Jesuits Maryland Province, Maryland

C. Jeffries Burton

Status: 2007: Removed from ministry 2011: Died

Appeared under the heading: “Jesuits with a credible or established offense against a minor (anyone under the age of 18) who are deceased or former Maryland Province Jesuits or are deceased or former Jesuits from another Province whose offense took place in the Maryland Province:”

Birth Year: 1936

Ordination year: 1967

Reported assignment history:

  • 1961 – 1965: Colegio San Mateo (Osorno, Chile)
  • 1968 – 1969: Jesuit Seminary Guild (Baltimore, MD)
  • Residence: St. Ignatius Church (Baltimore, MD)
  • 1969 – 1971: Spring Creek Elementary and High Schools (Hot Springs, NC)
  • 1971 – 1972: St. Teresa's Church (Revere, NC)
  • 1972 – 1978: Hot Springs Boys Home (Hot Springs, NC)
  • 1978 – 1982: Youth Ministry Center, Diocese of Charlotte (Flat Rock, NC)
  • 1983 – 1988: Holy Name Church (Camden, NJ)
  • 1988 – 1989: Jesuit Mission Bureau/Ignatian Apostolic Partnerships (Baltimore, MD)
  • Residence: Wheeler House Jesuit Community (Baltimore, MD)
  • 1989 – 2006: Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (Atlantic City, NJ) & Atlantic Cape Community College (Atlantic City, NJ)
  • Residence: Holy Spirit Rectory (Atlantic City, NJ)
  • 2006 – 2007: Loyola Blakefield Jesuit Community (Towson, MD)
  • 2007: Sacred Heart Parish (Richmond, VA)