Dollars for Profs

Dig Into University Researchers' Outside Income and Conflicts of Interest

Published Dec. 6, 2019

This database was last updated in December 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new or amended records not reflected here.

Financial doc
Filing Type

Financial Disclosure

The University of Florida Medical School provided all outside activity disclosure data for faculty from forms filed from 2016 through June 2019. Faculty are required to report outside activities that could give rise to an appearance of conflict of interest and get approval for them.

Should you be removed from our database? Contact us at [email protected]. Read more below.

William Fox

University of Florida, Department: Md Neurological Surgery

Should you be removed from our database? Contact us at [email protected]. Read more below.

American Council of Life Insurers

Disclosed Value
Listed Reason

The American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) hold their annual meeting in order to update physicians working with life insurance companies on the most relevant medical advances. ACLI typically partners with a local medical school to provide content for the meeting. This year, the annual meeting was held on Amelia Island and UFP was asked to help provide content. Laura Gruber asked Dr. Hoh to give a talk on stroke and he asked me if I would be interested. I gave a 1 hour educational stroke update on 2/25/19. I did not realize that there was a $500 honorarium involved. This was mailed to me after giving the talk. I have not cashed the check as I wanted to disclose this activity prior to doing so. The uploaded document is from the email invitation to participate.

Additional Comments

I gave a 1 hour lecture (stroke update) at the Ritz Carlton on Amelia Island. Time commitment included the lecture + travel time to/from Amelia Island.

Filed on March 30, 2019.

Tell us what you know about William Fox's disclosure

We're still reporting about conflicts of interest. Is there something you'd like to tell us about this disclosure?

Name Institution Type Company Disclosed Value
William Fox University of Florida Financial Disclosure Knott & Boyle
William Fox University of Florida Financial Disclosure State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
William Fox University of Florida Financial Disclosure Knott & Boyle, PLLC
William Fox University of Florida Financial Disclosure Minnetronix Medical
William Fox University of Florida Financial Disclosure Society of Neurologic Surgeons
William Fox University of Florida Financial Disclosure Singer Davis Law Firm
William Fox University of Florida Financial Disclosure Adventist Health System/Sunbelt, INC
If you see an error in the database or a reason we should not disclose a record, please contact us at [email protected] and we'll evaluate it on a case-by-case basis.
Sources: National Institutes of Health, public records requests filed at multiple public state universities

Notes: When a more specific filing date is not available for an individual financial disclosure or conflict of interest form, we use the year the form was filed. If the year was not disclosed, we report the range of years covered by our public records requests. In a few cases, a start date was provided instead of a filing date. In those cases, we use the start date instead.

Fewer than 10% of records from the University of Florida and fewer than 1% of records from the University of Texas system were removed because they did not contain enough information.

ProPublica obtained additional financial disclosures and conflict of interest forms that we have not yet digitized and added to the database. You can download those disclosures in the ProPublica Data Store.

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