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marietta, Pennsylvania

Cost So Far


Money already spent on the evaluation and cleanup of hazardous sites.

Expected Additional Cost


The estimated amount of money needed for evaluation and cleanup of hazardous sites at this installation.

Expected Completion Date


The date by which the DOD estimates cleanup of all sites will be complete. Long term monitoring may continue after this date.

Marietta Air Force Station was used as an off-base installation of Olmstead Air Force Base. The site was originally used as an Army depot, but was later transferred to the Air Force for the storage of equipment and the degreasing/decommissioning... see more » Marietta Air Force Station was used as an off-base installation of Olmstead Air Force Base. The site was originally used as an Army depot, but was later transferred to the Air Force for the storage of equipment and the degreasing/decommissioning of jet engines. The following improvements were constructed at the site during the period of use by the Army: warehouse space - 1,664,110 sq.' ft.; improved open storage - 731,881 sq. ft.; railroad track. - approximately 29 miles; other miscellaneous facilities (including fuel storage tanks, electrical distribution system, observation towers, and perimeter lighting). A portion of the site is currently owned by Armstrong World Industries, Inc. and the remainder is owned by the General Services Administration (GSA). Armstrong used the site initially to manufacture carpet and ceiling tile, but now the site is used only to manufacture ceiling tile. The GSA portion of the site is used for the storage of a variety of ores including manganese, chrome, beryl, zinc, and lead in the form of ingots. DOD improvements which remain on the site consist of 41 structures (includes two observation towers), 8 USTs, and 2 ASTs. The owner has used 23 of the 39 buildings and 4 of the USTs. The owner has requested removal of the unused structures and unused storage tanks and capacitors. The fuel storage tanks and capacitors are located on the Armstrong portion of the site. Access to both portions of the site is restricted by perimeter fencing which has either locked gates or is guarded. The current property owners are: AWI (302.4 acres); GSA (67.5 acres); AAAA Enterprises, Inc. (39.9 acres); PADOT (23.27 acres); Richard C. Yunginger (36.40 acres); and Frederick W. Bushong et ux (9.6 acres). (Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) « see less

4 Hazardous Sites

Below are the locations of hazardous sites associated with this military installation, according to the DOD. A site’s contamination may affect a much larger area, including public and private lands and the water supplies beneath them.

High Risk

Medium Risk

Low Risk

Risk Not Evaluated or Not Required

Response Complete

We haven't independently confirmed the location of every site. If you notice a site placed at the incorrect location, please contact us.

Not all sites in the DOD data include location information, so there may be sites listed below that are missing from the map. The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD to prioritize the cleanup of sites.

1 Active Site

Sites where military cleanup actions are still ongoing. The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD, which prioritizes the cleanup of sites that pose greatest threat to safety, human health, and the environment.

Site ID: 02HTRW


Burn Area



Cost in 2015 plus expected future cost of cleanup

Final Cleanup Action

Sep 2018

Contaminated Areas

Sediment (Human): High Risk

SVOCs have been measured in the sediment on site. There is potential exposure to the sediment as there is open access to this area.

Contaminants: Carbazole 480.0 mg/kg Anthracene 650.0 mg/kg Benzo[k]fluoranthene 680.0 mg/kg Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 920.0 mg/kg Benzo[a]pyrene 1400.0 mg/kg Chrysene 1500.0 mg/kg Benz[a]anthracene 1500.0 mg/kg Pyrene 3000.0 mg/kg Fluoranthene 3300.0 mg/kg

Soil: High Risk

Surface soil contamination can be transported via stormwater runoff and snow melt. Human receptors have been identified as there are two residences on the site.

Contaminants: Beryllium and compounds 0.98 mg/kg Arsenic 9.4 mg/kg Lead 15.7 mg/kg Copper and compounds 22.0 mg/kg Nickel (soluble salts) 22.5 mg/kg Cobalt 22.9 mg/kg Chromium 25.9 mg/kg Vanadium and compounds 38.2 mg/kg Zinc 47.1 mg/kg Barium and compounds 166.0 mg/kg Manganese and compounds 3150.0 mg/kg Aluminum 17500.0 mg/kg Iron 29500.0 mg/kg

Surface Water (Human): High Risk

Contaminats measured in surface water can be transported among the residences. There are residences around the site.

Contaminants: Zinc 66.6 ug/L Aluminum 269.0 ug/L Copper and compounds 6270.0 ug/L

Groundwater: Risk Not Evaluated

Contaminants do exist in the groundwater that exceed the groundwater standard for the state of PA. It is not know at this time it the residences or site are using well water and if that well water is affected by the contaminants.

Contaminants: Trichloroethylene (TCE) 5.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane 9.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene 9.0 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis) 34.0 ug/L Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) 46.0 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 160.0 ug/L Aluminum 925.0 ug/L Manganese and compounds 996.0 ug/L Iron 8980.0 ug/L

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3 Inactive Sites

Sites where military cleanup actions are complete, according to the DOD. Note that this status does not necessarily mean the site is no longer hazardous, as many of these sites are put under long-term monitoring or other restrictions.



Underground Storage Tanks



Final Cleanup Action

Feb 1992



Surface Disposal Area



Final Cleanup Action

Jun 2001

Site ID: 06OEW


Unknown Site Type



Final Cleanup Action

Mar 1994

Update (Dec. 5, 2017): We have changed the source of the installation cost data after being notified by the Department of Defense that they erroneously reported their own cost figures on the DERP website. We are now displaying the costs the department says are the most accurate available, from the Pentagon’s DERP database that we received in a FOIA request.

Note: The risk level of a site refers to a relative risk assessment made by the DOD to prioritize the cleanup of sites.

Data: All data comes from the Defense Environmental Restoration Program and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and will be released soon at the ProPublica Data Store. Read our methodology »