
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Sept. 26, 2012

Obama for America
8:34 a.m. ET
This email is going around

The campaign gets incredible letters from supporters every day. There's one in particular from a woman named Sandy that everyone here has been passing around.

I've pasted it below with her permission .

If you're as touched as we are, then join Sandy -- chip in what you can to help build this campaign together:


Just 41 days to go.

Ann Marie


I'm writing to tell you about the $X my family just donated to your 2012 campaign.

It was $X. That's really all we could give.

My husband Steve is currently a student at Temple University. Since starting his degree, three years ago, we've been living considerably below the poverty level I keep forgetting which percent ... does it matter? . But we aren't complaining. Two healthy daughters; dusty, well-travelled backpacks in the basement; a house full of memories -- a future full of hope. We're the lucky ones.

So -- we're currently "poor on money -- rich in life" as we like to say . It hasn't always been like this. My husband spent most of his life doing what he loved -- playing or coaching basketball. Born in SE Iowa, he was an Academic All-American and once-upon-two-good-knees-ago, the "local town hero" of his small town -- after bringing home the State Championship during high school, followed by NJCAA National Championship years later as a coach. He's a big a fan of yours by the way ... as a player, father and president ... not necessarily in that order.

But this really wasn't supposed to be a letter about him.

It's about this year's campaign. It's about wanting to say that $X means something these days and deserves a moment of pause and some words on paper for this girl and her family of Obama fans.

-- $X is a special pizza dinner at our local pizza stop Poppi's in Wynnewood . -- It's 1 1/2 tickets to see the newest film at the old-school cinema we walk our daughters to. -- It's getting fresh fruit, instead of frozen; fresh veg, instead of canned. -- It's tickets to the Franklin Institute in the heart of Philly. We've never been.

It's all these things to a family like ours.

I've listened with curiosity, mostly frustration, as the nation debates Citizens' United and the string of new laws that now allow the bellowing voices of private interest to drown out the sounds of tiny voices like ours/mine . Our pebble-in-the-ocean support feels almost pointless. "Leave the campaigns to the rich," I think to myself, "Get your daughters a pizza instead."

But I refuse to allow new laws to stop us/me from being A PART of this campaign. After all, I will never be a "player" in the political sense , but I still want to believe I can play a part.

Then, out of the blue, there you are -- shooting a jumpshot on my Facebook wall -- and asking for "players" to join you on your home court. I had to smile, and then I couldn't resist. And so, I have relinquished those $X.

Please know that they count. To us. Please stay in Washington. Do, in this second term, what you were not assisted/supported to do during your first term. Get this country moving/working/hoping again.

Please continue being a champion for the middle class -- I'm hoping the next pizza will be on you.

Wishes to your brave wife and beautiful daughters from another brave wife with two beautiful daughters.

Sandy & Family, PA

----- More than 3 million people like you power this campaign. If you can, please donate today:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

4:08 p.m. ET
145,033 people named [name]


The deadlines to register to vote are coming up fast in states across the nation. Don't miss out.

It's up to all of us to be ready -- so click here and register to vote now.

This website will help you register, then hook you up with a voter registration form and the address to send it to. In no time, you'll hear back from your county board of elections that you're registered and ready to vote.

It will be fast and easy -- so go there now and get it done.

Every vote counts in this election. Don't wait to act.

Register to vote now:



Marlon Marshall Deputy National Field Director Obama for America

----- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

If you're on the internet right now, you're probably looking at adorable cats.

But PLEASE, just for a second: Stop procrastinating.

Register to vote, right now:


Our new site will help you get registered. You can download the registration form for your state, print it off, and mail it in -- just like that.

Then within a couple of weeks, you'll hear back from your local board of elections, and they'll confirm that you're all ready to vote. It's easy -- and fast.

So get it done.

And then you can go back to what you were doing. We promise that cat will wait for you.

Register to vote now:


Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today:


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden

On November 7th, there are two things you could be feeling:

1. Elated that President Obama won, OR 2. Regretful that you didn't do everything you could to stop Mitt Romney from winning this election.

Here's the most important thing you can do today to make sure you don't spend the next four years wishing you'd done something when you had the chance:

Register to vote.

We'll hook you up with a voter registration form and the address to send it to. Then in no time, you'll hear back from your county board of elections that you're registered and ready to vote.

It will be fast and easy -- so go there now and get it done.

I've been through my share of Election Days. And take my word for it: It never feels good to know that you could have won, if you'd just done a little more.

Register to vote now:



Marlon Marshall Deputy National Field Director Obama for America

----- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden

Hey, check this out according to our records, there are 53,049 people named who are already registered to vote in this election.

Today, I have a quick mission for you:

Make it 53,049 plus one register to vote now.

We'll help you download the registration form for your state and send it just like that.

Then within a couple of weeks, you'll hear back from your local board of elections, and they'll confirm that you're all ready to vote. It's easy and fast.

You'll be in good company joining the tens of millions of people with all sorts of names who have already registered to vote.

Every vote counts in this election. So how about it, Will you make it one more?

Make sure you're registered to vote:



Yohannes Abraham Deputy National Political Director Obama for America

- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today. Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Friend --

Mitt Romney and the Republican Party are betting that spending lots of money on negative ads will hide the fact that their policy proposals are unpopular and ineffective.

President Obama firmly believes that when ordinary people come together and get involved, they represent a force more powerful than money. But the power of our voice depends on people like you registering to vote so that you can be heard in this election.

To prove the President right and help win this thing, make sure you're registered to vote today.

If you need to register, we've got a site that makes it fast and easy. It takes only a couple of minutes to download the form and mail it in. In no time, you'll get confirmation from your county board of elections that you're registered and ready to go.

Click now and get it done!

The choice in this election couldn't be more clear. Mitt Romney and the Republican Party want to give more tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires at the expense of working class families. President Obama has worked to make sure that everyone who works hard has a fair shot.

But if you don't do your part and register to vote, we run the risk of going back to the same failed policies that hurt the middle class.

Make sure you're registered to vote now:



Stephanie Cutter Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

----- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today. Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden

Hey, check this out -- according to our records, there are 145,033 people named who are already registered to vote in this election.

Today, I have a quick mission for you:

Make it 145,033 plus one. Make sure you're registered to vote now -- and then share this link with your friends and family so they can make sure they're registered, too.

Our handy app will help you find out if you're registered. You can download the registration form for your state and send it -- just like that. And once you know your registration status, it will help you nudge your friends and family from key states to get registered, too, in just a couple of clicks.

Then, after you register, within a couple of weeks, you'll hear back from your local board of elections, and they'll confirm that you're all ready to vote. It's easy -- and fast.

You'll be in good company -- joining the tens of millions of people with all sorts of names who have already registered to vote.

Every vote counts in this election. So how about it, Will you make it one more, and ask your friends to do the same?

Make sure you and everyone you know is registered to vote now:



Yohannes Abraham Deputy National Political Director Obama for America

----- Your donations help to grow our ground game. Can you pitch in today?

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden --

Hey, check this out -- according to our records, there are 909 people named Kumar who are already registered to vote in this election. As a supporter of this campaign, you're probably one of them.

Today, I have a quick mission for you:

Make sure your friends and family in battleground states are also registered.

in just a couple of clicks.

Every vote counts in this election. So how about it, You're planning your day at the polls -- will you ask your friends to do the same?

Make sure everyone you know is registered to vote now:



Yohannes Abraham Deputy National Political Director Obama for America

P.S. -- If you're not registered or you're not sure , click here to check your status and get registered -- then share with your friends and family.

----- Your donations help to grow our ground game. Can you pitch in today? Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Friend --

The deadlines to register to vote are coming up fast in states across the nation. It's up to all of us to be ready -- so swing by our handy app and make sure all your friends in key states are registered to vote:

[url] Our app will make it easy for you to ask your friends from key states to register with you. Then in no time, your friends will hear back from their county board of elections that they're registered and ready to vote. It will be fast and easy -- so go there now and get it done. Every vote counts in this election. Don't wait to act. Make sure everyone you know is registered to vote now: [url]

Marlon Marlon Marshall Deputy National Field Director Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Your donations help to grow our ground game. Can you pitch in today?


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

5:25 p.m. ET
This is actually really fun (and I'll totes do it with you)

Friend yes, we're friends --

In 2007, I spent a few months in Iowa before the caucuses, getting all sorts of folks fired up to cast their vote for this guy named Barack Obama.

What I remember most: It was shockingly, painfully cold. And fun.

Actually, super fun. And easier than I thought, to talk to total strangers and ask them to vote. That's why I traveled to 25 other states for the President in 2008, and why I'm volunteering again. Well, that and because we don't want to see the progress we've made on everything from student loans to health care get turned back.

You could play that role this year, by joining Vote Corps -- a group of the most dedicated organizers out there.

If you join, you'll be doing exactly what I did -- going to one of the most critical states for a few weeks leading up to Election Day, and making sure people there go to the polls.

You'll make phone calls, knock on doors, and have one-on-one conversations with people about why you support President Obama. It's important, fun stuff.

Yeah, you'll be a volunteer, but the local staff, fellow volunteers, and people you meet will make it worth your while in donuts, love, and appreciation and let's face it, donuts are legit .

Whenever you arrive, they'll want you to stay through Election Day -- and take my word for it, that'll be the best part. On Election Day in 2008, I was in Florida with a bunch of awesome young volunteers and their sweet robot, pic below . Where will I go this year? Where will you go?

Sign up now to join Vote Corps, and a really nice organizer will drop you a line to tell you more:


Just tell them Kal said you should do this. Because I did. And then fist bump and hug it out with your new friends. Smell that? It's freedom.


Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
3:36 a.m. ET
latest projections

Give me 30 seconds, and I'll let you take a peek into my mind. Deadline: 96 hours. All gifts matched 3-to-1. Contribute.

Give me 30 seconds, and I'll let you take a peek into my mind.

It's a simple numbers game. Control of the Senate will likely come down to a single seat. If Elizabeth Warren loses her slight lead in Massachusetts or Todd Akin wins in Missouri, the Republicans take over the Senate.

So for the next 96 hours only, every single dollar you give will be matched with three dollars by a group of Democratic senators. That's how incredibly important your gift is right now.

The final quarterly FEC deadline is in just 4 days, and the amount we raise will decide Senate control. Please click here and give $X your gift today will be triple matched.

It's a numbers game and the stakes are huge. You can affect the outcome. I'm dead serious about that. Please give now:


Thanks for standing with us,

Paul Begala

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

— Today, there are 12 Senate races polling in the margin of error—and Democrats are projected to lose the Senate by a single seat.

If you care about President Obama's agenda—healthcare reform, access to contraception and a woman's right to choose—you must work to ensure he has a Democratic Senate.

In 96 hours, we face the final quarterly FEC deadline of this election. That's why every dollar you contribute today will be matched 3-to-1, tripling the impact of your gift.

Contribute $X here » [url]

Thank you, Sen. Patty Murray

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
9:24 a.m. ET

we just got a new PPP poll showing Democrats up by 4 points in the race for Congress, 48% to 44%.

If we can keep this momentum going, we can replace Boehner and Cantor's Tea Party majority with a Democratic House for President Obama.

Now, we have to close the spending gap.

This week, the Republicans launched a $X.3 million dollar ad campaign against our candidates in 26 of the tightest races across the country. We've come too far to let these dishonest ads cost us the election.

Donate $X or more to help us immediately fight back against these Republican attacks and elect a Democratic majority for President Obama

We're getting calls from campaigns that are being outspent by nearly 2-to-1 in races we have to win. When the polls close on November 6th, wee don't want to have that sinking feeling that we didn't do everything we could to close the spending gap when it mattered.

Please chip in what you can to help us fight back: [url]

Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!


We can barely keep up! It seems like every day now that we get a new poll showing another Republican we can defeat in this election. If we can beat 25 of them, we'll win a Democratic House for President Obama.

But here's the problem: we're already being outspent in the races at the top of our radar.

The only way we're going to be able to expand the playing field is if we hit this $X goal before tonight's ad buy deadline.

Donate $X or more before tonight's ad buy deadline to win a Democratic House for President Obama

Our top candidates are getting hammered right now by the Republicans and their Super PACs. Add to that the "tens of millions" that Karl Rove's Super PAC says they'll spend to tear down our candidates, and we simply don't have enough cash to compete.

We don't want to look back in a few weeks and know we could've done more to put races on board. Please donate $X or whatever you can to close the spending gap before tonight's ad buy deadline: [url]


Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click hereif you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!


Romney for President
12:33 p.m. ET
Meet Paul Ryan for a meal

Romney-Ryan Friend,

It's been great getting to know Paul Ryan and his family they really are wonderful people.

But just like my dad, Paul's not an easy guy to catch up with these days! He's on the road 24/7 and working harder than ever to win this race.

That's why this Grab a Bite with Paul Ryan contestis a unique opportunity. A few lucky supporters will actually get a chance to sit down with him for a meal somewhere on the campaign trail.

Paul Ryan

Donate $X now to be automatically entered.

Your support for Paul and my dad makes all the difference. So I hope you'll take a moment to throw in a few dollars for a chance to grab a bite with the next VP. Enter now at: [url] .

Tagg Romney

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN A PRIZE. No contribution or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this Promotion. Making a contribution does not increase your chances of winning. To enter by making a contribution, click here. To enter without making a contribution, click here. Void where prohibited. The Promotion begins on Monday, September 24, 2012 at 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time and ends on Friday, October 5, 2012 at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time "Entry Period" . Winners will be selected at two points in the Promotion. Entries must be received by September 28, 2012 and October 5, 2012 to be eligible for each successive drawing. Three 3 winners will receive the following Prize: two 2 round-trip coach class plane tickets within the continental United States, for use by the winner and a guest, on a date and to a Destination to be determined by Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; two 2 one-night hotel stays at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X; ground transportation at the discretion of Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; and one 1 meal for winner and guest at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X. Approximate total retail value is $X. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Promotion is open to citizens and permanent residents green card holders of the United States who are legal residents of one of the fifty states, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority as determined by state law. Details and qualifications for participation in this Promotion may apply. Restrictions are listed in the Official Rules. The Sponsor is Romney Victory, Inc., P.O. Box 149757, Boston, MA 02114. Victory_Disclaimer

11:14 a.m. ET
Have you seen this collection?

Have you seen our exclusive Built by Us Collection? I hope you will take a look and then sport your new American-made gear with pride. And don't forget every purchase gets us one step closer to victory in November!

Built by Us Collection


"Built" Button $X shirt_I-Did-Grey

"I Did" T-Shirt $X decal_I-Did

"I Did" Decal $X Romney-2012_WeBuiltAmericaIphone_MiniImage_9-20-12

iPhone case $X


Bumper $X poster_We-Built-America

Poster $X Romney-2012_WeBuiltAmericaTshirt_MiniImage_9-20-12

"We Built" Shirt $X button_Built-by-US

"Built by" Button $X

Most Popular Items


Rally Sign $X.50 decal_RomneyRyan

Decal $X.50 shirt_RomneyRyan-Navy

Romney-Ryan $X bumper_RomneyRyan-Navy

Bumper $X

View All Items Thank you for your support,

Tom Adams Store Manager Romney for President, Inc. Victory_Disclaimer

To view this email as a web page, go to the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser's address window. [url]

Have you seen our exclusive Built by Us Collection? I hope you will take a look and then sport your new American-made gear with pride. And don't forget -- every purchase gets us one step closer to victory in November!

Built by Us Collection

[url] "Built" Button


[url] "I Did" T-Shirt


[url] "I Did" Decal


[url] iPhone case


[url] Bumper


[url] Poster


[url] "We Built" Shirt


[url] "Built by" Button


Most Popular Items

[url] Rally Sign


[url] Decal


[url] Romney-Ryan


[url] Bumper



View All Items

Thank you for your support,

Tom Adams Store Manager Romney for President, Inc.


7:46 p.m. ET
Let’s make Mitt #45

It's time to step up.

We've got less than 45 days left to make Mitt our 45th president.

Now more than ever, we need you to dig deep -- and to throw every bit of energy and support behind him that you can.

We are extending the "Make Mitt #45" Bumper Sticker offer for one more day. [url] Donate $X today to receive your limited edition "Make Mitt #45" Bumper Sticker.

Less than 45 days to go. Let's win this.

Zac Moffatt Digital Director Romney for President, Inc.

[url] [url]

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Romney-Ryan Friend,

We're just 40 days away from Election Day, so we wanted to pay tribute to Ronald Reagan, our 40th president, who once said: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."

It's an inspiring thought as we enter the final stretch of this important race to restore the America we believe in.

Freedom Bumper Sticker

Stand with Mitt and sign up today to get your free sticker to honor this great American.

Zac Moffatt Digital Director Romney for President, Inc.


To view this email as a web page, go to the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser's address window. [url]

We're just 40 days away from Election Day, so we wanted to pay tribute to Ronald Reagan, our 40th president, who once said: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."

It's an inspiring thought as we enter the final stretch of this important race to restore the America we believe in.

[url] Stand with Mitt and sign up today to get your free sticker to honor this great American.

Zac Moffatt

Digital Director

Romney for President, Inc.

