Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Lauren Wenig

Status: Laicized

Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Offenders: Wenig”

Birth Year: 1947

Ordination year: 1973

Reported assignment history:

  • St. Nicholas Parish (Milwaukee) 1973 to 1975
  • De Sales Preparatory Seminary 1975 to 1979
  • High School Seminary 1979 to 1983
  • Graduate Studies - Franciscan Biblical Studies 1983 to 1990
  • St. Matthew Parish (Nenno) and St. Mary Parish (Woodland) 1990 to 1997
  • St. John Parish (Rubicon) 1994 to 1997
  • Sick leave April - Sept. 2008 to Oct. 2008
  • St. Mary Parish (Elm Grove) 2008 to 2010