
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

"Binders full of women"


1 email variation



"Binders full of women."

That's what Mitt Romney offered up as his solution to leveling the playing field for women in the workplace.

A binder didn't help me get equal pay for equal work at Goodyear, and it's not helping the women across the country who are making 77 cents for every dollar a man gets. That's no plan for equality -- and American women deserve better.

The "binders" comment is new, but leveling the playing field has never been part of Romney's agenda. He was opposed to the Fair Pay Act that bears my name. He refuses to take a stand on the Paycheck Fairness Act. Romney wants to defund Planned Parenthood and put a politician between a woman and her health decisions -- he'll drag our rights back in time.

President Obama gets it. He has worked tirelessly to make sure women have a fair shot. His comment Tuesday night shows the stark contrast between him and Romney: "These are not just women's issues. These are family issues. These are economic issues. And one of the things that makes us grow as an economy is when everybody participates and women are getting the same fair deal as men are."

We've got 19 days left to make sure every single woman understands the clear choice in this election.

Use the campaign's call tool right now to reach out to other women. Get them to vote and fight alongside you for the candidate who's got our back:



----- Election Day is only 19 days away. Donate today before it's too late:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Subject: "Binders full of women"

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 18, 2012, 2:56 p.m.

"Binders full of women."

That's what Mitt Romney offered up as his solution to leveling the playing field for women in the workplace.

A binder didn't help me get equal pay for equal work at Goodyear, and it's not helping the women across the country who are making 77 cents for every dollar a man gets. That's no plan for equality -- and American women deserve better.

The "binders" comment is new, but leveling the playing field has never been part of Romney's agenda. He was opposed to the Fair Pay Act that bears my name. He refuses to take a stand on the Paycheck Fairness Act. Romney wants to defund Planned Parenthood and put a politician between a woman and her health decisions -- he'll drag our rights back in time.

President Obama gets it. He has worked tirelessly to make sure women have a fair shot. His comment Tuesday night shows the stark contrast between him and Romney: "These are not just women's issues. These are family issues. These are economic issues. And one of the things that makes us grow as an economy is when everybody participates and women are getting the same fair deal as men are."

We've got 19 days left to make sure every single woman understands the clear choice in this election.

Use the campaign's call tool right now to reach out to other women. Get them to vote and fight alongside you for the candidate who's got our back:



----- Election Day is only 19 days away. Donate today before it's too late:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible