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west hanover, Massachusetts

Total Cost


Money spent on the evaluation and cleanup of hazardous sites at this installation.

Completion Date


The date the DOD says cleanup of all sites was completed. Long term monitoring may continue after this date.

The site located at the intersection of Hanover and Plain streets, West Hanover, MA. The site appears to have been a Government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) facility known as the Pilgrim Ordnance Works. The War Department sponsored a... see more » The site located at the intersection of Hanover and Plain streets, West Hanover, MA. The site appears to have been a Government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) facility known as the Pilgrim Ordnance Works. The War Department sponsored a magnesium grinding plant for use in the production of tracer ammunition powder. Approximately 157 buildings including a magnesium bar storage and magnesium filing buildings, powder storage buildings, machine shop, garage and fire station, boiler house, miscellaneous storage, magnesium ball storage, laboratory , blending buildings, a guard house, an office garage, office annex, and a hospital were constructed at the site by private contractors working under the direction of the U.S. Engineers. There is no evidence that the site was under other than Department of Defense (DOD) control during the period of DOD ownership. (Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) « see less

Below are the locations of hazardous sites associated with this military installation, according to the DOD. A site’s contamination may affect a much larger area, including public and private lands and the water supplies beneath them.

High Risk

Medium Risk

Low Risk

Risk Not Evaluated or Not Required

Response Complete

We haven't independently confirmed the location of every site. If you notice a site placed at the incorrect location, please contact us.

Not all sites in the DOD data include location information, so there may be sites listed below that are missing from the map. The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD to prioritize the cleanup of sites.

1 Inactive Site

Sites where military cleanup actions are complete, according to the DOD. Note that this status does not necessarily mean the site is no longer hazardous, as many of these sites are put under long-term monitoring or other restrictions.

Site ID: 01OEW


Unknown Site Type



Final Cleanup Action

Sep 1995

Update (Dec. 5, 2017): We have changed the source of the installation cost data after being notified by the Department of Defense that they erroneously reported their own cost figures on the DERP website. We are now displaying the costs the department says are the most accurate available, from the Pentagon’s DERP database that we received in a FOIA request.

Note: The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD to prioritize the cleanup of sites.

Data: All data comes from the Defense Environmental Restoration Program and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and will be released soon at the ProPublica Data Store. Read our methodology »