Search for PPP loan applications by organization, lender, zip code and business type.
First 100 loans
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RecipientLocationSaint Louis, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 8, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 20, 2021
RecipientLocationDanielsville, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$15,200Date ApprovedMarch 18, 2021
RecipientLocationEmory, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of July 20, 2021Loan Amount$3,381Date ApprovedApril 23, 2021
RecipientLocationLas Vegas, NVLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 26, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationRiverdale, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 20, 2021Loan Amount$19,792Date ApprovedMarch 12, 2021
RecipientLocationGrand Prairie, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 29, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 26, 2021
RecipientLocationSpring, TXLoan StatusFully DisbursedLoan Amount$75,908Date ApprovedMarch 24, 2021
RecipientLocationStockbridge, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 14, 2022Loan Amount$10,415Date ApprovedMay 13, 2021
RecipientLocationMooresville, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 15, 2021Loan Amount$6,247Date ApprovedApril 17, 2021
RecipientLocationHampton, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 1, 2021Loan Amount$3,442Date ApprovedApril 23, 2021
RecipientLocationCuero, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of March 27, 2023Loan Amount$20,806Date ApprovedApril 9, 2021
RecipientLocationLouisville, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 10, 2021Loan Amount$13,540Date ApprovedMay 22, 2021
RecipientLocationRoanoke, VALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$1,600Date ApprovedJan. 22, 2021
RecipientLocationLas Vegas, NVLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 26, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationBaton Rouge, LALoan StatusLoan Amount$12,083Date ApprovedMay 5, 2021
RecipientLocationSaint Louis, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 7, 2021Loan Amount$17,332Date ApprovedMarch 20, 2021
RecipientLocationFlorissant, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 8, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 21, 2021
RecipientLocationSouthfield, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 13, 2021Loan Amount$13,540Date ApprovedApril 11, 2021
RecipientLocationDuluth, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 15, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 3, 2021
RecipientLocationNellysford, VALoan StatusForgiven as of March 9, 2021Loan Amount$15,375Date ApprovedMay 21, 2020
RecipientLocationPomona, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 5, 2021
RecipientLocationLos Angeles, CALoan StatusLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 26, 2021
RecipientLocationSaint Louis, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 8, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationAtlanta, GALoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 6, 2021
RecipientLocationDallas, TXLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 11, 2021
RecipientLocationStockbridge, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 15, 2022Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedFeb. 10, 2021
RecipientLocationCarol Stream, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 12, 2021Loan Amount$1,602Date ApprovedMarch 25, 2021
RecipientLocationStone Mountain, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 7, 2021Loan Amount$20,800Date ApprovedApril 29, 2021
RecipientLocationRensselaer, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of June 4, 2021Loan Amount$20,800Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of April 7, 2022Loan Amount$20,062Date ApprovedMay 11, 2021
RecipientLocationSaginaw, MILoan StatusForgiven as of May 19, 2022Loan Amount$20,677Date ApprovedApril 8, 2021
RecipientLocationPomona, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 26, 2021
RecipientLocationMobile, ALLoan StatusForgiven as of April 21, 2022Loan Amount$14,546Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationAtlanta, GALoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$19,889Date ApprovedApril 27, 2021
RecipientLocationStone Mountain, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 7, 2021Loan Amount$20,800Date ApprovedMarch 24, 2021
RecipientLocationHampton, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 28, 2021Loan Amount$3,442Date ApprovedMay 25, 2021
RecipientLocationVine Grove, KYLoan StatusForgiven as of June 23, 2022Loan Amount$6,665Date ApprovedMay 11, 2021
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 8, 2021Loan Amount$10,416Date ApprovedJan. 23, 2021
RecipientLocationStockbridge, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 14, 2022Loan Amount$8,332Date ApprovedMay 14, 2021
RecipientLocationMorganton, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 24, 2021Loan Amount$6,320Date ApprovedMay 16, 2021
RecipientLocationCHICAGO, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 21, 2021Loan Amount$10,416Date ApprovedJune 27, 2020
RecipientLocationCorona, CALoan StatusLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 8, 2021
RecipientLocationStone Mountain, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 6, 2021Loan Amount$1,919Date ApprovedFeb. 3, 2021
RecipientLocationPhoenix, AZLoan StatusForgiven as of July 21, 2022Loan Amount$16,250Date ApprovedApril 26, 2021
RecipientLocationFlorissant, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 8, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationDECATUR, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 26, 2021Loan Amount$18,645Date ApprovedApril 9, 2021
RecipientLocationFranklin, GALoan StatusLoan Amount$903Date ApprovedJune 29, 2020
RecipientLocationStockbridge, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 17, 2022Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 15, 2021
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 29, 2021
RecipientLocationLos Angeles, CALoan StatusLoan Amount$20,276Date ApprovedMay 23, 2021
RecipientLocationVersailles, KYLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 10, 2021Loan Amount$12,500Date ApprovedFeb. 7, 2021
RecipientLocationAustin, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 17, 2022Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 23, 2021
RecipientLocationDALLAS, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 1, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedJan. 31, 2021
RecipientLocationRacine, WILoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 20, 2021Loan Amount$12,500Date ApprovedApril 8, 2021
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 24, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 11, 2021
RecipientLocationSummerville, GALoan StatusLoan Amount$1,145Date ApprovedMay 2, 2021
RecipientLocationLas Vegas, NVLoan StatusLoan Amount$8,916Date ApprovedMay 3, 2021
RecipientLocationDallas, TXLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 27, 2021
RecipientLocationBaton Rouge, LALoan StatusLoan Amount$12,083Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationAtlanta, GALoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$19,889Date ApprovedMay 23, 2021
RecipientLocationFredericksburg, VALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 12, 2022Loan Amount$66,867Date ApprovedFeb. 23, 2021
RecipientLocationSouthfield, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 3, 2022Loan Amount$13,540Date ApprovedMay 12, 2021
RecipientLocationCalumet City, ILLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 1, 2021
RecipientLocationSuffolk, VALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 20, 2022Loan Amount$20,760Date ApprovedMay 27, 2021
RecipientLocationHOUSTON, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 17, 2021Loan Amount$1,907,200Date ApprovedApril 10, 2020
RecipientLocationTALLAHASSEE, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 8, 2021Loan Amount$62,221Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationBrandon, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 2, 2021Loan Amount$5,000Date ApprovedJan. 23, 2021
RecipientLocationDESOTO, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of March 22, 2021Loan Amount$19,900Date ApprovedMay 26, 2020
RecipientLocationOWENSBORO, KYLoan StatusForgiven as of April 5, 2021Loan Amount$4,130Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationGranbury, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of June 24, 2021Loan Amount$10,000,000Date ApprovedMay 26, 2020
RecipientLocationVERSAILLES, KYLoan StatusForgiven as of March 18, 2021Loan Amount$14,500Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationMagnolia, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 10, 2021Loan Amount$6,600Date ApprovedFeb. 5, 2021
RecipientLocationNellysford, VALoan StatusForgiven as of July 19, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 4, 2021
RecipientLocationMayflower, ARLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 9, 2021Loan Amount$111,738Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationMagnolia, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 10, 2021Loan Amount$6,600Date ApprovedJuly 30, 2020
RecipientLocationCENTRE, ALLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 8, 2020Loan Amount$12,000Date ApprovedApril 9, 2020
RecipientLocationGreensboro, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 27, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 24, 2021
RecipientLocationDallas, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 22, 2021Loan Amount$3,388Date ApprovedApril 24, 2021
RecipientLocationSan Bernardino, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 23, 2021Loan Amount$17,450Date ApprovedApril 7, 2021
RecipientLocationSebree, KYLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 13, 2021Loan Amount$21,566Date ApprovedMay 7, 2021
RecipientLocationNorth Augusta, SCLoan StatusForgiven as of March 29, 2021Loan Amount$69,065Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationGREENSBURG, LALoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 11, 2021Loan Amount$58,017Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationGreensburg, LALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 23, 2021Loan Amount$58,018Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationDesoto, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 15, 2021Loan Amount$19,900Date ApprovedFeb. 23, 2021
RecipientLocationSOUTH JORDAN, UTLoan StatusLoan Amount$10,692Date ApprovedMarch 20, 2021
RecipientLocationJoanna, SCLoan StatusLoan Amount$12,989Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationLas Vegas, NVLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 10, 2021Loan Amount$17,074Date ApprovedApril 30, 2021
RecipientLocationGary, INLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 23, 2021
RecipientLocationMcDonough, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 26, 2022Loan Amount$20,830Date ApprovedApril 29, 2021
RecipientLocationJacksonville, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 11, 2021Loan Amount$1,975Date ApprovedApril 9, 2021
RecipientLocationCovington, GALoan StatusForgiven as of June 9, 2022Loan Amount$20,462Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationWarren, MILoan StatusLoan Amount$3,650Date ApprovedFeb. 7, 2021
RecipientLocationMarion, ALLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 14, 2021Loan Amount$18,307Date ApprovedMay 12, 2021
RecipientLocationDarby, PALoan StatusLoan Amount$11,038Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationMaple Heights, OHLoan StatusLoan Amount$18,518Date ApprovedApril 29, 2021
RecipientLocationShelbyville, KYLoan StatusForgiven as of July 14, 2021Loan Amount$7,274Date ApprovedFeb. 5, 2021
RecipientLocationMonroe, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of July 2, 2021Loan Amount$6,250Date ApprovedApril 17, 2021
RecipientLocationGranite Falls, NCLoan StatusFully DisbursedLoan Amount$7,680Date ApprovedFeb. 13, 2021
RecipientLocationCasey, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of June 15, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMarch 16, 2021
RecipientLocationWoodbury, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 1, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 29, 2021
About this data
This data comes from the Small Business Administration, and includes lender-approved loans under the Paycheck Protection Program as of June 1, 2021. Other loan programs, such as Economic Injury Disaster Loans, are not included in this database. The data includes the congressional district of each organization, but for Pennsylvania and North Carolina the districts do not reflect 2018 redistricting.
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