Search for PPP loan applications by organization, lender, zip code and business type.
First 100 loans
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RecipientLocationMonticello, UTLoan StatusForgiven as of July 12, 2021Loan Amount$6,700Date ApprovedFeb. 25, 2021
RecipientLocationBurbank, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 8, 2021Loan Amount$322,042Date ApprovedJan. 27, 2021
RecipientLocationHuntington Beach, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 28, 2021Loan Amount$15,720Date ApprovedMarch 25, 2021
RecipientLocationBerwick, MELoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 26, 2021Loan Amount$1,355Date ApprovedMarch 13, 2021
RecipientLocationTallahassee, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 8, 2021Loan Amount$20,490Date ApprovedMay 12, 2021
RecipientLocationPalm Springs, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$55,037Date ApprovedMarch 23, 2021
RecipientLocationAinsworth, NELoan StatusForgiven as of June 23, 2021Loan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedFeb. 11, 2021
RecipientLocationGranby, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 13, 2021Loan Amount$6,926Date ApprovedJan. 27, 2021
RecipientLocationLeland, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 14, 2021Loan Amount$2,808Date ApprovedMay 25, 2021
RecipientLocationGranby, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 23, 2021Loan Amount$5,478Date ApprovedJan. 30, 2021
RecipientLocationWestminster, COLoan StatusNot DisclosedLoan Amount$2,041Date ApprovedMay 23, 2021
RecipientLocationFresno, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 22, 2020Loan Amount$12,288Date ApprovedApril 30, 2020
RecipientLocationLeland, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 10, 2021Loan Amount$2,808Date ApprovedApril 23, 2021
RecipientLocationMontrose, COLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 25, 2021Loan Amount$1,944Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationLake Forest, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 14, 2021Loan Amount$5,329Date ApprovedMarch 25, 2021
RecipientLocationGranby, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 9, 2020Loan Amount$5,453Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationSaline, MILoan StatusForgiven as of June 23, 2021Loan Amount$8,157Date ApprovedFeb. 8, 2021
RecipientLocationWakefield, RILoan StatusForgiven as of June 23, 2021Loan Amount$11,100Date ApprovedFeb. 4, 2021
RecipientLocationMetuchen, NJLoan StatusLoan Amount$18,098Date ApprovedAug. 6, 2020
RecipientLocationAustin, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of July 28, 2021Loan Amount$4,111Date ApprovedApril 30, 2020
RecipientLocationBeverly, NJLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 11, 2021
RecipientLocationNarragansett, RILoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 3, 2022Loan Amount$20,832Date ApprovedJan. 23, 2021
RecipientLocationVestal, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 4, 2021Loan Amount$18,970Date ApprovedApril 3, 2021
RecipientLocationAINSWORTH, NELoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$26,944Date ApprovedJuly 17, 2020
RecipientLocationBeverly, NJLoan StatusLoan Amount$20,833Date ApprovedApril 30, 2021
RecipientLocationBerwick, MELoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 26, 2021Loan Amount$1,355Date ApprovedApril 12, 2021
RecipientLocationSaint Joseph, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 6, 2021Loan Amount$6,808Date ApprovedMarch 31, 2021
RecipientLocationPalm Springs, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 15, 2022Loan Amount$6,665Date ApprovedMay 12, 2021
RecipientLocationTrenton, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 10, 2021Loan Amount$40,026Date ApprovedApril 17, 2021
RecipientLocationMontrose, COLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 29, 2021Loan Amount$6,223Date ApprovedMay 28, 2021
RecipientLocationFresno, CALoan StatusForgiven as of March 24, 2022Loan Amount$12,438Date ApprovedFeb. 22, 2021
RecipientLocationMetuchen, NJLoan StatusLoan Amount$18,100Date ApprovedFeb. 9, 2021
RecipientLocationMILLERTON, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 12, 2021Loan Amount$7,772Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationBURLINGTON, NCLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 25, 2021Loan Amount$610,714Date ApprovedApril 11, 2020
RecipientLocationMONTROSE, COLoan StatusForgiven as of May 6, 2021Loan Amount$10,890Date ApprovedMay 8, 2020
RecipientLocationGrand Rapids, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 5, 2021Loan Amount$34,358Date ApprovedMarch 13, 2021
RecipientLocationAlbert City, IALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 12, 2021Loan Amount$13,700Date ApprovedMarch 17, 2021
RecipientLocationVERO BEACH, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of May 27, 2021Loan Amount$59,792Date ApprovedJune 25, 2020
RecipientLocationCHULA, MOLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 8, 2021Loan Amount$5,709Date ApprovedJune 25, 2020
RecipientLocationMORTON, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of April 6, 2021Loan Amount$28,400Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationMorton, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 16, 2021Loan Amount$39,879Date ApprovedJan. 30, 2021
RecipientLocationCedar Hill, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of July 20, 2021Loan Amount$4,451Date ApprovedFeb. 8, 2021
RecipientLocationSummerville, SCLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 26, 2021Loan Amount$266,133Date ApprovedJan. 22, 2021
RecipientLocationSyracuse, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 7, 2021Loan Amount$55,100Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationCHICAGO, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 27, 2021Loan Amount$12,971Date ApprovedJune 5, 2020
RecipientLocationHouston, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of July 5, 2022Loan Amount$102,758Date ApprovedJan. 22, 2021
RecipientLocationBENICIA, CALoan StatusForgiven as of July 15, 2021Loan Amount$154,343Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationFairfax, VALoan StatusForgiven as of April 16, 2021Loan Amount$8,100Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationSAN RAFAEL, CALoan StatusForgiven as of April 14, 2021Loan Amount$10,370Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationAPACHE JUNCTION, AZLoan StatusForgiven as of June 4, 2021Loan Amount$55,700Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationSUMMERVILLE, SCLoan StatusForgiven as of July 29, 2021Loan Amount$190,100Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationScottsdale, AZLoan StatusForgiven as of April 29, 2021Loan Amount$61,103Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationSpringfield, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 17, 2021Loan Amount$27,010Date ApprovedMarch 24, 2021
RecipientLocationSyracuse, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 25, 2021Loan Amount$38,037Date ApprovedMarch 1, 2021
RecipientLocationProvidence, RILoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 24, 2021Loan Amount$76,605Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationGrand Rapids, MILoan StatusForgiven as of June 23, 2021Loan Amount$7,294Date ApprovedMarch 12, 2021
RecipientLocationPalm Springs, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 2, 2021Loan Amount$13,925Date ApprovedMay 11, 2020
RecipientLocationSanta Rosa, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 22, 2020Loan Amount$9,803Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationSyracuse, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 6, 2021Loan Amount$87,500Date ApprovedFeb. 13, 2021
RecipientLocationMAUMEE, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Nov. 23, 2020Loan Amount$356,100Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationINDIANAPOLIS, INLoan StatusForgiven as of June 15, 2021Loan Amount$22,500Date ApprovedMay 1, 2020
RecipientLocationEast Longmeadow, MALoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 17, 2022Loan Amount$3,077Date ApprovedMay 5, 2020
RecipientLocationWEST WARWICK, RILoan StatusForgiven as of June 29, 2021Loan Amount$135,000Date ApprovedApril 11, 2020
RecipientLocationProvidence, RILoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 24, 2021Loan Amount$76,605Date ApprovedFeb. 4, 2021
RecipientLocationSPRINGFIELD, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 2, 2020Loan Amount$27,010Date ApprovedApril 7, 2020
RecipientLocationBelmont, MALoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 8, 2021Loan Amount$20,785Date ApprovedJan. 27, 2021
RecipientLocationBenicia, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 17, 2022Loan Amount$154,343Date ApprovedFeb. 10, 2021
RecipientLocationKIRKLAND, WALoan StatusForgiven as of May 24, 2021Loan Amount$430,167Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationNew Haven, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 4, 2021Loan Amount$116,572Date ApprovedJan. 26, 2021
RecipientLocationTROY, MILoan StatusForgiven as of July 14, 2021Loan Amount$390,200Date ApprovedJan. 29, 2021
RecipientLocationNATIONAL CITY, CALoan StatusForgiven as of April 22, 2022Loan Amount$636,577Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationSYRACUSE, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 5, 2021Loan Amount$30,000Date ApprovedApril 13, 2020
RecipientLocationSyracuse, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 16, 2021Loan Amount$41,780Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationBelmont, MALoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 28, 2021Loan Amount$22,300Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationNational City, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 7, 2022Loan Amount$656,627Date ApprovedApril 1, 2021
RecipientLocationSyracuse, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 23, 2022Loan Amount$90,000Date ApprovedFeb. 19, 2021
RecipientLocationNORWICH, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Feb. 22, 2021Loan Amount$53,266Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationLOS OSOS, CALoan StatusForgiven as of April 8, 2021Loan Amount$5,897Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationSYRACUSE, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of April 29, 2021Loan Amount$25,000Date ApprovedApril 11, 2020
RecipientLocationTUCSON, AZLoan StatusForgiven as of April 20, 2021Loan Amount$58,307Date ApprovedApril 28, 2020
RecipientLocationMountain View, CALoan StatusForgiven as of March 5, 2021Loan Amount$74,503Date ApprovedMay 12, 2020
RecipientLocationMONTECITO, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 14, 2021Loan Amount$20,767Date ApprovedJune 26, 2020
RecipientLocationKirkland, WALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 15, 2021Loan Amount$417,395Date ApprovedFeb. 3, 2021
RecipientLocationMILAN, OHLoan StatusForgiven as of Jan. 8, 2021Loan Amount$17,100Date ApprovedApril 15, 2020
RecipientLocationHOUSTON, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of June 29, 2021Loan Amount$95,255Date ApprovedApril 14, 2020
RecipientLocationOAKLAND PARK, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of March 5, 2021Loan Amount$26,740Date ApprovedMay 3, 2020
RecipientLocationHealdsburg, CALoan StatusForgiven as of July 7, 2021Loan Amount$20,800Date ApprovedMay 6, 2020
RecipientLocationChicago, ILLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 7, 2021Loan Amount$12,970Date ApprovedFeb. 12, 2021
RecipientLocationNORTHVILLE, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 4, 2021Loan Amount$93,482Date ApprovedApril 11, 2020
RecipientLocationNEW HAVEN, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 31, 2020Loan Amount$104,800Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationGuymon, OKLoan StatusForgiven as of July 26, 2021Loan Amount$22,900Date ApprovedMarch 12, 2021
RecipientLocationBURBANK, CALoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 2, 2020Loan Amount$346,287Date ApprovedApril 27, 2020
RecipientLocationTROY, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Dec. 17, 2020Loan Amount$539,400Date ApprovedApril 29, 2020
RecipientLocationJacksonville, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of July 21, 2021Loan Amount$4,500Date ApprovedFeb. 2, 2021
RecipientLocationNorwich, NYLoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 26, 2021Loan Amount$72,715Date ApprovedJan. 20, 2021
RecipientLocationOakland Park, FLLoan StatusForgiven as of June 2, 2022Loan Amount$26,740Date ApprovedJan. 21, 2021
RecipientLocationMONTICELLO, UTLoan StatusForgiven as of Sept. 7, 2021Loan Amount$8,205Date ApprovedMarch 4, 2021
RecipientLocationHonor, MILoan StatusForgiven as of Oct. 6, 2021Loan Amount$24,300Date ApprovedMay 18, 2021
RecipientLocationMilford, CTLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 4, 2021Loan Amount$24,700Date ApprovedMarch 3, 2021
RecipientLocationThe Woodlands, TXLoan StatusForgiven as of Aug. 26, 2021Loan Amount$9,375Date ApprovedFeb. 8, 2021
About this data
This data comes from the Small Business Administration, and includes lender-approved loans under the Paycheck Protection Program as of June 1, 2021. Other loan programs, such as Economic Injury Disaster Loans, are not included in this database. The data includes the congressional district of each organization, but for Pennsylvania and North Carolina the districts do not reflect 2018 redistricting.
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