
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Be a part of it


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Romney-Ryan Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Forward to a Friend

The first presidential debate is tonight, and we'll be here online for you the entire time.

While you watch the debate on TV, visit [url] your computer, tablet, or smartphone to be a part of the action. Our Rapid Response team will be busy fact-checking the Obama campaign and backing Mitt's arguments throughout the debate.

Please follow @RomneyResponse on Twitter to receive live updates and the information you'll need to fight Barack Obama's distortions.

We'll also be linking to [url] in-depth responses beyond Twitter's 140-character limit.

There is a clear choice between Mitt's proven leadership and President Obama's failed record, and we need your help to spread the message. Please visit our page tonight during the debate and retweet our posts to your followers.

We cannot afford another four years like the last four.

See you online,

Zac Moffatt Digital Director Romney for President, Inc. [url]

P.S. - Donate today.

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Subject: Be a part of it

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 3, 2012, 4:00 p.m.

Romney-Ryan Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Forward to a Friend

The first presidential debate is tonight, and we'll be here online for you the entire time.

While you watch the debate on TV, visit [url] your computer, tablet, or smartphone to be a part of the action. Our Rapid Response team will be busy fact-checking the Obama campaign and backing Mitt's arguments throughout the debate.

Please follow @RomneyResponse on Twitter to receive live updates and the information you'll need to fight Barack Obama's distortions.

We'll also be linking to [url] in-depth responses beyond Twitter's 140-character limit.

There is a clear choice between Mitt's proven leadership and President Obama's failed record, and we need your help to spread the message. Please visit our page tonight during the debate and retweet our posts to your followers.

We cannot afford another four years like the last four.

See you online,

Zac Moffatt Digital Director Romney for President, Inc. [url]

P.S. - Donate today.

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.