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Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky
Walter Hancock
Status: Removed from public ministry (2002), Deceased (2012)
Appeared under the heading: “This section contains the names of priests who were ordained for the Diocese of Owensboro against whom was made at least one substantiated allegation of the sexual abuse of a minor occurring within the Diocese of Owensboro.”
Birth Year: 1920
Ordination year: 1947
Reported assignment history:
- 1947-49: St. Anthony, Browns Valley
- 1949-1952: Immaculate Conception, Hawesville
- 1952-1959: St. Mary of the Woods, Whitesville
- 1959-1965: St. Anthony, Peonia
- 1965-72: St. Alphonsus
- 1972-1983: St. Jerome, Fancy Farm
- 1983-1989: St. Sebastian, Calhoun
- 1989-1992
- Sacred Heart, Russellville
- 1992-1995: St. Rose, Cloverport and Holy Guardian Angels, Irvington
- 1995: Allowed to retire
- 1998: Administrator at Holy Guardian Angels Parish in Irvington
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