Search for PPP loan applications by organization, lender, zip code and business type.
First 100 loans
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RecipientLocationRoxboro, NCLoan StatusFully DisbursedLoan Amount$18,125Date ApprovedApril 30, 2021
RecipientLocationElgin, ILLoan StatusLoan Amount$18,198Date ApprovedMarch 30, 2021
RecipientLocationLas Vegas, NVLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 1, 2022Loan Amount$14,765Date ApprovedFeb. 16, 2021
RecipientLocationMemphis, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 21, 2021Loan Amount$6,250Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationStockbridge, GALoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 18, 2021
RecipientLocationEast Chicago, INLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 22, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationOakland, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 26, 2021Loan Amount$20,613Date ApprovedFeb. 19, 2021
RecipientLocationFresno, CALoan StatusLoan Amount$20,444Date ApprovedApril 26, 2021
RecipientLocationMarietta, GALoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMarch 30, 2021
RecipientLocationSenatobia, MSLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 8, 2021Loan Amount$18,637Date ApprovedApril 24, 2021
RecipientLocationDolton, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 8, 2021Loan Amount$20,520Date ApprovedApril 24, 2021
RecipientLocationNorthridge, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 10, 2021Loan Amount$19,030Date ApprovedMarch 29, 2021
RecipientLocationBridgeport, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 10, 2022Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 2, 2021
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMarch 24, 2021
RecipientLocationMarietta, GALoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationEast Chicago, INLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 30, 2021
RecipientLocationRiverdale, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 3, 2022Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationShiloh, ILLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 27, 2021
RecipientLocationChula Vista, CALoan StatusLoan Amount$20,000Date ApprovedAug. 5, 2020
RecipientLocationLexington, SCLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedAug. 3, 2020
RecipientLocationTunica, MSLoan StatusLoan Amount$9,608Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationClinton Township, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 28, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 23, 2021
RecipientLocationKinston, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of June 30, 2022Loan Amount$10,833Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationAcworth, GALoan StatusLoan Amount$19,165Date ApprovedApril 26, 2021
RecipientLocationBeavercreek, OHLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$17,082Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationMOBILE, ALLoan StatusForgiven as of July 19, 2021Loan Amount$17,595Date ApprovedFeb. 6, 2021
RecipientLocationPrincess Anne, MDLoan StatusLoan Amount$17,500Date ApprovedMarch 18, 2021
RecipientLocationDetroit, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 4, 2021Loan Amount$10,842Date ApprovedMay 27, 2021
RecipientLocationDallas, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 14, 2021Loan Amount$19,790Date ApprovedMay 27, 2021
RecipientLocationMobile, ALLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 22, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 26, 2021
RecipientLocationDenver, COLoan StatusLoan Amount$3,709Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationMemphis, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 2, 2021Loan Amount$20,750Date ApprovedFeb. 23, 2021
RecipientLocationBrooklyn, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 14, 2021Loan Amount$11,250Date ApprovedApril 29, 2021
RecipientLocationFort Lauderdale, FLLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,790Date ApprovedMarch 31, 2021
RecipientLocationMaple Heights, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 12, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 11, 2021
RecipientLocationBaker, LALoan StatusLoan Amount$20,420Date ApprovedApril 26, 2021
RecipientLocationAtlanta, GALoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMay 13, 2021
RecipientLocationCharlotte, NCLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$20,783Date ApprovedFeb. 13, 2021
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 4, 2021
RecipientLocationDeKalb, ILLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationCleveland, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 2, 2021Loan Amount$10,415Date ApprovedMay 13, 2021
RecipientLocationCharlottesville, VALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 29, 2021Loan Amount$18,665Date ApprovedMay 20, 2021
RecipientLocationIndianapolis, INLoan StatusForgiven as of April 3, 2023Loan Amount$17,083Date ApprovedApril 23, 2021
RecipientLocationHammond, INLoan StatusForgiven as of March 17, 2022Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 14, 2021
RecipientLocationDetroit, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 29, 2021Loan Amount$10,415Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationOrange Park, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of June 9, 2022Loan Amount$19,165Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationMaple Heights, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 12, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusLoan Amount$15,432Date ApprovedMarch 28, 2021
RecipientLocationEast Chicago, INLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 22, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationGreenwood, SCLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 20, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 21, 2021
RecipientLocationAurora, COLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationCarencro, LALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 15, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 8, 2021
RecipientLocationStockton, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 14, 2021Loan Amount$13,540Date ApprovedMay 20, 2021
RecipientLocationCumming, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 3, 2022Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationYpsilanti, MILoan StatusForgiven as of March 2, 2022Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationHouston, TXLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$5,000Date ApprovedMay 28, 2021
RecipientLocationBainbridge, GALoan StatusLoan Amount$4,593Date ApprovedMay 29, 2020
RecipientLocationPflugerville, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 27, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 29, 2021
RecipientLocationDenver, COLoan StatusLoan Amount$3,709Date ApprovedApril 1, 2021
RecipientLocationLas Vegas, NVLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMay 27, 2021
RecipientLocationHyattsville, MDLoan StatusLoan Amount$12,802Date ApprovedApril 24, 2021
RecipientLocationBedford, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 25, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 2, 2021
RecipientLocationHarper Woods, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 29, 2021Loan Amount$20,463Date ApprovedApril 23, 2021
RecipientLocationAkron, OHLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationDallas, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 8, 2022Loan Amount$20,465Date ApprovedMay 13, 2021
RecipientLocationHouston, TXLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,457Date ApprovedApril 16, 2021
RecipientLocationTallahassee, FLLoan StatusLoan Amount$11,300Date ApprovedFeb. 19, 2021
RecipientLocationMemphis, TNLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 21, 2021Loan Amount$6,250Date ApprovedApril 6, 2021
RecipientLocationHouston, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 14, 2022Loan Amount$47,800Date ApprovedMay 19, 2021
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 27, 2021Loan Amount$12,802Date ApprovedApril 21, 2021
RecipientLocationNottingham, MDLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 22, 2021
RecipientLocationHampton, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 8, 2021Loan Amount$16,110Date ApprovedApril 7, 2021
RecipientLocationFontana, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 26, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedMay 1, 2021
RecipientLocationShreveport, LALoan StatusForgiven as of July 5, 2022Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMay 14, 2021
RecipientLocationMonroe, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 27, 2021
RecipientLocationCollege Park, GALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 4, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedMarch 15, 2021
RecipientLocationKinston, NCLoan StatusLoan Amount$10,833Date ApprovedMay 22, 2021
RecipientLocationBedford, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 25, 2021Loan Amount$29,166Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationMemphis, TNLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,682Date ApprovedApril 26, 2021
RecipientLocationPhoenix, AZLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 19, 2021
RecipientLocationDANIELS, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of June 14, 2021Loan Amount$10,612Date ApprovedApril 9, 2020
RecipientLocationDANIELS, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 26, 2021Loan Amount$109,000Date ApprovedApril 11, 2020
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 25, 2021Loan Amount$6,448Date ApprovedFeb. 4, 2021
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of June 2, 2022Loan Amount$28,856Date ApprovedMarch 30, 2021
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 1, 2021Loan Amount$25,493Date ApprovedJan. 16, 2021
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$98,400Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 19, 2022Loan Amount$30,750Date ApprovedJan. 28, 2021
RecipientLocationDANIELS, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 12, 2021Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedApril 10, 2020
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of July 9, 2021Loan Amount$7,900Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 1, 2021Loan Amount$110,200Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationDANIELS, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 13, 2020Loan Amount$9,300Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationDANIELS, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$27,707Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationDANIELS, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 10, 2020Loan Amount$33,400Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 17, 2023Loan Amount$7,387Date ApprovedFeb. 24, 2021
RecipientLocationDANIELS, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of April 6, 2021Loan Amount$46,720Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 14, 2021Loan Amount$11,550Date ApprovedApril 10, 2021
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 25, 2021Loan Amount$19,062Date ApprovedFeb. 2, 2021
RecipientLocationDANIELS, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 16, 2021Loan Amount$19,350Date ApprovedApril 30, 2020
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of June 28, 2022Loan Amount$113,700Date ApprovedApril 1, 2021
RecipientLocationDaniels, WVLoan StatusForgiven as of April 18, 2022Loan Amount$8,900Date ApprovedApril 9, 2021
About this data
This data comes from the Small Business Administration, and includes lender-approved loans under the Paycheck Protection Program as of June 1, 2021. Other loan programs, such as Economic Injury Disaster Loans, are not included in this database. The data includes the congressional district of each organization, but for Pennsylvania and North Carolina the districts do not reflect 2018 redistricting.
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