
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

$166 a paycheck


1 email variation



Romney-Ryan Friend,

Taxes on the middle class are going up, and it's Barack Obama's fault. Thanks to the President's new spending proposals, middle-class families can now look forward to a $X annual tax increase.

That means, if you're like the majority of Americans who get paid twice a month, $X will be taken out of every single paycheck.

We need to get our fiscal house in order it's an economic and moral imperative. Americans deserve a president who won't bury their children and grandchildren under mountains of debt.

When Mitt Romney is president, he will cut spending, restore our AAA credit rating, and set us on a path to a balanced budget.

His Plan for a Stronger Middle Class will lead to a recovery that creates 12 million jobs and grows the economy on average by 4% per year.

We can't afford to wait. Please contribute $X today to help elect Mitt Romney and get America's fiscal house in order.

Thank you,

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Subject: $166 a paycheck

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 18, 2012, 10:20 a.m.

Romney-Ryan Friend,

Taxes on the middle class are going up, and it's Barack Obama's fault. Thanks to the President's new spending proposals, middle-class families can now look forward to a $X annual tax increase.

That means, if you're like the majority of Americans who get paid twice a month, $X will be taken out of every single paycheck.

We need to get our fiscal house in order it's an economic and moral imperative. Americans deserve a president who won't bury their children and grandchildren under mountains of debt.

When Mitt Romney is president, he will cut spending, restore our AAA credit rating, and set us on a path to a balanced budget.

His Plan for a Stronger Middle Class will lead to a recovery that creates 12 million jobs and grows the economy on average by 4% per year.

We can't afford to wait. Please contribute $X today to help elect Mitt Romney and get America's fiscal house in order.

Thank you,

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.