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First 100 loans
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RecipientLocationBAYVILLE, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of July 28, 2021Loan Amount$10,000Date ApprovedJune 6, 2020
RecipientLocationEureka, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 28, 2021Loan Amount$3,630Date ApprovedJune 2, 2020
RecipientLocationLLC, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 28, 2021Loan Amount$20,472Date ApprovedApril 16, 2021
RecipientLocationTampa, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of July 8, 2021Loan Amount$180,710Date ApprovedFeb. 2, 2021
RecipientLocationSan Diego, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 25, 2021Loan Amount$343,762Date ApprovedMarch 28, 2021
RecipientLocationWinter Haven, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of July 29, 2021Loan Amount$99,500Date ApprovedApril 12, 2020
RecipientLocationBeaver Dam, WILoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 10, 2022Loan Amount$2,100Date ApprovedApril 9, 2021
RecipientLocationIRONTON, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 13, 2020Loan Amount$23,400Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationCAMDEN WYOMING, DELoan StatusForgiven as of March 29, 2021Loan Amount$176,900Date ApprovedApril 8, 2020
RecipientLocationb, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 19, 2022Loan Amount$20,176Date ApprovedApril 1, 2021
RecipientLocationPHOENIX, AZLoan StatusForgiven as of July 29, 2021Loan Amount$2,753Date ApprovedJuly 27, 2020
RecipientLocationGREEN BAY, WILoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 15, 2020Loan Amount$20,000Date ApprovedApril 5, 2020
RecipientLocationHouston, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 23, 2021Loan Amount$518,946Date ApprovedMarch 17, 2021
RecipientLocationSAN DIEGO, CALoan StatusForgiven as of June 8, 2021Loan Amount$401,780Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationTYLER, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of April 5, 2021Loan Amount$18,245Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationNEW ALBANY, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 2, 2020Loan Amount$10,710Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationWARREN, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 28, 2021Loan Amount$21,600Date ApprovedJuly 31, 2020
RecipientLocationHOUSTON, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 31, 2021Loan Amount$698,000Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationNew Albany, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 8, 2021Loan Amount$10,717Date ApprovedFeb. 4, 2021
RecipientLocationGlen Mills, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 10, 2021Loan Amount$4,717Date ApprovedMay 25, 2021
RecipientLocationGlen Mills, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 13, 2021Loan Amount$4,718Date ApprovedMay 19, 2020
RecipientLocationMemphis, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of July 23, 2021Loan Amount$20,395Date ApprovedFeb. 12, 2021
RecipientLocationCONVERSE, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of May 26, 2022Loan Amount$25,323Date ApprovedJuly 6, 2020
RecipientLocationHORNERSVILLE, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$1,380Date ApprovedApril 30, 2020
RecipientLocationATLANTA, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 25, 2021Loan Amount$1,000Date ApprovedMay 14, 2020
RecipientLocationWICHITA, KSLoan StatusForgiven as of July 9, 2021Loan Amount$40,000Date ApprovedApril 30, 2020
RecipientLocationSHALLOTTE, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of July 8, 2021Loan Amount$13,800Date ApprovedJuly 23, 2020
RecipientLocationSouthaven, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 21, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 4, 2021
RecipientLocationMC KENZIE, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 5, 2020Loan Amount$17,378Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationTemple City, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 11, 2022Loan Amount$48,000Date ApprovedJan. 30, 2021
RecipientLocationFort Myers, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 12, 2022Loan Amount$167,518Date ApprovedFeb. 19, 2021
RecipientLocationWichita, KSLoan StatusForgiven as of June 28, 2021Loan Amount$148,320Date ApprovedJan. 26, 2021
RecipientLocationGERMANTOWN, WILoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 10, 2021Loan Amount$34,500Date ApprovedFeb. 5, 2021
RecipientLocationGERMANTOWN, WILoan StatusForgiven as of March 29, 2021Loan Amount$12,000Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationWICHITA, KSLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 30, 2020Loan Amount$148,300Date ApprovedApril 7, 2020
RecipientLocationPicayune, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of April 29, 2021Loan Amount$7,800Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationHAMMOND, LALoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 3, 2020Loan Amount$801,702Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationLauderdale Lakes, FLLoan StatusFully DisbursedLoan Amount$13,966Date ApprovedAug. 1, 2020
RecipientLocationNew York, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 22, 2021Loan Amount$46,180Date ApprovedFeb. 27, 2021
RecipientLocationNEW YORK, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of June 4, 2021Loan Amount$46,179Date ApprovedJuly 30, 2020
RecipientLocationOSHKOSH, WILoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 16, 2021Loan Amount$475Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationOklahoma City, OKLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 25, 2021Loan Amount$47,600Date ApprovedJan. 16, 2021
RecipientLocationOKLAHOMA CITY, OKLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 31, 2020Loan Amount$56,500Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationVirginia Beach, VALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 4, 2021Loan Amount$11,440Date ApprovedMay 11, 2021
RecipientLocationRuskin, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of May 26, 2022Loan Amount$23,639Date ApprovedJan. 28, 2021
RecipientLocationBIRMINGHAM, ALLoan StatusForgiven as of March 18, 2021Loan Amount$47,379Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationPASCAGOULA, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 9, 2020Loan Amount$10,000Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationFORT LAUDERDALE, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of April 28, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationJONESBOROUGH, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 25, 2021Loan Amount$11,000Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationMETUCHEN, NJLoan StatusForgiven as of March 17, 2021Loan Amount$105,855Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationGarden City Park, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of June 10, 2021Loan Amount$61,945Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 1, 2021Loan Amount$18,582Date ApprovedJan. 28, 2021
RecipientLocationEdmonton, KYLoan StatusForgiven as of June 23, 2021Loan Amount$3,000Date ApprovedJan. 20, 2021
RecipientLocationKEYSER, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of July 16, 2021Loan Amount$105,115Date ApprovedFeb. 5, 2021
RecipientLocationMARLBOROUGH, MALoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 19, 2021Loan Amount$95,000Date ApprovedApril 8, 2020
RecipientLocationWray, COLoan StatusForgiven as of June 30, 2021Loan Amount$52,860Date ApprovedJan. 23, 2021
RecipientLocationWRAY, COLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 22, 2020Loan Amount$52,860Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationPHILADELPHIA, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 28, 2021Loan Amount$37,798Date ApprovedJuly 17, 2020
RecipientLocationSANTA ANA, CALoan StatusForgiven as of April 2, 2021Loan Amount$28,979Date ApprovedJune 22, 2020
RecipientLocationSAINT LOUIS, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 19, 2020Loan Amount$20,300Date ApprovedApril 10, 2020
RecipientLocationNORTH HIGHLANDS, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 2, 2021Loan Amount$71,757Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationTEXARKANA, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$62,630Date ApprovedApril 5, 2020
RecipientLocationNorth Highlands, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 27, 2021Loan Amount$71,757Date ApprovedMarch 20, 2021
RecipientLocationSaint Louis, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 29, 2021Loan Amount$25,817Date ApprovedMarch 20, 2021
RecipientLocationHouston, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 16, 2021Loan Amount$2,500Date ApprovedJune 24, 2020
RecipientLocationNorristown, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 10, 2021Loan Amount$77,956Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationCedartown, GALoan StatusForgiven as of June 30, 2021Loan Amount$24,000Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationYOUNGSTOWN, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of March 18, 2021Loan Amount$95,825Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationDALLAS, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$6,300Date ApprovedMay 20, 2020
RecipientLocationMOUNT AIRY, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 20, 2020Loan Amount$33,600Date ApprovedApril 6, 2020
RecipientLocationCITY OF INDUSTRY, CALoan StatusForgiven as of April 22, 2021Loan Amount$618,100Date ApprovedApril 16, 2020
RecipientLocationTekoa, WALoan StatusForgiven as of June 15, 2021Loan Amount$5,070Date ApprovedMarch 24, 2021
RecipientLocationDANVILLE, VALoan StatusForgiven as of June 3, 2021Loan Amount$11,380Date ApprovedApril 9, 2020
RecipientLocationConverse, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of May 26, 2022Loan Amount$23,700Date ApprovedFeb. 13, 2021
RecipientLocationJacksonville, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of July 14, 2022Loan Amount$1,000Date ApprovedJan. 15, 2021
RecipientLocationImperial Beach, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 23, 2022Loan Amount$21,250Date ApprovedApril 24, 2021
RecipientLocationFAIRLAND, INLoan StatusForgiven as of July 29, 2021Loan Amount$11,030Date ApprovedAug. 6, 2020
RecipientLocationJACKSONVILLE, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 2, 2021Loan Amount$78,200Date ApprovedApril 7, 2020
RecipientLocationglenview, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$132,990Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationMORGANTOWN, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of March 18, 2021Loan Amount$44,300Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationNew Hamburg, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 26, 2021Loan Amount$15,600Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationOXFORD, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of May 12, 2021Loan Amount$19,400Date ApprovedApril 16, 2020
RecipientLocationLIBERTY, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 5, 2020Loan Amount$168,100Date ApprovedApril 7, 2020
RecipientLocationWest Plains, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of June 15, 2021Loan Amount$3,828Date ApprovedFeb. 13, 2021
RecipientLocationDickinson, TXLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$49,423Date ApprovedMarch 12, 2021
RecipientLocationHURLEY, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of April 22, 2021Loan Amount$25,755Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationRobbinsville, NJLoan StatusLoan Amount$143,730Date ApprovedFeb. 12, 2021
RecipientLocationGRENADA, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 8, 2020Loan Amount$2,800Date ApprovedApril 8, 2020
RecipientLocationLAKEWOOD, WALoan StatusForgiven as of March 12, 2021Loan Amount$28,754Date ApprovedApril 10, 2020
RecipientLocationFORT WORTH, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 9, 2021Loan Amount$77,100Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationAgua Dulce, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 13, 2022Loan Amount$24,097Date ApprovedMay 6, 2020
RecipientLocationSOUTHBURY, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 16, 2021Loan Amount$11,500Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationGainesville, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$16,175Date ApprovedApril 27, 2021
RecipientLocationLEXINGTON, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of June 15, 2021Loan Amount$23,700Date ApprovedMay 14, 2020
RecipientLocationHesston, KSLoan StatusForgiven as of July 28, 2021Loan Amount$2,665Date ApprovedApril 2, 2021
RecipientLocationSuwanee, GALoan StatusForgiven as of March 17, 2021Loan Amount$9,300Date ApprovedApril 30, 2020
RecipientLocationGlenview, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 22, 2021Loan Amount$186,186Date ApprovedJan. 26, 2021
RecipientLocationMonsey, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of March 31, 2022Loan Amount$593,821Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationCHICAGO, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of April 1, 2021Loan Amount$8,000Date ApprovedMay 11, 2020
RecipientLocationEDEN PRAIRIE, MNLoan StatusForgiven as of June 10, 2021Loan Amount$199,000Date ApprovedApril 6, 2020
About this data
This data comes from the Small Business Administration, and includes lender-approved loans under the Paycheck Protection Program as of June 1, 2021. Other loan programs, such as Economic Injury Disaster Loans, are not included in this database. The data includes the congressional district of each organization, but for Pennsylvania and North Carolina the districts do not reflect 2018 redistricting.
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