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Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, Texas
Cardinal: Daniel N. DiNardo, installed Feb. 28, 2006 | Published list
Jan. 2019
Date List Was Originally Released
Names Released
Catholic Population
John Benedict Weber
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Moises Cabrera
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1946
Ordination year: 1969
CR Christopher Joseph Springer
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1925
Ordination year: 1952
Nicholas Cornelius Antle
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1934
Ordination year: 1959
Walter Dayton Salisbury
Status: Retired
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1959
Richard Edelin
Status: Removed from public ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1953
Ordination year: 1979
David Emmett Burns
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1935
Ordination year: 1961
Luis Eugene DeFrancisco
Status: Removed from Ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Extern Priests (from other dioceses... more)”
Birth Year: 1908
Ordination year: 1931
Joseph Giles Leduc
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1929
Ordination year: 1955
Antonio Gonzalez
Status: Left priesthood
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1927
Ordination year: 1957
Carlos Guerra
Status: Left priesthood
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1953
Ordination year: 1981
Rodrigo J. Guillermo
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1928
Ordination year: 1965
Jack Hanna
Status: Faculties removed
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1944
Ordination year: 1974
Stephen R. Horn
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1944
Ordination year: 1973
William Jimenez
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1927
Ordination year: 1953
Anthony Keil
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1894
Ordination year: 1927
John T. Keller
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Special Category: Recent Allegation... mores currently under investigation”
Birth Year: 1948
Ordination year: 1974
Charles Kevin Schoppe
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1925
Ordination year: 1949
Dennis Laroche
Status: Left priesthood
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1946
Ordination year: 1974
Manuel La Rosa Lopez
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Special Category: Criminal Charges ... morePending”
Birth Year: 1957
Ordination year: 1996
Pius Lawe
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1976
Ordination year: 2005
Assignment history not reported
Jesse S. Linam
Status: Retired
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1935
Ordination year: 1961
Denis O. Lynch
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1930
Ordination year: 1957
Christopher J. Martin
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1900
Ordination year: 1924
Gerard Martin Weber
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1936
Ordination year: 1962
Donald A. Neumann
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1946
Ordination year: 1972
Fernando Noe Guzman
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Extern Priests (from other dioceses... more)”
Birth Year: 1951
Ordination year: 1979
Raphael O'Loughlin
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1916
Ordination year: 1942
Francisco Ordonez
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Extern Priests (from other dioceses... more)”
Birth Year: 1930
Ordination year: 1995
Vincent Orlando
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1941
Ordination year: 1974
George Patrick Dougherty
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1925
Ordination year: 1967
Lawrence O. Peguero
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1921
Ordination year: 1947
Dennis L. Peterson
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1947
Ordination year: 1973
Robert Ralph Barzyk
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1932
Ordination year: 1958
Robert C. Ramon
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1949
Ordination year: 1982
Allen Ray Doga
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1925
Ordination year: 1949
Alphonse Rodrigue Hemond
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1916
Ordination year: 1949
Donald Stavinoha
Status: Convicted
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1943
Ordination year: 1970
Anthony G. Stredny
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1929
Ordination year: 1957
Joseph Tully
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Extern Priests (from other dioceses... more)”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1925
Ivan Turic
Status: Faculties removed
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Diocesan Priests”
Birth Year: 1940
Ordination year: 1968
Andrew Willemsen
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy Disclosure List - Religious Order Priests”
Birth Year: 1928
Ordination year: 1954
If you find an error in the data or would like to suggest changes, contact us.