
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Aug. 6, 2012

Obama for America
2:06 a.m. ET
Today: Get your free ticket to see President Obama in Denver

Thursday, August 9th

Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Palace of Agriculture

Colorado State Fair

1001 Beulah Avenue

Pueblo, CO 81004 Ticket pickup starts on Monday, August 6th. Just say you're in, and we'll help you find the nearest location to get yours. Tickets are free and first come, first served.


Thursday, August 9th Doors open at 11:15 a.m. University of the Sciences Bobby Morgan Arena Woodland Avenue & S. 42nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Ticket pickup starts on Tuesday, August 7th at 12:00 p.m. Just say you're in, and we'll help you find the nearest location to get yours. Tickets are free and first come, first served.


2:30 p.m. ET
Graphic: Breaking down the numbers

We were outraised by our opponents for the third month in a row.

In July, Romney and the Republicans raised $X million compared to our $X million.

We can win if we're outspent, but we need to keep closing the fundraising gap.

Donate here:


Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible


Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap. Outraised in July: How we can still win if we close the gap.


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

We were outraised by our opponents for the third month in a row.

In July, Romney and the Republicans raised $X million compared to our $X million.

We can win if we're outspent, but we need to keep closing the fundraising gap.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:


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Obama for America

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Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






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Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

10:29 a.m. ET
The third month in a row

Obama - Biden --

This morning, we learned that for the third month in a row, we've been outraised by the other side in this race.

Now we're seeing how that plays out: In battleground states across the country, they're piling on the negative TV advertising.

This is their plan to win this race.

And they could succeed if we don't take this moment to fight back.

Donate $X or more today -- and, together, let's continue closing the gap to keep this race close.

Look, no one expects this campaign to keep pace with the Romney money juggernaut. That's OK by me.

What we can't let happen is finding ourselves in October, staring down the final weeks of this campaign without the resources to get our message in front of enough voters.

I'm asking you to donate today because the only way to make sure that doesn't happen is with organizers on the ground. If we do our jobs, every voter who's watching these negative, misleading ads will also be hearing from an Obama supporter one on one. The power of that kind of organizing can beat any massive ad campaign.

That's the work your grassroots donations pay for -- and that's how we'll win.

Donate $X or more today:



Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

3:56 p.m. ET
Florida's Marco Rubio for VP?

Obama - Biden --

Ever since the GOP presidential campaign started, we've been hearing that the eventual vice presidential pick could be one of Florida's own: Senator Marco Rubio.

With Mitt Romney expected to announce his running mate sometime very soon, we have some work to do.

You see, we know Marco Rubio -- all the way from his time in the Florida House of Representatives to his election to the U.S. Senate. But most Americans don't know him -- or the extreme, tried-and-failed policies he'd bring with him to a Romney administration. As Floridians, it's our job to share what we know about Marco Rubio with the rest of Americans.

Share what you think the rest of the country should know about what Rubio's really done in Florida -- the good, bad, and ugly -- and why he'd be a disaster as our next vice president.

Your feedback will help hold Rubio accountable, if and when Romney chooses him. And there's a lot to be held accountable for.

In the Florida State House, Rubio balanced the budget by sticking it to the middle class. And in the Senate, Rubio's led the way on almost every extreme position Mitt Romney has embraced. If chosen as Romney's VP, we can count on Rubio to lead us right back to the failed economic policies of the past. Remember -- this is the guy who called George W. Bush a "fantastic" president.

Weigh in on what you think Americans should know about Marco Rubio's record:


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Ashley Walker Florida State Director Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Romney for President
12:07 p.m. ET
Obama Decree Guts Bipartisan Consensus

I hope you will read my op-ed piece below.

Thank you,

Governor Bob McDonnell

Obama Decree Guts Bipartisan Consensus By Gov. Bob McDonnell Richmond Times-Dispatch August 6, 2012

In 1996, President Bill Clinton worked with Republicans in Congress to reform our nation's costly and ineffective welfare programs. Upon signing the bipartisan bill into law, Clinton noted that the measure would " restore America's basic bargain of providing opportunity and demanding, in return, responsibility." And he was right. Most would agree that the measure has been a great success - except, apparently, President Barack Obama, whose administration last month took steps to remove one of its central requirements.

The Obama administration's recent decision was both unexpected and unexplainable, defying what we have learned from history and what we know about good government. Our nation was built on a commitment to the dignity and necessity of work. That commitment and its rewards have been passed down from generation to generation. And, in the 1990s, welfare reform ensured that value remained part of the laws governing our nation.

Building on successful state programs, like our groundbreaking legislation here in Virginia that I was honored to carry in the legislature as a delegate, Congress strengthened the welfare safety net by adding a requirement that individuals receiving financial support must also look for and find work. It's known as "welfare-to-work" for short. And while some were concerned that the measures in this reform were too tough, their doubts were soon erased.

Welfare caseloads that had remained unchanged for 40 years were quickly cut in half. The poverty rate among welfare recipients, especially children, plummeted. The percentage of single mothers with a job grew from 58 to 75 in less than a decade. Millions of Americans were moving off the welfare roll and moving up life's ladder.

Over the course of 16 years, welfare reform has proven to be a historic achievement. But, ignoring this record, the Department of Health and Human Services last month announced that it would allow states to propose programs that did not comply with federal work requirements. With a stroke of a pen, decades of bipartisan efforts to tie welfare to work were undone, and the heart of welfare reform was gutted.

As a candidate, the president claimed that he supported welfare-to-work policies. He once professed that work should be "a centerpiece of any social policy." He has now apparently changed his mind.

Worse still is the way this recent decision unfolded. President Obama did not work with Congress to secure legislative approval. He did not tell the American people about his decision - or ask them for their support. He simply decided that he did not like the existing law, and then chose to work around it.

By unwinding our nation's welfare-to-work requirements, the Obama administration is making a tragic mistake. Millions have benefited from this bipartisan reform. And while the Obama administration has given no indication that it will reverse this decision, this November voters will have a chance to elect someone who will.

When he was governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney was a strong proponent of welfare reform and fought hard to ensure it was implemented in accordance with federal guidelines. He understands that linking welfare to work reflected our country's most important principles and that the dream of overcoming hardship - and moving from government dependence to economic independence - is one that America must never turn away from.

This is yet another example of the very clear choice that Americans have before them in the coming election: a choice between President Obama's old-school liberal policies and government handouts, and Governor Romney's vision of increased economic freedom and opportunity.

What President Obama does not understand is that we don't want handouts - nor do we want to go back to the failed policies of the past. Instead, we want a president who can deliver an economic recovery, and the employment opportunities that so many of our fellow Americans still need. We want a president who will make sure our dreams of economic success can be realized. Those dreams are what made America great, and Mitt Romney will make sure they remain within reach for future generations.

We have a chance this November to elect a president who understands that while tough times don't last, tough people do. And Americans are tough. We may be experiencing hard times, but we will bounce back. This is at the heart of what makes our country great - and what made welfare reform successful.

President Obama's welfare policy accepts that tough times are here to stay, and jobs will remain in short supply. But what our country is experiencing doesn't have to be permanent. If we elect Mitt Romney as our next President, we can usher in a new era of opportunity and prosperity.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
2:39 p.m. ET
bad news

BREAKING NEWS: Mitt Romney and the Republicans brought in a whopping $X million in July.

You and I both know that Mitt Romney will sell America out if he becomes President -- giving more tax breaks to his Big Oil and billionaire backers.

The only way we can stop them is to close this fundraising gap -- starting today.

Please do your part -- make a donation of $X or more right now to back up President Obama with a Democratic majority. [url]

The reality is simple: If Mitt can bury us under a wave of corporate special interest cash, we will lose in November.

But if everyone who's been waiting to give pitches in a few dollars, we can start closing the gap today.


Thanks for all you do,


Robby Mook DCCC Executive Director

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Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 202 863-1500 [url] Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

BREAKING NEWS: Mitt Romney and the Republicans brought in a whopping $X million in July.

BREAKING NEWS: Mitt Romney and the Republicans brought in whopping $X million in July.

Now, he has over $X million in the bank to spend on negative ads trashing President Obama and Democrats.

We can afford to be outspent in this election -- but not at this pace. If Mitt and the Republicans can completely bury us under wave of corporate special interest cash, we will lose in November.

If everyone who's been waiting to give pitches in few dollars we can start closing the gap today.

Please do your part -- make donation of $X or more right now to back up President Obama with Democratic majority.

Thanks for all you do,


Robby Mook DCCC Executive Director

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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