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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Another bailout?!


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Romney-Ryan Friend,

Barack Obama is at it again spending your tax dollars to bail out his failed economic plan. It's more of the same from an out-of-touch president with no plan to fix our economy and put Americans back to work.

This past week, the Federal Reserve announced it would print $X billion every month to prop up this administration's jobless recovery that's money we can't afford for jobs we will never see.

What did President Obama's plan deliver? 43 months of record unemployment; 23 million Americans unemployed, underemployed, or no longer looking for work; $X trillion debt; four trillion-dollar deficits; and household incomes that have fallen more than $X.

The Romney-Ryan plan is different it will deliver 12 million jobs and grow the economy by 4 percent per year. Their plan is based on the fundamental principle that more government is the problem not the solution.

Everyone knows there was an economic crisis when President Obama was elected. But make no mistake four more years of these disastrous economic policies will lead America down an even deeper jobless hole.

It's time for real change, so Americans can get back to work.

Contribute $X today to help Mitt, Paul, and the Republican team finish strong .

America deserves better than Barack Obama's big government, jobless economy. Let's give Americans what they deserve.

Matt Rhoades Campaign Manager Romney for President, Inc. Victory_Disclaimer

Subject: Another bailout?!


Sent: Sept. 17, 2012, 4:11 a.m.

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Romney-Ryan Friend,

Barack Obama is at it again spending your tax dollars to bail out his failed economic plan. It's more of the same from an out-of-touch president with no plan to fix our economy and put Americans back to work.

This past week, the Federal Reserve announced it would print $X billion every month to prop up this administration's jobless recovery that's money we can't afford for jobs we will never see.

What did President Obama's plan deliver? 43 months of record unemployment; 23 million Americans unemployed, underemployed, or no longer looking for work; $X trillion debt; four trillion-dollar deficits; and household incomes that have fallen more than $X.

The Romney-Ryan plan is different it will deliver 12 million jobs and grow the economy by 4 percent per year. Their plan is based on the fundamental principle that more government is the problem not the solution.

Everyone knows there was an economic crisis when President Obama was elected. But make no mistake four more years of these disastrous economic policies will lead America down an even deeper jobless hole.

It's time for real change, so Americans can get back to work.

Contribute $X today to help Mitt, Paul, and the Republican team finish strong .

America deserves better than Barack Obama's big government, jobless economy. Let's give Americans what they deserve.

Matt Rhoades Campaign Manager Romney for President, Inc. Victory_Disclaimer