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Diocese of Fargo, North Dakota
Bishop: John T. Folda, installed June 19, 2013 | Published list
Jan. 2020
Date List Was Originally Released
Names Released
Catholic Population
William Amiott
Status: Removed from ministry; laicized; deceased (2014)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1960
Assignment history not reported
Abraham Anthony
Status: Deceased (2010)
Appeared under the heading: “Non-Fargo clergy (religious order or extern) with substantia... moreted allegation(s) of sexual abuse of a minor while serving within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1986
Assignment history not reported
Jules Belleau
Status: Deceased (1973)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1925
Assignment history not reported
Julius Binder
Status: Deceased (1991)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1939
Assignment history not reported
Dennis Bouche
Status: Removed from ministry, Deceased (1995)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy who served or ever lived within the Diocese of Fargo ... morewho are on a list of another diocese/religious order. No known allegations while serving as cleric within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1945
Assignment history not reported
Lucien Burque
Status: Deceased (1976)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1926
Assignment history not reported
Timothy Conlon
Status: Dismissed from the Crosiers
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy who served or ever lived within the Diocese of Fargo ... morewho are on a list of another diocese/religious order. No known allegations while serving as cleric within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1979
Assignment history not reported
Martin Cullen
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1957
Assignment history not reported
Steven Dougherty
Status: Removed from ministry, Criminal conviction
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy who served or ever lived within the Diocese of Fargo ... morewho are on a list of another diocese/religious order. No known allegations while serving as cleric within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 2003
Assignment history not reported
Eugene Fish
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1997
Assignment history not reported
Kenneth Gallagher
Status: Removed from ministry; laicized; deceased (2010)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1966
Assignment history not reported
Theophane Gonnelly
Status: Deceased (2005)
Appeared under the heading: “Non-Fargo clergy (religious order or extern) with substantia... moreted allegation(s) of sexual abuse of a minor while serving within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1947
Assignment history not reported
Patrick Hagarty
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Non-Fargo clergy (religious order or extern) with substantia... moreted allegation(s) of sexual abuse of a minor while serving within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1941
Assignment history not reported
C. James Jeffrey
Status: Deceased (2017)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1959
Assignment history not reported
Alex Jene
Status: Deceased (1971)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1942
Assignment history not reported
Luke Odor
Status: Unknown
Appeared under the heading: “Non-Fargo clergy (religious order or extern) with substantia... moreted allegation(s) of sexual abuse of a minor while serving within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1980
Assignment history not reported
Zbigniew Patejko
Status: Deceased (1996)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1953
Assignment history not reported
Laurent Picard
Status: Deceased (1989)
Appeared under the heading: “Non-Fargo clergy (religious order or extern) with substantia... moreted allegation(s) of sexual abuse of a minor while serving within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1969
Assignment history not reported
Cletus Rausch
Status: Removed from ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1993
Assignment history not reported
James Reilly
Status: Deceased (1990)
Appeared under the heading: “Non-Fargo clergy (religious order or extern) with substantia... moreted allegation(s) of sexual abuse of a minor while serving within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1944
Assignment history not reported
Raimond Rose
Status: Deceased (2015)
Appeared under the heading: “Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Roth
Status: Deceased (1992)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1941
Assignment history not reported
Fernando Sayasaya
Status: Removed from ministry; laicized, imprisoned
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1995
Assignment history not reported
Peter Schwartz
Status: Deceased (2003)
Appeared under the heading: “Non-Fargo clergy (religious order or extern) with substantia... moreted allegation(s) of sexual abuse of a minor while serving within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1962
Assignment history not reported
Richard Sinner
Status: Removed from ministry; deceased (2004)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1952
Assignment history not reported
John Smyth
Status: Imprisoned; deceased (1997)
Appeared under the heading: “Non-Fargo clergy (religious order or extern) with substantia... moreted allegation(s) of sexual abuse of a minor while serving within the Diocese of Fargo”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1951
Assignment history not reported
Allan Storey
Status: Removed from ministry; laicized
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1988
Assignment history not reported
John Tuohy
Status: Deceased (1960)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1927
Assignment history not reported
George Vasques
Status: Removed from ministry; deceased (1989)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1983
Assignment history not reported
John Wanzek
Status: Deceased (1991)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1950
Assignment history not reported
David Wild
Status: Removed from ministry; deceased (2008)
Appeared under the heading: “Clergy of the Diocese of Fargo with substantiated allegation... mores(s) of sexual abuse of a minor”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1953
Assignment history not reported
If you find an error in the data or would like to suggest changes, contact us.