Dollars for Profs

Dig Into University Researchers' Outside Income and Conflicts of Interest

Published Dec. 6, 2019

This database was last updated in December 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new or amended records not reflected here.

Financial doc
Filing Type

Conflict of Interest

Institutions must file significant disclosures to the National Institutes of Health if they determine financial relationships could affect the design, conduct or reporting of the NIH-funded research. The NIH provided us with their entire financial conflict of interest database, with filings from 2012 through 2019.

Should you be removed from our database? Contact us at [email protected]. Read more below.

Jeffrey Spees

University of Vermont & St Agric College, Department: Internal Medicine/medicine

Should you be removed from our database? Contact us at [email protected]. Read more below.

Disclosed Conflict of Interest with

Samba Biologics, Inc.

Disclosed Value
Listed Reason
Intellectual property rights (e.g., royalties, patents, copyrights) not from the awardee Institution


Listed Research Project
Vascular protection by HGF/IgG protein complexes that activate RYK

Intra-myocardial or vascular administration of adult stem/progenitor cells after myocardial infarction (MI) has been shown to result in low levels of engrafted cells and modest improvements in cardiac function. The results support a 'paracrine hypothesis' whereby injured cardiac tissue benefits from the transient paracrine action of various proteins and peptides secreted by short-lived administered cells. Epicardial cells that constitute the cover of the heart are known to support myogenesis and angiogenesis during cardiac development and also to contribute reparative cells after cardiac injury. We developed methods to generate large quantities of human epicardially-derived cells (EPDC) from right atrial biopsies of cardiac bypass patients. We used the EPDCs to generate concentrated conditioned medium (EPDC CM) to treat acute MI. Our preliminary data indicate that treatment with EPDC CM or defined HGF/IgG complexes (identified from EPDC CM) may preserve vascular integrity after reperfusion, thereby improving cardiac perfusion and outcome in patients undergoing mechanical reperfusion for acute MI.

Filed on April 18, 2016.

Tell us what you know about Jeffrey Spees's disclosure

We're still reporting about conflicts of interest. Is there something you'd like to tell us about this disclosure?

Name Institution Type Company Disclosed Value
Jeffrey Spees University of Vermont & St Agric College Conflict of Interest Samba Biologics, Inc. $0 - $4,999
If you see an error in the database or a reason we should not disclose a record, please contact us at [email protected] and we'll evaluate it on a case-by-case basis.
Sources: National Institutes of Health, public records requests filed at multiple public state universities

Notes: When a more specific filing date is not available for an individual financial disclosure or conflict of interest form, we use the year the form was filed. If the year was not disclosed, we report the range of years covered by our public records requests. In a few cases, a start date was provided instead of a filing date. In those cases, we use the start date instead.

Fewer than 10% of records from the University of Florida and fewer than 1% of records from the University of Texas system were removed because they did not contain enough information.

ProPublica obtained additional financial disclosures and conflict of interest forms that we have not yet digitized and added to the database. You can download those disclosures in the ProPublica Data Store.

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