If you find an error in the data or would like to suggest changes, contact us.
Jesuits Oregon Province, Oregon
March 2015
Date List Was Originally Released
Names Released
Rene Astruc
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Joseph Balfe
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Charles Bartles
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Robert Benish
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
William Bischoff
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Brown
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Francis Burris
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Francis Callan
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Jules Convert
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Patrick Conway
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Paul Corkery
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Robert Corrigal
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Norman Donohoe
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Francis Duffy
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
George Endal
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Andras Eordogh
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Harold Ernsdorff
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Francis Fallert
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Augustine Ferretti
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Francis Fox
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Fox
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Rene Gallant
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
James Gates
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Harold Greif
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Henry Hargreaves
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Harrington
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Bernard Harris
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
James Hurley
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Hurley
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
James Jacobson
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Ignatius Jakes
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Gordon Keys
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
David King
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Leonard Kohlman
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Michael Kossak
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Leary
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Paul Linssen
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Segundo Llorente
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Egon Mallman
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Richard McCaffery
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John McDonald
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
William McIntyre
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Bernard McMeel
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Gabriel Menager
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John Morse
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Cornelius Murphy
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
William Nash
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Francis Nawn
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
John O'Brien
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Paul O'Conner
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Peter O'Grady
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Patrick O'Reilly
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Richard Pauson
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Sylvester Penna
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Eugene Pierre
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
James Poole
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Edmund Robinson
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
William Ryan
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Charles Saalfeld
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Vincent Scott
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Theodore St Hilaire
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Michael Toulouse
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
Benjamin Trautman
Status not reported
Appeared under the heading: “As agreed to in the Third Plan of Reorganization, the Oregon... more Province is posting the names of its members who were identified as perpetrators of sexual abuse in a claim filed in its bankruptcy case.”
Birth Year: Not reported
Ordination year: Not reported
Assignment history not reported
If you find an error in the data or would like to suggest changes, contact us.