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Archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska
Archbishop: George J. Lucas, installed July 22, 2009 | Published list
Nov. 2018
Date List Was Originally Released
Names Released
Catholic Population
Robert Allgaier
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Richard Arkfeld
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
John Buckson
Status: Resigned
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Donald Cleary
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Franklin Dvorak
Status: Life of prayer and penance
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
John Feeney
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Fiala
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 1. Substantiated allegations of misconduct with and/or the abuse of a minor which took place after the implementation of Safe Environment standards in 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
John Fiala
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Joseph Finch
Status: Unknown
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
James Gaughan
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Edward Gill
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Tom Glennon
Status: Retired
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Joseph Henry
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Patrick Henry
Status: Transferred
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 3. Activity after leaving the Archdiocese of Omaha or after leaving ministry”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Daniel Herek
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Joseph Hiepvan Ho
Status: No longer engaged in public ministry
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Michael Kelly
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Daniel Kenney
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Jay Kruse
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Duane Lukes
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Aloysius McMahon
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Mark Merkel
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Emilio Morales Jordan
Status: Unknown
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 1. Substantiated allegations of misconduct with and/or the abuse of a minor which took place after the implementation of Safe Environment standards in 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Francis Nigli
Status: Removed from public ministry
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 1. Substantiated allegations of misconduct with and/or the abuse of a minor which took place after the implementation of Safe Environment standards in 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Anthony Palmese
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Roland Peschel
Status: Retired and removed
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Anthony Petrusic
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Robert Pickett
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 4. Activity Before Entering Formation or Seminary”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Tom Purnell
Status: Presumed deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Rizzo
Status: Retired
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Perry Robinson
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Al Salanitro
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Thomas Sellentin
Status: Removed, Laicized (2019)
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
John Starostka
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Robert Steinhausen
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Andrew Syring
Status: Left priestly ministry by resignation
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 1. Substantiated allegations of misconduct with and/or the abuse of a minor which took place after the implementation of Safe Environment standards in 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Duane Thome
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 1. Substantiated allegations of misconduct with and/or the abuse of a minor which took place after the implementation of Safe Environment standards in 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Larry Toms Kulangara
Status: Presumed to be active in the Nigeria-India Province of the SSP
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 2. Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Jeff Zyla
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “List of Substantiated Claims of Clergy Sexual Abuse of or Se... morexual Misconduct with a Minor - Section 4. Activity Before Entering Formation or Seminary”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
If you find an error in the data or would like to suggest changes, contact us.