and has stopped contaminant migration. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years. Groundwater extraction system will not allow contaminants to reach receptors.
Contaminants: PCBs 0.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 0.23 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 1.2 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Area is infrequently used, but may be at times. 02/26/2004: The WABOU Soil ROD selected Land Use Controls to manage the PCB-contaminated soil at this site. Workers have unimpeded access to the former transformer area but have not been observed in the area.
Contaminants: Chrysene 0.00035 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.01 mg/kg
Site ID: SS014
Spill Site Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Aug 2011
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Oct 2038
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Medium Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source and has reached the western branch of Union Creek. Contaminants can be transported via Union Creek to Suisun Marsh and San Francisco Bay. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years. However, receptors may include those in Suisun Marsh and San Francisco Bay.
Contaminants: Toluene 0.0 ug/L Polychlorinated Biphenyls 3.03 ug/L Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 5.11 ug/L Benzene 51.0 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 91.0 ug/L Naphthalene 113.0 ug/L Lead 161.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Soil migration is confined by asphalt and concrete at all three spill areas. Fuel Storage Area G is fenced. No receptors have been identified but the area is accessible; therefore, there is potential for receptors (site workers, small wildlife) to have access to soil.
Contaminants: Pyrene 0.000133 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.000153 mg/kg Toluene 0.0188 mg/kg
Site ID: TU507
Underground Storage Tanks
Final Cleanup Action
Oct 2015
Site ID: OW052
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: OW054
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: ST018
Underground Storage Tanks
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Mar 2011
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Mar 2026
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Medium Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated in excess of 100 feet (about 785 feet) from the source. It is not clear whether existing groundwater extraction systems will eventually contain the plume. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years. Receptors include base workers and contractors who are involved with excavation projects.
Contaminants: Toluene 10.4 ug/L Benzene 189.0 ug/L Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 3870.0 ug/L
Site ID: ST032
Underground Storage Tanks
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Mar 2009
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2043
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated less than 100 feet from the source. 4/23/2004 - Changed selection from Potential to Confined as extraction wells and a groundwater treatment system are installed and operational at this site. Contaminated groundwater will not reach downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Methylene Chloride 0.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 0.15 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 0.52 ug/L Xylene (Mixed) 69.2 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 153.0 ug/L Benzene Chloride 493.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Contamination has not moved appreciably from the site. This site is near an active runway and is not normally accessible.
Contaminants: PCBs 2.9000000000000004e-05 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 3.4000000000000007e-05 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 6.900000000000001e-05 mg/kg Cadmium and compounds 0.00257 mg/kg Benzene 0.0126 mg/kg Nickel (soluble salts) 0.054700000000000006 mg/kg Copper and compounds 0.0664 mg/kg
Site ID: TU768
Ineligible Site
Site ID: SS046
Spill Site Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Dec 2002
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2047
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated less than 100 feet from the source area. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Trichloroethylene (TCE) 1.1 ug/L Lead 6.0 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 230.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Contaminants may move along rail line. 02/26/2004: The WABOU Soil ROD selected Land Use Controls to manage the soil contaminants. Staging area is currently inactive; a portion of the site is partially restricted by an animal fence.
Contaminants: Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.00015 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.00061 mg/kg Pentachlorophenol 0.0044 mg/kg Chrysene 0.0048 mg/kg Cadmium and compounds 0.0187 mg/kg Chromium 0.0678 mg/kg Lead 0.298 mg/kg
Site ID: LF007
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2075
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Medium Risk
Groundwater data indicates migration of contaminants off base. Groundwater has migrated greater than 100 feet from the source area. Per AMC review, interim measures are in place to restrict downgradient mobility There are privately-owned wells north of the base boundary (domestic and cattle); property owner to the north has expressed concern about contaminant migration. Contaminated groundwater will probably not impact water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.0 ug/L Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 0.02 ug/L Dieldrin 0.31 ug/L Vinyl Chloride 0.32 ug/L Benzene 2.59 ug/L Chlorobenzene 44.6 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 80.0 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 124.0 ug/L
Sediment (Fresh): Medium Risk
Presence of contaminants in sediment indicates that contaminants are migrating. Receptors include fairy shrimp in vernal pools and ecological inhabitants that live along Union Creek. Vernal pools are protected habitat, and fairy shrimp are a protected species.
Contaminants: Pyrene 7.5e-05 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 0.000101 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.00102 mg/kg Beryllium and compounds 0.004240000000000001 mg/kg Arsenic 0.0207 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 0.634 mg/kg
Soil: Medium Risk
Portions of site with contaminants are accessible to base workers and ecological receptors. Contaminants are at a point of exposure. Potential exposure of workers or other Travis AFB personnel. The LUC for the CAMU at LF007 restricts personnel access, but a large portion of the site requires cleanup to reduce the toxicity in surface soil.
Contaminants: Aldrin 2.8400000000000003e-05 mg/kg Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 0.00126 mg/kg Beryllium and compounds 0.004240000000000001 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.007 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 0.0126 mg/kg Pyrene 0.0162 mg/kg Arsenic 0.0334 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.336 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 1.49 mg/kg
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Presence of contaminants in sediment indicates that contaminants are migrating. Potential receptors at manned facility adjacent to the landfill.
Contaminants: Pyrene 7.5e-05 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 0.000101 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.00102 mg/kg Beryllium and compounds 0.004240000000000001 mg/kg Arsenic 0.0207 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 0.634 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
Presence of contaminants in sediment indicates that contaminants are migrating when dissolved in SW. SW is present only in drainage ditches during wet season.Interim actions that restrict the movement of contaminants away fro the source are in place Human receptors along Union Creek.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 0.01 ug/L Heptachlor 0.01 ug/L Copper and compounds 11.0 ug/L Lead 25.0 ug/L
Surface Water (Fresh): Low Risk
Presence of contaminants in sediment indicates that contaminants are migrating when dissolved in SW. SW is present only in drainage ditches during wet season.Interim actions that restrict the movement of contaminants away fro the source are in place Fairy shrimp in vernal pools; ecological receptors along Union Creek.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 0.01 ug/L Heptachlor 0.01 ug/L Copper and compounds 11.0 ug/L Lead 25.0 ug/L
Site ID: LF008
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2051
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminants present in groundwater sample from monitoring wells greater than 100 feet from the source. 02/24/2004: A groundwater extraction system has been installed at the site, preventing the further migration of dissolved pesicides from the site. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years. 02/24/2004: An active groundwater extraction system prevents contaminant exposure to receptors.
Contaminants: Aldrin 0.0 ug/L Heptachlor Epoxide 0.08 ug/L Heptachlor 0.18 ug/L Chlordane 0.38 ug/L
Sediment (Fresh): Low Risk
Analytical data supports the presence of contamination along surface water pathways. Low detections may be due to past legal pesticide application. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action reduced all sediment contaminants to below residential values. Vernal pool receptors may be impacted. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action removed all contaminants in the sediment.
Contaminants: DDT 0.0 mg/kg Endrin 0.0 mg/kg DDD 0.0 mg/kg DDE 0.0 mg/kg Dieldrin 1.0e-06 mg/kg
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Analytical data supports the presence of contamination along surface water pathways. Low detections may be due to past legal pesticide application. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action reduced all sediment contaminants to below residential values. Human receptors may be exposed; grass mowers and ordnance personnel. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action reduced all sediment contaminants to below residential values.
Contaminants: DDT 0.0 mg/kg Endrin 0.0 mg/kg DDD 0.0 mg/kg DDE 0.0 mg/kg Dieldrin 1.0e-06 mg/kg
Soil: Low Risk
Contaminated soil lies below the surface. Potential exposure to workers excavating in area. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action removed all contaminants from the surface and subsurface soil. Workers mow the area regularly. Dust clouds are produced by the mowers. Contaminants may be in the dust clouds. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action removed all contaminants from the surface and subsurface soil.
Contaminants: Arsenic 0.0 mg/kg Barium 0.0 mg/kg Toxaphene 0.0 mg/kg Dieldrin 1.0e-06 mg/kg Heptachlor Epoxide 1.5e-05 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
Analytical data supports the presence of contaminants along surface water pathway. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action removed the surface water contaminant source. Human receptors may be exposed; grass mowers and ordnance personnel. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action removed the surface water contaminant source.
Contaminants: Chlordane 0.0 ug/L Methoxychlor 0.0 ug/L
Surface Water (Fresh): Low Risk
Analytical data supports the presence of contaminants along surface water pathway. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action removed the surface water contaminant source. Vernal pool receptors may be impacted. 02/24/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action removed the surface water contaminant source.
Contaminants: Chlordane 0.0 ug/L Methoxychlor 0.0 ug/L
Site ID: SS029
Spill Site Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2078
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminated groundwater has migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source. Groundwater pump and treat interim remedial action is in place. Groundwater migration has been interrupted. There are several privately owned wells downgradient of the site used for domestic and cattle purposes. Groundwater pump and treat interim remedial action is in place. Groundwater migration has been interrupted and downgradient wells are not threatened.
Contaminants: Methylene Chloride 0.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 45.7 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 1300.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Contamination is at the surface, but access is limited. This area is adjacent to the runway and not accessable to base personnel except on a very infrequent basis.
Contaminants: Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 0.000123 mg/kg Trichloroethylene (TCE) 0.000123 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.000925 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 0.000925 mg/kg Nickel (soluble salts) 0.0476 mg/kg Copper and compounds 0.0544 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 2.4 mg/kg
Site ID: OW040
Oil/Water Separator
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
May 2017
Site ID: SD033
Surface Disposal Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Oct 2076
Contaminated Areas
Sediment (Fresh): Medium Risk
Chemicals of concern for sediment are for ecological receptors only. Contamination is at a point of exposure for ecological receptors. Ecological receptors have access to contaminated sediment.
Contaminants: Carbon Disulfide 0.0005600000000000001 mg/kg Acetone 0.0025 mg/kg Benzo(a)Anthracene 0.00366 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.00404 mg/kg Chrysene 0.00434 mg/kg Pyrene 0.00444 mg/kg Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.016 mg/kg
Surface Water: Medium Risk
Contaminants listed are in Union Creek. Union Creek is a point of exposure. Contaminants from groundwater have migrated into Union Creek (more than 100 feet). Interim measures in place limit the movement to only slightly beyond the source area Human receptors have direct access to Union Creek There are no observation of human contact with surface water at this time
Contaminants: Copper and compounds 30.4 ug/L Barium 135.0 ug/L Lead 248.0 ug/L
Surface Water (Fresh): Medium Risk
Contaminants listed are in Union Creek. Union Creek is a point of exposure. Contaminants from groundwater have migrated into Union Creek (more than 100 feet). Interim measures in place limit the movement to only slightly beyond the source area There are ecological receptors in Union Creek and other downstream water bodies. Contaminants may be the cause of the fish tissue malformities seen in Union Creek in the EIOU Remedial Investigation.
Contaminants: Copper and compounds 30.4 ug/L Barium 135.0 ug/L Lead 248.0 ug/L
Groundwater: Low Risk
Groundwater contaminants have migrated more than 100 feet from source area. 02/20/2004: Most of the plume is confined by a network of extraction wells. The leading edge of the plume is managed through monitored natural attenuation. Contaminated groundwater will not reach downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.64 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 3.16 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 87.0 ug/L
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Chemicals of concern for sediment are for ecological receptors only. Contamination is at a point of exposure for ecological receptors. Not applicable.
Contaminants: Carbon Disulfide 0.0005600000000000001 mg/kg Acetone 0.0025 mg/kg Benzo(a)Anthracene 0.00366 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.00404 mg/kg Chrysene 0.00434 mg/kg Pyrene 0.00444 mg/kg Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.016 mg/kg
Site ID: SS030
Spill Site Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Oct 2020
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
The contaminated groundwater has migrated in excess of 100 feet and is beyond the base boundary. Interim groundwater remedial action is in place and has stopped the further migration of the groundwater. Interim groundwater remedial action is in place and has stopped the further migration of the groundwater. The downgradient private wells are no longer threatened by the contamination.
Contaminants: Methylene Chloride 0.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 150.0 ug/L Nickel (soluble salts) 903.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Soil contamination is not moving appreciably. Potential exposure of workers in nearby building and grounds maintenance personnel.
Contaminants: Benzo(a)Pyrene 4.98e-05 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 7.73e-05 mg/kg Pyrene 0.000148 mg/kg Trichloroethylene (TCE) 0.00019700000000000002 mg/kg
Site ID: CG508
Contaminated Ground Water
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Oct 2015
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Nov 2015
Site ID: DP039
Disposal Pit and Dry Well
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2075
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminants have migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source area. Groundwater extraction wells are installed in source area and downgradient of plume. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years. Extraction system is installed to prevent any future exposure to receptors.
Contaminants: 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 25.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene 597.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 3500.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Surface soil is contaminated. 02/19/2004: Changed the MPF from Evident to Confined. The reason is that the WABOU Soil ROD selected Land Use Controls to manage the soil contaminants around the former sump area.. Facility workers use small recreation area near former sump area.
Contaminants: Cadmium and compounds 0.0026000000000000003 mg/kg Lead 7.04 mg/kg
Site ID: FT004
Fire/Crash Training Area
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Jul 2021
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Medium Risk
Contaminants has migrated in groundwater less than 100 feet from source. Contaminated groundwater will not reach downgradient water wells within five years.
Contaminants: Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 0.0 ug/L Methylene Chloride 0.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 3.61 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 60.5 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 3420.0 ug/L Nickel (soluble salts) 6270.0 ug/L
Soil: Medium Risk
Surface soil contamination is extensive and accessible to human and ecological receptors via dermal contact or inhalation. No receptors have been identified but the area is accessible; therefore, there is potential for receptors to have access.
Contaminants: Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 6.000000000000001e-08 mg/kg Dieldrin 4.4e-06 mg/kg DDD 9.270000000000001e-06 mg/kg DDE 9.64e-06 mg/kg DDT 1.36e-05 mg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 6.4e-05 mg/kg Toluene 8.9e-05 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.00012 mg/kg PCBs 0.00018800000000000002 mg/kg Chrysene 0.00019 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.00026500000000000004 mg/kg Pyrene 0.000277 mg/kg
23 Inactive Sites
Sites where military cleanup actions are complete, according to the DOD. Note that this status does not necessarily mean the site is no longer hazardous, as many of these sites are put under long-term monitoring or other restrictions.
Site ID: FT002
Fire/Crash Training Area
Final Cleanup Action
May 2006
Contaminated Areas
Soil: Medium Risk
Dermal contact and inhalation potential. Construction workers and pedestrians have access to this area, however, the parking lot where the one high hit for lead occurred (out of 55 samples) has since been removed. ROD recommends NFRAP.
Contaminants: Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 0.0 mg/kg DDD 2.0e-08 mg/kg Endrin 3.0000000000000004e-08 mg/kg Polychlorinated Biphenyls 4.3e-07 mg/kg DDT 0.000105 mg/kg Chromium 0.06659999999999999 mg/kg Lead 0.853 mg/kg
Site ID: SD045
Surface Disposal Area
Final Cleanup Action
Dec 2007
Contaminated Areas
Sediment (Fresh): Medium Risk
Contaminated sediment has migrated less than 100 feet from source area. Potential exists for vernal pool to receive contaminated sediment from source area.
Contaminants: Lead 0.122 mg/kg Zinc 0.28800000000000003 mg/kg
Soil: Medium Risk
Site is occasionally used for training. The area is used for animal husbandry, so potential for human exposure exists. Access is partially restricted by an animal fence.
Contaminants: Antimony and compounds 0.0772 mg/kg Zinc 0.513 mg/kg Copper and compounds 4.93 mg/kg Lead 11.0 mg/kg
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Contaminated sediment has migrated less than 100 feet from source area. Site does not impact a surface water body used by humans.
Contaminants: Lead 0.122 mg/kg Zinc 0.28800000000000003 mg/kg
Site ID: WP023
Disposal Pit and Dry Well
Final Cleanup Action
May 1997
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: ST009
Underground Storage Tanks
Final Cleanup Action
Oct 2000
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: TS060B
Trap and Skeet Range
Final Cleanup Action
Apr 2013
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: WP024
Disposal Pit and Dry Well
Final Cleanup Action
May 1997
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: TU504
Underground Storage Tanks
Final Cleanup Action
Aug 2014
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: WP017
Disposal Pit and Dry Well
Final Cleanup Action
May 2006
Contaminated Areas
Sediment (Fresh): Medium Risk
Current information does not indicate that critical habitats or other environments listed in table 2 of the 1996 RR Primer can be reasonably expected to be impacted at the site.
Contaminants: Methyl Chloride 8.999999999999999e-05 mg/kg Methylene Chloride 8.999999999999999e-05 mg/kg Phenol 0.00088 mg/kg Pyrene 0.001 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.001 mg/kg Acetone 0.0024 mg/kg Nickel (soluble salts) 0.039700000000000006 mg/kg Copper and compounds 0.045 mg/kg Chromium 0.048600000000000004 mg/kg
Surface Water (Fresh): Medium Risk
Intermittent surface water allows a limited amount of migration. Potential ecological receptors to intermittent surface water source include migratory birds and small rodents.
Contaminants: Methyl Ethyl Ketone 11.0 ug/L Copper and compounds 47.0 ug/L Zinc 120.0 ug/L
Groundwater: Low Risk
Groundwater contamination is moving away from the source. Contaminated groundwater has migrated less than 100 feet. 02/25/2004: Groundwater contaminants were not carried through to the NEWIOU FS. Current GW system prevents migration off base. There are several privately owned wells downgradient of the site used for domestic and cattle purposes. Contaminated groundwater will not reach these wells within five years.
Contaminants: 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 0.65 ug/L Tetrachloroethylene 7.7 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 7.8 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 17.0 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 50.3 ug/L
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Current information does not indicate that critical habitats or other environments listed in table 2 of the 1996 RR Primer can be reasonably expected to be impacted at the site. There is a potential exposure to maintenance workers that infrequently visit the site.
Contaminants: Methyl Chloride 8.999999999999999e-05 mg/kg Methylene Chloride 8.999999999999999e-05 mg/kg Phenol 0.00088 mg/kg Pyrene 0.001 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.001 mg/kg Acetone 0.0024 mg/kg Nickel (soluble salts) 0.039700000000000006 mg/kg Copper and compounds 0.045 mg/kg Chromium 0.048600000000000004 mg/kg
Soil: Low Risk
.The contaminants in the surface soil are at a point of exposure. Ecological receptors have access to surface soil.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 0.000147 mg/kg Chrysene 0.000183 mg/kg Pyrene 0.000214 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.00023799999999999998 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.00035099999999999997 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
Intermittent surface water allows a limited amount of migration. Potential human exposure to intermittent surface water.
Contaminants: Methyl Ethyl Ketone 11.0 ug/L Copper and compounds 47.0 ug/L Zinc 120.0 ug/L
Site ID: CD501
Contaminated Soil Piles
Final Cleanup Action
Oct 2010
Contaminated Areas
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Contaminants: DDD 0.007200000000000001 mg/kg DDE 0.008400000000000001 mg/kg DDT 0.012 mg/kg Dicamba 0.023 mg/kg Methylene Chloride 0.038 mg/kg Arochlor 1260 0.13 mg/kg Mercury 1.9000000000000001 mg/kg Phenanthrene 1.9000000000000001 mg/kg Benzo(j)Fluoranthene 2.0 mg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 5.7 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 6.6000000000000005 mg/kg Arsenic 12.0 mg/kg Chrysene 26.0 mg/kg Fluoranthene 43.0 mg/kg Pyrene 47.0 mg/kg Lead 57.0 mg/kg Dieldrin 200.0 mg/kg
Site ID: RW013
Radioactive Waste Area
Final Cleanup Action
Feb 2003
Contaminated Areas
Soil: Low Risk
Elevated redionuclide concentrations appear to be present only in subsurface soils. 02/25/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action cleaned the site of all contaminants below residential cleanup levels. The contaminated area is fenced with a locked gate to limit access. The key for access is maintained by the IRP office. 02/25/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action cleaned the site of all contaminants below residential cleanup levels.
Contaminants: Uranium-235 110.0 pCi/kg Uranium-234 1800.0 pCi/kg
Site ID: ST021
Underground Storage Tanks
Final Cleanup Action
Oct 2000
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: SD042
Surface Disposal Area
Final Cleanup Action
Jan 2004
Contaminated Areas
Sediment (Fresh): Low Risk
02/19/2004: Contaminants were excavated and transferred to the CAMU in the summer of 2003. Residential cleanup levels were attained. Potential for contaminants to reach several vernal pools in western portion of base. 02/19/2004: All contaminants associated with this drainage ditch were cleaned up in the summer of 2003. The SD042 Soil RA Report documents this remedial action.
Contaminants: Cadmium and compounds 0.00035 mg/kg Lead 0.027100000000000003 mg/kg Chromium 0.032799999999999996 mg/kg Zinc 0.0608 mg/kg Barium 0.256 mg/kg
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
02/19/2004: Contaminants were excavated and transferred to the CAMU in the summer of 2003. Residential cleanup levels were attained. Workers have direct access to the site. However, there is no contaminated sediment at the site.
Contaminants: Cadmium and compounds 0.00035 mg/kg Lead 0.027100000000000003 mg/kg Chromium 0.032799999999999996 mg/kg Zinc 0.0608 mg/kg Barium 0.256 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
02/19/2004: All contaminants associated with this drainage ditch were cleaned up in the summer of 2003. The SD042 Soil RA Report documents this remedial action. Unlikely for workers or horse riders to be exposed to contaminants in surface water along ditch. 02/19/2004: All contaminants within this drainage ditch were cleaned up in the summer of 2003. The SD042 Soil RA Report documents this remedial action.
Contaminants: Acetone 0.0 ug/L Antimony and compounds 0.0 ug/L
Surface Water (Fresh): Low Risk
02/19/2004: All contaminants associated with this drainage ditch were cleaned up in the summer of 2003. The SD042 Soil RA Report documents this remedial action. The potential exists for contaminants to reach several vernal pools in western portion of base. 02/19/2004: All contaminants within this drainage ditch were cleaned up in the summer of 2003. The SD042 Soil RA Report documents this remedial action.
Contaminants: Acetone 0.0 ug/L Antimony and compounds 0.0 ug/L
Site ID: SS041
Spill Site Area
Final Cleanup Action
Jun 2014
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminants have migrated in excess of 100 feet from the source area. Groundwater extraction system has been installed to stop contaminant migration. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years. Groundwater extraction system will limit any further migration.
Contaminants: Heptachlor Epoxide 0.0 ug/L Benzene 0.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 1.8 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Area is fenced and not regularly accessed. 02/26/2004: A 2003 soil remedial action reduced the concentrations of contaminants to below residential cleanup levels. Workers and pedestrians have access to this area. 02/26/2004: Since the soil remedial action cleaned up the soil contaminants at this site, there are no receptors.
Contaminants: Toxaphene 0.0 mg/kg Heptachlor Epoxide 8.000000000000001e-07 mg/kg Chlordane 0.0001 mg/kg
Site ID: ST022
Underground Storage Tanks
Final Cleanup Action
Oct 2000
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: RW012
Radioactive Waste Area
Final Cleanup Action
Dec 2002
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: SD001
Surface Disposal Area
Final Cleanup Action
Sep 2009
Contaminated Areas
Sediment (Fresh): Medium Risk
Potential dermal contact or incidental ingestion or inhalation are the primary pathways. Access to Union Creek and the site is unrestricted. Eco receptors have access to SW in Union Cr. Pg 1-22 of the NEWIOU FS Rpt summarized the EIOU Eco RA.Gross pathology (lesions/fin rot/and spinal curvature in fish) seen in several Union Creek receptors.Interim measures are in place to limit rec contact
Contaminants: Silver and compounds 0.0245 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.025 mg/kg Copper and compounds 0.23700000000000002 mg/kg Nickel (soluble salts) 0.317 mg/kg Zinc 0.909 mg/kg Lead 2.63 mg/kg Aluminum 46.7 mg/kg
Sediment (Human): Medium Risk
Potential dermal contact or incidental ingestion or inhalation are the primary pathways. Access to Union Creek and the site is unrestricted. Maintenance workers in and next to Union Creek.
Contaminants: Silver and compounds 0.0245 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.025 mg/kg Copper and compounds 0.23700000000000002 mg/kg Nickel (soluble salts) 0.317 mg/kg Zinc 0.909 mg/kg Lead 2.63 mg/kg Aluminum 46.7 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
Pesticide concentrations are equivalent to those in other creeks in the region and are not a COC. VOCs are non-detect or very low at the base boundary. Human and ecological receptors in and along Union Creek.
Contaminants: 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 3.35 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 7.59 ug/L
Surface Water (Fresh): Low Risk
Pesticide concentrations are equivalent to those in other creeks in the region and are not a COC. VOCs are non-detect or very low at the base boundary. Ecological receptors in and along Union Creek.
Contaminants: 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 3.35 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 7.59 ug/L
Site ID: DS020
Surface Disposal Area
Final Cleanup Action
May 1997
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: FT003
Fire/Crash Training Area
Final Cleanup Action
Dec 2007
Contaminated Areas
Soil: Medium Risk
The area is an open field, so there is a potential path between the contaminants and site visitors. The area is readily accessible; therefore, there is potential for humans to gain access to the contaminated soil.
Contaminants: Xylene (Mixed) 1.0e-05 mg/kg Methylene Chloride 1.15e-05 mg/kg Fluorene 0.00819 mg/kg Acenaphthene 0.0103 mg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 0.014400000000000001 mg/kg Anthracene 0.0157 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.0275 mg/kg Chrysene 0.0289 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.046700000000000005 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 0.046700000000000005 mg/kg PCBs 0.052000000000000005 mg/kg Pyrene 0.0597 mg/kg Fluoranthene 0.0717 mg/kg
Surface Water: Medium Risk
Contaminants are at a point of exposure for both human and ecological receptors.Per AMC review, interim measures are in place to constrain migration beyond the source area. Contaminants are located near maintenance and storage facilities where site workers are active. However, there is no current requirement to enter wetland area to complete work.
Contaminants: Aldrin 0.02 ug/L Aluminum 1.94 ug/L Lead 40.0 ug/L Zinc 348.0 ug/L Manganese and compounds 1210.0 ug/L
Surface Water (Fresh): Medium Risk
Contaminants are at a point of exposure for both human and ecological receptors.Per AMC review, interim measures are in place to constrain migration beyond the source area. Dermal contact or ingestion of contaminants by ecological receptors are likely, due to the presence of nearby vernal pools. Surface water contamination is present during winter months when vernal pools (protected habitat) are active.
Contaminants: Aldrin 0.02 ug/L Aluminum 1.94 ug/L Lead 40.0 ug/L Zinc 348.0 ug/L Manganese and compounds 1210.0 ug/L
Groundwater: Low Risk
Groundwater contamination associated with Bldg 1205, site SD031. Not associated with the fire training activities. Local groundwater is located far from nearest water production wells.
Contaminants: Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 40.0 ug/L Benzene 51.0 ug/L
Site ID: MU061
Multi Use Range
Final Cleanup Action
Jul 2011
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: OT011
Disposal Pit and Dry Well
Final Cleanup Action
May 2006
Contaminated Areas
Soil: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water: Risk Not Evaluated
Surface Water (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Ecological): Risk Not Evaluated
Sediment (Human): Risk Not Evaluated
Site ID: OT010
Surface Disposal Area
Final Cleanup Action
May 2006
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminants are migrating in groundwater away from source, but at a minimal rate. 02/25/2004: The NEWIOU Feasibility Study determined that the low groundwater concentrations are not a threat to receptors. There are several privately owned wells downgradient of the site used for domestic and cattle purposes. 02/25/2004: The NEWIOU Feasibility Study determined that the low groundwater concentrations are not a threat to receptors.
Contaminants: 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.0 ug/L Benzene 0.0 ug/L Methylene Chloride 0.0 ug/L Trichloroethylene (TCE) 0.0 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
The site is accessible to human and ecological receptors. Migration is related to dermal contact and inhalation/ingestion. No receptors have been identified, but the area is accessible; therefore, there is potential for receptors to have access to soil.
Contaminants: Trichloroethylene (TCE) 3.79e-06 mg/kg Toluene 1.0e-05 mg/kg Dibenz[ah]anthracene 4.28e-05 mg/kg Benzyl Alcohol 9.850000000000001e-05 mg/kg Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 0.00017199999999999998 mg/kg Pyrene 0.00018800000000000002 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.000262 mg/kg Chrysene 0.000273 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.0005 mg/kg Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 0.005 mg/kg
Site ID: OT019
Contaminated Fill
Final Cleanup Action
Dec 2002
Contaminated Areas
Sediment (Fresh): Medium Risk
Seasonal contaminant transport may be taking place, although no source area has been identified. Potential for seasonal transport into vernal pools exists.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 1.4e-05 mg/kg Arsenic 0.0115 mg/kg
Surface Water (Fresh): Medium Risk
Seasonal contaminant transport may be taking place, although no source area has been identified. Potential for seasonal transport into vernal pools exists.
Contaminants: Chlorpyrifos 0.13 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 5.0 ug/L
Sediment (Human): Low Risk
Seasonal contaminant transport may be taking place, although no source area has been identified. Access to the site is moderately restricted by an animal fence.
Contaminants: Dieldrin 1.4e-05 mg/kg Arsenic 0.0115 mg/kg
Soil: Low Risk
Potential for compounds to migrate through surface water transport. Access to the site is moderately restricted by an animal fence.
Contaminants: Manganese and compounds 0.986 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
Seasonal contaminant transport may be taking place, although no source area has been identified. Access to the site is moderately restricted by an animal fence.
Contaminants: Chlorpyrifos 0.13 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate 5.0 ug/L
Site ID: LF044
Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup
Final Cleanup Action
Dec 2002
This site is under ongoing monitoring until Sep 2045
Contaminated Areas
Groundwater: Low Risk
Contaminant migration in groundwater may be taking place, although a discrete source area in the landfill has not been identified. Contaminated groundwater will not impact downgradient water wells within five years
Contaminants: Heptachlor Epoxide 0.02 ug/L Aldrin 0.04 ug/L
Soil: Low Risk
Potential for inhalation of contaminants while working in the area. 02/26/2004: The WABOU Soil ROD selected Land Use Controls to manage the soil contaminants. A fence and berm were constructed around LF044 in 2002. Landfill X is part of Grazing Management Unit 2, so potential of exposure to personnel involved with animal husbandry exists. Access is partially restricted by an animal fence. 02/26/2004: Land Use Controls are in effect at LF044.
Contaminants: PCBs 0.00012 mg/kg Dibenz[ah]anthracene 0.0015 mg/kg Antimony and compounds 0.0027 mg/kg Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 0.004200000000000001 mg/kg Benzo(a)Pyrene 0.0054 mg/kg Chrysene 0.0056 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 1.59 mg/kg
Surface Water: Low Risk
Contaminant migration in surface water may be taking place, although a source area has not been identified. 02/26/2004: The WABOU Soil ROD selected Land Use Controls to manage contaminants at LF044. A berm confines the surface water Landfill X is in a remote area and it is unlikely that seasonal surface water bodies would be used by humans.
Contaminants: Antimony and compounds 537.0 ug/L Aluminum 19700.0 ug/L Iron 27600.0 ug/L
Surface Water (Fresh): Low Risk
Contaminant migration in surface water may be taking place, although a source area has not been identified. 02/26/2004: The WABOU Soil ROD selected Land Use Controls to manage contaminants at LF044. A berm confines the surface water Potential exists for vernal pools to receive contaminated surface water.
Contaminants: Antimony and compounds 537.0 ug/L Aluminum 19700.0 ug/L Iron 27600.0 ug/L
Update (Dec. 5, 2017): We have changed the source of the installation cost data after being notified by the Department of Defense that they erroneously reported their own cost figures on the DERP website. We are now displaying the costs the department says are the most accurate available, from the Pentagon’s DERP database that we received in a FOIA request.
Note: The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD to prioritize the cleanup of sites.
Data: All data comes from the Defense Environmental Restoration Program and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and will be released soon at the ProPublica Data Store. Read our methodology »