Diestel Turkey Ranch, Sonora, Calif.
Diestel Turkey Ranch, Sonora, Calif.
P9332 • Medium plant • Data from March 2021 to March 2022
How This Plant Compares
There were not enough samples taken for comparison with other plants because the volume of
whole turkey
processed by this plant was low.
Routine Testing Results
High-risk salmonella, not antibiotic-resistant: 0
Low-risk salmonella, not antibiotic-resistant: 0
No salmonella found: 11
High-risk, antibiotic-resistant: 0
Low-risk, antibiotic-resistant: 0
No whole turkey tested: 354
High-risk salmonella, not antibiotic-resistant: 0
Low-risk salmonella, not antibiotic-resistant: 0
High-risk, antibiotic-resistant: 0
Low-risk, antibiotic-resistant: 0
No salmonella found: 11
No whole turkey tested: 354
Multiple samples were taken on days marked with an *
There are more than 2,500 types of salmonella. “High-risk” types more commonly cause people to get sick, according to the CDC. “Low-risk” types are rarely linked to illness in the United States.