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Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky
Joseph Pilger
Status: Deceased (2003)
Appeared under the heading: “This section contains the names of priests either from another diocese or from a religious order who at one time served in the Diocese of Owensboro and against whom was made at least one substantiated allegation of the sexual abuse of a minor occurring within the Diocese.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1955
Reported assignment history:
- 1963: St. William, Knottsville
- 1964 – 8/30/65: St. Ann, Morganfield
- 8/30/65 – 1966: Sts. Joseph & Paul, Owensboro
- February 1967: St. Jerome, Fancy Farm
- August 1967: Immaculate Conception, Earlington
- 8/67 – 1/69: Holy Name, Henderson
- 1/69 – 11/27/71: St. Francis Borgia in Sturgis, St. Ambrose in Henshaw and St. William in Marion
- 12/9/72 – 6/29/76: Cathedral in Owensboro
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