
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Sept. 11, 2012

Obama for America
9:05 a.m. ET
Pledge to vote


While you're online, here's something simple to do that could make a big difference for Barack this fall:

Make sure you and your friends are properly registered and committed to vote:


Every vote counts -- and I hope you'll commit to making your voice heard and standing with Barack.

And even if you know how and where to cast your ballot, you probably know one or two people who don't.

If every one of us gets at least one other person to register and commit to vote, just think about our collective impact.

So let's get started:


and every single voice will make a difference in the last weeks of this campaign. It just takes one, and that starts with you.


----- Election Day is closer than you think -- make a donation to fund this campaign in the time we have left:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

I know we've been asking a lot from you lately. What I'm asking today is easy -- but critical if we want to win this election.

Please take a moment to commit to vote this fall, and get at least one other person to do the same.

In a matter of days, voting will have already started in some states, and I just want to know that you plan to do your part to make sure Barack gets four more years to move this country forward.

Please say that you'll vote, and get others to join you.

We know what's at stake this year. And if each of us makes the commitment to vote now and gets others excited about doing the same, we'll be one step closer to winning this election.

So check your registration, pledge to vote this year, and then get your friends and family to do the same:



----- Election Day is closer than you think -- make a donation to fund this campaign in the time we have left.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible


Every day, I get to see firsthand just how committed Barack is to fighting for you and moving our country forward.

Today, I'm asking you to make a commitment of your own -- simply pledge to vote in this election.

It just takes one person committing to vote -- and asking their friends and family to do the same -- to change the direction of our country. Committing to vote and making sure you're registered are the easiest steps you can take to ensure that you can make your voice heard in this election.

The issues at stake affect all of us -- everything from health care to women's rights to strengthening the middle class and creating an economy that works for everyone.

One vote is a powerful thing, so please make your commitment right now. Then, get others to join you:



P.S. -- If every one of you gets at least one other person to register and commit to vote, just think about our collective impact. Let's get started.

----- Election Day is closer than you think -- make a donation to fund this campaign in the time we have left.

Paid for by Obama for America Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

5:03 p.m. ET
You should join Vote Corps

If you've got the drive to help President Obama in the final stretch of his last campaign, and you're able to take some days off between now and November 6th -- we should talk. We're looking for committed volunteer organizers to be a part of Vote Corps. You'll travel to one of the states and counties where this election will be the closest, to work with a local team in getting out the vote during the critical last weeks and on Election Day. Sign up for Vote Corps today and take on a pivotal role in this election:

[url] If you're able to commit one to six weeks this fall, and be

you really should do this. You'll tell us which key state you'd like to travel to, and when you're available. Once you arrive, you'll be greeted by the team of folks that you'll be organizing with each day -- including field staff, volunteers from the area, and other Vote Corps members who are coming to help out in the final stretch. They'll be excited to see you, and they'll help you hit the ground running. You'll have conversations with voters on their front porches and in their neighborhoods. You'll call them up on the phone and talk with them about the stakes in this election. You'll be right there on the front lines, making sure that everyone who supports the President and Democrats makes it out to the polls. It's up to you how long you can go for, but regardless of when you arrive, your team will be counting on you to stay and see it through all the way to Election Day. They'll also expect you to pitch in full time.

The presidential election will be decided by a few key precincts in key states. You can help determine which way those votes go, and help Democrats win up and down the ticket -- and when the results come in on Election Day, you'll be there on the ground to celebrate. It's going to be an amazing experience. So let us know now that you're interested in being a part of Vote Corps: [url] Then we'll be in touch with more information.

Rachel Rachel Haltom-Irwin National GOTV Director Obama for America

- Paid for by Obama for America