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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

A cold, hard reality check


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Romney-Ryan [url]

If last night was the party, this morning's job report is the hangover.

For every net new job created, nearly four Americans gave up looking for work entirely.

It's a cold, hard reality check that no amount of bluster in Charlotte can mask. And it's just more of the same bad news for middle-class families who are suffering through the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.

This is not what a recovery looks like. After 43 straight months of unemployment above 8 percent, it's clear that President Obama just hasn't lived up to his promises -- and his policies haven't worked.

Americans are not better off than they were four years ago. They deserve new leadership that will get our economy moving again.

Mitt Romney's plan for a stronger middle class will create 12 million new jobs by the end of his first term.

Put America back to work by putting Barack Obama and his liberal allies out of work. Help elect Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the Republican team.

Where President Obama has failed to lead, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the entire Republican team will act.

Let's pull together and rally behind the serious leadership Americans deserve -- and get our country working again. Donate today: [url]

Thank you,

Matt Rhoades Campaign Manager Romney for President, Inc.

[url] Victory_Disclaimer

Subject: A cold, hard reality check

From: Matt Rhoades [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Sept. 7, 2012, 6:47 a.m.

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Romney-Ryan [url]

If last night was the party, this morning's job report is the hangover.

For every net new job created, nearly four Americans gave up looking for work entirely.

It's a cold, hard reality check that no amount of bluster in Charlotte can mask. And it's just more of the same bad news for middle-class families who are suffering through the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.

This is not what a recovery looks like. After 43 straight months of unemployment above 8 percent, it's clear that President Obama just hasn't lived up to his promises -- and his policies haven't worked.

Americans are not better off than they were four years ago. They deserve new leadership that will get our economy moving again.

Mitt Romney's plan for a stronger middle class will create 12 million new jobs by the end of his first term.

Put America back to work by putting Barack Obama and his liberal allies out of work. Help elect Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the Republican team.

Where President Obama has failed to lead, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the entire Republican team will act.

Let's pull together and rally behind the serious leadership Americans deserve -- and get our country working again. Donate today: [url]

Thank you,

Matt Rhoades Campaign Manager Romney for President, Inc.

[url] Victory_Disclaimer