6 results for “alfredo prado”

Alfredo Prado

Status: Suspended

Listed by: Diocese of Corpus Christi

Birth Year: 1930

Ordination year: 1958

Assignment history not reported

Alfredo Prado

Status not reported

Listed by: Diocese of Amarillo

Birth Year: 1930

Ordination year: Not reported

Assignment history not reported

Alfredo Prado

Status: Removed from clerical state

Listed by: Archdiocese of San Antonio

Birth Year: Not reported

Ordination year: Not reported

Alfredo Prado

Status not reported

Listed by: Diocese of Lubbock

Birth Year: Not reported

Ordination year: Not reported

Assignment history not reported

Alfred Prado

Status: Laicized, Deceased

Listed by: Diocese of San Angelo

Birth Year: 1930

Ordination year: 1957

Alfred Prado

Status: Dismissed from clerical state (2006)

Listed by: Diocese of Victoria

Birth Year: Not reported

Ordination year: 1957