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Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
Bishop: Barry C. Knestout, installed Jan. 12, 2018 | Published list
Feb. 2019
Date List Was Originally Released
Names Released
Catholic Population
Oscar Alexander "Paul" Rodriquez
Status: Convicted
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1933
Ordination year: 1964
Stanley F. Banaszek
Status: Suspended (1992), Deceased (2007)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1938
Ordination year: 1970
Assignment history not reported
John Beaman Hesch
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1956
Ordination year: 1982
Richard Bernard Goff
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1954
Ordination year: 1982
Francis C. Bourbon
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Martin D. Brady
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1956
Assignment history not reported
Gordian Burkhardt
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Patrick J. Cassidy
Status: Deceased (2003)
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1917
Ordination year: 1947
Paul David Ryan
Status: Convicted
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1948
Ordination year: 1976
Assignment history not reported
Adelbert "Del" Holmes
Status: Deceased (2013)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1925
Ordination year: 1959
Assignment history not reported
Terence Doyle
Status: Deceased (1994)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1926
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Carroll T. Dozier
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1911
Ordination year: 1937
Richard R. Earley
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1937
Assignment history not reported
Roland Edmund Leveille
Status: Dispensed
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1931
Ordination year: 1955
Dwight Edward Shrader
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1956
Ordination year: 1982
Robert Eugene Nudd
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests ordained in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, allege... mored to have committed abuse in the present-day territory of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and later incardinated to the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, or alleged to have committed abuse in both dioceses.”
Birth Year: 1922
Ordination year: 1949
Assignment history not reported
James Fedor
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1947
Ordination year: 1973
Assignment history not reported
Frederick George
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1947
Ordination year: 1975
Assignment history not reported
George George
Status: Convicted
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1954
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Bernardine George Dyer
Status: Dismissed
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1935
Ordination year: 1961
Assignment history not reported
Julian B. Goodman
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1939
Ordination year: 1966
James J. Gormley
Status: Deceased (2005)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1924
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
James Henry McConnell
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1895
Ordination year: 1924
Philip J. Higgins
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1937
Ordination year: 1973
Frederick James Beardsley
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1927
Ordination year: 1960
Charles Jeffries Burton
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1936
Ordination year: 1967
Assignment history not reported
Eugene John Teslovic
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1946
Ordination year: 1977
John Joseph Munley
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests ordained in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, allege... mored to have committed abuse in the present-day territory of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and later incardinated to the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, or alleged to have committed abuse in both dioceses.”
Birth Year: 1924
Ordination year: 1954
Assignment history not reported
Oliver Joseph Smalls
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Paul Jude Kamerdze
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests ordained in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, allege... mored to have committed abuse in the present-day territory of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and later incardinated to the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, or alleged to have committed abuse in both dioceses.”
Birth Year: 1942
Ordination year: 1970
Assignment history not reported
James Lee Rizer
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1904
Ordination year: 1950
John E. Leonard
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1938
Ordination year: 1965
Austin Lewis Ryder
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests ordained in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, allege... mored to have committed abuse in the present-day territory of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and later incardinated to the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, or alleged to have committed abuse in both dioceses.”
Birth Year: 1915
Ordination year: 1948
Assignment history not reported
Augustine Ludwig
Status: Abandoned Ministry
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Joseph B. Majewski
Status: Suspended
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1940
Ordination year: 1966
Aedan Manning
Status: Deceased (2008)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1937
Ordination year: 1963
Assignment history not reported
Harris Markham Findlay
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests ordained in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, allege... mored to have committed abuse in the present-day territory of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and later incardinated to the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, or alleged to have committed abuse in both dioceses.”
Birth Year: 1914
Ordination year: 1941
Assignment history not reported
Leonardo Mateo
Status: Deceased (2004), Removed (1991)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1926
Ordination year: 1956
Assignment history not reported
Roland Melody
Status: Convicted
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: 1962
Assignment history not reported
Anthony Michael Canu
Status: Laicized (1973), Deceased (2019)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1929
Ordination year: 1955
Assignment history not reported
John Paul Blankenship
Status: Convicted
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1937
Ordination year: 1963
Dennis Paul Murphy
Status: Suspended
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1948
Ordination year: 1974
Francis M. Philben
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Raymond Bostwick
Status: Removed
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1941
Ordination year: 1969
John Rea
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests ordained in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, allege... mored to have committed abuse in the present-day territory of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and later incardinated to the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, or alleged to have committed abuse in both dioceses.”
Birth Year: 1918
Ordination year: 1945
Assignment history not reported
John Robert Butler
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1929
Ordination year: 1957
Steven R. Rule
Status: Suspended
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1949
Ordination year: 1975
Donald Scales
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1928
Ordination year: 1955
Assignment history not reported
Ed Smith
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1916
Ordination year: 1943
Assignment history not reported
Thomas D. Sykes
Status: Laicized, Deceased (2002)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse that occurred in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1937
Ordination year: 1964
Assignment history not reported
Joseph Thang Xuan Pham
Status: Suspended
Appeared under the heading: “Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1953
Ordination year: 1985
Vincent The Quang Nguyen
Status: Removed (1989)
Appeared under the heading: “Religious and Priests of Other Dioceses with allegations of ... moreabuse elsewhere, who worked in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond”
Birth Year: 1946
Ordination year: 1975
Assignment history not reported
William Thomas Reinecke
Status: Deceased
Appeared under the heading: “Priests ordained in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, allege... mored to have committed abuse in the present-day territory of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and later incardinated to the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, or alleged to have committed abuse in both dioceses.”
Birth Year: 1939
Ordination year: 1965
Assignment history not reported
Andrew William Paul Krafcik
Status: Laicized
Appeared under the heading: “Priests ordained in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, allege... mored to have committed abuse in the present-day territory of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and later incardinated to the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, or alleged to have committed abuse in both dioceses.”
Birth Year: 1927
Ordination year: 1959
Assignment history not reported
If you find an error in the data or would like to suggest changes, contact us.