Search for PPP loan applications by organization, lender, zip code and business type.
First 100 loans
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RecipientLocationR, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 1, 2021Loan Amount$106,820Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationARTESIA, NMLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 2, 2020Loan Amount$8,473Date ApprovedJune 30, 2020
RecipientLocationIMPERIAL, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 12, 2021Loan Amount$69,800Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationTALALA, OKLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 22, 2020Loan Amount$7,000Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationGIBBON, NELoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 22, 2020Loan Amount$26,700Date ApprovedApril 7, 2020
RecipientLocationHyndman, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 31, 2021Loan Amount$241,500Date ApprovedFeb. 9, 2021
RecipientLocationFairbanks, AKLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 17, 2021Loan Amount$15,818Date ApprovedMarch 20, 2021
RecipientLocationELGIN, ORLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$12,500Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationHYNDMAN, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 16, 2021Loan Amount$241,500Date ApprovedApril 8, 2020
RecipientLocationTroy, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of April 19, 2022Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 9, 2021
RecipientLocationCincinnati, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 29, 2021Loan Amount$12,290Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationDewitt, ARLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 20, 2021Loan Amount$3,421Date ApprovedFeb. 17, 2021
RecipientLocationLLC, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 28, 2021Loan Amount$20,472Date ApprovedApril 16, 2021
RecipientLocationRupert, IDLoan StatusForgiven as of June 30, 2021Loan Amount$7,500Date ApprovedMarch 26, 2021
RecipientLocationHuntingdon, PALoan StatusForgiven as of April 6, 2021Loan Amount$2,954Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationPine Mountain, GALoan StatusForgiven as of July 9, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedJuly 14, 2020
RecipientLocationFINDLAY, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 6, 2021Loan Amount$1,364,600Date ApprovedApril 12, 2020
RecipientLocationMuskogee, OKLoan StatusForgiven as of June 30, 2021Loan Amount$4,175Date ApprovedApril 1, 2021
RecipientLocationDYERSBURG, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$11,900Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationVentura, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 9, 2021Loan Amount$7,557Date ApprovedFeb. 11, 2021
RecipientLocationFort Recovery, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 8, 2020Loan Amount$9,075Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationPIKEVILLE, TNLoan StatusLoan Amount$17,897Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationSpring Valley, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of March 22, 2021Loan Amount$41,986Date ApprovedJuly 31, 2020
RecipientLocationNorman, OKLoan StatusForgiven as of March 10, 2022Loan Amount$7,900Date ApprovedFeb. 25, 2021
RecipientLocationTampa, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 4, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedFeb. 22, 2021
RecipientLocationKeithsburg, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of July 28, 2021Loan Amount$2,404Date ApprovedMarch 1, 2021
RecipientLocationLynnville, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 13, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 28, 2021
RecipientLocationRobbins, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of June 28, 2021Loan Amount$4,770Date ApprovedFeb. 2, 2021
RecipientLocationMartinsville, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 14, 2021Loan Amount$5,825Date ApprovedMarch 17, 2021
RecipientLocationRed Lion, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 7, 2021Loan Amount$4,360Date ApprovedMarch 16, 2021
RecipientLocationCAMDENTON, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 5, 2020Loan Amount$54,500Date ApprovedApril 4, 2020
RecipientLocationVentura, CALoan StatusForgiven as of April 5, 2021Loan Amount$7,558Date ApprovedJuly 27, 2020
RecipientLocationMilwaukee, WILoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 8, 2021Loan Amount$7,970Date ApprovedMay 5, 2021
RecipientLocationMilwaukee, WILoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 26, 2021Loan Amount$7,970Date ApprovedFeb. 12, 2021
RecipientLocationTHOMASVILLE, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of May 6, 2021Loan Amount$26,700Date ApprovedApril 10, 2020
RecipientLocationRed Lion, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 7, 2021Loan Amount$4,360Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationCARRIERE, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 15, 2021Loan Amount$7,515Date ApprovedMay 29, 2020
RecipientLocationPERU, INLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$20,000Date ApprovedJune 2, 2020
RecipientLocationHouston, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 22, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 31, 2021
RecipientLocationDearborn, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 1, 2021Loan Amount$2,657Date ApprovedApril 14, 2021
RecipientLocationClinton, MDLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 15, 2021Loan Amount$8,780Date ApprovedMarch 27, 2021
RecipientLocationGreenfield, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of June 23, 2021Loan Amount$30,200Date ApprovedMarch 27, 2021
RecipientLocationClinton, MDLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 15, 2021Loan Amount$8,780Date ApprovedApril 9, 2021
RecipientLocationPaoli, INLoan StatusForgiven as of July 23, 2021Loan Amount$26,303Date ApprovedJan. 21, 2021
RecipientLocationOAKDALE, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 26, 2021Loan Amount$12,177Date ApprovedApril 30, 2020
RecipientLocationPAOLI, INLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 19, 2020Loan Amount$22,357Date ApprovedMay 21, 2020
RecipientLocationNEW WAVERLY, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of July 19, 2021Loan Amount$5,370Date ApprovedJuly 27, 2020
RecipientLocationWest Milford, NJLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 21, 2021Loan Amount$169,860Date ApprovedMarch 16, 2021
RecipientLocationHayward, CALoan StatusForgiven as of July 14, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedJune 3, 2020
RecipientLocationORANGE CITY, IALoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 23, 2020Loan Amount$15,000Date ApprovedApril 7, 2020
RecipientLocationADVANCE, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 5, 2020Loan Amount$16,244Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationWINNSBORO, LALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 15, 2020Loan Amount$5,900Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationStarkville, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 16, 2021Loan Amount$9,935Date ApprovedJune 24, 2020
RecipientLocationEthridge, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 22, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 11, 2021
RecipientLocationMiami, FLLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,170Date ApprovedJuly 20, 2020
RecipientLocationABILENE, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$2,200Date ApprovedJune 25, 2020
RecipientLocationSouth Plainfield, NJLoan StatusForgiven as of June 30, 2021Loan Amount$12,676Date ApprovedApril 1, 2021
RecipientLocationMORTON, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 14, 2021Loan Amount$4,700Date ApprovedMay 14, 2020
RecipientLocationHERNANDO, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 2, 2020Loan Amount$17,530Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationWindsor, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 20, 2021Loan Amount$16,717Date ApprovedApril 23, 2021
RecipientLocationLITTLE FALLS, NJLoan StatusForgiven as of April 20, 2021Loan Amount$15,165Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationSt. Louis, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of July 9, 2021Loan Amount$8,225Date ApprovedJune 1, 2020
RecipientLocationPittsburgh, PALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 29, 2021Loan Amount$41,137Date ApprovedFeb. 9, 2021
RecipientLocationMemphis, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 6, 2022Loan Amount$13,567Date ApprovedApril 23, 2021
RecipientLocationPALMER, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of March 23, 2021Loan Amount$49,388Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationELGIN, IALoan StatusForgiven as of April 8, 2021Loan Amount$45,214Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationPITTSBURGH, PALoan StatusForgiven as of May 10, 2021Loan Amount$35,455Date ApprovedApril 10, 2020
RecipientLocationHAUGHTON, LALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 3, 2021Loan Amount$74,625Date ApprovedFeb. 5, 2021
RecipientLocationPeosta, IALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 4, 2021Loan Amount$35,100Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationSan Antonio, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 22, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedJune 22, 2021
RecipientLocationMemphis, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 6, 2022Loan Amount$13,567Date ApprovedMarch 23, 2021
RecipientLocationPILLAGER, MNLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$6,000Date ApprovedJuly 16, 2020
RecipientLocationCARLISLE, IALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$125,600Date ApprovedApril 6, 2020
RecipientLocationLANCASTER, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 16, 2021Loan Amount$44,500Date ApprovedApril 7, 2020
RecipientLocationSelah, WALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 13, 2021Loan Amount$67,348Date ApprovedFeb. 26, 2021
RecipientLocationSELAH, WALoan StatusForgiven as of March 11, 2021Loan Amount$67,349Date ApprovedJune 4, 2020
RecipientLocationFRENCH CREEK, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$23,177Date ApprovedApril 30, 2020
RecipientLocationBACKUS, MNLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 8, 2021Loan Amount$12,000Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationStuart, VALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$64,766Date ApprovedMarch 30, 2021
RecipientLocationOXFORD, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of April 6, 2021Loan Amount$160,300Date ApprovedApril 8, 2020
RecipientLocationStuart, VALoan StatusForgiven as of July 28, 2021Loan Amount$80,800Date ApprovedMay 12, 2020
RecipientLocationLOMBARD, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 1, 2021Loan Amount$10,832Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationAKRON, INLoan StatusForgiven as of March 31, 2021Loan Amount$202,200Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationAkron, INLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 27, 2021Loan Amount$202,200Date ApprovedMarch 16, 2021
RecipientLocationAUSTIN, MNLoan StatusForgiven as of April 20, 2021Loan Amount$22,725Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationDRUMS, PALoan StatusForgiven as of June 17, 2021Loan Amount$9,285Date ApprovedMay 5, 2020
RecipientLocationSwords Creek, VALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 11, 2021Loan Amount$26,392Date ApprovedJan. 27, 2021
RecipientLocationLanse, MILoan StatusForgiven as of June 15, 2021Loan Amount$31,810Date ApprovedJan. 26, 2021
RecipientLocationCONLEY, GALoan StatusForgiven as of April 1, 2021Loan Amount$28,275Date ApprovedJune 16, 2020
RecipientLocationAtlanta, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 18, 2021Loan Amount$27,705Date ApprovedMarch 16, 2021
RecipientLocationSAN MARCOS, CALoan StatusForgiven as of March 31, 2021Loan Amount$6,954Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationLANSE, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 25, 2020Loan Amount$26,700Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationQUINCY, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of March 18, 2021Loan Amount$158,000Date ApprovedApril 5, 2020
RecipientLocationNEW BRAUNFELS, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of May 18, 2021Loan Amount$126,300Date ApprovedApril 12, 2020
RecipientLocationWEST MILFORD, NJLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 14, 2021Loan Amount$237,500Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationUNION GAP, WALoan StatusForgiven as of July 22, 2021Loan Amount$223,080Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationCLINTON, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$3,900Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationLYNCHBURG, VALoan StatusForgiven as of July 28, 2021Loan Amount$728,200Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationNATCHEZ, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 12, 2020Loan Amount$27,900Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationFRESNO, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$18,854Date ApprovedMay 26, 2020
About this data
This data comes from the Small Business Administration, and includes lender-approved loans under the Paycheck Protection Program as of June 1, 2021. Other loan programs, such as Economic Injury Disaster Loans, are not included in this database. The data includes the congressional district of each organization, but for Pennsylvania and North Carolina the districts do not reflect 2018 redistricting.
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